The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 03, 1905, Image 14

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    . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . rxur.l . .r .wa-.rrr-a > _ r : < _ _ ex xa + . .n
Puhtishcd l \'cry Friday at
FALLS CITY , N1 1 ! ; 13RAS1cA
. . ' ¼ 'I'RIBUNl ] PUBLlSJlINU } CO.
- - - - -
lIlct"cll 1 as sccolJl-clasM mallcl' , Julu- :
ary 12 . l'XHat the } post ol1iccat t.'nUs
City , Nell. , IIlIlIcr the Act of COlIgTcsS :
of March J , 18iIJ
'L'clcphonc No. 22 ( , .
Thc blessings of an American
citizen carry with them great rc-
slwnslhilitic- ! _ Becausc of the
country's abounded reourccsand !
, thc individual : opportunity g'uar- !
:1i11itced by our laws , thc A mt. rican
citizen \ has : a larger degree of
material well being than the c it-
izen i of any other civilize ( ! nation.
'l'hc'cry fact of having , i- i ; responsible -
ponsible for an avarice a grecd.
a grasping conanierci dish that is
at once thc scorn of other nations
1 and : the menace of the body poli-
tic. The growth of the trust is
not due to law , neither is it due
. to thc failure to enforce the law.
F 'l'hesc are but the effects ! of the
primary cause which lies behind. i
1'he trust is the product of a
y national characteristic and that
I is the love of IIlOnc ) ' . The desire
for wealth creates an admiration
for him who possesse it ; an admiration -
miration that throws a halo about
) - , thc head of thc very rich and
t :1'i prevents the enforcement of thc
laws which are violated with impunity -
"l'lurnuglttatt.nil \ lut1us.nutll ; clcesIlutpPar
12fiLrsuul , \ hurt d II'U\I'II'I h1l1l' all. Platy nits
\l'lth l'ulI\ \
J 11Ith. \ . . st1011 : lallce uf 371,1 tkl ! 11 ItrIli ' ss h.'al ;
. \.mlt ill r.tKs . a pIKm ) ' " arrow .Iolh plt..c. .
It. "
Yon can never distro\ an unlawful -
lawful combination b\ law , until
lIlane1 its destructIOn. You can-
not create honesty by legislative
enactment , neither can virtue be
had because of constitutional
: lmcne1mcnts.Vhcn the youth
of America is taught that there
, ' . arc greater I hings to be a.quired
than monc ) ' . When thc love of
. thc beautiful IS more attractive
iI. . .
than the glInt 01 thc gold / : upon
. the coin.Vhen the public con-
, science shall have been educated
to give something to thc world ,
rather than to talc somthil1g' : :
from the world , then will the
cause of unlawful trusts have
4 been removed llld thc reason for
their destruction come to pass.
The chief thing done hy such
men as Roosevelt , Folk and La
. .
, Poll ette is not their assaults upon -
on those in high places , but is
the education of the American
people in the way of integrity ,
and to stake it popular to be hon-
And bunch of ' - !
now a vinegary
old maids in New York have re-
solutcd "Now I lay mc down to
slecp" out of cxistcnce.
'l'herc is something thc matter
t E
-aster--et. : . _ < 9lwaA. _ _ -.aG
_ . . . . _ . - _ . _
_ _ _ _ - -
with its g'rammar and thc line ,
Ilif I should lie before I vale , "
is horrible in its sentinietlt
'l'hcsc old maids have what they
call Ilmothcr's congress , " and
arc infallible in thci l' theoretical
judg-cmcn as to thc care of child-
ren. Of course they have no
practical knowleg'c , for they are
virtuous , arc these old maids.
But the old prayer must go.
\Ve have often thought that
thc Almighty must know the
sand man's hour down here , and
that as it approaches hc waits
and listens to hear childish voices
in every tmlg'uc repeat , IINow I
lay me down to sleep , I pray thc
Lord my soul to lecp. "
No other prayer ascends to th i
great white throne with greater
faith than this. Its g-rammar
ma ) ' bc bad , but it has precious
mcmorics for every man. Its
sentiment may bc "horrihle , "
but thc child is not frightened as
it says "if I should lie before I
wake , " for there is faith in thc
little heart as the next line is repeated -
peated III pray thc Lord m\ ' soul
to takc. " To ( hscan1 this old
prayer , is to destroy the most
precious association , and to ( ll'-
pri'c the next generation of men
of one of thc things to be drcam-
ed of about thc fire at nig'ht. I
\Vith apologies tothcllmothcr's
congress , " wc must express the
\'eiw , that it is composcd largely
of unmitigated asses and lit sub-
Jccts for the foolish house
. . - -
Thc Tribunc contends that thc
grand jury system is an unncc-
essary expense , and its motive in
so con tetmling is merely that of
economy. This statement is on
thc presumption that wc have a
county attorney who will do his
duty. Under thc administrat'on
of this office as it was n1anag'cd
by young Martin : , a grand jury I
would have saved the criminal
laws of the state from utter neglect -
lect and would probably have
been of benefit to thc county.
