The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 03, 1905, Image 13
. . . . - - . . - - - U' 'r Dcnt.lcss Cnnnot Be Cured by local applications , 118 they cnnnot reach the dla eR ell portion ot the 'ar. There Is I only one . way 10 curl ! deafness , and that Is by cuu.lltutlonRI rellleille. . Deafness I. caused l1yall 1I1IllIIl'tI : cOlllllllon of the mucous lining ot the Eustal'hilln TuLJc. when tits tulle 18 Itlllalllcil you have a rllnlhllnl sound or Imperfect . perfect henrln ; , and when It 18 eutbcly oloacd , Ieaf- bees is the ! result , and unless the lullnullllntlou call be taken out rind this tube re.tnn d to ItA normal eondl , lion , hearnI ! will \)0 destroyed forever : nine l'RhC. out at ten are caused : by ( "Marrh whIch 18 DnthlD ! but an inflamed condition ot the mucous \ sllrfaces. We will lave One hundred Jl\lIl1r. for any case of Veaflll'ps ( c\uprll : lIy clltRlrh ) thut cannot ho cured ' I by 1I1111's Catarrh Cllre. Scud far circulars . free F..1. CIIENEY k CU. , Toledo , O. Said by In1gRsts ! , 71C. Take lIall's Falllily 1'1118 for constlpatloll. Fancy Prices for Relics. - For It love letter written by Robert . 4 Burns the Scottish poet , $50 was paid not long ago. Yet a brass collar which was worn by Boatswain , the dog to . y , _ . whose memory Lord Byron erected a - monument at Newstead abbey , fetched 21 guineas , while the collar at Thun- I derer , another of Lord 13yron'8 dogs realized 4 . guineas only I ' -'J > " ' A Plttsburg boy who left home to ' pose as a man was discovered wearing . Ing trouser : ! much too large for him. This was easy for the pollee. If he had been a real man he would have worn trousers entirely too tight for him , such as so many fashion plates foist on bu 'ers-Buffalo J xpress. It Is noble to be alive to the little ness of earth , but It Is nobler to become - come impressed with its greatness ; to the animal life It Is only a 1)lct\ll'e ground ; to ordinary men it is the con monplace world ; but to him who lives above It It becomes a shining mOOll. i Once a year the archbishop of Tuam preaches a sermon all health and I cleanliness. The national board of the Catholic Truth Society of Ireland has . _ issued ! ' a sanitary sermon as a pam- t1 pillet which sells at a penn ; It will ' ' It Is believed do much good. 'I' Petals of chrysanthemunm flowers , dried In an oven and mixed with a small quantity of cascarilla bark , I males Ideal "tobacco , ' and Is less harmful to the nerves and eyesl ht. READS THE BOOK. f - - "The Road to Wellvllic" Pointed the Way. Down at Hot Springs Arl" , the visItors - hors have all sorts of complaints , but It Is a' subject of remark that the great majority of them have some trouble with stomach and bowels. This may , _ ' he partly ) attributed to the heavy med- icines. Naturally , under the conditions the question of food is very promlll nt. A young man states that he had suffered . fered for nine years from stomach and bowel trouble , hud two operations which did not cure und was at lust threatened with appendicitis He went to Hot Springs for rheumatism - matlsm und his stomach trou14le got : i ' worse. One day at breakfast the it t waiter knowing his condition , suggested - Bested he try Grape-Nuts and cream , II which ho did , and found the food agreed with him perfectl . After the second day he began to sleep peacefully at night , different l than he had for ) ' 0111'5. The perfect digestion . T gestlon of the food quieted his new oils system and made sleep possible. He says : 'rhe next morning I was astonished to find my condition of constipation . stlpatlon had disappeared. I could not believe It true after suffering for so many years ; then I tool more interest in the food read the little book 'The Road to 'Vellvll1e , ' and started following . ing ! the simple directions. "I have met with such results that in the last five weeks I have gained eight pounds In Sllllo of hot baths which take away the flesh from any- one. one."A friend of mine has been entirely cured of a bad case of Indigestion and stomach trouble hy using ! Grape.Nuts Food and cream alone for breakfast. "There is one thing In partlcular-I have noticed a great change in my mental condition Formerly I could hardly remember anything , and now ) the mind seems unusually acute and rett'ntive. I can memorize prncUcall anything I desire. " Name " given by \ , Po.tum Co Battle Creek , Mich . . . - CAT TAKES RAT'S HOME , - . . - - Devours Natural Enemies and Occu pies Their Domicile. A brood of rats made their home last summer beneath un ash house In the rear of one of the houses In the old Dorchester district. Near by , be. neat the piazza } of another house , 1\ homeless cat reared a quartet ot l\1t. tens. The people In the neighborhood fed the cat and her furry little ones , hut they declined all advances and remained wild as young 1 'nxeB. The old cat speedily taught her family to become expert rat catchers. One ot the kittens paid especial attention . tentlon to the ash house near al hand , In the flooring of Which the rat : ! had gnawed large holes and were living happily. One by one that kitten depleted . pleted the family of rodents until they I had become entirely wlpod out. 