I . . .
I Published Lvcry Friday at
I . Br I
I '
I J. . . ' ' Elltcrec1 as secOI1 < I-clasN matter , Jallll- ;
I . at. ) ' 12. 190-tat the past olliccat to'alls
. City , Nt ' b. , uadcrthc Act of Coolness
of March 3 , 1879.
. . .
- - - - - - - -
Telephone No. 226 .
I On Saturday of last t week Thc-
odore Roosevelt was inaugurated
I - 7-- . - president of the United States for
the term expiring Iarch 4. 1909.
. .
For three years thc president has
, . .
been thc chief executive because
t . . _ . \ of thc awful tradgcdy at Buffalo.
. Now he is president not ] through
chance , hut because of thc desirc
. 9f all over whelming majority of
the American people , For three
years he has faithfully kept the
' . - pledge made at thc bier of the
_ . martyred J\lcKinlcy , that he
would carry out thc policies of
t thc lead president. Now hc begins -
, gins a term of office which is dis.
tinctly his own , and which is unhampered -
hampered l by any continge tices.
The warfare hc has instituted
against trusts and unlawful com-
mcrcial combinations is a stul > cn-
deus task , because the evils arc
; , . -r . , . . stuIJCIHlo1 ! Many believe that
the president has a mouthful
, which he will be unable to mast -
t J ticatc. Thc writer believes that
this struggle brtwcen thc indi-
\'idual and l thc t rust will run
through the present , generation ,
but that in the end thc individual
will succced. By success is meant
. not thc destruction of capital nor
thc lnihilation of combinations ,
but rather thc enforced obedience
of all classes to thc laws that exist -
, : . . , - ist , and the enactment 91' further
j legislation to remedy thc wrongs
1 . of property. Thc pioneer of this
movement which has been delayed -
ed all too long , is Theodore
Roosc\'elt. No good citizen will
cmbara's ! his efforts cither by in-
diffcrencc or bv doubting thc . hon-
. I' , cst ) ' of his intcntions. He has
been tried in many ways and has
. proved himsclf. III peace and in
. war rflleodore Roosevelt is a true
\ soldier of thc republic.
_ _ _ _ .ur . . . . . . . , . _ . . , , _
, . - . " .
. ' Commissioner : Garfield has finally - .
. . ally reported to congress on thc
beef trust. In a written statement
covering two hundred pages , thc ;
information is given that thc
. ; t trust has no monopoly as it con-
\ ' ' , - trois but forty five per cent of the
product. Thc average profit on
h , steer is nincty-ninc ccnts. That
at least a part of thc time the
. great packing industries lose
money. All of this comes as a'
great surprise to thc American
pcoplc. A profit of nincty nine
cents on an investment of fifty
dollars is certainly not nnrcason-
ablc. Controlling but forty five
r , )
J' '
per cent of the beef product is
not much of a mOl1olOly. Still ,
thc purpose for which congress
ordered this investigation is not ;
fully accomplish by time report.
In the resolution passed the request -
quest for information as to whcth-
cr or not thc packing industries
were stifling competition was
in ale. On this and many ki11(1ted
inquiries the report is silcnt. 'l ' ime
report may bc classed as a distinct -
tinct disappointmcnt , and one
that adds but little to thc reputation -
tation of thc department of com-
nHrcc. :
- - - - - - - -
] ( d ward \Yolcott , formerly Ullit-
cd States Senator from Colorado ,
dicd in Paris , France , last wcck
after an illness of a few days.
Senator 'Walcott was one of the
most graceful orators of his timc.
Possessing an imiiagiiiatiou of
great purity ; having tempel'lncn-
tal qualities of sentiment wcll 1
balanced by judgemen and intellect -
tcllcct , hc because one of thc
dominant forces of his native
state , and subsequently of the
scnate. In thc channel of his
life however , there flowed a Hllul :
dy i stream which polluted thc
whole. He learned thc truth of
thc old adage that a good mis-
tress makes a poor wife . Assod-
atioils ' 'lm leh1'ere charming' be-
cause uf their \ iulations uf the
conventionalities of social con-
duct fwd the laws of man , grew
stale when made legitimatc. Time {
< 1 \ 'orcc'hich followed alienated
many of his strongest followers ,
though today time majority of thc
republican part in Colorado
loves Ed \Volcott with a love that
passcth understanli11g.
