i Local and Personal. lIe ordered III' a IlIlIch- Like Kelly dId , I Alllt tool a Roman \llIlIch- , LIke Kelly did , Thmt ordered tip the wine And emptied bottles 111111' . i , Then walled perfect 11 lIe- Like IIellhedlll. -llastll"r a Trltll'.c. 1\lary Sullivan left on Sunday for St. Joe. tl'o Mayor Holt-Gct out thc mud drag. 1\1' . White returned Tuesday from Auburn. Fred Cleveland jr returned to Salem on 1\tcsday. )7' 1\1' and Mns. Frank Stohr went to St. Joe Tuesday morning : Miss Noah is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Noah in this city. - Elsie Goldncr spent Sunday with her parents in this ciiy. Chas. Davis has been quite ill this week with cold and riP. i Dave Hurt and family will soon bc located on thc Maddox farm. Dr. R.P.Robertsdentist over Kings Pharlnacy. Mrs. 1\1art7. has been on thc sick list for thc past two wccks. Elizabeth Sanford was a B. & : 1\1. passenger for St. Joe Sunday. Edna McPherson is just recovering - , cring- from a very severe i11n's5. Gus Neit7.el made a business i ; ; I. trip to Salem the first of thc I weel Paul Fisher of St. Joseph is i a \ 'isitingwith rela tires in this city George Dietch went to Kansas City Wednesday for an extended stay. Katherinc Crabill and Eh'a Sears visited in Stella a part of last wcck. ' Mr. Morehcad was a B. & : 1\1. passenger for Sterling thc first " . " of thc weck. . . Toni Jamison paid five { and cost for a plain drunk before Judge Cleaver tl'ucsday. .1 . Home rendered lard and home ' ' cured hams and bacon at' Coupe " & : Thorn ton's. James Downs , wife and child of I& . Joseph visited in this city thc < latter part of last week. b George Jones and Han'c Foeh- linger were Missouri Pacific passengers - . sengcrs for Stella last wcck. .1 Mrs. John Horner continues to bc in poor hcalth. Her many . 4 friends hope for her speedy rc- : co\'cry Henry Will thc popular grocery clerk at yfords is removing to Kansas where hc will farm _ this summcr. V. G. Lyford spent a day with his daughter Mabel at ackson- yule , Ill. . on his way home from New York. A. R. Goolsby of this city was on the Kansas City market Feb- ruary 24 with a car load each of cattle and hogs. ) - George Hinton rcturncd from Phoenix , Ar7. , Monday , whcre he has been in the interest of thc new consumption curc. George reports a dcligJttful visit and that hc left Dr. Wiser in good health and spirits. 'T he new cure has gained friends rapidly since it was introduced there , and thc consuniptive patients upon whom thc cure is being demonstrated arc all i111prong" rapidly. The Arbor state would bc pleased to see C , F. Heavis of Falls City named as a succcssor to Senator Burkctt's congressional - al job. TIC only thing wc regret - gret is that hc docs not have the place made vacant by Dietrich. Mr. : Rcavis is one of thc brainy men of his party and wc love him for thc enemies he has made.- Arbor State ( ( ) There is a fiddler who infests the shop of Joe Geiger nest door that is ' either going to let up on the bow and fiddle strings or he is going to get his fiddling arm cut ofT right under thc chin. His nerve racking scraping is worse than the wail of a defeated poli- tician. 1\1rs. Charley Banks. who with her daughter Miss Lillian has I spent thc winter here has decided to remove to this city from Deca- tur , Ill. truss Carroll will move her house hold goods into the house one door north of the Banks property where she will make her home in the futurc. 