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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
, L- Believed Smallest Shetland Pony. a . . A Blackburn England ( ) man owns a ; - . Shetland pony which Is believed 'to t. " 00 the smallest In the United King corn Four years old , fully grown , let black , with a long , shaggy coat , It Is only twent.sev anti one . halt Inches high , 01' ono.lmlf Inch short ot seven hantls. - " . ' Tobacco and Deafness. Tobacco has been discovered to pave a selective action upon the au ' , JI ; yTAY ; ! ' . . tUtory nerve. Moderation In the use Jf the drug , and avoiding It altogether where deafness has alreadY begun , or where there Is Ll family history of such troubles , Is ndvlsable. , . - - y . . . An Englishman has erected n curls . r I : . O\lS weather van on his house along- llde the road near \Ycsterhnm It depicts a motor car running over a. , - . pedestrian , while al the arrow end of the vane stands the avenger-a ho- ! Iceman with uplifted arm. A statistician has arrived at the conclusion that $25,000,000 Is spent C'-- yearly .by the pUblic of London on cabs. He also estimates that of that great sum perhaps $7,500,000 represents - sents tips and overcharges. . , At the government satlon Lulen , in Sweden , experiments are being made to secure varieties of plants not likely - Iy to he Injured by fmst. ' . One man's hypocrisy does nol ex case another's indolence. THE TRICKS. " - I" , Coffee Plays on Some. . . . / . .Y r z " It hardly pays to laugh before you . ' , - . . . are certain of facts , for It Is some- _ times humiliating to think of after- " . . ards. , ' : : . \Vhen I was a young girl I wa ; ; a . . . . . . . - lover of coffee hut was sick so much ' " i : ! . the doctor told me to quit anti I did r. ; flY : : but after my marriage my husband : . - ' } begged me to drink It again as he ' : f' did not think it was the coffee caused the troubles. "So I commenced it again and continued . tinued about G months until my stomach - nch commenced acting bad and choking - Ins as if I had swallowed something the size of an egg. One doctor said it was neuralgia and indigestion. "OnEt day I todk ( a drive with my husband three miles in the country nnd I drank a cup of coffee for dinner. " ' I thought sure I would die before I got " back to town to n doctor. I was drawn , , double in the buggy and when my ' " . - ' husband hitched the horse to get roe . \ , , 'P' . out into the doctor's office , misery . ' : ; ; l ( came up in my throat and seemed to shut my breath off entirely then left all in a flash and went to my heart. The doctor pronounced it ner- vous heart trouble and when I got Homo 1 was so weak could not sit up' "My husband brought my supper to my bedside with a nice cup of hot cof- fee but I said : 'Talw that back , dear , I will never drink another cup of cof- fee It you gave mc everything you are , . worth , for it is just killing lI1e. ' He and the others laughed at me and ' ' said : fem. ! f7i' l : : " ' , " . . . " 'Tho idea or coffee killing any- , , . . . 7 body' F " -'VeIl ' ' ' else 'Well , I said , 'It is nothing w ; ' . . but coffee that is doing it. ' : " ' . . "In the grocer one day my hus- 'i ' ; - . band was persuaded to buy a box ot : it. " . ' . , Postum which he brought home and 'r ' ( y I made it for dinner and wo both , / " : ' . thought Bow good It was but said 1 , . , t" ; ' : nothing to the hired men and they ' : , , . ) ; f . , : - " - thought they had drunk coffee until : we laughed and told them. Well wo kept on with Postum and it was not long before the color came back to my cheeks and I got stout and felt as good as I ever did in my life. I have no moro stomach trouble and I know I owe It all to Postum in place at coffee. . . . . " " . . ( . " , , : : : "Mr : husband has gained good health ; . : ' on Postum , as well as baby anti I , and ' w. . . . . ' . ( / ; ' we all think nothing is too good to say about it. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. . ) , J . . . - t t t O , No Fun. Wade Parleer-Wcll , my boy , how . do you like Clc\'eland by this time ? Q. A. Kerclt -DII't like \ It. \Vado Parltcr-\Vhy , whllt's the matter ? Q. A. Kcrcily-It's the ollly town I ever saw where a fellow doesn't get any satisfaction out of passing Cana than money. Everybody here would just as soon take It as not.-Clcvelalld Leader Hot Time In the Old Church. Well , sub , " said Brother ! Dickey , "my whole congregation pulled thou' de blizzard wid fl 'ln' colors ' flyin' ; en you know why ? " "No ; you tell it. " "I got liP a revival meelln' . en preached 'bout de hot hereafter 'twel de snow molted , en de Icicle ! ' ! run In ! I rivers from de housetop -Atlanta I Constitution. - - The Cheerful Idiot "Yes , " said the Checl'ful Idiot , " "therc is one social chasm that po lIteness cannot bridge. " s " \Vhat , for instance ? " asked tll" Tired CItizen , in the hope that the Idiot was threatened with a lucid in- te'rva1. "Sarcasm , " replied the Cheerful Idiot , laughing ghoulishly.