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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1905)
- - - . - - . - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' . ( t 1 . f. .IJIIJ I ' - ' j ) ftJart , , \ : [ , I J / \ $ A TALE or Tilt : CUMN WAR I Li _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fiY _ _ _ J7V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'r7f _ _ _ . .e1 _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rJ _ _ _ . . . . . . , , , , Copyright 1Ili. ! ! by 1. 'I'CIIII'IIUIIccJy. ; I UII'I'lgIII isn : by Sln1 and Smllll CHAPTER XXI. A Goddess of Battle. . "ho retreat of the Spanish ) troops frolll the scene of the d ) 'lIlun\to \ wreck , Uncle over the five or clx mlloH liOlIl- ) rating them frolll the slolo ) where the Htrnllded IImlllllnltioll cal Is settled , pus been IICcollllllhdlel1 In IIn almost Incredibly short SlIICO ) of time , for the vigor of Gomez' atlllcls has kept thorn count autly Oil the jllllll. ) Jack and Smlthors have hastily forllled a lllIn ) of acUon. They arc 1'0- solved to tithe no part In the Inev- itahlo conflict thlll must 110 fought round the carriage , unless actually forced to 110 80 hy their determination to protect the hlllles : 11I111 If circum- stances render Il necesslIl'y for them to enter the lists against all corners , they are just IIIi ready to meet Slmn- lout wllrrlol'i 01' Cuban patriots ) a8 they have stool ! against guorrllbros. The first man to reach the carriage Is a tllll clllltaln , whose sprinting qual- IlleR have proven of no mean 01'1101'- indeed , ho Is so easily able to outdistance . tllnco all of hit comrades that Jack In secret Is ready to believe his athletic ahlllllofi must have been gained In the hllll'I'llIg oltldlllg time nlllll rushes of all Infllrlatoll 0111 tOl'O. As he comes liP , he gasps out : " ' to break "SOIlOI' , IIn axo-so\llothlng \ open too door of the ammllllition vnn. 'Vo have no cartridges : wo will lie annihilated - nlhllntell unless our guns are made avnllnhlo. " ! So he chnttOl'R on , while gasping for breath ) \ , and continues to beg for IIn axe Jade dooR nol know where such an implement can he found , and as for Smlthol's , he would see the whole reg- hnont In Guinea before ho stirred a step to further their cause an Iota Fortunately for the Hollliors , they have a friend In Senor Hohlallo , who hardly relishes failing Into the hanllH of Gom'z In this ! way , though ho had phoned to visit the insurgent ! chief In his camp , with the secret lope of be' raying him to the authol'l tics , lie haH discovered an axe In time gunl'll's lion , IInli this ho eagerly tosses to the calltall1 1'h'n ensues ae : remarkable 1\ movIng - Ing panorama as Tnclt has ever Sl.'en Whllo the blows of the axe sound upon the barricaded doors of the other comllnl'tmcnts , the Spanish sollliers tl have gathered nrollllli the carriage , many of them wOllllllell , and yet show- Ing no disposition to calltlllato. ( So 1'rn.1rs , while secretly opposed to the cause for which they fight , feels himself bound to admire the way In which these almost untrained recruits , N hut recently from across the sea , face l death as It comes swooping down the sill po. The officer In command forms his men In phalanx. . Not 1\ shot 110 they lire because few guns contain a load , $ hut with the grim front of veterans they ! await the descent of the hawl ' Again / the hillside IH covered with n rushing throng Men come running down In squalls and sing ! ) ' . They have no Idea of order . or IIlsclllllno either , just at present , as It Is every man for himself The soldiers are on the run , and these wild followers of Gomez mean to keep them moving until they are swallowed Ull In the sea of fire that sweeps over the Cuban chaparral , or kenneled In Havana. 1'ravers confesses to a tremendous Interest In the outcome : ho believes they will UO safe once the battle Is over , 110 matter who wins , as Smithers Is surely on one side , while Senor Ho- blade covers the other. It Is only the danger that must threaten while the warfare Is on that gives him cause for mental anxlet ' . . Ho has not long to walt for the eboclc. A few shots are fired as the patriots clash down the hill , hilt It Is possible that their ammul1lt.1on has also run short , or else they determine to cleave a passage through the ranks of the foe with their gleaming IU11I terrible ItIllchuteR. Now they engage with the sollllrs ' ' ' furious 'rho hue wavers before the attack Ullll ' ' ' ' . What partially gives way. follows RoomR to ho a melee The soldiers - II10rH are dlvillell Into small ) ) groups , and fight