, , _ . 1 - .w - f'.w Local and Personal. . Eat Sowles Candy. For Sale-A brown marc.-O. f P. Hcck. ' . . ) \ - A. N. Keim was a Lincoln vis- itor the first of the week , ' C. F. RCa \ 'is was in Omaha on legal business last Friday. 1 . . . 11rs. C. F. l eavis pass been quite ill for several days. Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over Hichardson counfy haul Mrs. Harden returneel to Vcr- , ' ' . . lon Saturday afte1'11oon. ! Sam Cono\'cr left on thc afternoon I - noon train Saturday for Id alio. By the way-arc we not to } - have a city election this spring ? j Alex I\IcGcchie of Shubcrt was in the city on business Saturday. Evan Owens of Verdon spent a portion of the week in this city. Coal , \Vood and Rock Salt at Heck's feed store. \Y. R. Smith wa in Kansas City'Tuesday with a car of cat- tle. tle.Mrs. Mrs. inda Esteb was down from Verdon 011 business 110n- (1 lay. George \Vixon of Stella was a business visitor in ! this city Fri- . : . : day. D ! ' . Robertsdentist r . ' over Kings Pharl1iHcy. t. J. N. Smith marketed a car load of cattle in Kansas City on euesd ay. Mr. Saxe of Milwaukee trans- acted business in our city on .fonda . Eugene Rogers of the Omaha Coal Co. , spent Friday with his uncle \V. W. Abbey. . . . I\'Ir : and Mrs. I Sam Stuart of Reserve spent Sunday with relatives - tives in this city. Morgan & Greel1wald were in Kansas City with a car load" of , , ' cattle 'l'hursda John 'l'immcrman and l C. D. Baker of Salem were business ; : . visitors Mondar. \ Marry , Ross of 'lIadison.Vis. . , was the guest of Anna Dorring- ton over Saturday. Mrs. Beaver was a n. & : i\I. passenger for Billings , Neb. , the latter part of last week. Robert I\fax\\el1 and Roy Sweetland of Hiawatha spent Sunday with Falls City friends. .J John p. Evans returned to his " " . home in Verdon 011 Saturday af- ter spending two weeks in this city. city.Miss Miss Mabel Vincent after a few days visit with her cousin , 1frs. Bert Heais returned to her home in Superior on \Ionday. S. D. Clark and Ji' A. Nims of t Nuns City were in this city 'l'ues- day making arrangements for a J grand . ball to he held in their city on the se\'cnteenth. " - John Kloepfel of Hula , .vho recently - cently purchased the \Vm. Hoppe place on Evergreen Heights , is moving into his property this week. Mr. Kloepfcl informs us that he has been a resident of this county over fifty years and has resided on his farm near Rule - 10 forty-four years , and hence is moving to town to take a well earned rest.Ve welcome him as a citizen among us. The { standing joke among the members ; of thc young married a11CS ] : Kensington club is that their organization has been made over into a baby show. A large number of members have little ones , and the youngsters always attelld club mceting's. It is reported that another womalls club is being formed in town. \Ve beleivc that makes six. \Vhen the men get the glk's lodge organized what will become of this great American institution named the homc. 'rhe case of thc Kingman In- plement company against'ill cckinger ] and 1 others on a guar- antee contract , was disposec1 of in Omaha last week. \Ir. Decldn- her was ( lischarg'cd of all liabili- ty. On Monday morning at 6:30 : our citizens were awakened by the ringing of the fire bell. Fortunately - tunately , it'a only the burning out of a chimney at the Whitrock residence , just east of the fire house. 't win girls came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cameron Sundar. All concerned are doing well and the proud par- ents are receiving the congratu- tation ! : > of their friends. Lee J. Van'el and U. tl' Duncan - can were up from Rube Monday night , to appear before the city council in the interest of the Farmers Mutual Telephone Co. , I of Preston of which they are stock ii olhers. Most of Falls Ci ty's grand opera friends are now tending to g'0 to Omaha instead of Kansas - sas City to hear the Conreic1 com- pany. About the proudest thing a reporter - porter ever saw was little John Whetstine with his bank book containing the record of his first deposit. \Ve insist that it the slot ma- chines are to he removed tour esteemed contemporary , The