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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
Local and Persoluli. Eat Sowlcs Candy. have you started your garden ? For Salc-A brown marc.-O. P. II ck. I Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over i Richardson county haul . ! Coal , Wood and Rock l Salt at Hcck's feed store. Mrs. Frank Cook and children of Stella visited relatives here ' over Sunday. Dr. R.P.Robertsdentist over Kings Phurnlucy. Ruth Wheatley of the guest of Nellie Hossack a few days last week. Fresh bulk oysters direct from Baltimore at Coupe & Thorn tons. Geo. Peck was in town Friday after wrestling with the . . grip dur- ing- most of the winter Senator Burkett has purchased a beautiful house Washington at a cost of eighteen thousand do11ars. H. g. ! Lemmon attended the district meeting of thc \Y. O. W. at Omaha this week as a deleg-ate from thc local lodge The Hiawatha World tells of a young matron of that place who arrays herself in tights and pa- rades before her mirror admiring her shapc. Falls City is known as thc hest show town of its size in thc west. It gets thc reputation b ) having good shows and patronizing them wcl1.-Hobinson Index. In looking over our suhscri p- lion wc learned that fully two thirds of our subscribers : are paid a year in aI.'ancc. ] The man who pays in advance is worth to the . - - - - - - ' - - - - merchant , three who do not pay except when compelled to do so. JlIclgcYilhite and Fred Cleveland - land have caught up with the water wag-on. "No store red lemonade for us"say these gcntle- mcn. l\lrs. J. R. Bateman was clown from Stella tI\l : spent a few days with friends in this city the lat- ter part of lust wcek. Saturday was a good ' - clay for the merchan Spring trade is opening and the buying public is taking advantage of the large stocks and dose prices of the lo- cal mcrchan \Vc are indebted to Chas. Abb- ey for the innaugral number of Washington Post. It was a magnificient edition of sixty page replete with interesting accounts of the great spectacle. Hon. T.C. Cunningham of Ver- ( Ion was in thc city Friday to at- tend the debate in which his \ daughter Caroline participated with great credit to herself 'and school. Judge m. A. Tucker was in thc city Friday. He wilt leave for Arizona in a few lays and hold his first term of court at Yuma , Arz. . April l 31'd. Judge Tucker informs us that the salary attached - ed to his position ! is S4500. Falls City should be a better town than it is. More money should be spent here than is now expcnded. The horizon of our trade should Le widened. The war to accomplish this is for tilt : merchants to grasp thc opportunity - ity and a\'ertise. ! Many persons rejul thc local papers whose trade is lost because & they are not sufficiently - ficiently mged. Died. . ' 1' l Lora hitch thc.twcnty-oncycar old daughter of Phillip hitch died at Kansas ! City \Yedncsday. 1'l1c body was brought to Falls City 'Thursday and was kept in l & Abbeys undertaking rooms until Saturday. 'L'hc fun- eral services were held from the German church Saturday afternoon - noon , being attended by man ) ' of the cornier friends and acquaint- ancrs of the deccased. Supervisor Chus. Atwood Married. Rita Das and Charles Atwood were marriedatcighto'clod : - nesday evening at the home of thc bride's parents , i1lr and ' Irs. ' Henry Da\ ' s. The wedding was very quiet only a few relatives of thc bride and groom being present when thc ceremony was perform- cd by Rev. John Cah'ert of the Methodist Church. Few men arc better known in this community than is Chas.At- wood , and few men have more friends than he. Hc is a member of the firm of Slmlak & Atwood hardware dealers , and last fall was elected a member of the county board of supcrsors. . He is an honest straight - forward man and as such is regarded by practically everybody who knows him. him.His His bride , likewise is held in high esteem by the people of Humboldt and \'icinity. She is the assistant cashier of the Na- tional Bank of Humboldt and commands alike the respect and esteem of all our people. Mr.and Mrs.Atwood are the recipients of sincere and hearty congratula- tions. They will go to house keeping in' this cit\ ' ' . -Humboldt Enterprisc. j . : , .l ( A ) , . . . . . . - - - . yr r , ' . . . - . - , -o. . " - . Elks . ; . , " . . : , 4. . ' 1'he El1\s . . Lodge \vilrund . . . . : . t- , edly be.a ; sticcess : : Gc.od ; ' 1101t and Ur. Frcd K , liar have l . ' 1Jetll unceasing in i - their ' . i effort ' . ; , to' . .6)5- . tain a charter , and the . . matter " slow , now , in thc hands of time . .hea l . I , , man back cast. 'l'hc petitiort ' ' for- I a charter was signed by Ed ! : King . of the Atchison lodge Matt Gch- ring of Plattsmouth and l 1.\lI1k ; ' Cra .vfonl of Omaha. ' .The.lastt . . two named gentlemen al'c ' atnong' . the most prominent Elks in" . ' the ' . . ) state , and their rianies will greatly : . . : " 1y enhance t probability ofsuc- " . _ ' 11 < . ' . ' . " " , . , . . . . - ( cess. . . ' . ' , . ' : ; ' : . - - - - - - - - - - - - < t A Long Fast. . , , . . . : . Wilson Shock received a crsc\ \ 1- . bull by express h'rilay. } He lur , _ a/ chased thc animal at Oskosl ii ) : : . : . - ij . Vis.Vhen it arrived here it'had" been so r long without food and i ' , water that it sank _ to the ' ground ' , . immediately upon being takcn" . . from thc crate in' which it had been shippee'r. ] , ' . . ' . ' - - - - - - - - . . . In Trouble. . . . . . . . . " . .r . 'l'he ichardson Count people , who made the trip to )300Ilcstre ; 1 S. D. . last spring will cldubtlesR" . remember a young \ man by , the . . . i name Watkins who , made out most of the norarial'certifica ' " for the crowd. . The . press ' lis- . . . , , ' ; . . . - - , . , - . ' - patches last week contained very . sensational accounts f' Oli's"I . ; > I t ' " young fellow in which r \'oi\'ers. : - 7j . . lark ; bed rooms wer leading tcatures. It . is said . that Watkins ' . . 1 ' " ' ' is 011 his way . to' Auburn . his . . for-- - : : mcr homc. < . " , . . . . . " RC\.i\lanshardt uf tIle Gc'rmau' . . . : "r. ' ' Evangelical church left Monl .r.- : . , for Kansas to attend thc annual ' . . : - ; : con fcrence. ' . : . : . . , . ' . BEWARE OF III IT AT IONS 0 . : . : : . . ; of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR : : ' iY ; ; ; ' : . On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR . ; . . . . . . " ; for Coughs , Colds , and Lung Trouble , several manufacturers are advertising . ' " : . . : , . imitations with similar sounding names . with the view of profiting by the favorably ( j' " . . ' : ' ! known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. i..t 'r . . . . . . . . . . DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON I . : . , : . We originated HONEY AND TAR as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get t . : . : ; : ' . : , FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine. ; , . ' : . : : : .A. ! Remember the name and insist upon having FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. Do not risk : . _ . : c. ' : \ your life or health by taking imitations , which cost you the same as the. genuine. . . . . . - . : . ' : ' . I FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is put up in three sizes - 25C , soc and $ IcOO. . - to : . . ; . . , . I Prepared only by FOLEY & CO. , 92-94-96 Ohio Street , Chicago , Illinois. : - . . : . . " . . . . . 1 SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY . . . ; . \ ; : . : , , t I DR. MerIt 1 LLAN , Proprietor City Pllarillaey. : . . ' ; > ; : . 4 , , . 'i ; _ ' r r , s