lIoHIlCratol Sometimes they chase the insurgents : , and again it is the rebels who have the best of It. Numbers of the rebels are mounted , and If the fiolll were open , they must soon annhllnto ! the troops. Within the narrow confines of the railway the horses are as much a hhlllrnnce as a helll A large number of the soldiers have gathered about the lower end of the coach , lack can readily guess their design Is to glHml the door where the Spanlfh captain Is passing out packages - ages of munition In frenzied haste lust III front of 1'I'aver5 occurs one of the most dORIICI'ate engagoments. Some of the mounted rebels have cut their way through the lines , and are slashing and hewing right and left. Jack Is spellbound hy the sight , hut he receiveR a greater shock III'esentiy. lie grips the arm of Smithct.s , who crouches hosilio him , also watching the first fierce engagement between patriots and Spaniards that It has been his good fortune to wltnesR "Loolt-lI101 ! cries Jack , hoarsely , IIR he po'ntt Into the thick of the struggling , surging maSH 'See , a girl among / them-on that snow-whlto horso-a girl with lowing ! hair , and wielding a machete Look closely , Smithers I could swear that Is our chin rmlng hostess Lola l\lontez " Ills words reach other pars thnn those for whom they lire intenlled , JoHsle , hears , and \ wonllors She has . rend much of these Cut ' au Amazons who fight ) alongside their brothers and I pY 6 , /sq Y 4 1i- II 1 S r i "Look ! " cries Jack , hoarsely. "See a girl among them ! " lovers In fierce engagements Perhaps the way In which Tl'avors unconscious- . ly ! speaks of the girl as "beautiful" and "charming" has something to do with arousing her curiosity. At any rate , she , too , endeavors to see the girl on the white horse who thinks less of her life than the sacred cause to which she has devoted her 'xlstenco Smithers In one glance sees that Jl\ck has spoken time truth. He Instantly - stantly recognizes the lovely Amazon "You are right , sir : but please don't mention names ugalu. 'VallI and " . . - - - _ . . - - . . . . . rocks have ears In Cuba now. JIer" I life Ir'glit pay the penalty , " Is what ho culls 1110\\11 \ \ In Jacl's OIlI'H. 110 has hardly spoken Uum his coot- I panlon utters a cry. "She Is down-lJ'r horse tripped aud hits thrown her ! Good heavens , she will bo killed before our very j I ores ! See , that 110\11 has his bayonet aimed Ilt her-only a wounded rebel bars his wa ' , Ho believes her to bo I I the leader , nnd Is determined to turn I the tide. Smlthor : , I cnn'l stand this. Let go my arm , I tell you " thil5'l Smlthm's dares not refuse when Travels \ roars In this tone. Perhaps he Is not" sorry , after all : for , only that Iael bars the way , the agent woulll have leaped out of the deer to .the rescue of the beautiful Amazon. Jack Is not a second too soon 'I'he'olllHlel ( rebel has proven \ no Match for the muscular : ] Spanish sol- Iller , who has broken his hold ] , plunged his swircl . 'onel. throllgh the your \ dovll' ! body , laud then , still Intent on the desperate heed that hind engaged his attention when interrupted , he malcs a rust for the young girl , who , still partially stunned hy her fall , Is slowly picking herself up from the ground , while her white steed whin- nies his dismay over lie disaster Before the furious 8'ldlm' can carry out his desperate intention , Travers has seized hold of his gun-TI'I\VCr3 , who Is boiling over with Indignation at the sight. Thure Is a brief but terrific struggle In connection with the possession of the glln , and only lacl'H superior mus. cigar power enables him to C0ll10 out victor. Witit a furious outburst ho sends the soldier whirling clown the slight emI - hanl\111Ont , having at the S11110 time I wrollche ( ! his gUll out of his hangs. ! : ! I As Jack turns , ho finds that Lol1 I has gained her feet. She no longer : I appears Glared , but as her gaze fastens eagerly upon the face of the one who las saved her life , she gives him 11 radiant sllllle. 