The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 03, 1905, Image 19
. _ . . . _ _ - . - . - . . - - - - - - - - . . - . - , . . . . . . - - - ' : f . 4- IT IS Iii THE BLOOD Neither liniments nor Ointments Will Reach Rheumatism-How Mr Stephenson Was Cured. People with inflamed ntHl ( aching , joints , Ol' painful 1Ill1Sdl'S j peOIlo who Ihufilc : ! about with the nid of n cane or n crutch nnd " Oh I nt ' ' ' " , ' cry , every slight jar , are cOIIHtnnUy HHldllg , " \Vhat is the Jest ! thing for rheumntism ? " , To nttemlt to cure rheumatism by external - temal nPPlictttiO11R . is n foolish vasto of timo. The sent of the disease is ill the t blood , andvllilo the Imffcl' is rubbing lotions nwl grease on the Hlcill the poison . . . ) .1-- ill the circulation is illcl'casillg. Delays in adopting n sensible ! treatment nre dallgerous because rheumatism 11111) nt any 1Il011l0Iltrench the heart and prove fatal. ' 1'ho only Safe course for rlw\1mnt. ' ( _ . ' . . sufferers is to get the best ! possible blooi - , ( - remedy at ollee. ' 1\Ir. Ste1 > hellson's experience with this , obstinate nlHl distressing affliction if that of hundreds Ho says : is About n year ago I was nttacked by it. severe rheumatic pains in lilY left Hhou1c1er. The pains were worse ill wet I went her , and nt these periods caused ) llo the greatest sufferillg. I tried n 1I111l1bcl' of t.rcntmOllts ntHl ointments , but they failed to alleviate the puills " Then ho realized that the cause must ho deeper aunt the pain only a surface in- clicatioll lIe aelds : " I hlIl : heard Wmiams' ' Pink Pills I for Pale People recollllllelHlecl ( ns It cure for rheumatism , foul when I f011lul that I was getting no relief f1'01\I applications , I JIIacIo up my mind that I would try them. Before the first box was gone I , . noticed that the pains were becoming _ , less frequent , and that they were not fjO , f . , severe ns before. After the second ; box 1 ( ' .1I1ft berth used up I was entirely ' free : . from dlseutnfort , fllld J have had no traces . of rheumatism HiIlCO. " : ' . . 'rho change ill treatment proved hy ! t. almost 1nlllodinto results that ? \ Ir. 4y ; . _ 1'holllns Stephenson , who lives at No.1113 , r' ; , Greenwood street , Sprillgfielll , Mnss" , & . . hod 'found the true menus for the purili- . . / { ; . catioll and enrichment of his hlood. , ; 4 Dr. Williams' Pick Pills are without ' - : , doubt the best of all blood relllcdies , They effect genuine alld lusting cures in rhculllatisllI. 'l'hnJ' do not merely delllh'n the ache , but they expel the poison } from I the hlood. These pills are sold : by all dt'.1ggir..ts. lit A cunning : woman Is sweet , but a Dunning man Is odious \ STATE OF OUlO , CITY OF TOI.KIIOl SA LUCAS loCNT\ : f ' FIIANK J. CIJISKY makeR oath that he II lenlor partner ur the 111'11I of F..1. CIIF.\I Y C Co. . dulu ; , : IJ1I"lne. , III the Clty uf Ttlelu , County and StlilU . OrvrCHIIII. and . that 1I"1 111'11I will pay the hUIII uf . . . . . 0-/0 - : III'XU.II'U : IIOII.\IS : fur cn1 ! and every ii clI'e..1 IATAllltil that CIIIIlIu hu clued hy the use ot . , ! _ IlALL's CAr , nIu : Cun : : , : . ' " FIAXI : " .1. CIIENET. ' : : Sworn to before Inc and ulo"rrlloed III lilY press ' ence , thIs lith day of JJccelllher , A. P. lhP ; , - " - - A. W. ( ; 1iI.ASO , J --t 1 SEAL f NOTARY I'UIILIO falls Clllnrrh Cure Is I taken internally and oct directly ! ! on the blond ' and IIIl1eou Ollt'luced uf the IYdlClII icIIII ! : for test lnnlniala rn'o. F..1. CIIENL : : 'Y & CO . Toledo O. Sold h ) ' nllllrlllllIH t , j ll : , Take Jlull' Faintly l'Uld for coudlll'alloD 'Ve arc too alt to throw bouquets at the dead and mud at the 1I\'lng rlso's Cute Is the best nel1lclnc we ever used for all affections or the throat anl1lun s-WM , O. NDSI.