. -I : HfR BLOOD TOO THIN _ GENERAL DEBILITY RESULTS FROM t , IMPOVERISHED BLOOD. I The Remedy 'I'hnt 1IInlu1" Now Dloocl UUIII"hl'1 ! ' \ \ 'cuknclIIt'ntlnchcl'J. ' . in- I digestion nlltl Nervous .l't'oublcl' ' r i. Hundreds of wOlllen suffer from hem1I I I . I : aches , dizziness , restlesSllC1m : , ulIguor ] I\1Hl timidity. ii'ow realize that their - misery all comes front the bad state of their blo'od. They take one thing for their head , another for their stollll\ch , . .l 1\ third for their nerves , and yet ; an Iho ! while it is simply their poor blood ( that , ( is the cause of their , iisco11tfort. If ono sure rellledy for 1II111ting good , rich blood were used every one of their distressing aillllenis would disappear , aR they did in thp case of Mrs Ella F. _ Stone . ; who had been ailing for years ; mal 1-- - \\'ns cOlllpletoly run down before she realized - ? dizod tlw nature of her trouhlo. ( Hli'or several years , " F.uid Mrs Stone , i I I "I suffered fl'OIll general debility. It J began about 18J ! ( } with indigestion ( , 11er- . . ! \'ousnoss stud Steady hCl\lll1ches Up to " - . . 4/ ; - - lOoo I hmln't been able to find ( nny relief from this condition I WIlS then very , thin nlHl blool1108:1 : .An enthusillstic ) , friend , who had used Williallls' Pink Pills , urged mo to give ( Imam a trial and * ' , I finally bought n 'Lux " I did not notice ony marked change from the use of the first box , but I de- t lermincd to give thelll a fair trial and I wept . ou When I had finished the ecoud bo : : : I could see very dccidell signs of improvement iu my conditiOll. I be- I yon to feel better all over null to htLvo hopes ! } of f\ com } > leto Cl1ro 'I used in nIl eight or tell boxes , mill i " , Melt I sloPl)0111 had \ got back lilY regu- IHr weight and n good healthy color and \ the gain has lusted. 1 can cut what I I ' 310850 without discomfort. My llervous- ness ; is entirely gone , null , while I had , : ollsluut hendnchcs before , 1 very rarely ' ; : . ! lnve one now. I cheerfullyrccolIllllClHl ; ; DI' , 'Williallls' Pink Pills to women who mITer ns I did , " Mrs Stone was seen at her pretty 1.\1. : 01ll0 iu Lakewood , n 1. , where , ru the result of her experience , Dr 'Willin11ls' Pink Pills are very popular These fn- ' MIll ] II ' all . A lOns pills are by ullilruggists. eels that . . . ' weds is Jub- ) eery woman pub- lished by the DI' Williams Medicine . ' N Y. It is Jompauy , Schoncl.tnd , en- ; itled : "Plaiu Talks \Volllell , " and will tlo sent free 011 l'CqUCfJt. Chinese farmers are beginning to demand modern tools , especially such as are useful for intensive farming. " Many School Children Are Sickly. , ti" Mother Gray's Sweet powders for Ch l- dren , used by Mother Gray , a nurse 11l Children's Home , New York , break Uf Colds ill 2t hours , cure F'e\'orishness Headache , - ' ' ' ' ' Disorders - ache Stomach Troubles , Teething ler5 : ' and Destroy Worms At all Druggists , 25c Sample mailed free Address Allen S. Olwtitcd , Le Hey , N. Y. , I , , . . ' .f. . . . A man may he UJJ to the latest : . , wrinkle In style and still fall ) ) short of # the glory of Goll " . ; , i' ' . ' TO CUIU' : A COLD 1N ON1 ; nAY ' " , : ' . . Take Laxative Brome Qlllnine Tal/leU All drug. . M . , IlbL refund the money If It r/llb tu cure E. W Oro-u's llnaUiru : Is Utl each bux : . ! "Jc , . ' ' The h'pocrltc's religion Is the most ! ' repulsive of an his tmlts 'T-J ; DOIl't you know that Dellance Starch , . ' ' to - besides being absolutely superior any other Is put liP Iii ounces In package - age and sells at same price as 12- \unCI packages of other kinds ? God often says , "Walt j" ; hut he - . : . . never says ' " 'Vorr ) ' . " , I , 886.60 : \ ( ) per l\I. Lewis' "Singlo Binder , " straight 50 cigar . costs the dealer some more than other 50 cigars , but the higher