News shall suffer along with the rest. rest.'Werner \Verner and r.10sil11an are out after the implement husiness. Read their ac1vertisment in this issue. Dr. Houston reports Elmer Hanna as greatly improved from his serious attack of typhoic1. J. ii' . hubert and wife of Shu- bert were in the city Monc1ay. If you see the blue mark-pay up. - To the Merchnnt. For the next two weeks The Tribune will go into the home of every rural route patron of Falls City. Every funnily who trades in this city will read this papcr. Have you anything to say to them ? Is there a matter of busi- less ! that you would submit to them ? You can do so at small expense through the columns' this paper. Advertising ( should not goo by favor , it is a business l proposition. Wc would lilac to talk it ores with you. Revival f\ectings. The revival mccting's are a great success , the church at times being inadequate to contain the crowds. Several open air lI1eet- ing's have been held on Stone street which havc been the source of much interest. It is really a very pretty sight to see a throng of little children each simigi mug his lusty best ' "Phere is a fountain tilled with blood. " 1f 1 God ever made anything prettier than the fresh and shinIng eyes of a little child , it has never been caned to our attention. A New Club. About t\\'cnty-Ih'c of our prom- inent ladies have org'anized a ncw club to be called 'The WOIl1- an's club. " Mrs. \ VIIIVi1son was elected President and \Irs. John Crook auditor. \ \ \ , have not lea1'l1ccl the of t1.e ( names mcm- bel's. A Chicago Alderman OWeS Ibis ElectIOn - tIOn 10 Chamberlain's Couth lt mcdy. Hr can heartily and conscient- iously i recommcnd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for affections of the throat anllunlrs , " says Iloil. John Shenick , 220 So. Peoria St. , Ch ica g'o. " ' 1'wo years ago during - ing' a I political campaign , I caught cold after being overheated - heated , which irriatclm y throat I and r was dually ! } ] compelled to stop , as I could not speak aloud. In uiy extremity a friend advised me to use Chambcrlain's Cough lXemedy. . I took two doses that afternoon and could not helei' my senses when I found the next : morning the inf1amation had largely subsided. r took several doses that day , kept right on talking through the campaign , and I thank this medicine that I won my scat in the Council. " This remedy is for ; sale at Kens Drug Store. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , balls City , Neb. -OHTJI No. 51 Omaha and I..illColll Express l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : a 111 No. 53 Omaha and I.illcoln passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:00 : p 111 No. 233 Local I' < rcight , Au- burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l\ 1:00 : p In SOU'fJI No. 52 Kansas City and St. Louis and DCnVC1" , . . . . . . A 3:10 : a min No. 58 Kansas City and St. Louis amid Dcnvcr . . . . . . . A 1:40 : p 111 No. 232 Local , Atchison. . . 10:30 : a 111 No. 220 Stock I"rcightIIi- awatha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:20 : 1)111 A. Daily. B. Daily except 5ummday. J. B. AHNHHAgcut. - - - - - - _ . _ - - OUR NEW SPRNG GOODS I lave arrived and Wt' have omit of the finest line of Suiting's ever brought 1.0 the ci1.Come to us for your yourNEW NEW \ SPRING SIJITS \Vc guarantee fit , : 1tyle and workmanship. give Wi a trial. - . . - . - - - . H. T. Gardner Tailor - - . - . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - McNal19s GROCERY Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guar. . an teed Free City DeHvey Phone 40 Storage for household And Other Goods L- Merchants and , Business Men \Vith hard accounts to collect , should place them with , jOlll1 L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY. NEB For Collection or for Suit - - Small Com's on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays all Costs. r W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Hartford Fire Insurance Lands bought and sold Houses in city for sale honey to 10'-.0 Telephone 178 John Crook was in Dakota City and Omaha the first of the week in the interest of the Gilligan bridge Co. I