Hc spent most of his later years
in New ; : York and Paris following
his desires which'erc thc
wcrc creatures -
urcs of his perfect health and his
passions. Senator Wolcott alight
have been one of thc first citizens
of thc rcpublic. In this instancl ;
the words "mig-ht have been ' 'lose
none of their sadncss.
. .
- - - - -
Time present legislature has
come about as near to doing nothing -
ing as ant' similar body of recent
ycars. The leg-islation desired by
thc people has not been forth
coming. The ml'l11bccs seem to
have forgotten that thc state is
a quarter ofa million dollars in
debt. The present constitution
fits the state about as well as a
"bustcr brews suit would fit a
giant , still every proposition to
its amcndmcnt isdcfcated. About
the only thing accomplished of
note , was thc succcss of Senator
Cady in his efforts to compel the
railroad cOlllmittcc of thc senate
to report ' . thc maximum freight .
bills. .
If thc short timc rcmaining- is
to be no more product of good
results than the past has been , thc
sooner this legislature adjourns
the better.
. - - . - - - -
A Saving Scheme
- - , - - '
YrJ _ ' to tlecivtC yoursel L into the belief : . - ! that
yell are wing' this _ bank a big' sum of . tilO1lc _ ; .
Then g'o to work to payoff this debt by de-
positing a certain slim each week 01. month. .
If you succeed in accllmmulating- a good bang _ :
account , \'e arc 9l1ile sure Volt \\'il JardOil ; :
yourself ! f for : . . this self deception. _ < ! _
. - _ - _ , . _ . , YYwYwrer - _ - . . . . . - . . . . . , . . RNtVf + wVw. - - . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . - . . . . _ . V - YACItnwVR Yt-Y _ .
J L Mi Ll/3iiL-
- - - - '
- - - - - - - - - -
Our ne\\ ' line of Nall Paper is ready for your inspection
tion allcl if you have just one roomll of more to ltlCt
it will pad- you to see us. Ask to scc time novt'lties in
Gr lS.s COtl ! Effects = . =
feces > ' G
Our Kitchen J 11
O 1 ail ices
at I oc double roll cannot be duplicated in the city. We
sell and guarantee Patton's Sun Proof Paint to wear
well for five years.
. . _ . .
- - - . - - - - - ' - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - -
Cut out thc catalogue housc.
Your local merchant can ; beat his
price vcry time.
- - -
If you want the news of today
read Thc 1'ribuime. If you want
the ncws of lS,1) read the Journ-
PO -
Christianity means charity. religion -
lig-ion means intolcrance. The
two arc as far removed as noon ]
from midnig-ht. No soul was ever
saved by abuse , and hc teaches hcst
who appeals to reason rather than
prcdjudicc. The narrow view of
life is not thc correct vicwncith-
er arc thc innocent amusement of
youth thc sources from which all
evil flows.
however high thc ideals of
President Roosevelt may bc ;
however detcrmincd his efforts to
suppress amid destroy these things
in our commercial life which
make for inequality and tend to
undermine thc foundations of thc
republic , his efforts will'bc worse
than useless without thc active
interest .111d support of thc people
whose worthy servalit hc is.
AmercHni is greater than part-
. . . .
Isans I I1p. "a ur faith 1 1 is anchored 1 -
ed not in the g-ovcrnmcnt at
\Vashington , but in thc nation. "
Mrs. Bessie Chandler , wife of H
regular army officer , having strayed -
ed from thc path of good morals ,
kissed her little boy g'ood-byeand
then committed suicide in an Oma-
ha hotel Frilay nig-hL She left
a letter for her wronged ! husband
which contained a quotation } from
Omar Iiha3'yaui. 'l'hc quotation
is of such appealing beauty that
wc reproduce it.
Ah love. could . YCII and I with hll1l Cull sidre
1'0 grass this sorry chel1lu of things t'lItlrc
WOllhl Ulint scatter It to hits -:11111 then
HelilOllllt nearer to the heart's "mitre.
Vi Ill ralllllilf 1110011 that looks for 1If ucalll-
how oft' thereafter will she wax allli WIIIC ;
How oft' hereafter ! rising look for liS
'l'hrolllfh the HalllU garden and fur one 111 vain.
ASafe Cough Medicine for Children
In buying a cough medicite for
children never lie afraid to buy
Cham bcrlain's Cough Rcmcdy.
There is no dang'cr from it and
relief is always to follow. It is
especially valuable for colds ,
croup and whooping cough. For
sale at Kcns Drug Store.