&Y , Yallhurell , Inl1. , Feh. 10 , It1W. Honesty Is the best policy provided you keep your premiums paid UII WHY EET SOAKrD ! fJ / / / / 't ! l 'b:9 : ) ' , < /A " I t. ' . I ' , J. ' FISH \ ) . , , " BRt t : : . I. ' ( ' 7 ' , 'OILCD ' \ , I r CLOTHRNe. , eLFCA CQ TtLLO"V ' - ( L1 KEca YOU DRY Le : - IN THE EYCkYWnER . , MAr.Dr. r i 3'E'6 r 'i 1 GOOK . fOR A9OYtWADE ! ! HARtl DEWARIOFIt11TATION. ! CAT OLOCUES f'PotE SHOWING FULL LINE Of' ' GARMENTS AND HATS A. J. TOWER : CO , S0STON StASS , USA. TC/tRCAN"OIArICO , ITD , TORONTO , C"NAOA. . . , - 1 1 1 r ' ill 1 - Farmer Foddershucks. Farmer Foddershucks-'Say . 1\118- , tel' Waiter , fetch mo a plate 0' raw oysters. " 'alter-"Yes half- - , slr-ll the shell ! " Farmer Foddershllc1ts-"No , sll'- on the hull shell ! I may bo green , young ntul but I got a lIttle money .rit , an' ye can't Junco ! mo on no half ] sholls. Huh I Fust thing I know ro'll : bet me $ f I can't tell which shell the o 'ster's under. Glt theme oysters ! " -Cle\'eland Leader The Society Mother. "What n sweet little girl ! " cx claimed 1\lrs Socletlo , coming down the front steps. "Haven't I seen yor before , dear ? " " ' " "Yes'ln "I thought so. "Thore ? " "In you' house" "Oh , to he sure \ ! You como to play with my little Gladys sometimes , 1 pre. sumo ? " "No'm ; I'm Glad 's.-llouston Post. - - A Compliment. "I mn not rich , " salll the science crank to the great alienist , "and I have no fortune to leave to the cause of science nut when I die I am go. Ing to bequeath my brain to the stu' dents of your college for dissection. " "Uelleve me , " answered the pro fessor , polltel , "wo shall nppreclllle your gift."Te arc profoundly grate- fnl for these bequests , however small they may ho. Letting Him Off Easy. Patient-Great Scott ! Doctor , that's IIn awful bill for one weolt's treat- ment ! Ph 'slclan-l\I ' dear fellow , If you Iwew what an interesting case yours was and how strongly I was tempted to Jet It go to a Ilost-mortem. you woullln't grumble at a bill three times as big as thls.-1\1Qdcrn Society. The Contented Burglar. Vlsllor-"Don't you gel awfully tit ed standing there making shoes nil day and never being ! allowed to talk ? " Con\'lct-"I don't mind It m 'sc1f. limit it's pretty hard on the female shoplIfters In the next building They are not allowed to even utter a \'er- kal complaint while I turn out fifty pairs of these kicks per day. " On the Ic ! ' : . "It's easy , " said Slmyter , trying to teach K1umf'ay the backward roll. "Don't be afraid to throw your body well over All 'ou'\'e got to do Is go 'war : hnclt- " "AIIIl sit down ! Yes , I know ; I can cio that , hut It hurts. ] " Ignorance of Youth. The White Pullet- " ! wish Farmer Jones would provide better henroosts. This one makes me seasick. " - - Cause for Alarm Pennlbus-"Poor Scribbles Is wore rled " Inkerton-'Vhat's the trouble ? " Pennlbus-"lIo's afraid he has lost his cunning as n humorist. The Eng , lIsh magazines are boglnulng to copY his jo1ws ! ' . - - - - - " . " - , . . . . . . . . . , , Mil - - - " , rq"r = -I"f ' ' ) LPi , ! j' ' I ; : , 'J , .r ! " Liver Disease. : ; 4 Q a , - - - - - - - . liver is the grant filtering apparatus - TIlE of the aliment.ntive , or digestive , system It tutees the poison.londecl bile onto of the blood. When the liver lacks : active capacity to do this work then the bile 1)11881's through into tllO general circulation and begins its POi OIIOUS worlc. Through the circulation of the blood it is dillllominawd : : throughout the body , rndually ; Bappin he strength , clouding ( - lIIg the bt ain , weIghing down the energies - gies , weakening the hellrt.'s action , infecting - fecting and undermining the systmn. Eventually the poison begins to nccu- mulaw nt the skin , the IddnovA , the bronchial. tubeR , 01' the lungs , until ! lit last it settles and fastens itself { nt soma ) Pint , which locution may bo far away 110111 the liver j yet it , ill : 'lifugnation or con \ cation of the liver which is i the immediate - mediate cause of the whole trouble. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT. Not unfrefJtJcnUy , in liver diECnRo , the complexion becomes pale and sallow - low , them nlllY be frequent attacks of bilious or sick headache bitter taste in thc mouth , tongue coated white , or covered - ored with a brown fur , unnatural , dry , harsh , or scaly : condition of the Skin , or branny eruptions , pilllple [ , dark blotches , and troublesome t : \ it.chinf' ! There are likely t.o ho II backache ' and fired fccliuRB , lassitude : nndI Helllle : of dobilit . ' 1 hOl'e iH ' y. ( le'I'ORRiOn ' of I , spirits and /1. decided tendency t / to he discouraged timid despondent. There is loss 01' irregularity ! of appetite , uneasiness - I ness in regIOn of the stomach , oppres- ' - sion AOllletimeB ' stomach II Ii" , ) sour , heart- burn " ' nnus'n 1\11(1 waterbrash" " , l'l1 \ - f. Y . : . limit ulencv , ntHl Iwrid 'rltetntions ; tllO . 1 , , , ; : bowels become irrehulnr / , usually con- stipllt < 'd , and occlIslOnally subject to diarrhea , IIth.'IHlell with colicky pninB. ' ' The foregoing : ! symptoms : ere not all present in tiny OliO ( 'IISI' , nor arc any two ClIseH alike hi ey0ry I'CApect. . 1'ho only WilY to help 11 disorclcrcll liver is to treat it , 11/1 it IH I-tho : great , organic , hU1l11\n mtl'l' Doctor Piorco'B j ( Oolllon Medical Discovery clcml8cII urll 1) I ) clcars it j invigorutl's hill revitalizes I this 1110St importllnt. ' its ; organ by ! won- j dm'ful alterative powIr. ! For billous- IWHS , indigestion , twill stomach , and kindred lIilmonts , the Golden Mcdlcnl 1 Discovery is 11 most etllciont remedy I 'I Dn R. v 1'11:1101 I1ufTalo , Ny m , J Dear . lr-Ia Ihu year 114(1) I ) I hncl on ottl\ck r ot hllllg'lilloll ( ( nil lJot 1.0 had lllnt 1113' hen ) doctor "aid Ito could 1101 do mo any : 'JOIJ. I wrote 10 you nlld yutt uI"'I ! > ell mo III , tSO Dr Plerco's Ooldl'lI 1\II'llIl'al 1)Ist'ovory 1 I , so Dri bought Mix IHtlll ! I IIlId when I commenced : tlsllIl It I was so wl'nl ( I'oulel hardly willie 1115)111 11m 1101\1(1 , ily the lltuo I had used outs hot I Ic my SIOII1I1I'II 111111 howols commotlccd to Ileal 1'ltu'C wpm strips ot Iltu 111111111' ot my "wlI1l1ell or howpls ( I dOll't Iwow which ) Oil lurg'o os a mati's two lingers uttssed and 1 lunch o grant deal ot mIHI" ' ' III toy slolllol'lI and howol : , nlld nl"o In the rectum especlttlly. I ' could not cat ollrtlllllrl without huvlltlllllueh I Il1strc ntWnvnrcJ , omit b3 ' the thou J had taken eight mitt ley ot thu tHollloll l\Iod- I I lea ! Dlseo\'I' ) ' " I was oUlIII , and well , amid ( 'uulell'nt nll ' 11I11I1 : I " , ll'usl'd i wllllotltllUlTer- } lug III the Ipust. Coulel also 110 as much work III n dn3' us I ever ( 'Otlle ! . I Have not suffered fl'OlIIllto It'Ouhlu shire , anti It was four 'enl'tI ago / that I was MJ sll'le. G. 