F r f , : . t : ' , ' , , , . 1 . . ; , . ' , 1 1'0 , . , . . . . - . - . . - " . . . . . . . . . . -A < . . . _ _ _ . - " . - . , . . . . . - . , r' " " " , . , . , . , f4 " . r ; ate ! ; : . " . : . ! ; . Announcement _ _ r > DP" " " " " " " " ' ; # , I " , I , ' Hall 8. GreenwalJ make the following announcement. rr . . , ' . 'That l t7. ; I : . I fall of said firm has bought the inter- . fit t' . < est of F. I II. I I Greenwald of said firm. T'hat from this date of he t business of selling SIIOES < . , I " j : ! , , , , and BOS I ERY as run and conducted U\ . the said firm will ] v : " ' ; , " be continued as heretofore with the only exception that , ' ' , ; " ' , ' ; 1.- : 'it will be done in the name of C' . E. 1 Ila11 I instead of 1 : , r , Hall & Grccn vald. . I . " ' llr. r Cre'n " , aId will remain with the business and . - " 1' , " " " continue to look after your wants and wishes ill , the foot , , , \ ' wear line. He invircs your trade and he will give you J : , I : ' the IJenefit : of his experience and his judgment in the fit- " . y. . , " ; : 'E : ; ' ; , ting of sliots and the quality of stock. ' " ' 1 , 1 bespeak for \rr. : Greenwald that he is the best I " ' f : ' ; : qualified person in Falls City to fit any foot properly t ' . .J . ; : and to judge the kind and quality of shoe you ought to r we li . 11 I I is judgment is supplied by the large stock of ' : ' widths from Afto EE and ' : shoes we carry in the manwidths . - to : " ' : " ! ' ( the many size and shapes and the grain of quality put ' r' " out b\ the best factories in the United States. ' : " , , : \ ; " ; ' I in \.ite your trade and will stand behind and g'lIar- " : . ' ( , antes : everything that is done for yon 0' that you get J' . . from this house to be the best . your money can bu\ . 1 t 1" ' anything returned the . ' moment it shows , signs \ . ' ; I ' I want . \ b . . . very h . . . ; I of not beingas good as repr ; cnted. " ; Some qt the spring stock will be labeled Jail i & . : ! ' , . Greenwald and some of the alvertising matter we put .1 , ' , . , . ' out will be in the name of Hall & Greenwald because I' , ' it was ordered before w , ' made : thf clung ; : > but ] rem : embc l' . . - \ . ' will stand fur " I . ' . . . . " J : ti ' " , ' " ° . ' , . y o r 11" : B + ALI'i - . " 5ucc ser to . . : . 1 Ri " _ U eg lJi : fnvaM. I { - : _ _ _ _ _ , . . . . . . . , , . .7 . . , .f. A - - t . . r . "f.Jt.gC ! a t' on 111 J1p e p Cl/V" { J. 'fIB en.r C.o : : dctcl ? bJF CCJuny Supt Crocker - - . . " . . . . Remember the Soutliea'tern . ' . Nebraska : 1ducational 1 Association ' . . . " . . : , . 'nl t > , tsin nC'atrh March ' 29 , 30 and 31. The following H.ichan1- ' i son county teachers arc 011 the " , . - " program : H. L. HoiT , W.1-L Pills- " bury , Cora E ! , Potts : , Carrie g. , t " Boyd and George Crocler. The question for the inter high school debate at Dcatricc is : Hesol\'ed . . , . r1 I that , united States senators should , ; J' " be elected by direct vote of the i I , . . . peoplc. Humb01dt and Falls City I : : . , ' are 011 the affirmat . \\Te hope i , : , _ . : ' - our schools will plan to have their " " " ' time of this spring vacations at ' "j. : ' . , . . mCdil1g' . Wc an want old Rich- ' ' : 'P' I" , ; f.ardson . county to make a good ' . . . showing at Beatrice. - - - - - - - - - _ 'rhc summer session of the Nebraska - " braska wesleyat1 U n \ 'crsitwill - " " hegin June ( It hand close July 19 t- : : : the For further particulars write 5 to Prof. 'V.l .Jack80n , University " \ Place , Ncb. _ _ _ _ _ _ LIBH\HY NO'i ' ICIS. ; ' Tickets for borrowing books in all . . tr ) classes for children , or for others 20 cts. for one --'ar. Childrens . . . . - - tickets , 10 cts for one year for juvenile books 0111On either of these tickets two books mar be borrowed at one time prodcd that not more than one is fiction. For example , one who holds a W : ct. ticket may borrow cither childrcns books or those designed for elder readers. He may borrow at one time t0 hooks of nonfiction I - Hon or one of fiction and of one non-I Ltiol1. 011 the 10 cent ticket - et two childrcn's hooks of nonfiction - tion maybe borrowed at once ; or one child's of fiction and one child' : book of non-fiction. All books arc issued for two weeks except books of late fiction which arc bsucd for one wcek. All books may be renewed for two weeks ex- cept books of late fiction which cannot he renewed. Renewals may be made br mail or tcl' phone if it is not convenient to bring hc book to the library when it is re- cd. Fines or books overdue 2 cents a day. - - - - - Dist. No.6fJ , Grace Colson , teacher Our enrollment is now I I , 41. . ' 1'ht'ec.1I101'l1ing-H of the week we stuUy PriuiplCs of Agriculture and expect soon to begin maldng' S01l1C cxprl'1111ents.Ve observed r4incbln' \Vashington'sbirth- ( - days on 'rilIlYs. 