The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 03, 1905, Image 10

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Oppression Like the ShntJow of Doom
) Hanging Over the Capital-Every
" t one Seems to Shrink From What
May 'Next Happen.
S'I' PI 'I'EHSBUna- extra-
ordinary silting ! of the council of the
empire hUH hC1I summoned to colt-
nlllnr the situation resulting " from the I
IlmmHHlnulIolI of Grand Dlllw SorhlH ,
Tilt ellllll'I'OI' of HIIHHla , hy It 1I1mBo
Issued Saturday , nmtorlHI to favor In
the hllllurial familY the Grand Duke )
Paul xllnllrovltch , who some years
ago " was degraded ! of mlle ) and honors
because ) ' , In opposition to the will of
the emperor and the wishes of the
imperial family , ho contracted a JIIor-
ganatlc marriage with Mndame Olga
I'Istolkoos. In IlccordlUlN' wilh the do-
'I'eo O\'l\nll fuke ) Paul 18 reinvested
with his title and military HtalHlln , ,
and aH general ) allledpculIIII to his
maJesty ! , will uttonll ( the funeral of
Grand DIlI\O SorgluB , his hrothcr
' ' ' Duke ) Sor-
The body of the Grand -
gins lies In the Cholllloff monastery
al Moscow , where nn llClJIOI'y guard
hoops vigil and priests Intone prayers ) .
for the repose of his BOllI.
'l'hat merest \ Is yet prevalent within
the olllJllro Is ovillon'ell by the fact
that n district olllcial at Igllyr ] was
aHsllsHlnnl hy Armenians for political - I
tical reasons yesterday ( and that at
Vagarshapad the mayor WuS shot and
Ie III ell , whlll at Klchlnof an attack
was made hy an unknown man on the
prefect of police of that dty.
Oppression ! like ; : the shadow of
doom HOOIII ! to he hanging , over the
Russian caJlltal. Bells are telling and
the people ) 111 the streets are awestruck '
struck nt yestordny's bloody erltno
Everyone Rooms to shrink 1I0for' the
) , ' cOlltomlllation of what IIIny happen
' ' struck In the
1I0Xt. The tragedy t Ht deep < <
heart of tile perplexed allli tried t emperor -
peror , and many who wore unsparing
In their criticism yesterday have
onlY expressions of sympathy for his
unhappy lot. The hitter cup which
dUl'lng the last year has been pressed
again and again , to his lips Is once
more tilled to the brim , and In almost
lIlllwtlc words this morning ho 1m-
llorcs his subjects to pray for the
repose of the soul of his murdered
uncle Death Is In the nit' and no one
1mows where the next blow may fall
although precautions have been
douhled In every direction for the
preservation of the lives of the members ,
hors of the imperial family and the
ministers , and , secret police are seeking : - :
Ing out and arresting those Imown to
ho associated with the fighting or-
ganizations. The authorities realize
their impotency to ward off the swift
nets of terrorism , murder In the
streets being possible al any Instant.
The only safety seems to lie In seeking : -
tng safety behind palace walls , Ilnd
nIl the imperial family have been :
warned not to venture omit
Needs Money to Prosecute Standard
Oil Inquiry.
ASHINGTON-li'unds with which
to prosecute the inquiry Into the
methods of time Standard Oil company
In Kansas were asked : of the house
by Secretary Motcalf of the department -
mont of commerce and lahol' In his
( comm\mlcatlon time secretary says
that this inquiry rnnnot ho completed
before July 1. His suggestion Is that
the unexpended balance of nn item ! of
46,000 and another of $15.000 carried
In the current legislative , executive
and judicial appropriation act , bo
made available for this as well as all
other work of the Investigation which
his department Is prosecuting
, ' ' to
These items were appropriated
" tl'llst" and other
carry on the "beef
nut Express Sympathy for the People
of Russia.
'J'OKIO-Collllllonting on time nssaa-
Hlnatlon of Grand Duke ) Sorghll nt
Moscow , the .Jljl Sldmpo expresses
Its HYIJIJlathy al his 1'1101 ' death , hut
docIII'l's ) the act IA nltrlhlltnhlu to the
high . htuuled IIInnnor of the Russian
government In repressing the recent
labor demnoustratlons ! . The paper Hays
thllt oppressive measures against ex
pression of national wishes ! invite
such outrages fl'OlII the ollllressod.