'l'hen I time juvenile cat enlarged the passage they hall made beneath the ash house until It was ample to accommodate her own prO101.tlons } She gathered together the nests they had used until . tli she had a large and comfortable bed , and all through the present winter . . ter she has made her home In this place , apprOIJ1'latln the larder of the rats to her own uses She Is as willi as ever and those vis sting the ash house rarely see more than thc tip of her nose or an eye as she ! occasionally comes to time mouth of the great rat hole.-Boston Globe. Lighted Witches to Jail There Is In thc possession of Walter L. llarris of Salem a unique lamp , shaped like a bowl and with n curving handle. 'l'hls Is said to have been used vp - . ------f _ . . = - . - - _ - . . , during the olden times , the days of the witchcraft delusion to light Into jail some of the witches. It Is of Iron and must have been filled with oil with a wick floating on the sllrfaco. One gazes on this black lamp and wishes It could tell its story ot the past. Salem has many spots which are pointed out to strangers In connection with the witchcraft delusion. There Is the supposed witch house where It Is mid I at preliminary examinations took place. Then , In the courthouse arc shown the pins which according to allegations were stuck Into vIe- tlms Time old jail now reconstructed Is the home of Hon. Abner C. Goodale. Class Holds Many Reunions. Few high school classes can boast of having reunions for twelve suc- cessive years ! ' ! after graduation , but that is the record of the class of 1893 of Rockland 1\1e" , high school. Its latest reunion was held .Tan. 14 at the home of two classmates In Lynn and ten members of time class were prescn Old Fort to New Uses. , ( 11 rk , I I I Whether It was the spirit of loyalty or the desire for novelty which caused a resident of Washington boulevard , not far from Homan , or thereabouts to build a small barn./- or outhouse , for the storing of coal after the model ot the old Fort Dearborn is not plain but nevertheless the queer structure stands on the back at the lot , weather. stained and beaten , e. bit at old Chi' cage In the new.-Chlcago focord Herald. / Mother Oray'e ; Sweet PO'l'l'thlrll for Chlhlrcn. Successfully ! used Mother ray nurse In the Chlldrcu's Homo III Now York , euro Coust.lpntioll . , 1"o\'m'lshucs9 , had StolillWh , 'l'uothlug nisordm's , 1II0VO IIIIlI rcgllilltu time . Bowels uull Destroy Worms. Over BOOOO lestlmonluls At mill Druggists , 2e. : Sample l"H.EE Address \.8OI11l9t.ol1 . , Lelioy , N.Y. A man likes to feel that his ways are tree from 80llish llIotlve ! A GUAnANTEI l ) JUltI : Iron 1'11.1:5 . Itching , illiud , lIIeetlllll ur I'ruirmlllll 1'110''nllt druggist will refund money It I'\ZO OINTMENT falls to cure you lu G to [ tlnyft. GOc. I AD 1 a bIt _ It Cures Colds , Coughs , Sere Throat Croup Influenza , Whooping Cough , Jlronchlll" anti Asthmn A certaincuroforConsuntption ! in fir,1 stages , and a sure relief in u.I\'lIlIcell RlnOfcs. FH at once. You will see the excellent effect lifter tnltlllif the first dost' Rolll hy dl'lIlcrs every whcre. Large ! bolll" 25 : ! : cent : : ulna 50 ccntt Positive , Comparative , Superlative " I have used ono of your Fish Brand Slickers for fIve years and now want a new one , also ono for a friend. I would not be without one for twice the cOlt. They arc Just as far ahead of 11 common coat as a common ono I. ahead of nothing. " ( NAME ON APPLICATION ) De sure you don't get one of the common . man klnd-thl Is the . Rt1lf1 : . mark of excoilonco ' \ n."R. " ; , . c : A. J. TOWER CO. /j _ . . .m BOSTON U. s. A. 7H BRAS TOWER CANADIAN CO. . LIMITED TORONTO , CANADA Makers of Wet { Weather ClothIng and slats U2 , s A -'ft ; : i - . b000 i r D . ) .cr' . . . . . . , 1i .J" , + " BEST SEEDS " Ever Grown. , . None betternnd nOnl180 H EAP low In price. to per pkt and up , IIOFtpllhl. Finest .iI . 