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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
-ii ' ( ' - 3 & % Q , , \ , , j a ' _ _ _ _ - It Cures Coors , Coughs , Sere Throat Croup Influenza , Whooping Cough , Bronchlti s nnt , , Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption In 11r1.t surges , anti a sure re1Itfinatlvuneedstages. Use at once. You will I cu thu esccllent effect nfte r taking the lint dou . Fold by dealers ever' Where. Large bottler : i cents and 50 cents. h4- JI I- : . r VERY FEW , IF ANY , CIGARS SOLD AT 5 CENTS COST AS / MUCH TO MANUFACT- a URE , OR COST THE DEALER AS MUCH AS " " "CtIEIO" IF THE DEALER TRIES TO SELL YOU SOME OTHER ASK YOURSELF WHY 1 ? " . - DEMPSTER IMPROVED r r r ° . " ' " ' STEEL WIND MILL. ' j \ : ; ; ; r T : : . -k T : ; ; I ( I r ROLLER _ RIM OEAR1 ( I. THEY STOP THE nOISE AriD LESSEN THE WEAR LA1EST.STRONGEST. BEST. I fACTORY. BEATRICE. rff8. . BRANCH HOUSES : Xanaal City , ? Io. , Omaha , Neb. , Sioux Falls , B.D. Bee nearest dealer or write for circular. , pr NaUonal Oafs ' 1 f . - ' ( heateet oat ot the century. Yielded In Ohio 1.n . . ! Mlch. t T31 ! : . In 1110,2 : > ' 5. null , ! ' l.Dakota I I II 310 : bu . per noro. - : . ou can buat tbo.t record In lr05. For tOe and this DeUce . we mall yon free Iota of farm.eed ! llawplcs and our big catalog . tell- log all about this oft wondcrand thousands of other seeds. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. . La Crosse , wro Wla. ! , MIXED FARMINII . . , WHEAT RAISINIJ ! , GANA RANCHIIO ; ; have naln shown wonderful Three great pursuits \ ! : , -1 . results on the Free homestead Lands of Western Canada this yenr. Magnificent ellmate-farmer plowing In their shirt Sleeves In the middle uf No\'cmbcr. II All are bound to be moru than pleased with the SInai resutte of the l'l\st&ellllou' harvests. " -l xtract. Coal wood water hay In abundance Schools , churches , markets con\'enleut. Apply for Information to Superintendent of Imml : gratiun OttBWlI Canada IIr to authorized Canadian I lloycrunlcut Allent-W. \ ' . Bennett , tjOI New YurL : ; A -Life 1Iu1Idlll . Omaha , ebra.ka. Please say 'It tore y.tu saw this advertlscment. \ INCUBATORS. , The OLD TRUSTY In. . . . . . . cub tor + are made lIy - 1 Johnson the Incubator I ' , Man . who made 5H.OlMlllc. ( 'mil ; tt. : fore Inventing his OLD qt I TRUSTY -.a A paT.for.ltself hatch. er. Forty dRYS' free trial and a flue ) 'CUr'IIjUllran. tee. For big free cllta' Ioue , Sa )0 poultry Illus taUunslIddrcs , M. M. JOHNSON CO , Box O. Too Clay Center. t ob. For Sale on crop FARMS J. MULHALL , r q Iowa. t W. N. U. Omaha. No. 10-1905. . . . Forget One's Self. Hone will but try to forgot one's self and think only of the comfort , the pleasure and the happiness of others . ers , there can bo no self-conscious- ness. If In the company of the opposite . site sex , do not bo always thinking of whether you are producing ! n good impression or otherwise ; be constantly . Iy on the alert .to find what ; your companion . anlon l or companlolls are most Inter. ested In , and turn the conversation In that direction Shake In Yonr Shoe. Alien's Foot-Ease , a powder , cares plin- ful , smarting , nervous feet and in rowing nails It's the greatest / comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating fect. Sold hy aU druggists / , 2Sc. Trial package FREE. Address A , S. Olmsted , Lo Roy , N. Y. Sarcasm from Dear Old Punch. The absurd tale that Lady Hopton Wood's Iu'etty ) little Manx cat was suffering ferlng from disease ! ! liver has no foundation In fact. 'rhe liver was 1)01'- fectly good and similar to that usual- ly supplled.