-DaIUmore American. Dream Field Too Broad. "IIa ve you ever studied the 11he. I\omena of dreams ? " said one scien- t.Ist. "Some , " answered the other. "Havo you any theory as to what causes them" "No. The flelll Is too broad. They may bo caused hy anything from a bad conscience to Welsh rarebit" Literally So. "Ah , " sighed the jUdge as Ill yawned and lEaned hack In his chair after the twenty-fifth divorce case had been disposed of In one morning , "these are trying times ! " "Indeed they are , " agreed an attorney - torney as he looked at his watch , "and we have time to try just one more be. fore the clock strikes 12. " Must Have Them. "What with measles , croup and all that , " remarked the family man , "chill- dren are a great care , but they're great blessings , too. " 'They are so , " replied the stranger. "I don't know how we should get along without them. " "Ah , you'ro a family man , too ! " "No ; a physician. " - - - His OpportunIty. t1 tN . : t , , . , - " , r. . . } He-When shall I ask your father ? Sho-\Vell , to.nlght ! would ho 1\ good time. I saw him put on his house slippers just before you came Not Sufficiently Exclusive. Mrs , Manning-I never expect to he happy until I get to heaven. 1\11' Manning-From all I can gather - or , society will not bo very select tbere Really , dear , I don't think 'ou'll feel at home there.- oston Transcript. YELLOW CRUST ON DAISY - Would Crack Open and Scab Causing Terrible itching-Cured by Cut icura. "Our baby hind a yellow crust on his head which I could not keep away. When I thought I had succcedCll in getting his head clear , It would start again by the crown of his head , crack and scale , and cause terrible Itching I then got Cuticura Soap and Ointment . ment , washing the scalp with the soap and then applying the Ointment. A few treatments made a complete cure. I have advised a number or mothers to use Cutlcur1l , when I have been asked about the same ailment or their babies. 1\11'8. John Doyce , Pine Bush , N. Y. " Longest Straight Railway. The longest straight piece or railway . way line In the worlll is from Nyngan to l\Iourko , In New South Wules This railway runs 136 miles on a level In a perfectly straight line. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with I.OCAI AI'I'IICATIONS.u they cannot reach the coat of the dl e. ' ' ' , Catarrh 'A ' a blood or coustl , tutlonal dl'caI'e , I.nd In order to cure It you natal take Intermit remedlM l1all's Catarrh Cure h taken In' tenla11) , IInrl acts dirrctly au the blood and mucous Sllrrl\Ce l1all' Catarrh Cure I. not a Quack mcdl ' cille It WaR prescribed by ono IIf hc best lhy.I'lahl In ! this for ' ' " and I. ' ' , - . , n country yenta II regular -Ncrl\ltlon It IA 1.111111'000,1 IIf the boat IlInlrs known , cotnbined with the best blood pllrlllol'1l , acting : dirrctly 011 the IIInounl surface The perfect 'uIIIblllllllulI or the two ingredients : ' what produces such wonderful ro , cults In curing eatllflb Fend for 'elllllllln' ' , free 1".1 ClmNF.Y & CO"l'rllpa" , TOledo , 0 Hold by T1nllKIAta ! , price 7 ! ' > c. Take I1all's Fatally 1'1II.ler constipation. It is stated that not one bride was over twenty. two years old In the 34G- 590 marriages In .Japan last year. bother Gmy' , Sweet Powders , for Chlhlren. Successfully used by Mother Gray , nurse In the Children's Home in New York , cure Constipation , Feverishness , Dad Stomach , Teething Disorders , move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy \Vorma. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists : , 25c. Sample : FREE Address A.S.OlmstedLoRoyN.Y. A kind word Is a golden key l that opens the hearts of the sad and the wearr.-Ethel Pa'ne. Unlike the human being , the horse with the biggest "lmll" does the most of the IHllllng WOMJlN NEEDS I For the relief and cure oC tile many del- icate intricate and obstinate ailments igecufiar to her sex , a remedy carefully devised and adapted tu her delicnt organization hy UII ( 'xperiencl'd and skIlled ph1sician. Such a remedy i6 Dr. Pierce Favorite l'rl'scriplion. The trealment oCllIII1Y thou8alHls oC those chronic weaknesses ! and dislress- ing ailments peculiar t.o females , at the Invalids' lIotel and Surgical institute , Buffalo , N. Y. , has afforded a vast experience - perence ; in nicely adapting and thor- oughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar lIIaladieH. