r . . . I ; - - TOLD @ mill , Ffi VfIIWS " 0 Beautiful : , My Country. " Oh beautiful for spacious skies , For umbcr waves of ; , tl"lliti. For purple mountulll majesties Above the fruited plain ! America ! America ! Cod shed his glace on thec. And ! crown thy good with Motherhood From sea to shining sea ! Oh. beautlflll for IllIHllm feet 'hosc stern impassioned stress A thurollghfg-nl'e fur freedom bent Across the wlIl1erl1l'HH ; ! 'tAu'iea , ! America : ! God mend thine every how " COIIIIl thy soul In self control , Thy liberty In ! law ! Oh , lJCallllful for glory talc Of liberating stitc \Vhell vallllllllCUI' mllll's avail , Men lavished Ilrcclolll' ' ! life ! - America ! America ! May God thy gold reline Tilt nil "IICCCS : " be nul.1elleHs : , And ' ' nln divine ! every grain \ Oh beautiful for patriot dream That ! HC'S beyond the years ' 1 blue alabaster cities glealll Undimmed by human tears ! America ! America ! God shed his gt ace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to hllllllg sea ! ---Katharine Lee Bates In Congrcgatlon- ullHl. A Closing Scene of the War. Telling of his capture hy the Confederates - federates during the closing clays of the war . Lleut..Co ! . J. A. 'Yatrous says : 'l'hat was nearly forty years ago' As I recall men and scenes inside the Confederate lines-my first exjeri ence In that dll'ection-I am glad that the caltul'o ) occurred. nut for the ' short pl'lsonorshlp I would not have _ . seen a number of amen It Is a real pleasure to think of as they were then -men In their prime sonic young : , l-1 J vigorous , and all great as soldiers and I grand as men. "I had two opportunities to see Gen Hobert E. Lee , the first time the day of the battle and the next day . when himself and staff were hurrying with anxious faces , to Five } . Forks where Shorldan's cavalry and the Fifth corps were a menace to the heroic Confederate arm ' . Less than fort . - eight hours before I had stood at attention - tontion and saluted our old command- or . who fought his last battle on Mount 1\lcGl'egol' And now suddenly s . . . . U)10n ) emerging frolll a forest our pary of prisoners ) was face to face with another great general one of the greatest the world has ever l\l1own. : Instinctively a nUIll' hol' of us came to 'attention' and lifted our hats. Gen. Lee Iron gray , erect , handsome gave us a quick glance and saluted In return. That painting of Gen. Lee Is burned on mamory's plates and ro other paint- Ing of the South's great leader can take its placo. "I saw Gon. Longstreet at the head of his corps lmrryiug to the aid of Leer Though I have met him several times , I like best to think of him as 'ho appeared that day . with a long brown beard , a kindly ere and pale face , the successor of Stonewall Jackson - son If Jackson had a successol' Then there was that fiery . fearless bundle of nerves and scars Gen John B. Gordon who was on time way to take command of a wing of that magnifi- cent fighting machine , Leo's army of ) Northern Virginia. He was young - ( then under 35 [ ; tall ' , , , straight nervous , his ' do double ' I malting eyes duty. I t am glad to have seen Gen Gordon then , at a time when he was spoiling I for a fight ; I am glad to have known j I I him since There Is a real ache In my heart as I think of two new made i gra'es.In . Georgia , In which sleep two I / great soldiers and good men-Long- street and Gordon. " - - The Silk Dress Balloon. Even as early as 18G2 the Union army had beets using balloons to ex- T amine the positions of the Confederates - J ates and even that early the scanty resources of the Confederates made - - the use or balloons n luxury that could not be affOl'ded. While gazing enviously upon the handsome balloons of the Federals floating serenely at a dlstunce that their guns could not reach a Confederate genius suggested that all the silk dresses In time Confederacy . fedemey uo got together and made Into halloons. This was done and soon n great patcllworle ship of many and varied hues was ready for use. There was no gas except In Rlclll11on,1 and so the silk dress balloon had to ho Inflated there , tied to an engine and carried ! to where It was to uo sent up One day It was on a steamer down time , lames river when time tide went out and left the vessel and balloon - loon on a sandbar. Time Federals gathered It In and with It the last silk dress In the Confedoracy. Gen. Long- street used to say laughingly that tilts was the meanest trick of the war.