-London Punch LewiH' "Single Binder" straight fie el ar. . No other brand of cigars is so popular with the SlIIolccl' He has learned to rely upon its uniform I high quulit Lewis' 1"actory , Peoria , Ill. Artificial Foot for Dog. 1\11' William II. Doers , a wealth New York broker , whose pet St. Bel" nard dog had Its forefoot crushed by a car has ordered un artificial foot made for the dog , regardless oC cost. Why It Is the Best Is because made by an entirely differ- ent process. Defiance Starch Is unlike any other , better and one-third more for 10 cents. Large Sum for Historic Door. Five thousand dollars was recently paid In Paris for the door through which , during the French revolution , Marie Antoinette , Charlotte Corday and Danton went out to execution All Up . to . Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch , be- l'uuse It Is better , and 4 ounces more or It for same money. An International league for the cx termination of rats has been formed In Denmark. In Berlin the municipal authorities are offering a penny for every rut's tall delivered. "Dr. . . . avltl Kf'lIl1l'cly' , Favorite UfllI\C'Y is , : . xesllent for the . lintI' lured " is art..r eight : , years 01 luUerllJlf , " Hl'.prulJ. Albany , Y. \ ' . World talUou U. At an n-\'Icullural dinner the following - lowing toast was given : 'I'he game of fortune ! Shuffle the cards as you will , spades must win. " Defiance Starch should be In every homleholll ; none so good , besides ' 4 ounces more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch. It dignity of office should prevent n man from answering accusations , dignity of character and conduct . should refute them. IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by a new process , In a few weeks , without . out loss of time or inconvenience. Rectal diseases cured without the I Imlfe. Send for circular. O. S. Wood , 1\1. D. , 521 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha. You can only sell l honor once. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers Hay they don't "keep Defiance Starch. This Is because they have a stock on hand oC other brands containing only 1'L ounces In a package - age , which they won't be able to Hell first , because Defiance contains 16 ounces for the same money. Do you want 16 ouncl'S Instead or 12 ounces for same money ? Then buy De- fiance Starch. Requires no cooking . I W O/nail' Kidney vubles Lydia E. Pinl\ham's Vegetable Compound is Espe- cially Successful in Curing This Fatal Disease. \ . ' T ' Y.Yir4 A 4 : eft y wLtwM41 ; L MN 41 ( ' -I " : ; r , i'r'i' , , ; / / I 2 lrrrs J. W. L ; and /I1.r. S. Fraire . . Of all the diseases known , with which women are afflicted , kidney dis- ease is the most fatal In fact , unless early and correct treatment is applied , the weary patient seldom survives Being fully aware oC this , Mrs. Pinlc- ham early In her career , gave exhaustive - Ivo study to the subject , and in producing - ducing _ her great remedy for woman's ills- Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound-was careful to see that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal disease , WOA1a.U'S kidney tl'oublC8. The Vegetable Compound ncts in harmony - mony with the laws that govern the entire female system , and while there arc many 80 called remedies for kidney troubles , Lydia E. Pinkhllm's Vegetable - I table Compound is the only one especially . cially prepared for women , and thou- sands have been cured oC serious kidney derangements by it. Derangements of the feminine organs quickly affect the . kidneys , and when a woman hM such symptoms us pain or weight in the loins , backache , bearing down pains , urine too frequent scanty or high col- orell , producing scalding burning , or deposits like brick