prIce enables this ! : factory to use hhher . grade tobacco Lewis' Factory , Peoria , Ill. Whatever is right-where God is deahI's the extra hundreds of : say , quantity and superior quality of De- fiance Starch Is fast taking place of nil other urands Others say they cannot sell any other starch _ . Nothing falls 1Ie ! a selfish Duccess. ' I > - Not a Bit Tired. A little girl was very proud of being . Ing taken for 11 walk by her father , and , though somotim03 the rambles extcnde.d 11 trifle beyond her strength , she would not hove plC/Hlod / fatigue for worlds Ono day , however , her father noticed that she was lagging , " 1'1 red , PUSHY ? " ho asled "No , fnth- Cl'-that 10 , not mizaclcly I UI'l'Il. Ivas I only wishing I could lalce ' Off my legs amid carry them a little bit , that's 1111. " Femlnne ! Confessions. I 'Vhether wo are doing tlm3 ! London season 01' a round of country house visits , the enjoyment of most women Is largely dependent on the amount of opporlllnities 11ccorde to them for flirtation No matter how hllllgnnntlr SOUlO of my Hex tinny Icily It , wo mill lhlvo on udnlll'ltlon-Ladles' li'leld. Do Not Make Good Soup. An authority on cooking asserts hat I England Is a 'Sou pies : ! country , me11nlng that mngllsh cooks cannot make soup awl ib'tt I t soup 11nf'H not appear on lie menu of an English every day dlnnOl' . . Which Is a fact , though soup is about the first form that English charity laltes Japanese Servants. A traveler says that the Japanese 'sel'\'anl Is ' of social . \ a person import- ance In the absence of the mlslro3s callers arc entertained lit tea hy the homcmald ; , whose knowledge of the etlqllctte of tea risking ] and whose grace and charm are often the equal of those or her omployel' , . Accepts Small Deposits. A new banking system , which enables . ahles persons to make deposits of twent ' -l1vo torts and upward , interest . cst being allowed when the amount lodged reaches $5 , was adopted by the National Balik of lrelund rocent- Iy ' 1 110 hank has several branches In London _ Sterilized Water for Navy. Dr , l..e l\lehaute suggests ; that on French war vessels water that has been sterilized by heat shoulll ho sub. stltutcd for the IlIslllloll water at III"es. emit used , which , In his opinion , Is open to many grave objections , including . cluding excessive costlm ! ss. Lord Mayor's Unique Honor. Only one man In the city of London outside the 'OWlI' ver ! possesses the password which enables him to answer . SWCl' the challenge of the sentries at any time It Is the Lord Mayor , and the password Is given to him by authority of the I\lng ] , Seeing touch , suffering much and studying much are time three pillars of leal'lllng-Dlsraell 0 < > 0 < : , , * Z "Z Z ' 4 ! Z "Z lI < N Z 1- ' 1 > The Great NOi i ST. JACOB * OIL , . , , . . _ . , . . , . . . * ' . : r ' . : . V4. . : . ' . " : . - . ' , , 1 . < 4 4 . ' 2. . INCUBATORS The OLD TRUSTY In' . I cubutun urn 11I111111 by - , luhu80n. the ] ucllhalur , Mutt . whotnndebIxwtlie. . - f . ) ro IU\"I'lItlug All OLD v e t TRUSf'l - ' . , ttself hat , ' h " A IHI.C"r-ltseH { ' I'r Forty days ' freu trial lIul" eve ) 'eur'H I-Ullrllll' : tCI ! . For big ; freu clltn. log lie , , 3110 poultry Iii us. , _ lratluns , addreas , . ' M. JOHNSON CO , Box O. T. . Cloy Center. Neh. - - - - ) _ l . . , .a.4 r + . - - . } a - BISHOP OWES HEALTH ANDLIFE TO PE = RU = IAA , . _ Ministers of All Denominations 1 I , rtir ( i ( Join In Recommending ' Pe-ru-na to the ' ; People. ' r7' / Public speakIng especially exposes I' the throat and bronchial tubes to / ' f catarrhal sflcctlrms. : , . BI'eathing' the air of crowded : assem- l f / el bliss , null tlll necc.nary exposure to , ; i light air which UHlUj' preachers must face , malteH eata1'l'h especially prevalent / I Illllong tllt il' dasH ' , : I ' Pcr\llm hl : become justly popular ! O.Uloug them. 111)1 ) . ) + t , :1N W'iiIlx ' ' lx Jiw i _ - _ . < The Friends of Pc-ru-na. Despite the prejudices of the innsdical ' . ' . . prof0ssiou against proprietary Inuli- 't { cities , the clergy have always train- tained a strong confldemicc and friendship - ship for Peruna. i : } /Sf/OP L.1i /fALSE ' ' ) 'ltey have discovcrdd by Personal , perience that Peruna ( foes all that is claimed for it. t I The Bishop.s Strong Tribute to Pe.ru.nn fl , H Halsej' , Bishop U. J\I. K 1 Church , Atlanta , On" , writes : "I [ have found I'ermm to he IL great rcmcdj' for catarrh IlIa'o suffered with this terrible disease for more titan twenty years . until Hiucc 1 have been using Pel'l111a , which has relieved me of the trouhle 1'1 havc tried llllLJIj' remedies lUut spent a great ( teal of hrLrd.earJ1'd ' money for theta but I found nothing so effectual In tile cure vf catarrh thc great medicine , Peruna. "I feel sure that Paruna Is not only. a triumph 01 medical : science , but It Is also a blessillK to suffering IlIlIlwn/ty. "Every individual who sul1'm's with respiratory diseases will find Perunf\ a. magnificent null sovereign l'emcdj.-lJ. 11. lIalsey , lip C. 1\1. L. ; Church. . l'm'una is the most prompt and sure remedy for catarrh that can he talten. Many a preacher has been able to meet his engagements only because Ie keeps on hand n bottle of Peruna , ready to meet any emergency that may arise. I < N ' ! > 0 < : Z ; > < M I ! > 0 < . , > 0 < Z > 1 > < Z t > < N Nr. : tesuch : Remedy i I The old monk cure , strong , % I straight , sure , has for a large ; : part of a century battled with * " and conquered t. , x AcheSandPains . t. > , the world over. Price 250. r and 5Cc. * . t' 1 > 1 'Z ! Z Z Z ! .1 > tV > ' ! o1"Z" Z,0tZ " ' I I 4 FARS and RANCHES I WHEAT LANDS KANsas $6 to f $10 ! Per Acre Splendid ! CCtlIJIIH Ctllllhlucl ( rllrllllll ! and Htuck rlllIIII It : ) 1. ? S tu tjI.juu l'tlr\crt' . I\UII'"S , I e"ltlr\lu : anti -chru.ku. - Ollly une-Iellll1 cush. test ) l1II < 1IJUTltUIrIK , III Wcd Ak I , I U. , \ . 1\1\ I.I.A.'I'I'H. ' I.allli :1I1II1II11I"llIlIor : 1)Olt. 11. . U. 1' . H. H. Cu" , Uumhll. Xuh. I W. N. U. Om 1ha. No F-1905.1 I , . . . - , , ' have on file Illllny letters of l'eCOll1- I mClHlntioll like the one given nhove. ; We can give our readers only IL slight J.lilllpse of the vast number or grateful - ful letters 1)r ) , Hllrtlllllll it constantly receiving - ceiving , in praise of his fatuous catarrh remedy , l'cruna. r rJDEMPSTER IMPROVED . . , , rJ STEEL WINO MILL I , " - C CO \ RotLEr f1IM GEARS . „ - - ° . 1 THEY STOP THE I NOISE AND lESSl' : E WEAR. lATESTSmotHjEST. : DEST. FACTORY BEATRiCE. HE1i BRANCH HOUSES : Kanaal City Mo. , Omaha , lleb. , Sioux Falls , BD. See nearest dealer or write for circular. . _ _ . ( PINA' ' c uOVATllDl r.n 10. r.\ # . . . . . . . . , " , un. n. u" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ore . . " ' ' l , ALGO OTHJR DJrontllTlJO. y , . Write or call al effico forfrcu infonna- , , . , lioll IIhhc5L tC.IIIIIUlllul . ' : ! trove proru 1 illcII16talcSlllcn , mill physicians Cot ] J . suit your Ftllllll ) ' Duclor No braces ur , ' 11 l1.pUanccs : uscI Treated sncccestully hyIIall. . Six ycan. ' UIJIIriulII'u , I he UlomqTlst Gymoas tic ortbopediclast - Lops right 1962. INCO.owATto. CAPITAL &a.ooo.oo. tOTO 21 ARLINGTON DLK" , OMAHA. NEB. When Answering AdvertIsements Kindly Mention This Paper. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES olor IT.ore goods brighter and faster colors than anI' , out r de One toe package colors AUk , wool and cotton equall , . . well . and Is guaranteed to give perfect results , Ask net ter or \O\e \ will send post paid lit tOe a paCkape Wr.e ! for Iree booklet- How to De , leiich and Mix Colors , .110..1UJ. . ; ltltUU ( : U" , Urilolulltc , .ullluun