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the outgrowth , or result , of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimonials received Cram patient ! and from physicians who have tested it in the more aggravated and obstinate ! cases which had haf\led \ their skill , prove it to be a superior remedy for the relief and cure oC suffering women. It is not recolllmended us a cure-all , " but as a most perfect specific for WOIII- an's peculiar ailmen As a powerful invigorating tonic , it imparts strength to the w\Ole : system ! and to the womb and its appendages in part.icular. For over-worked , " worn- out , " debilitated teachers ! , milliner ! , dressmakers , sl'umstreses ! , "Eliot- " ' mothers - girls , house-lweplt'S , nursing l- ers , and feeble women generally , " Favorite - vorile Prescription" is the greatest ; earthly boon , being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervillo , " Favorite Prescription is unequaled and is invaluable allaying and subduing nervous excitability , irritability - tability , nervous exhaustion I nervous prostration , neuralgia , hysteria , spasms , chorea , or St. Vitus's dance , and other distressing , nervous symptoms ! com- monly attendant upon functional and organic disease oC the womb. It induces - duces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and crondency , Every ] hOllseli l'lleshollll1 know that If they will IIIIY Del1nl\l'e Colts Wutel' Stared for laundry use I hey will 8a \ ' 0lot only limo , because It hover slleles to the iron , hut IIN'allsn / each pnclcnge CO\ltahlB 16 O7.-one full . IIOItIHI-whllo all other Cold \Vatcl- Starches are trot III in : } hound I\t'lt ) : + ages , and the price Is the Hamo , 10 eents. 'l'lwn 11/-11111 / ; hecllIIBo Dona\lce Starch Is free front t nil injurious chem , teals , If your grocer tries to soil you a 12-oz . package It , Is because he has a stock Oil hand which ho wishes ! ' ! to dispose of before ho puts In DolIl\nl'o. Uo knows that Defiance Starch hits printed on every package ill largo lo\ \ tern anti figures " 16 07.s. " Denu\I\(1 ( Defiance . fiance and save much time lull money and the nnnoynnce of the iron sUcle Ing. Defiance never sticks , Covetcous Engineers. The civil engineer often wisher with 1\ High that ! ho were really neon ) arch of nil that ho HI\I'\'oys.-SomClI \'l11e Journal. _ , M . . N . . . . . lN59 . . tOtI A tlt6 + iI i Y J iI d , TRADE I q , , MAfIK. For Cupboard Corner St. Jacobs Oil . Slrahhl : , strong , sure , Is the best household remedy for Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains Lumbago Bruises Backache Soreness Sciatica Stiffness . Price , 25c. and 50c. . ssse . N . . stl esc . Ntio . t . I . . . . A prospective mother cannot begin too early to look after her own health and physical condition This is sure to be I'ellectd ( in ! the 1)111) ) . ' Any Wl'lIk- I\'S8 or nervous depreHsion , or lack of vigor , 011 the lIIothel"s part should 1 b'o overcolllo early during the expectant lime hy the use oC Dr. Pierce's 'uvorito } Prescription , which promotes the per- fect health unit strength oC the organ- ism slecially ) ! concerned /IIotherhood. . It snakes the cOlllillg oC baby absolutely - lutl'ly safe arid eongparati \ 'ely free from pain ; renders the mother strong and cheerful , and trallHlllil healthy consti- hltional vigor t.o the child. IHL H V. P"molt , Buffalo , N. Y. : lwr SHOllie / cluh 'I'nl'K nllO , after the btrth ut our fll'St haby , I was loft Ina weak , I'UIl-tlOWII COIIIUUUII and it "oumcd my ' s wore baIIS ! UlIsll'lIl1 nJcI not suiTor much pain hint Ioolhvo , t MIITI'Id o'ur'thillIhRt anyone could : bulTm' with nervousness. Lito ' ' 14) ! , I doctored with gcxxl was a ! > I'I' 5 lillie ) ( ( ) a ) 'ti ' , ) ' slciau bl'vorul years hut obtained 110 10- Hot. Then I 10)1 allllost all kinds ot patent nwdldnes , and allllu nil the old "tra h" that CIUllO 111'011I111 1 got 110 rid it' ! , hut grew worse all limo tlmo. t'lnl1ll chanced 10 ! : ol. hold of ono of ycnr valllJlhlcls and ! thOlllht I would write to ) ' 01\ , I WIL In fear that you would write that there coulll ho nu cure . hut . I'roltY3'i my joy . when I l'ccllvoll ! your answer ! that J I'IIU/lt / be CUTl'd I took one bot- 110 ut ) )1' , I'lon'o's I.'a'orllo Prescription ! , two of Golden Medical Dlseovcry" J amid tour vials ot Dr. Plorcu's Pleasant 1'1lIet ! J am never without those lItllu "I'ellet-s" III the hou o. J am also cured of thou , terrible headaches I would advisor ! all sufferers to 10 ' to Doctor fierce of gtuifalo N y" for I'cllot. J don't thlllk they wilt ho dlsapix > Intcd. J do not know how to thank you enough ! for all time good your lJIeclll'ho has ! Bono fur nm. \II'S. ! ' 1' . g , lIuYAlY.r. . roG WlntMJr ! Avenue , Elmtra. N. Y. All women should rend Dr Pierce's lIouRI\lHI-pfl t illustrated hook , " ' 1'llo People's Common Sense Medical Ad- v imr. " It contains more clear and comprehensive advice on medical subjects . I jects titan any other hook ever pub- IiEhei A IHlper-hound copy sent free for twenty-one me-cent stamps to pay the cost of 1/IuiliJ/g / only. Or clothbound - bound for thirty-one etal'1'B.