dust in it ; un- usual thirst , swelling of hands and feet , swelling tinder the eyes or sharp pains in the back runtling down the inside of her groin she may be sure her kidneys . neys arc affected and should lose no time in nhating the disease with Lydia E. Pinldmm's Vegetable Coin- pound , the woman's remedy for wo- man's ills. I The following letters show how marvelously successful it is. Lydia E. Plnkhllll's Vegetable AmlJlund - - - .frs. Samuel l4'ralu" , of Prospec' Plains , N. J. , writes : Dear Mnl. I'lnkham- : I cannot thank you enough for what LydiA IL Plnkham'lI V'gctHblll Compound ( has don. forme. Whoa I first wrote to you I had mf- : fortJll for years with what the doctor : culled kidney trouble and conge.vtiou of thn womh. My back ached drOlldtully \ the time , and I RufforOO 10 with that benriug.down f.ccllng I could hardly wnlk across Urn roum. 1 did not i get any better , NO ducldt..l to atop dnctol'illl with my physician anti take Lydia E. I'lnlt- IIIUI1' Vogotnblo Compound and I Rm thankful - rul to BaY It has entirely coral me. I do all my own work , have no more hl\Ckadle and all the bad symptoms have cllKl1l'ptJllre.-1. . I cannot praise your mtdidn enough , and . would tuh'L nil women utreriul with kidney trouble to try It Mrs J. ) V. Lang , of 620 Third Avenue - uuc , New York , writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham- I have boon a greet sufferer with kidney trouble My back ached nil \ the time nM I was dl81'OUragl. I he and thAt Lydia Eo Plnkham' Vegetable Compound would acre kidney dlsoole , nisi I began to tnko it' and It hM CUM mo when everything elk Latl tailed. I have reoomuwnded It t.o Iota or people and they all praise it very .Ighly. MrR. Pinkham's Standing In- vitation. Women ButTering from Iddney trouble , or allY form oC female weakness - ness are invited to promptly commuui- cate with Dlrs l'mlc1uuu , ut hylirt J , M .Hs. Out of the great volume of experience - perience which she has to draw from , it is more titan likely she has the very knowledge that will help your CILe. lieI' advice i8 free and always help- ful : a Woaan'l Remedy for Woman'i Ua I 32 YEARS SELLING DIRECT We are the largest manufacturers of vehicles and harness in the world sell- ing to 'consumers exclusively. We Dave No Agents but ship anywhere for examination - nminlltion and approval , guaranteeing safe deliv- ery. You are out noth- InK If not satisfied an to style , quality and price. We make 200 styles of vehicles and Ifo. ,1. Combination Buggy with cabs 65 styles of hanlen. stick seat and f tn. rubber IIrtS. Price complete , nCO. : Ai iluW as stilt r.P Cat l opelII Ko. 317. Gnupy Top Some , . Price complete ' . . . " . . . . . . for tSO { mono 1'- f3aad fer lt. 673. A. good as sells for " tai mere. Elkhart Carrlae m. larraess Mfg. Co. . Elkhart Iaadiarna . r NOTICE ! We desire to announce that we bought the entire wholesale and retail I stock of the Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. , Omaha , who arc the largest . est exclusive furniture dealers In the west. We have taken the stock over to our present location and Inaugurate u special sale to close out at once all of their goods. Tremendous t ' ( : - ducllolls on furniture of every description. Orchard & Vilhelm Carpet Co. : : 141416120 DOUOI..AS Sl.RBB. t' . OMA.1A. Nt31i3. ti \ . . - UzI - - - - - - - - - PUTNAM FADELESS DYES tolor more goods brighter and faster colon than any olhf r dye. One lOe package colors silk wool and colton equally well and I. guaranleed to give Dtrfecl : result. Ask letter or we will send post paid at iDe a package . Wrl.e for free bookiel-llow 10 Use Bleach and Mix Colors. . ( rNftalItuu cu. , Iinlost.luc , .V1NO. . , . ,