'l'licschool was pleased ilnd greatly 'nconr- aged by a visit fr01l1 our t2o.Supt. Our institute will be he1d A ug-- ust 7 to 12 illclus \'e. District No. I , 1\labrl Grccn- wald , teachcl'--Out' school closed March th rcl. The attendancc luring thc year was good. The seventh g-rade ( lid good work , especially - pecially in g-cog-raph and ; 1I1ap drawing' \Vc hall special exer- cises on our last day and several visitors were p'rescn _ . . - - - Last week thc Co. Supt. received - ed the following invitation : 1\11' . lI1d : 1\1rs. Jam ( ' ! ' : McCarthy requests - quests thc honor of your presence : at thc lI1aITiag'c or their daughter glizabeth A. to \lt gd ward K UuIT Ol ! Monday mmlorniiig. : March 6 , 1905 at nitre o'clo.k , Sacred Heart 1 chu.Purchard : ] , Neb. 'rcachcrs and friends in ichard- son county join in extending' con- grat ul ations. . - - - - - - - - 'l'he reading circle work for our county is based on Sahin's cotn mon Sense DidaGtics , 'he { Pit th- finder anc hc I Nebraska 'l'caclter. Nearly every principal i in the county conducts a "RC'adil1g- ; - de cla : . ! ; ' and has invited teachers - ers itl his vicinity to joiu. 'each- { ers who apply for certificates for next year and expect to have any old grade renewed must be able to pass a satisfactory examination on the reading circle work and we kindly advise teachers who do not " have the texts to secure them I without (1 ( ' lay. It is i : : sad that twenty-eight of our county teachers - ers do not take the Nebraska 'rei1cler. ; ! Every teacher who Makes any claim to professional spirit at all shonld take the Nebraska - braska 'Peacher. - - Mbs l.osa Novak has resigned her position as seventh grade teacher in the iimm in hold t sehnols. She has goon : : to the home of her parents in Omaha. Miss Novak was ' one of Hichardson county's strongest teacher and a favorite with her pupils. \Vc all regret her departm Her place is to be taken by Miss Maud Beatty formerly - erly of the fifth / room who will he succeeded by Miss Grace Jones of rlu in bold t. ASafcCougli ! Medicine for Children In buying a cough mcdicitc for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Hel11edy. There is no danger from it and relief is always to fol1ow. It is especially valuable for colds , croup and whooping coug-h. For sale at Kcrrs Drug Store. Rev. Smith gave a dance for the choir on Monday e'eningat Hyan's hall , and a most enjoyable - enjoY-I able time was passed. , , , . . - , - - , - - Fargo John Gleason made a trip to Missouri I + ridgy , Little Minnie Sfrcclwr is stay- ing' with her aunt , Barham Htrcc- kl'r. : :411e : Strcckcr and 1\1 1' . echnan I . \'cre li'argo'isitors Sunday. 11'lord 'l'holupsonl'ctllt'l1cd Wednesday - nesday ; after u week ! "bit , It . Shu- hcrt. 'l'entTright \'isited a few d 1y I s last week at this place. C. . Parish of Craig' ; , t\Io. , have been busy the last fl'w days re- pairing the ferry hoat. William and ; ( I'rank 1 ; Sunnis caught a nice lot of cat fish / in the jssouri ! river last week. Charles Nitchie and wife were pl'asant ] ; callers at this place Su ii- ( la ) ' . Miss ! Augusta Nisscn returned Monday of the past week after a few weeks visit with her sister , \In . Katie' Freeborn of Perno 1\1' . Record anlI li'I'ank Snider hauled WlJod for Andrew : l'honlp- son last week. Maggie .ilanch'tli and sister \Iary weJ' Fargo visitors Satur- ( lay. lay.Mr. Mr. Nedccker and daug-hters of l \t. ] ltxcl : visitedIrs. . . Uarbara Streckcl' Su.nday. i' \Irs. Sena Waldraff visited ( her sister Alt s. Geo. Schmidt a , ew clays last week. Rudolphroegle was down from Williams\'ille Sa turday. Lewic and Fritz Fischer have been busy 'ltauling- wood for C. A. Smith the last few days. i\lrs. V i Ida 13aumaii wa trad- ing- with our merchant Hatmday. Louis LO\'illl and family of Corning , Mo.spent Saturday and Sunday with Fred ) 'J'hieman and faulily. Mrs. Elizil 'rhompson and daughter Ollie \'isitcd 1Irs. M. l3uckutinsterVednesclay of the past week. udolph Voeg-Ic and wife arc thc proud parents of a baby boy born Feburary 28 , 1905. 'l'hc town folks g-athcrcd at the home of Frcd Nissen , sr. , Satur- day and had il lance , all eport I a very good time. Mrs. I\ag-g-ie Saal visited a few clays last week with hcr daughter Mrs. Bcrtha Voeg-lc. Frccl 'l'hicman and Prank Sil11111s made atrip to Corning , Mo.Mon- clay. Cha.nrberlaan's Colic , Cholera and Dla.rrhoca Hel11cdy. 'l'hc great success of this preparation - paration in thc relief : and cure of bowel complaints has brought it into almost universal use. It never fails and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to takc. It is equally valuable for children and adults , for sale at Kerrs Drug Storc. .