'I'he war In the far cast resulted
from the aggressive , action of the Russian '
Hlan governlllont , with which the Russian .
silln people [ have little sympathy , " the
.Jljl Shl1l1po adds "In one sense
Japan Is waging IL war against the
Russian nation arising from oppression -
lion hy the autocracy , hut Japan Is
fighting the government , and not the
people of Russia "
Time paper predicts a better understanding -
standing with increased sympathy between -
tween the two peoples ! after time war
IIlIH ended ) and , after again lomentlng
the crilllo which resulted In the death
of Grand Duke Sm'gills , expresses time
hope that It will he fruitful of good 1'0'
Other newspapers comment In It
Hhnllllr strain on the assassination of
the grand (1111(0. .
Army Officer to Be Investigated at
His Own Request
been issued from the war department
allllolntlng It hoard to Investigate and
report on an alleged shortage of the
accounts of Cnt. Jacques do I'Lafitte ,
qllllrlern\llstor of the transport 1-
gnu , now in this 1101'1. This board It
IH stated by Captain [ I'LnflUe's
friends , Is appointed nt his own request -
quest , as ho 15 held responsible for
the funds , and ho asserts that there
Is a shortage In funds which were he-
'OI\(1 hl8 control. It Is necessary that
the quartermaster of each tran port
take $5,000 01' $ I , OOO In his safe on
each trip , ah all payments of em-
ployes IIIl1st he made In spel'le On
the return trip from Manila Captain
l'l.afitto vas ill and confined to his
bed most of time way across While
he was III the money was In the
charge , of subordinates , and the investigation -
vestigation demanded Is to fIx the re.
spommsibility If possible , for the alleged ,
leged shortago.
Agreement Entered Into With Great
W ASHI GTO -A parcels post
treaty between this government , and , .
Great Britain has been signed by
President Roosevelt , Secretary Hay
and Postmaster General " ' 'nne. It
has already been signed hy the Brit-
Ish officials and will tale ; : erect
The fInal conclllsion of the British
treaty Is n source of considerable
gratification , to officials here and a
substantial Increase In the volllme of
postal business Is expected to follow.
Time movement for a parcels post arrangement -
rangomont between the two countries
began many years ago The treaty
follows the general provisions of
existing parcels post treaties with
other govornments. A parcels post
treaty with Franco Is expected to be
concluded shorU ' .
Great Fire In IndIanapolis.
DIANAPOLIS-For four hours
Sunday night the wholesale dIstrict ,
bounded by- Georgia told Meridian
streets and Jackson ; : Place and the Union .
Ion depot sheds , eras menaced by a
fire which started in the wholesale
warerooms of time Rahnloy & McCrea :
Millinery comllllny At 9:30 : o'clocl
three general alarms brought into ac-
lion every department In the city and
sllburbs. When the fire was brought
under control the loss was estimated
to be not less than $1,500,000. On
fireman was hurt by falling walls.
. _ . a . . - zx . ' p..g'w' " ' . , . ' : > :
. "
- .
Vehicle is Blown to Pieces by Force
of the Exploslon-The Assassin , a
member of the Noted "Fighting
Group , " Under Arrest.
1\IOSCOW-Wlthln the walls of the
fnr.famed Kremlin palace and almost
underneath the historic tower from
which Ivan the Terrible watched the
heads of his enemies failing beneath
the axe on time Red square , and within
fL stono's throw of the great bell of
Moscow , Grand Duke Sergllls , uncle
and brother-In-law of Emperor Nicholas -
Ins and the chief of the reactionaries ,
mot a terrible death shortly before 8
The deed was committed by n
single terrorist , who threw beneath
the carriage of the grand dultu n.
bomb charged with the same high-
power } explosive which wrought Minister -
Ister von Plehve's death The missile
was pncloll ( with nails and fragments
of Iron and Its explosion tore the imperial -
perinI VIl'tlm'B body to ghastly frag-
monts which strewed the snow for
yards around.
The assassin belongs to the noted
"fighting grollp" of the socialist re-
voilltionary party , which has removed
other prominent officials and long
since passed sentence of death upon
Grand Duke Sorglus.
The grand duke knew that ho stood '
In the shadow of death He was the
recipient of numerous warnings and
elaborate preparations were taken to
Insure his safety , but all the resources -
sources of the gendarmerie , secret police .
lice and soldiers proved unavailing
against an attempt almost exactly
duplicating the procedure that caused
the death of Minister of the Interior
von Plehve last .Tulr. It was the Irony
of fate that Serglus , after taking ; : refuge -
fuge In his country villa during the
strike troubles of It month ago and
later seeking even more secure shelter
In the palace within time Kremlin
walls , should ho killed while proceeding -
Ing to the governor general's palace
beyond the walls , and which he had
abandoned to enable the police to
better protect him
Grand Duchess Elizabeth , who was
dally engaged In preparIng comforts
for the sick and wounded In Man-
churia , was about to drive to the
palace to join her husband When she
heard of what had befallen the grand
duke silo was driven in haste to the
scene of the tragedy , and knelt , hat-
less and coatless , on the bloodstained \
snow and murmured prayers for the
welfare of her slain consort.