- Lee and Longstroet , uy Helen D. I Longstr ct. - - - Nation's Badge of Honor. One of the most striking G. A. R. badges Is that of time department of Hhode Island. It Is made of rolled ( gold plate and blue enamel atlll consists . slsts of the state shield suspended by I.wo gold chains from a broad pin bar bearing time Inscrlllton ! "G. A. H. . Do' lnl'tment { 11. I. " Pendent from the . . , C' A ) . . . . , ' _ . . .4 .6 r- . . center of the bar is a miniature shield bearing time number of the post to which the wearer belcags. - - Changes In Ritual. The conmtllandem' - in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic an. nominees that at time Thirty-eighth Na- tonal ! gucamHnOlll ) time Committee on Rules and Regulations and Ritual re- pc rted the following changes which were adopted ) : On resolution from time Department of Mlnnosota-on page 42 of the Service - vice Book , following the recital by time Third Comrade add : "Tho Post commander shall then step forward and deposit a small American flag upon time coffin saying : "In behalf of time Grand Army of the unity our late comrade ( naming " him ) offered his services during the War of the Rebellion I deposit ) this flag ' On resolution from the Department of California and Nevalla-Comrades may bequeath their Grand Army of the Republic hutton to their legal heirs , 'hut salll heirs arc not entitled to wear either the button or hall go. On resolution from the Department of IlIlnols- 'rhat disbanding posts shall turn over to the Department headquarters time rituals only all other effects to he deposited with such Institution as may bo selected by time post and approved by the department - . partment commander On resolution from time Department of Massachusotts-tho National En' campment through time Council of Administration - ministration shall have prepared ) and presented ( to each member of the Army Nursos' Association a special budge as a mark of our love anti admIration - mIration for tholr services In ! the past. I Lucky Is the man who receives a kick from the left hind foot of a rah' hit Instead of from either hind foot of a mule.-Chlcngo Nows. ilf@je 24/ZJ 1 . / : Jll&YLc J i Urchin and Mother. WhllHt wallllllg down 11 crowded city street tile other day I heard II little urchin lo comrade turn and soy : 'Say , Chiauny ICl11mo tell 'ouso I'lll' : happy \ all a clam Ie 1 only WU1. 110 fcllcr lIat 1110 nllHldel' t'lilln I am " " 8h , , ' t'luleM t mn a wonder an' Mho knows her little lad Could never mix wit' lIuttln' dill WU1. ugly . . menu 01' had Oh , lots O. times I Hit IIn' t'llIle how nice ' ( would he . gee whiz ! Ie a fellol''lI1. 110 fellC dot his mudder t'llIls he 1M. " \Iy friend lf yours U life of toll orIII' dllulell joy , You Htlll emit learn a lesson from this small , unlettered ho ' . 1)011'1 111m to be all earthly saint , wIth eyes fixed 011 a star Just try to he the fellow that 'Olll' mother , 1'1' thllllH you al'e. -1.oull\'l1Io COIII'IOI'-Jolllllnl. Buzz and Buzz-Fizz. In the game of Buzz have every one It round In a clrclo. Have the play- ers begin to count "one , " "two , " "throe " amid so on UI ) to a hundred or so , but always substituting "huzz" for the number 7 01' any of Its multiplos- 14 , 21 , etc Time Instant any one makes a mlstalco he must drop out of the game , anal the player next to him must begin al "ono" again. If anyone ono forgets his number or gives the \ \ tong number after "UUZ7. he must pay n forfeit. 'l1lls Is a tiptop game , amid will ' ' ' ' emltem'tatiled. keep everybody on nU7.a-Flz7. Is like the game of "Bu7.z" -onlr more dltllcult In addition to having to say "buzz" In place of the number 7 01' any of Its multiples , time players must also say "quaele" In place of time number 3 01' any nUI11I101' In which It occurs-for instance 30 Is quack-one 31 Is quacle-two , otc. "Flz7. must bo used In plnco of time number Ii or any of Its multllles. ) All the fifties must begin with "n7.z. " And "coclmlloolledoo" must bo used In place ) of the number 11 or any of Its mul tiplos. Counting from 1 up to 15. for exam- itlt' , you see you must say : One , two , quack four fizz , quack buzz , eight t , lunch . fizz cockadootlledoo ( quacit quack buzz , quack fizz ( for 15 [ ; equals three times 5) [ ; ) . Observe the same rule for mistakes as In the game of "nuzz" and give a prize to the best pla 'er. ' . . Unfinished ( Letters. ' : - . , : - \ \ - , ' \ : - . - . ' . . \y N'y - . . - \ . \ . - - - . , % . . . . . . , . . I \ : . . : = p . . v' . . . . . . . . - \ - - - - . . . . . . . . - % - .rte - I , . