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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
Local and Personul. Best paints on earth at City Pharmacy. Ncllc Weaver of Verdon spent Friday with Elva Scars. Try our hog and cattle food at City Pharmacy. Joe Mites camc in on the B. R Tuesday aftcrnoon. Sarah ] die of lIumlmldt visited - cd Falls City friends Tuesday. ! Bug'g'y paints , varnish and "ar- nish stains al City Pharmacy. Hayden Bowers was down ) from Verdon on business 'l'ucsday. Mrs. Stuffier left Tuesday for Washington , Kmsas. Fresh oysters al the mme old pricc--Coupc 'l'hornton. Mrs. Gurney GriOiths of Prestos - ton was in town shopping last 'l'u sday \V. A. Hossack was a business visitor lii Verdon the lirsl of thc wcck. Sheriff Hossack and Spencer Foster were Salem visitors 1'\1CS- liar illot'tltilg. i Vcsta Van \dlcnhurg" : of I1lo I visited \ \ ' itlt Nellc Downs the first of thc wcek. When in need of a juicy steak or a prime roast beef , telephone 4.--Coupc C 1'hol'nton. Mrs. Anna IIontman and Hull ! son of Verdon visited with her mother 1\lrs. Taylor in this ci ty. Vcma Vastin ( ' , Cecil and 1\laymc Kanaly and gmll1i1 Shepherd - herd of Nubo l were \ Falls City vis- itors thc latter part of last week. 'pp\\SO : . r- ' .1:1110 ; : sPI1 jO . lqI1U.1)I : " : 7a1t:1 ; ' p11\ : u1 ! v.ttlOl 501011(1 1I\)1.0P \ 11a1a : ; In\\ ! auos ; : ; ) .ul I lIlPSIH : oUJ ; ; \I.\ .i i11. ! " 1 i' 1 t : 11aJ11iof < Iu .1ql1tttI\ ; ; ) . t . Nellie and Georgia Gandy of lI\ttltholdt spent Saturday with friends in this citro Mr. 'I'uckcr of Pawnce Cit ) at- tcnde } the teachers association in in this city last Friday. 7etta Camblin and Lottie Cult visited with Hiawatha friends y the linn uf the wcek. Miss Belvidere Grille up from Rube and spent Friday and Sat- urday in this city Marie Emerson of Dawson was thc guest of Pearl Prater on Fri- day and Saturday of last \'cck. Beach & Myres of Falls City had two cars of cattle on the Kansas City market \Vcdnc day Myrtle Neild and Beatrice Ryan of Dawson attended the Inter in this cit ' High school debate \ Friday c\'cning' Anna Dore left Tuesday afternoon - noon for Omaha where she will visit with her cousin lrs. Chas. I llracc1en. ' Lard , ham and Bacon at very low pr C S.-COUpc .C 'Thornton. \Vallpaper , paints and abbas- hnc at city P I tarmacy. ' t . , - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Vc hope Mayor : Zimmcrman's wife will not scold him for going to Atchison , Thursday , to sec thc "Islc of Spicc. " It was one of those pretty girl shows. If about 100 other mcn had known the Missouri Pacific train was late they would have gone , too. . - Hiawatha - watha 'Vorl(1. Edna \Vheatley , gthel Saylor , Meta Heincman and Edna Par- sons of Vcrdon attended thc debate - bate at the Gelding Friday c\'cn- ingot Mr. Y. : . ippold and family of this city visited relatives in \Vill- iamsvillc last week before leaving for their new home \\'ynorc. . Special sale on : fleet music , lasting ten days. 200 copies. Your choice 15 cents per copy.- Ross P. Curticc Co. Jake Jamison , Will Fanlde and ClytIe Baldwin of Stella visited our local skating rink Saturday c\'cning" Grace Saylor , who is attending school here spent Sunday with her mother in Vcrdon. Pearl Sare returned toiler home in Mound City Saturday after visiting at the home of Grant ; Sperry. Loren Pointer who was visiting friends in this city left for parts in Kansas thc last uf thc weck. Dcla1. . Jordan of Hastings is visiting with friends in this city. Sec Coupe R Thornton for all kinds of salt and fresh fish. A Si\.fe Cough Medicine for Children Tn hung a cough medicine for children never bc afraid to buy Chambcrlain's Cough Rcmcdy. There { is no danger from it and relief is always to foHow. It is especially valuable for colds , croup and whooping coug-h. For sale at Kern Drug Store. Administrators Sales. P. n , .1usscn , adminisl1ator of the estate of John Schuler SI' , will sell at public auction in Falls City on 'I'ucsdayIarch 21. buggy : , harness and household g-oods. And \Vedncsdar , March 22 , at thc John Schuler homestead 4 miles cast and 3 miles north of Falls City,20 had of cattle , horse , implements and household gOlls. Farm for Sale. A farm of one hundred sixty acres , six miles from Falls City , four and a half from Preston , h'c { from Rub , fenced with Osage orange hedg-es. There arc forest timbcra good orchard , two houses and cellars , and outbuildings , two wells , two corncd , two stable' " , a bankbaru , fifteen acres of grass land and pasture. Terms of payment will bc made easy , Price S12,000 , Appy to John Wiltsc , Falls City , Neb. , to purchase - chase or to rent the farm.-Je' rome W'i1tse , sr. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - . - - . - - : i _ - : . - - 0 - - - JOHN WILSON , The Leading Merchant Tailor . , GENTLErIEN = = Your attention is invited to our newline ofspring ? Woolens exclusively for In en's . . . 'ear. - - ' r' As ill the past our prices will be moderate , our aim being to give I . . - ' the best value for the lowest pos = . sible price. All inspection is res = pectfully solicited before buying eisewllere. ' - - - - - . . . . . . - - . - Fine Dress Suits a Specialty _ . _ . ---r- - - -t , Wilson the Tailor I I 'oj' ' _ _ . . . ' - " R "T. j1. " ' - " " " ' . I I j TIME TABLE I . I I - Falls f City. Ncb. . . . . Lincoln I Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portlllnll St. Louis and all San Francisco points east and I anti all points south. west. I ' 1'1 { . \tss JH.\ \ 'IiS FOIJ.O\\"S : XO. 42. ! Portland Ht. Louis Special , 51. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all points cast and sOllth. . . . . 7:20 : : I' 111 Xo. 13. Ycstihlllcll cxprcss. daily , ] ) cI1\.CI' and all points : west and northwcst. . . . . . . . . . 1:35 : a 111 Xo. H. Vcstihlllcd express , daily , St. .Joc , Kansas - ' sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south. . . . . . . . . :43a11l : No. 15. Vcstihlllcd express , dailDcn'ct' and daily , \ , ( all points west and . north\\'c t . . . . . . lS : p 111 ' \c 16. Vcstibulcd express daily , St. Joe , Kan- sas tity , St Louis Chicago and points cast and sOllth. . . . . 45 : : p 111 Xo. : ! O. Local express daily Atchison and points south and wcst. . , . 4:35 : 1) 111 No. 41. St. I40ttis-Portlaml SpcciaIT.incoln , lemma , Tacoma and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:0 : p ttt Xo. 115. Local accomtttoda- tion , d a i Iy e x- cept SundaySalc11l , - Xcmaha and Nebraska - braska City. . . . . . . . 10:40 : p m Sleeping , dining and t'cctingchair cars ( scats free ) on through trains. . . - - Tickets sold amid baggage checked to sny point in thc States 01' Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets ) , call on or write to G. Stewart Agent , Falls City , Neb. , 01' J. I"rancis. G. P. .C ' 1' . A. , Omaha. . - - Champion Liniment for Rheumntism. Clws Drake , a mail carrier at Chapin\'i1le. Conn. , says : "Cham- . . ' --i/ t. berlain's Pain Balm is the c1lam- pion of all linimcnts. 1'he past , year I was troubled a great with rhelttuOatism in my shouldcr. Aft- cr trying several cure thc store- keeper here recommended this rcmedy a'ld 1 it complctcly cured 1110. " There is no use of anyone sutTcring" from that painful ailment - ment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application ; rives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time WIll produce a permanent r curc. 101' ; sale .t t Kcrrs Drug Store. - - - - - - - \Vanted. I have a'cry liberal proposi- tion for some good man who wants to break up about twelve acres of timber land. C. Ii' I eais. . _ Paul Grcenwald of Falls City , Neb. , had a couple of cars of cat- tle on the Kansas City market 'l'uesday. 'Van paper at City Pharmac ' , - . { j