1'l'I\vors cannot hear what words she utters , for guns have commcnced to I rattle with the distribution uf ammunition - nition among the men , but he accepts the hand she Impulsively stretches out ' to ilim , i And Jessie Cameron secs It all from the carriage door just back of Smith- ers-sees it with a feeling olio cannot , comllt'ehcllll-a peculiar sensation of Ills tress in the region of her heart , as though in some unaccountable ' stay the I proximity of that Cuban boauh' to her _ _ - - - . - - - - - ---w protector gives her 1)I\In ) I 'That IH how Pale takes a hand In ' the affairs of Squire John once more , and gives / promise of great results ! Another moment and the f011'loss I young girl has sprung upon her mlll- I white steed , and Is In the thick of the I frar I Jack makes his way hack to the shel. , tel' of the carriage , as he has no desire I to become a target for the bullets that I begin to whistle around so merrily. Up to the present moment the dash and bravery of the insurgents have carried things before them : but now I that the soldiers ! are enabled to make use of their guns , the tide seems to set the other war. The rebels gh e up the advantage their pluck has wrested from the soldiers . diers very stubbornly , and more than 'onco turn about , as though tempted to make another dash. It would be folly , however , since the men of Spuin have an ahundance of ammunition now , and can mow them down like ripe grain. Against this they can only OllllOse their machetes , anti while these are effective weapons In a hand-to.hanll encounter , they are of no use whatever at a distance. So the revolutionists melt away , some passing up the rise and others plunging into the shelter of the woods , as yet untouched lJy the lingers of the fire Itlng. Jack heaves a sigh of rollef. He has seen that the white horse and Its lovely rider have been almost mlracu- loushy spared through the fierce rattle of musketry that ended the affair , and the last glimpse which ho obtains of them Is when , outlined against the . . . - . _ " _ . . -0. S 14rw . . . . I , - . -.n _ . ' . - - - heavens : , Lola : \lcmtc7. , on the hilltop , " ( waves her hat from the end of the machete she carries An.1 yet Jack 'rravers turns from contemplating ! her heroic deeds to the gentle girl of llInbltl'gh with a pos.- : live titfal'llon One lI1ay adnmi ' e a modem ( Joan of Arc , IInd he enthralled ( br her presence \ . a8 she leads soldiers in battle : but when Il comes to the choice of a wife , the average male hilled Is very.npt to turn aside and take to his heart some loving girl who will make his home a dl'eam of peace and cheerfulness rather - or than a wurlllw COlltp. But .Jessie Cameron does ! not ] chow , what Jncls thoughts l\I'e. She has sonic back behind the barricade , as If fearful lest some flying bullet might I tinl ( its way through the frail side 01 _ . T-r\ ' Th ) - - f , I i It t I ( ; , lIl .y ' /j : / I - . - 'C.7 - I ci I _ - - ' : : I 4 s--'c c _ _ _ , - I . . There isa brief but terrific strugale I .t : . j the carriage \ , when In reality she de- ' I sires to shut out the sight of Jack and .j ' lie little Cuban beauty together. . I' 1'e ) battle Is \\'on. . At least , the rebels have ceased to ! harass the troopss and the latter are I enabled to tlllw stock of their rlsses. ) I , which , counting : dead , w011l1l1 < l , uull ln'.ssing , amoll11t to almost half the orIinal ! forcc i As a further retreat to l1avana is' j ' ' ] iIde the rellllpl'ell utterly 111I110s81hle by hlnlug forest that bars their way , their only plan Is tu strollrtllen their ---L I present ) position anti walt the coating i 1 of tlatvn , when they t may : be able to . figure ! on the future 'l'lw rebels have not been gone more than half 911 hoar when Sntithers who has been wandering aroUllll In his restless way , taking an observation , its 0 he calls it , comes upon Jack flS the hitter - ter sits upon the end of a railroad tie , I meditating while indulging in a smoke , and the latter has only ' to take one , qllicl look into the agent's sober face to realize that he carries more bad news ( To lie continued. - - - - - Benny on the CameJ , The camel Is u large , homely ani- r . noel with two big warts on Its bacl When it has only one it Is called a (1romedary. A camel can go for days and flays without drinking anything , but it wants its victuals reglllar It I Isn't nor fun to ride on a came ! . I tried it once It feels as if you were taking u rule on the H01'lQ' mountains. a A camel will associate with any- hodr , but prefers Eg 'lltians , There I wall a man once who thought It made a camel tired to hold Its head up , and he tried to rest It by tying Its head to one of the bum lIS , hut the animal bit a large 'hunl out of his arm , and he lIeslstell. A camel is always chewing something / , hut never lets you see what it Is. It walks us if It wera lame on all four legs. Yon can " l. ways nee ; a camel for nothing at a circus. it you want to see me giant you have ! got to pay. ( This is because : : I" It IS harder \ to raise a giant than Il 1 lis t.o raise a camel.-Chicago 'l'ribnuc. . . . : . . _ . . - . . . e-a , . - . - . . . . - . - . . .G.e.- . . . . ' " . . - . .Lr ar.sue _ .