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - - r - . . . . e . . . . . - - - wt..w - r i. . . . r - . . -I . , . . . N . r. . . . - - . _ . - : . Supply time missing parts of letters as shown In the four completed let- ters. When finished you will have made a well-lmown quotation of six words. The Magical Cups of Tin , This little trick . performed In a par- lor , will make you appear quite a ma lclan. Get hoforehand two perfectly fectly plain tin cups , without handles and with the hottom sunk about n quarter of an Inch , and straight sides On the sunk bottom of each put some glue and over It drop some hlrd.seed , so that It looks as If time cup were full , whereas It Is really standing upside down and the layer of seed Is glued to the outside bottomi When you are ready to perform the trick , have It bas of the same kind of. . I - seed anal , standing off from your 111111 lonco , hold the cups so that they can see they are empty hut don't allow ' unyono to approal'h ) ) you. Now take one CUI amid dip ) It , Into i the bng of seed hut Instead of fIlling It , turn It upside down , 80 that when you take It out time seed glued to the hottom will show , 1\1111 / everyone will think It Is full. Place time aJJJUrontly ) Cull cup of seed under n luml hut In doing so dexterously tel'Ousl turn It' so that the emllt ' cup Is upright and the glued semi al the hottom. 1)omi't'let your \ audience see this turn. Now take the other CIII ) , which Is empty , and 101. them see your put It under unothel' hat , hut also turn this one so that they do nol see you 110 it. This brings the seed to time top allll ' I.j \1. . . . ' , ' ' . . . ' . . ' , . ' , t.\ ' \ ' 'I : . . . . . . , . " ; . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . : . . . . ' . . ; : J . vt t Irim : , . . .j ( i 1 ) ' , . . Tin Cup Trlc : < . looks as If the cup were fall . and when ; 'ou remove . the hat , after pronouncing ) - nOllnclng EoutO magic words It will look as If the CUllS hnl ! chl1nged places. Remove the cups before aumyone has a chance to examine them . A Laughing Game In , commen on the physical ) benefit that doctors say comes from u good hearty laugh Is this account of 1\ game that Is warranted to set a whole room In un uproar ) of erm'iInent 'I'IIIH IR one of the jolliest Improll1)l' ) tu games that wo know ofVe mean lIy 11lIII'Omltu ) ) that It requires ) no preparation whatever hut may ho pliiyed by a roomful of buys amid girls the 1lI0lllent It Itsug ! ostel1. And it Is brimful of fun from start to finish. Any lIumhOl' of players lIIay take part In It. They fIrst select a leader , who shollld be n bright , alert illicit' witted bOy who Is capable of pt eserv hmg his sl'lf'lossosson ) { while fun and laughter Is going on around \ him. The players ) seat themselv08 In a circle and the leader takes his place In time center . lie holds In his hanl1 a white hlllHlIwrchlef , which ho has Imoltcll so as to malcc It partly 5011(1. When e\'erythlng Is really the lender - er tosses the handkerchief up ) In the air . and then every player must hogln laughing . But they must all stop laughing hy lie time the handlwrchlef reaches the floor , mill If anyone does not stop and the e1I1m' I C'atehCJs him either laughing or smiling ho Impos a forfeit 01' n fine Or Instead of making time detected laughel' pay a forfeit he may ho re- qulrod to drop out of the clrclo. If played In this way time players ) : drop out one after another until only ono 13 left and that one wins the prl7.o. - - - The American Eagle. Our bald eagle uo coiled because the feathers on the top of his hmlll are white , was called time Wllshlngton eagle by Audubon the great natural- Ist. Like WaHhlngton , ho Is bravo and fearless , and as his nil III 011111 greatness are known the worlll over so can the eagle Hoar to heights beyond - yond othors. Time ] eagle waR adopted as time em- 110m ! of the United States In 178 [ ; . sluice when It has been used on lute tips ( ) of flagpoles ) . coins United States seals and on the shield of liberty.