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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
FROM MISERY TO HEALTH. A Prominent Club Woman , of Kansas City , WrltcD to Thank Doan's Kid. ney Pills for a Quick Cure Miss Nellie Davis , of 1216 Michigan Avenue , Kansas City , 1\10. , society lender and club woman , writes : "I I cannot say too x t much In praise of 4 ' + ! Doan'R J Cidne I y I I' III s , for they effected a complete . plete cure In a very short time when 1 was suffering from kidney troubles brought on hy a cold. I had severe pain In the back and sick headaches , and felt miserable : ! all over. A few boxes or Donn'l : ! Kidney Pills made mo a well woman , without an ache or pain , and 1 foci compelled to recommend this reliable remedY. " ( Signed ) Nellie Davl ' ' E-AddreS8 Foster . A TRIAL FRi E - Illburn Co" , Buffalo , N. y , For sale by all dealers. Price , 60 cents. Complain of Varying Currencies. Cannlllnns who travel In the Unite ? States and Americans who travel Ir Canada alllte complain of the emhar rnssJI1enls Incident to the different money issues of the two countlers. Zulus Swift Runners. The ] rate at which the Zulus cm run In an emergency Is tonlshlng Some will cover ns much as fit ; miles In six hours Eight miles In al hour Is nn ordinary fent. Liniment of Cedar 011. Cellar oil Is valuable liniment and ag a general pain Itlller had Ini mense vogue I\t one time among pat out medicine men Guides and trap porn still believe In It. Where Inventor Got Idea It was from watching his wife fole up n pair of stockings that the In venter of the modern India rubber tobacco hacco pouch ) first got his Idea. . - - Turn Hose on Natives. The method emllloyed by the cap thins or the Nile boats to keep th ? natives away on landing Is to tur the hose on them , - - - Cost of Extinguishing Fires. It costs on nn average $ ? 00 to 1m' out a fire In London and $700 to extinguish lingulsh one In New Yorlt - - - - Doing Great Work. Ward , Arlt" , March Glh-Speclal. ( ) -Prom nil over the West reports come or cures of different forms of Kidney Disease by DOIlII's Kidney .PllIs , and this lllace Is not without evidence or the great work the Great American Kidney Remedy Is doing. Among the cured here Is Mr. J. V. 'Va goner , a well known citizen , who , In an Interview , says : "Dodd's Kidney Pills have done wonders for mo My kidneys and bladder were badly out of order. I used many medicines , but got nothing to cure me till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills Two boxes of thorn fixed mo Ull so that I have been well ever since. "Tell the poor kidney and bladder I diseased people ) to tale Dodd's Kid. noy Pills and get well. ! ! " No case of kidney complaint Is lee far gone for DOIhl's Kidney Pills to cure. They are the only remedy that has ever cured Bright's Disease. Regulate Prices of Medclne. : In Parts , is the price of medicine in I regulated hy time slate , a new price ) list being IIl1blished every ) 'ear , \hO'S \ Cure cannot l.e too highly "potten > or as n cough cllrl1-.I \V. O'UmcN , 3 : : : . ! Third Avc : C. , MlnuclIlols ! , lIUrn. , JAn 4 " ' 10 , Three thousand marriages arc per formed every day all over the wOI'ld. \tr" : fYilllll\y'lI Snoti 1lnlyrnp. . i For children tel'tblll , eotlens 'ho gurus , reduces LD JI.wuDlltJOD : : , all ) 's path , curn" tad colJu 2 o ebfttis - - - - , - - - - . Possible Explanation. Mrs I1omer-1 wonder why pacts repeat words unnecessarily ? Bomer-I wnsn't aware that they lid , l\lrs. Homer-Well , there's that room ? In which the line "Charge , Ches. tel' , charge , " occurs : Why Is the word "chargo" repeated ? Borner-Oh , I guess that fellow Chester must have been a plumber and the loot ) was throwing bouquets at him. True to Her Only Love. "Dut , Miss Vane Is very fickle , Isn't she " "Oh , not nt all. " "Wh ) ' , she jilted Dab for Jack } last month and now I understand sho's thrown .Tncl over. If that's not fickle love _ If "Not a hit of it. She still levees herself alouc. " - - Truthful. rntt "Poor fellow , arc you looking for work ? " "Ves , mum-If I can't find anything else-J ester. Merely a Feeler. The Count-Did her father acquire his money honestly ! MIss Brlght-Oh , yes ( sarcnstlc&lly If ho did not I suppose you would not marry her ? The Count-Not at all. If ho hall acquired It dishonestly he would prob- ably bo too clever to give any or It Ilwn ) ' . , I Trouble Began Right TtJere. "I nm going to compile a hook of my bnby's smart sayings , " declared proud ' 1\Irs. Noowed \Vhat do you think would make nn appropriate ti- tie ? " "Borrowed Brightness , " suggested Mss Sulfm'lc 'l'1'ls was why they stopped speak Ing. Pa Twaddles Scores. "Oh 1 'I'homas , " said Ma Twaddles , excitedly , "I was to-day elected presi ! , dent of our club by a handsome ma- jorl tr. " Yon mean , " put In Pa 'I'waddles- "Sou mean 1\ largo majority , do YOU not , my dear ? " "Yes , of course , but- " "I thought so. " - - - - . Cautious. "I suppose ) you are looking forward to the limo when you capitalists will own the government , " said the indignant . nant cltl en. "No , " answer Mr. Dustin Stnx , "tho frequency with which treasury defi cits occur inclines mo to suspect that n government Is not my sort of an In' \'cE.tment. " His Work. "But surely Henpeck knows something ' thing about bringing UII a fnmll ) ' . " "Not much His wife has made lam : put in most of his time bringing up the coal. " - - Her Guess. Irene-Isn't this a lovely belt ? Jack sent it to me as a present. Maud-It fits you to perfection He must have measured It all his arm , . . . , . : r. . . . - . . . Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys , . Or Catarrh of Bladder and Don't Know it. . . . . - . . . , . President Newhof and War Correspondent Richards Were Promptly Cured By Pe-ru-na. Mr. C. ] 1. Newhof , to Delamare street , Albany , N. Y. , President l\1ontcfiore Club , writes : "Since my advanced age 1 find that I have been frequently troubled with urinary IIl1ments. Thc bllldder seemed irritated , and my ph..slclan said that It was catarrh caused by B protracted cold which would be difficult to overcome - come on account of my advanced years. I took Peruna , hardly daring to believe that I would be helped , but I found to m relict that 1 soon began to mend. The Irritation gradually subsided and the urJllllry difficulties passed away. I have enjoyed excellent health now for thc past seven months. 1 enjoy my mCllls , sleep soundly , and am liS well liS I was twenty years a1o. I give all praise to Perunll. -C. 8. Newhol I - I Suffered From Catarrh of Kidneys , I Threatened With Nervous Collapse , ' Cured Pe-ru-na. by - - . Mr. 1i' B. Riehal'll" , lIOn K Street ) N. , W. , Washington , D. C. , War Corres- . pendent , writes : ' 'Exactly six years ago I was ordered % 0 Cuba as staff corres- pendent of ! .e : New York Sun. I was in charge of t % Hun nispatdl boat through the Hpa / ish American wa r. The effect of the Tropical clima surd the nervous strain showed plainl ! on ) my return to the states Lassitude I , depression to the verge of melancholia and incessant , kidney trouble made me pmctically nu invalid. This undesirable condition continued.despite time hest of treatment. Finally ' a brother newspaper manwlto like myself had served in the war induced - duced me to give a faithful trial to Pel'una. I did so. In a short time the lassitude left me , my kidneys resumed a healthy condition , and a. complete cure was effected. I cannot too strongly - Jy recommed Peruna , to those suffering with kidney trouhlc. To-day I nm able to work as hard as at any time in my life , and the examiner for it leading insurance - surance , company , pronounced me au II " " "A" rllc. In Poor Health Over Four Years. Pe-ru-na Only Remedyof Real Benefit. . Mr. John Nimmo , 215 Lippincott , St. , Toronto , Can . a prominent merchant of that city and also a member of the Masonic order , writes : "I have been in poor health , generally for over four 'ears , When I caught a bad cold last winter it settled in the bladder and kidneys , causing serious trouhle. I took two greatly advertised kidney remedies without getting the rr . . .trt' .4 .4L , . - . , --111 4 -a : . S . p p . . . . - PRES. C. B. NEWHOF , Suffered From Catarrh 01 Bladder. ' desired "t'suts } , 1'eruna is the only _ remell"ohich wits really of any benefit , , _ to mc. I have not had a truce of kidney trouble nor It cold in i my system. " Contains No Narcotics. ) . ' ; One reason wIn' Pm'una has found 'F ' permanent use in so many homes ] is that it contains no narcotic of any Idnd. Peruna is perfectly harmlcss 1 t can be used any length of time without acquir- ing It drug hahit. PcrUIlIL does not pro- duce tcmpol'llry results it. I is perman- ent iu its effect. It has no had effect upon the system , and gradually eliminates catarrh by removing cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off amid on for twenty 'ears , Such It thing cOllld not be pos- sible if Pcruna contained any drugs of I a narcotic nat.ure. . _ " r " s - . Say Plainly to $ Your Grocer . That you want LION COFFEE always , ana ho , being a square man , will 'not try to Bell you any- thing elso. You may not care for our opinion ) but What About the United Judgment 01 Millions of housekeepers who have used LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Is there any str nger proof of merit , than the - Confidence of tile People f' - , . ? and ever increasing popularity ? . LION COFFEE is carefully selected - \49 lected at the pIlantation , shipped 'L ' , direct to our various factories , y ' where it is sknUul1y roasted and \ \ \ eareullypacked kn sealed pack- . ' ? ' , ages-unlike loose eoUce , which 1 Is exposed to germs , dust , In- % ' - - sects , etc. LION COFFEE : reaches f f , f I you ns pure and clean as when G a It left the fae ory. Sold only In Q ° o ao a lIb _ paekDges Lion-head on every paclmgo. Save these Liou-beads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO. , Toledo , Ohio. - (