The scene of the crime waR the
great open triangle within the Kremlin -
IIn , bounded by the arsenal treasury
and courts of justice , In one angle of
which Is the Nicholas , or little palace ,
where the grand duke dwelt On the
snow lay fragments of the body of
Grand Duke Sergius , mingled with
time wreck of the carriage. The grand
duco's ) head had been torn from his
body and reduced to a shapeless pulp
and time trunk and limbs were fright-
fully mangled. A finger bearing a rich
seal ring was found lying several
yards nwar The crimson lint and
smell of blood were everywhere Only
fL few fragments of cloth Indicated
that the body had been clothcc1. The
coachman lay moaning with pain be-
side a deep hole In the pnvement. The
horses , dragging the front wheels of
the carriage , had dashed off , maddened ,
cd wlt.\ pain , to sink dying before they
reached the gate
Prot Goodspeed Dead.
CHICAGO-Dr. George Stephen
Goodspeed , professor of history nt
the University of Chicago , died of
pneumonia He graduated from
Drown university In 1880 , and took his
doctor'li degree at Yale. -
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. . -
- - -
A Circular Issued By the War De " " ' -
ASHINGTON-A circular issued ,
by time war department to the army
gives the text of a letter received hy
the secretary oC war from R.epresenta-
tire Llttlelleld of 1\htlne , relative to
time anti.canteen act and the secre-
' with instructions ,
tary's reply , together
tlons to officers with respect to their
reports 011 the suhject. In his letter - I
1\11' LlttlefIehl states that ho is time
author of the anticanteon amend-
uncut and adds :
"I regret to say that an Impression ,
prevails that time officers of time army :
are not only adverse to this legisla-
tion , but are prejudiced against It. If
this Is true It : has created an unfriendly -
friendly atmosphere that not only will
Impair the emclency of time n
and amusement feature , but will at - - = < . . .
itself practically defeat the object ot
the legislation. "
Secretary Taft , In reply , said :
"I think you are correct In assum-
ing that a great mnjorlY : of the officers - ,
fleers In time army regard time nnti- - - -
canteen amendment as lIl.ndvlsed and
likely \ to Increase drunkenness in time
ranis. Indeed , I must altimlc to you
that as at present advised ! I share
your ollinlon. "
Time secretary says It was the intention -
tontlon of those who favored the
amendment to substitute for the can-
teen It commodious post exchange ,
and time question whether that sys-
tom Is to he maintained 01' time canteen -
teen with the privilege of drinking
beer and light wines only , will bo
settled hr congress after a careful lu-
Secretary Tuft said that while ho
recognized the danger of formed
opinions coloring more or less jUdg-
ment ns to results , obedience to or-
ders Is with army officers the fIrst
soldierly virtue and If cautioned to ' , r1
report facts Impartially they will .
obey the directions of constituted au-
thol'ltr. lIe then informed 1\11' Little-
field that he would transmit the correspondence -
spondence : , together with a caution ,
to all officers , adding :
"I have no doubt of the good faith
and energy with which time officers of
the army are carrying out the pur-
pose of congress In providing time
post exchange and I don't think any
caution In this respect Is needed "
In his circular to the army the sec-
rotary of war requests officers who .
In their annual reports are called to
speak of the operations of time anti
canteen act , to present facts whether . . . . .
pro or con , uncolored by individual " " 11
views. He says :
"With time good faith of the army
In making these reports , unless on
their face they are impartial state-
ments of the facts which } have come
to the knowledge of the officers will \ ,
In the heat of controversy certainly
be attacll\Od , If there Is the slightest
Internal evidence of a bias on the
part of the witnesses and time army
olllcors' duty In time premises Is to
be merely impartial judges of opera-
tions of the act.
So Says Secretary Hitchcock About . . ! .
Oil Trust Osage Lease
'WASIn GTO - Secretary Hitch-
cock ) ; : gave out It statement arraigning
as a 'gigantic monopoly" the present
lease by the Indian Territory Illumin-
ating Oil company , by which It has
the right to prospect for oil and gas
throughout the entire area of the
Osage Indian reservation , and explainIng -
Ing the agreement reached several
days ago , as nnnounced In the Asso-
clated Press dispatches , for cutting
off more than onehalf of the lands
operative under this lease during the
next ten 'ears.
Peru Protests Against Treaty.
LIMA : , Peru 'fie Peruvian government -
ment has handed the Chillan charge
d'affaires a protest against the r1cent : !
Chfllan and Bolivian treat ) ' .