'J'ltImT. ( lop ' ( lonvllle . 'l'oxns. I If you rue looking for n perfect laxative - ti\'e try DI' Pierco'l : ! Pleasant ! : 1'ellets. I' ' YOU INO\V what YOU want It's the denier In medicines business to supply that want. If he urges I upon you something else , he's thinking of the larger profit he'll make , not of YOUR wellarc. Shun such a denier. . . Conviction Follows Trial f loose coffee ' anything ' happens When buying 01' your ; grocer to have in his bin , how do you know what you are getting ? SOIllQ ( ) llleer storied abort com that iR sold in bulk , could bo told , if the people who handle it ( grocers ) , cured to speak out. Could my mnount of more talk have porsuadccl millions of \ housekeepers to use Lion Cot 1'e , the leade'1. 01 all package coUces for over a quarter of a century , if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purity , Strength , Flavor and UnUormlty ? . This popular success of LION COFFEE can be due only to inherent merit. There is no stronger prool of merit titan cott- tlnued and Incrcusing popularity. It the verdict of MILLIONS aF m q' HOUSEKEEPERS sloes not convince . you of the merits of LON COFFEE,1 , ' it costs you but a trifle to buy a ; i' N package. It is file easiest way to I , convince yourseil , and to made you a PERMANENT PURCHASER. LION COFFEE Is Fold only in 1 lb. 001110 ( pnckntcP , 1 factory. and reaches you as pure and clean as tvhett It left our IC , Cd Lhln-head on every pnckagc. Save these Llou-heudn for v + daitble premiums. f lr Q t ; . , . SLID BY GROCERS" ' Fb b EVERYWHERE i VOOLSON SPICE CO. , 'Toledo , Ohio. rs a res - . . - ' - PINAL CURVATURE Can be Cum\ s ALSO OTHER Otf'ORMITltS. Write Of call ot office torfr.o Intorma' D ' lion JlhhoSI IcstimolllaJ from prom' inert stalcsllllm , and Thyslcinns. Con suit } 'our Famih' DorioI' . r0 braces or ' aiphancesused. Treated lsucccssful IIY mllll Six 'cnrs' ox , Ioniancc. I toe lIIomQvlSl Gi'mndsth ; h Orllopcodlc ! lost Co yrlght 1902. . . . . o IPICOaPOwATt CAPITAL 2B,000.00. ICTO4f 2110nLINGTCiN " , OMAHA. Ni.ti. lE"1S9sn ILE r f1 N D .It.R STRAIGHT liCIGAR . " A L , r . 0 ci . y trt ® C Lout Jobber J , IJr direct flO.u t.4llIJI'Y , 1'001'111 / , 111. - - - - - W. N. U , Omaha , Nil 9-1905 - , . , - BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs ! ! and cqld:3 , ! i C'JSATORS. Tilt OLD 'l'UU8TY III' uIJl\t'Jr urn made : hy _ ) ( I , JuhIlKUII. Ow Inr'uhfllfJr r \ Inw11uniudeSa.M1bs , ( ) ' , , J r 'm inventing J"I OLD ' " 1'ltUHl'Y. YEl' i ' } pay fur . itselr hnli'h' 'r. Forty dllya' free trial and u live YClir' UllrflU' tee. For bug free clltn' lKue , 810 : I ) ( poultry Illud' . " atlons . RIolrc IH , . . . , r'w1. M. JOHtlSOf.J ! CO. , Box O. T. . Clay COllter. . I . - C : " : : ! on ore : ) r.-o vi10 ' - eon FARMS ) r \oJ ; 1 pnymeets I J. UUJ.1IAj.L , Sioux City . low& . Louts tiutut Au tiSE FAILS. ! lent C'uul ' ! I Byrup. 'i'ttte (3oull. Ueo r In11me. dole by dnlaalsts.