1lu-trnt'd , catalogue ever . ' , printed sent FrlEE. Engravings - ings of every 'nrlelr. A great lot of extra p kga.of seeds , new sorts , presented free with every . or'lrr. Some sorts onions only We . , per Ib Other need elltlllly low. 40 years R seed rower and dealer and all customers MtlFfll'd. Nt old seed. Bend yours and nelghbor's names : for big lIIuRttRted free cululogltl R. H. SHUMWAY , Rockford Ills. - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ I . . I I , . 4 I - ( i WHAT'S TIlE USE OF SAYING "GIVE l\IFA < 5CgN'I' : CIGAR " WngN BY ASKING FOR A I I \ , L . "CREM t . yOU GET TIIl BES'I' 5.CEN'I' CIGAR IN { AMERICA . -4 - liTho World's ' Largcst Sellor" . 1. 1.4 -4 ; : 'T 'y r r r ° r'r r r' v . + w . DEMPSTER IMPROVED ; ! r STEEL WIND MILL ' NQ 7 e ROLLER RIM arAR1 : , Il i . THEY STOP THE t10ISE AND LESSEN THE WEAR LATEST. STRONGEST. OUT. fACTORY. BEATRICE. tE& ( BRANCH HOUSES : Kansas City , Mo , Omaha , Neb. , Blouz Falll , B.D. Bee nearest dealer or write for olrcular. , , t , Salzer's National Oats Greatest ont of the contnn' Yielded In OhIo IM7dn Mich. 2:1\ : \ , In Mo.255 . and Dakota t 310 bus. per uero. You can bout that rooord In IIQ ) . For lOc end this notice we mall you frro IotA 5 of farm seed ' ' sampiei Pllli our 111. catalog tell. Ing 1 alt about thin \ oat wonder and . , } LI10UMUlIII of other .K'dll. ( ' " , JOHN A. SALlER SEED CO. La Crosse . LTxv WI. THE FARMERS : on the t G R Free Homestead Lands f 0' Ap Western Canada Carry the bnnner'or ylolds 0' wheat and o the r grains for 1004. 100,000 FARMERS receive . OOO.OOO as a result of their WheaL Crop alolte . The returns from flatus , Barley nod other "rains. u well /18 cattle and horses , add cUtI8ltlorably to this. tecuro a Free Ii"ntestead at once , or J1urch&s frulll Home rtJlluhle dealer while lands are lelllng a' present low prll"J Apply for Information to SuperIntendent of Jmml' rraa"n . Ottawa , Canada , or to authorized Canadian OIl\'l'rIlIl1fJnt A ellt-W. V. ltellutJtt , bOl Now York Life lIuiJdllll , lIIalta , Xe1Jra..ka l'lease say where you saw tbls adverUlimenL. i i YOU'RE NEEDED I The section traversed by the l\lIssonrl , Junsa'l R 'I'CXU'l Hy IR very comprehensIve. From St. Louis 1111111110111 or Kallsa' City to Gu1\'e'ton or Sun Antonio ts a stretch ot over one thousand ! miles of territory , capable ) of ustnlllltlif I a llOllIllntioll many tlmo' that of the 11resent. A thousand iudu-tries , sell , ! of various degrees of fertility wonderful produce of plants nllll crops , oil , gas ( and minerals are to bo found. Peopled ) by eager pushing , wlllo- awake citizens who believe In the future of the Southwest and nee the virtue of encouraging ' Inl enterprises of every description and of getting more and better facilities the oppor- tunity Is apparent. The Southwest 11'1 ' relllly In need of nothing save Pcopse. More men are t1r.ec2el1- whichflooded. . 'I'hero are vast nreU8 of unlmpro\'e ( Inml-lulIIl t not ) 'Ieldlnlf the crops of whlel1lt Is cutlable ' 1'110 same thlllg In different way , Is true of the townsg Few lines \ of business are ndclluntel represented. There arc openings for mills and manufacturing = ) ! ants , small stores , Imnll'l newspapers and lumber 'urds. } The oil 5151(1 gas fields : of Kansas Indian Territory and Oklahoma are practically new und offer wonderful opportunities for ' development along commercial lines. THE OPPORTUNITY IS NOW. The M. K. fi T. has : : no lands for sale \\11 are Imply , Intercstcllln the upbulhllnR' of i time country 'Vo believe In the Southwest , and know Hmt with Its present needs and op. portunitles the prospects are brighter and . the future more hopeful than in the older und " 1 y , more densely populated Stutes We wunt you ; to investigate conditions and satisfy I yourself ' or of the truthfulness of this On February : 21st and March 7tlland For The : ! lst I , the 1\1. K. L T. Hy. will sell excur slon tlcltets from St. I.ouls , Jlllnniballind $ 15 Kansas City to In an'erritory. 011111' Round Trip bema and Central und Eahtern ; Texas , nt You should take advantage ot this opportunity to see the Southwest for yourself. We are In possession of all sorts ! of information valuable . able alike \ to the investor and homebeckor. If you are Interested tell U'i what you want how much you have to ( ItIVCbt and \\0 will gladly furnish the Information. Writh to.dl y for a copy of our book Juslness Chunccli " It's frcru : ! AddreMI ? - ( Jt'OIW.IIITU ; : c U . I' . A T. AI , Pot 01 : . X . St. r"alt. Jlo. p S ( I . W. SSITIt , S. V. .4. . SIO . ' ' 'Iu.lI. Jlulldlaf t1.I.o , 111. ' ) l. r. nUII8111II : , a. ! ' . A" , Ol1..tllo. D.UdJa" . 0..11 . , Ukl. . T. P. WOKIIILT ( : , p. 1' . A" .18 Oil , , " . ' fati.a.l Saab illy . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . U. .to x.nTt , v. r. . . . , , tot..Unlf , XUW Clyt > ra rm . - I'