The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 03, 1905, Image 1

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I A/I e thr c4a11' Itifji ribun ,
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" -
.1 . k ' - Vol. l 1I. NO.9' . . FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , MARCH 3 , 1905. Whole No. 61 ;
. \ Died.
The following taken from thc
St. Joseph Gazette of last Satur-
t day will bc of interest to thc
many friends In this city of thc
young lady mcn tioncd. She was
the laughter of J . II. Harris who
; ' , .
, formerly concluded a sccond-
t r- and store in this ci t1'hc
" tl'ribune joins with thc many
tFr friends oJ the family in extending
, ! - , . - heartfelt sympathy.
Miss Dora Harris lied at three
. .
I o'clock this morning at thc home
I of her sister , Mrs. George Barrel
_ 526 East Missouri avcnuc. She
' r had been in ill health for several
I , years and last Monday she sub-
p mitted to an operation from
which she never rccO\'cred She
I was twcnty-four years of age and
I t had lived for a nUlllbcr of years
" at Bellvi1l , Kan. Her former
. ?
. i . home was in St. Joseph , She is
. . survived by her parents two sis-
. ; \ tcrs and four b-others. Arrange-
; ments for the funeral have not
; .t . . been completed , but there will 1
. ( , .
. : " .20 probably be services at the resl-
- deuce Sunday afternoon and bur-
ial will bc at Mount Mora ccm-
etery. .
f A - Sad ' Affair.
i One of thc saddest affairs wc
were ever called upon to chronicle
< I
occured at Shubert this week
, . when S. . : \ . 'IcGechie and wife
r both dieCi.
Mrs. Gertie \lcGcchic was a
daughter of 1)r. II. L. Randall
formerly of this city. She had
been in poor health for a number
of years , but had been feeling
pretty we11 ] ) of late and had de-
cieled upon opening up a mi11in-
ary store in Shubert this spring
, t and had been in S1. Joseph buy-
A lng' her stock of goods ( and was on
her way home when she took
f violently ill and died at Stella on
I , 'r [ uesdn'
J . S. A. -McGcchie had been quite
sick for the past three or four
months and when hc sad news
. .
. - : , of hif wife's death reached him
t hc t shock was too much and hc
breathed his last l \Velnesclay
aftcrnoon.Onc of thc sad features
about this double death is the
fact that they leave behind three
small motherless and fatherless
children to make their way
through life alonc.
A double funeral was held in
Shubert yesterday and thc earthly -
remains of father and mother
were laid beneath the sod. A
f wholecom111unity joins with us in
extending thc most sincere sym-
pathy to thc bereaved . a. oncs.
t ,
J w
J' 1 4
. . . . . . "
I By Way of Comparison - .
We often hear The Tribune Spoken of as
A Good Little Newspaper
The three local newspapers had in the last week's
issue the following amounts of pure local matter :
The Falls City Journal . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 119 1 inches
The Falls City i New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 1 inches
The Falls City Tribune . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 194 inches
If you want all the news all of the time
Try Taking Tile Tribune
$1.00 Per Year
. - - - . . -
A Remarkable Accident
While Dave Hurt and Howard
Linsacu111 were : hunting on thc
bottoms Saturday , they experienced -
ed a very remarkable accident
from which it is a great wonder
that they either escaped alivc. A
flock of ducks were flying by and
both were prepared to shoot.
trhcir positions were such that
just as Linsacum tired , Hurt's
gun which was but a few feet
away , came in range and received
the full charge on thc barrel but
a few inches from Hnrt's hanl.
Hurt fired at thc same instant and
thc gun barrel so struck by the
charge from Linsacum's gun , exploded -
plolcd with tremendous force ,
scattering steel in every dircction.
By some chance neither of thc
bOYs were struck , hut neither
cares to repeat thc pcrformancc
Seed Corn Bulletin.
, v. H. 1\Ianss , Industrial eom-
msssioncr of thc Burlington route
has issued a bulletin prctaining
to thc selection of seed corn
which will hc of great benefit to . .
the farmcrs. Copies of this bul-
Icltn can bc obtained free of
charge from Grant Stewart , Bur-
lingtolt agent at this place. Thc
bulletin is written by , C. P. Hart-
Icy , U. S. Dcpartmcnt of agri-
A Good Sho\ving.
\Ve arc in receipt of thc First
Annual report of the Building
Fund of St. Francis Catholic
church , which is being raised for
thc purpose of erecting a new
church in this citro The money
is being raised by contributions
of thc members of the church.