Mr. James however , starts out as
though he meant business , and if
hc shows the same zeal during
his entire term of office as hc evidenced -
denced at the last term of court , a
grand jury will be unnec ssary.
Under thc law thc county attor-
ncy may file complaint and in-
quire into any alleged breach of
thc law. Why then should thc
county bc com pcllcd to pay a
jury of men to do what thc law
makes it the eh.ty of one man to
do , and who is paid his salary
whether hc docs or docs not do
hisduty ?
Time standard oil has set apart
twenty million dollars to light
thc agitation now prevailing
against the concern. One of the
hoard of directors said in New
York last week that "this man
Roosevelt is thc most dangerous
man the United States has ever
scen. " Dangerous to thc big and
- - - ; : , ; _ . . _ , , ; . : : . . . : : ; : : : : : _ - . : : : - - - : . . . : . . . - : - . . _ = - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - . - - _ _ _ r _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . , . . - . . . . _ , . . . . .t.
_ - _ _ . ,
- t
The Little Folks
If we succeed in impressing upon yom
I Parents . . .
minds the importance of teaching your
children the ideas ' thrift and
correct concerning econo-
- I : >
my , we will feel well repaid for all our efforts. The
Saving Habit should be instilled in their minds early J
in life ; it develops character , thrift and energ"Y. Early j
trailing ill self denial , instructions as to the use and t
value of money : opportunities for earning and saving - " I
. money ; all these tend to fix and fasten the children in y
the way of thrift and prosperity. '
Our Children's Department - . <
Is designed to encourage the little folks to save their
money by depositing it in this bank where it will earn j
them four per cent intercst. A goodly number of chil- i
drcn arc already T following our . suggestions , ' but there Mare
are hundreds who are not. If you think our advice J
good why not encourage your children to become 1
monev savers.
. - . - . -
. . . . .
'hu.'I ' 1I1i" ! " ' - - - i
little thief , but especially dangerous -
ous to the big onc. Dangerous
to those who would prostitute
the commercial world and purch-
aSc thc political world.
Dangerous to . all who arc op-
posed to his now famous utterance -
ance "lust a square deal , that is
all. " Safe however for all amen
who believe in honest government -
ment and equal rights. Safc for
American's present and her hopeful -
ful future. 'rhc Kansas City
'l'imes ( L11(1. ) well said 11'l'hc
American people should thank
God for 'l'hcodore l ooscvcl t. "
The roads need the drag'
, By all means have a scwcr. It
is thc next logical internal im-
provetmcent. ' I
\Vc have heretofore been very
glad to read the three HUl11bolclt
papers , but of late it is a sad
task. 'l'heir columns have been
lilted with obituaries. From thc
children to men grown old thc
reaper has gone , and there arc
many sad homes ill our sister city
as a rcsul
Thc president has called a spec-
ial session of thc senate to con-
\'cnc March 4th. This is doubt-
less for thc purpose of considering -
ing certain treaty rclations. Bur-
kctt will walk from thc south to
thc north wing of thc capital
building and present his credentials -
tials as thc United States senator
from Ncbraslm.
Kccp way from the mail 01'-
dcr hO lsc. A Falls Cityuran patro-
nized one of the mail order mat-
rimonial bureaus and got a wife.
She was warranted all wool and .
a yard wide , and hc ordered hcr.
She proved to bl' a cross- ycd , r
pcr-oxidc blond , spavined and
with a face that is a breach of
the pc ace. Hc is trying to side
step now , but it is up to thc divorce -
vorcc court. Patronize home in-
dustry. I
'rhc Hiawatha \Vorld had SS9
inches or display advertising and
547 lines of paid local in its issue 1
of last week , or a total of over 17 J
pages. Falls City is a better
town , in a better county , wIth
better stores and a better market
to draw from. No local paper
carries an average of 200 inches
inches of a(1\'crtising. Do you
wonder that the catalogue houses
look upon this as a legitimate "
field ? I
- . . . I
A lady writes to this office in
response to the editorial in last
weeks issue about thc church
member who pcrmitted his team
to stand for two hours unprotected - '
cd frcm the cold , and thc m(1n
was good to his family but who
drank , and says Hthe church g'0-
ing man is a bad man with a
good habit , and thc man who is
good to his family but drinks , is
a good man , with a bad habit. "
Can you put it more kindly than
that ?
The only thing to bc feared
about the anti-standard oil sentiment -
ment with thc country is aflame ,
is that it may be but a spasm of
virtue that will die out with the
adjournmcnt of thc legislatures
that inspired it. However , the
wrongs of this and other commercial -
mercial combinations will some
day be righted , else the future of
America is foreboding indced. <