The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 10, 1905, Image 3

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, I ' _
I ; ° ' , ; V. G. Lyford's Announcement I
I -
# F FOR the Spring season we are now showing a superb assortment
, I of merchandise. Our efforts to supply your needs satisfactorily 'I
and economically have been encouraged by your liberal patrollage Iff
' and friendly attitude. We are not lilllitillg our investment but are
" ' . increasing our display in every department and improving our facilities =
- ties that we may more completely meet the demands of tile families w
f of Palls City and this vicinity. We seek your business from a busia !
t.- _ . ' l ness standpoint solely. Merit in our qualities ; merit in our prices ;
merit in our treatment. Try us ! Weigh us ill tile balance !
t. Never has our display been so exhaustive. Every
' fabric that Dame Fashion has decreed is shown in the
( t ! popular shades and grades. You are particularly in-
t , lL vited to inspect our extensive range of plain and fancy
Mohair , so much wanted for early wear.
. . ;
x . This line is simply bewildering and the question
' ! f with you will not be so much what to buy as where to
f r stop. At the everybody's prices from roc to arc we
have fabrics too numerous to mention.
. , . . ; . fl SILKS
. .
" r At least double the variety of any former season is
. " now on our counters. Fancies , Checks , Changeables ,
f \ : ; - . . ! f Plains , in every desirable shade from hoc to $2 , suitable
1. " for Suit : , Skirts , Waists , Trimming , Drop ; Skirts , &c.
t . e ;
/ ' . - ' - - -
1 . We have just received a car load
f Including : Stalk -Cutters - , Cultiva =
k tors , Plows , L i ste rs , H a r rows and
. . , disc Harrows. We also carry a
" "
. , ' " 1J. , : ' ' , , : I fullline - of
When in need of a BUGGY or
. . a WAGON remember we carry a
Full line of the best Inakes. Call
. . .j- , and see us when in need of any
( : of the above. We guarantee everything =
, . erything we sell and if it isn't
, - right , we are here to make it so.
, MAN & CO.
I -
John Oswald spent his usual I Jennie Prater was on the sick
- Wednesday in Stella. Jlist this week.
" '
This department has been so much improved ' in its
provision for Ladies' needs that it is now a necessity to
every family. . \Ve always welcome lookers as we are 1. "
fully aware that if they do not buy in our Ready to
\ Tear , they get valuable hints that help in their purchases - l.i
chases in our Dress Goods and Trimming Departments .
We have extensive new lines of Silk and Cloth Suits ,
Skirts , Shirt Waists Rain Coats , Covert and Silk
. - Jackets , &c. All alterations made bv us. !
Carpets , Rugs Curtains
I n the course of the next ten clays we shall move
these lines into what has been known as "Ryan's 1-Iall"
'vVe propose to make this department a credit to FaIls
City.Ve invite all people anticipating the purchase
of Floor Coverings , Curtains , Draperies , Shades or
Rugs to visit this new room.
" _
Local and Personal.
- - -
'l'hc kite season is at hand.
Will Jcnnc is in the city \ this
GUY Hutchings was visiting
his parents over \Vedncsday.
Frank Blakency of Nil11s City
was in town \Vednesday.
G.A. Jorn was down from Ver-
don on business ycsterday.
Joe Geiger spent a few days of
this week in St. Joseph.
Mrs. Dr. Fast is visiting this
week with her parents in Corn-
ing , Mo.
H. C. Smith transacted business
in Auburn Wednesday and of this
Ingram Cain of Stella spent
Thursday with his parents in this
ci ty.
Keith l\Icl\Iillan came down
from Lincoln the first of the
It is about time for manager
Bode to get busy and have the
diamond scraped.
Mrs. James Hanley and daughter -
ter Mary of Verdon were in this
. . .
city yesterday.
\V. Kinsey , thc prominent furni-
ture man of Salem was transact-
ing business in the city 'l'uesday.
These are the days when the
young mans fancy turns to
thoughts of his spring suit and
how to pay for it.
Notwithstanding Nebraska
City is in the heart of the greatest -
est agricultural country in the
world the first thing that strikes
the beholder when he walks into
the dinning room of its leading
hotel is the appetizing sign
"Mitation butter served here. "
So far as it goes , the sign tells
thc truth.
The drawing for prizes at
\Virth \Vinterbottott1s Mon-
day night was conducted by
Messrs Irvin Bode and Ward
Knig-ht. Miss Ella Miller drew
the knives and forks , Mrs. In-
skeep the table spoons and Mrs.
Van Winkle the tea spoons.
Irvin Maust insists that the
winter is not over and Mart Geh-
ling is equally sure that spring
is here. This illustrates the diff-
erence between the coal dealer
and the brewer.
'l'he ten cent tea given by the
ladies of thc Christain church at
the home of J. H. Cain yesterday
evening was a success in every
sense of the word.
Bob Kanaly is getting out a
pure havana cigar named 'rhe
Champion. " ' 1 : he box contains
an excellent portrait ofVill
Veach the champion trap shot.
Elmer Brown of Hastings , edi-
tor of the Observer , and his little
boy Buster spent several days
here this week in the interest of
his publication.