Hc\ Dex , the treasurer has received -
cch'cd in cash andnotcs$2,444. 75.
trhc amount needed is 510,000
which they hope to raise in five
years ,
- - - - -
A ° Pleasant Party.
Mrs. Charley Hargravc entertained -
tained thirty of _ her . lady friends . . ,
- - ' - - - - - - - -
: ! L' a . Kensington ! .last l-Sattirday. ,
During ' . aftcrnoon a ! guessing
contest was hcld. Thc hostess
had prepared twenty illustrations
of songs , the guests to decide
from pictures thc titles of certain
mclodies. This proved both interesting - .
tcrcsting' and tcrtainillg. 1rs.
t1' J. Gist captured thc prize , a
dozen carnations , for guessing thc
greatest number. Misses Nell
Snyder . . ! } ant . : . ! i..1.11is. ! Jussen _ ! _ . - assisted -
cd : hs. I' Hargravc in serving
dainty refreshments.
Elmer Hanna III.
Elmer Hanna is very ill with
typhoid fc\'cl. The patient is at
thc home of his father N. Hanna ,
cast of this city. His ! = many
friends hope for his early rcco\-
Hurt in a Wreck.
In a railroad wreck which occurred -
curred in Table Rock Saturday
evening , Joe Norris formerly of
this city was scvcrly hurt about
thc chest and throat. His moth-
cr. Mrs. Frank Norris is in ' Lin-
coln caring for him. At this
writing hc is reported better and
his many friends in this city hope
for his ultimate rccO\'cry.
. - . . - .
Hold Up.
Max Werner and Bart Messier ,
whilc driving from Salem to this
city last Sunday evening were
held up a few miles from this
city last Sunday evening were
held up a few miles from this
ci ty , The loss of a revolver and
two frightened boys were thc extent -
tent of damagc sustaincd.
Leaving - Old Richardson. \ "
, . . . 'I. ' . .
'I he tide of cllllgnltlon to the ' \ " - " ,
north ancl west has set in , and our ' \
streets arc li11ed with wagon 'j I ; I
loads of ] mouse hold goods cn"j' \ I
route to thc dcpot. Is is said I . :
forty-thrcc persons will leave '
Arago precinct il1 the nest ten ' ' r
days for time . state . ofV. . . shing'r. 'r.\ \
ton. trhe high price of Richardson - " ' : ; .
son county land IS probably rc- ( I :
sponsiblc for this 1I10vcmcn , '
rlarried. [ \ ;
At the home of vIr and Mrs. r '
O. P. Hcck in this city on 'Vcd- \ .
. '
ncsc1ay evening , March 1st at S "
p. I m. their laughter vlaude G. . .
Fleck was united i in i marriage to
, YII1. A. , Vamsl yson of Mr. and
1\1rs. ChrisWamsle"
I ev. \V. t1' . Cline : the ofikiat- i'
ing clergyman performed the ' 2' '
cercmony in thc prcscncc of a '
large number of friends and Miss
Bculah Fry presided at thc piano. xa
'l'he young couple received . . '
many beautiful gifts with the ; ,
sincere congratulations of thc ,
'l'hc bride , thc only daughter , ref r
r . '
of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Heck is .f'
one of Richardson County' popu-
lar school instructors while thc
groom is a highly respected
young' farmcr. Mr. [ and 1\11'5.
Vamslcy will reside on a farll1 a
few miles west of this city. e
A Narrow Escape.
As Fred B. Hoffman was driv-
ing from Falls City to his home
near Vcrdon Saturday evening , . l
his horses broke through the
snow into a ditch which runs i
close to thc line of walnut trees '
on thc road northwest of this +
city. The buggy followed the
horses with sufficient force to
throw Fred head foremost on the I
doublctrces where he became entangled - 1
tangled in thc lincs. Time horses
ran for some distance before thc
deep snow stopped lhcll1. Aside
from a badly bruised head Fred
escaped with out injury , though
had hc fallen beneath the team
hc would probably have sustain-
cd fatal injurics.
- - - - - - - -
Miss Dorothy White was - host'n' ]
'n' '
C5S to thc H. S. .i\L C. club , of \
which she is i a member and to thc
D. D's last Saturday evening at i
her home on South Stone strcct.
tl'hcsc club meetings arc always
most enjoyable affairs and this . .
one was among the most plcasan
Cards and refreshments made the
evening pass very swittly.