1\11' and Mrs. Chas. Hargrave were entertaining Bishop \Vill- iams during his recent visit to this city , and for dinneronee\ ing had macaruni. Mastcr 'IO111 much to his mothcr's chargin , shouted out "Oh tuauia give mc some more of them windpipcs. " George Holt sat and listened to thc steady boom of the duck hun- tcr's guns thc other day , and shaking his head sadly said , "dog 011 It , I wish I had nothing to do and plenty of money to do it \vi th. " 1\1rs. Harry Morrow was thc hostess of the young married I - ricd ladies Kensington club last Thursday afternoon. The club was royally entertained and delicious refreshments were sen'cd. Bertha Fcnn of White Cloud who has been visiting with friends in Hiawatha was the guest of Helen Fowler between trains Satmda\ ' . If you see the blue mark on your paper relpembcr that it means that you owe on subscrip- tion. It takes money to run a newspaper and The Tribune is no exccption. Clare Foster , Charlie Cornell , Ray Meyers , Fred Paxton and Albert Gray were Stella visitors the latter part of thc wcck. Bert Cornell and Miss ! Douglas returned \YYl11ore Monday af- . , . , - - - - - - - - - - - - \ ' We Are 111 Business to , " ! Y Stay - - - . - . . . . - .J { \Ve will meet any and all cOlllpetition in the Implement Business , - - - - We sell and guarantee the finest line of ltllpleillents Illade. ' , E s If there is lilY defect ; in goods bought of us , r bring , thelll back all ve viii make it good. . 'Ve will be here for that purpose. " I WE ARE NOT SELLING OUT . ] , i We Are In Business Stay . . . _ - - . - oa.a + ® . . . . . . us nnr s . ' WERNER & MOSIMAN ( Permanently in the Implement I usiness ) , . . - . . , . . " . " : " ' - " ' - -ft& " "i'5. lftti112l - - tcr a few days visit with : J. Cor- nell and wife in this city. 'r. L. Hal1 of Vcrdon was in town 'fucsday. GUY McClain of Verdon was in town i\Ionday on his way home from Kansas City. 1\Ir. and .Mrs. C. W. Breithaupt returned l\Ionday afternoon frum St : Louis where their spring stock of millinery was purchascd. The pounding of the carpet beating man is abroad in thc land. Sprint ; certainly "ha\'c come. " l : . C. Jamcs , Edwin li'alloon I and C. F. Reavis were taking ( le . positiOns in Hiawatha Monday in the Ogden shooting case. A prominent g-crman family of this city is to lose two beautiful daug-htcrs at a double wedding to occur the latter part of this month. Compare The Tribune with the other local papers and judge for yourself whether or not it is a barg.tin at a dollar a year. Fred ohr. deputy sheriff of Ncmaha County was in town Monday and Tuesday on business connected with his office. George \V. Marsh was down from Lincoln \Vec1ncsday on bus- incss and shaking hands wIth his many friends. Miss Helen Drebeck returned from the eastern markets Monday - day where she has been buying her spring stock of millinery. - I ; i I llJJiiI TIME TABLE 4' . . L l Falls CilY. Neb i Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph Snit Luke City Kansas I City Portlund St. Louis and all San Fl'ancisc 0 points cast and and all ' points ' . south. west. 'l'l AINS T.gA'g ; \S llor.r.o\\'s : No. -12. Portland St. Louis : Special , S1. IOSCph . . . . Kansas City , st. I.ollis au(1 } all points cast alld sOllth. . . . . 7:20pl11 : . , Xo. 13. Vestihllled express , ( Lud ) ' . Deliver aunt } ill points west alld 1I00'thwes1. . . . . . . . . . 1 :35 a III . . . No. 14. Vestihllled express daily ; , Ht. .Toe , Kall- SolS City , 81. LOlli- . alld ; all points eat ' , ' . alld sOllth. , . . . . . . . 7:43 : a Ii it , No 15. Vestihllled ' ' express , . . ; daily , Dellve , alld all poillts west acid 1I0rth west . , . . , . 1 :28 : I' ' 111 ' No. hi. 1 ( VCatlbliled } express daily , S. ; Joe , Kall- SOlS laity , Ht Lotus Chic Hgoa1l } poillts cast alld sOllth. . . . . 4:25 : p 111 No W. : Local express ( fail ) ' Atchison anti points south and wcs t. . . . 4:35 : p 111 No. 41. St. I.ollis-Portlalld Special , l.incoluIic- ICIHI , 'l'acol11a a till r'ortlancl without change . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : l' 111 > No. 115. Local accol11l11oda- r tiou d 1 a i I Y c x- ) ! Iff , i cept SlIn ay , alem , Ncmaha alld Nc- , hraslm ( ity. . . . . . . . 10:40 : p 111 Sleeping , dinillg' acct reeling chair . cars ( scats free ) 011 through traills. 'r'ickets sold amI baggage chccked to sn ) ' poilll ill thc States or Callada. For illformatioll , time tables , maps and tickets , call 011 or write to G. Stewart , Agent , I , ' alls City , Neb , or J. Francis , G. P. & ' 1' . A. . Omaha. Nellc weaver came clown from Verdon Saturday. 1 .