) 1 , I - _ - - - - - - - - " : Signal for End of Services. I : It wag late In ! the afternoon when . the Scotch minister arrived at the : : . farmhouse. The housewife suggested ' . that \ perhaps he would like n cup of f' K. ton before engaging In "exercises " " ; \11 , Ian . " 8111d 11l' , "I aye tal , ' Illy tea better when my work Is dono. I'll ( just be gattn on Ye can hlng the pan on , and leave the door spar , an' I'll draw to n close In the prayer when I hoar the Imam fizzln' . " . Indian Serpent Worship. Serpent \ wurKhip still survives in India and 11 good snake shrine Is said to be as much an attraction In Ii I house on thc 'Ilalulmr : coast as a garden . i don Is In the case of a country home In the United Statcs. Serpents are , . however , most unobtrusive ! and un lostl ! one walks noiseless and bare- a footed In the dark . as IIIndoos do , snake bit Is nn Improbable con tin. gene 011 a fiat stone In Conway church , Wales , Is the following Inscription : z "Hero lyetn I the body of Nicholas HooleOll of Conway , gont. , who was ' thc forty--first chlt1 ! 01 his father , Wli . ' 1Iam Hooke , Esq. , by Alice , his wife , and father of wentr.se"en children , . . who died the Otll : day ofIarch : , .1G3 ; . " + THERE IS JUST ONE SURE WAY , I ' . ; Dodd's Kidney Pills build up Run. ' down People. They make healthy , Kidneys and that means healthy i people. What Mr. and Mrs. J. L r Duffey say : Nora , hul. , Feb Gth.-Speclal- ( ) That the sure way or building up run-down men and women is I to put their kidneys In good working order Is shown by the experience of Ir. and 1lrs. Joseph L. DulTey oC this place. Both were weak and worn and dis- spirited. They used Dodd's Kidney ' Pills and to . day bout enjoy the best I \ or health. III' Duffey says : "I was very weak and almost past going. I trIed everything ' thing which people said was good but got no benefit till I trIed Dodd's KII1. Hey Pills They helped mo In every way ; : and I nm strong and well now. " I 1lrs. Duffey says : "I was so bad that If anybody would lay down a string I felt I could not step over It. Since taking Dod 's Kidney Pills I can run and jump ft'nces. " Healthy kidneys insure pure blood : Dodd's Kidney Pills insure healthy kldne 's. 'rho cigarette trade In India has increased . creased 90 per cent In four 'ears. 'rho amount oC cigarette tobacco Imported last year was 2,2-tO,200 pOllnds I'nl'lIe"t ' " , Green OnIon" . The John :1..alzer : : Seed Co" , La Crosse , . 'Vis. , always have oolllcthing new , something . thing \'nlunble. ThIs year they offer . among theIr new money making vege- tables , an Earliest green : Ealilll Onion. It is n winner , Mr. Farmer and Gardcner ! Si JUST SI\U THIS NOTICED 160 , And they will send you their big plant and kt..J catalog , together with enough seed to grow 1,000 fine , solid Cabbages , 2,000 rIch , juicy Turnip i , 2,000 blanching , nutty Celery , 2,000 ) rich huttery' Lettuce , lCOO splendid Onions , 1,000 rare , luscious Radishes , 1.0 : ' ) gloriously brilliant Flowers. In aU over lOOOJ plmts-this : great offer i is made to get you to test their warrant i vegetable ; seeds and ALL Hm nUT ICe J'OST.\m ; : , providing you will return this notice , and If you will fend them _ : 6c in postage ! , they ' will I add to the above :1 ltig package o i SAber's Fourth of July Sweet Corn-thc earliest on rarth-l0 days earlier Thai CuryPee ? 0' Da ) ' , First ofAll , ctc. l W. N.U. ] \ . Money can do everything except . the , things we want it to do. t do not believe Ply's Cure for ConsumptIon has an equal for rotUbs and rolds.-JolC' ; Po llonm. , 'lriDH.y Springs , Ind. , Fob. 15 , HI , ) ) 1 . . The most unsound religion is that which is all sound ' n . . . . . . "t .t11/ ' lf' ! 1 T . es1 I \ L' ; . . \ : C 'iltt0r ' . , ' , > , . , h.J".I'U'-'I ' . - . . ' - , - - t I Palls l City Tribune . BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. . FALLS CITY - - 1\EHASKA. , There 15 imp 1l\r distrust of the proposition to monkey with the prune roll. President Stillman said any banker I.I L ! likcy ! to make an error. Aunt Cas sic Chadwick 8.rees Jl's an ill wind that blows good to nobod ) ' . The "glass ' ptit-In" man win have plenty to do for a while In Rus- sla. An English clergyman says that meat makes man Immoral. This mar explain why , he trust Is boosting the price Sir Henry In-lng's son Is to play In "Hamlet. " May he never be troubled Iw the apparition oC his father's tl1ost ! Jl Is fortunate for the Oberlin ste . dents , perhaps , that Irs. Chadwlcl didn't sign Russell Sage's name to those notes. .A Pittsburg teacher notes that col loge professors arc paid less than many cooks. Wel1. perhaps the cools arc really experts. Watches arc now made only an eighth of an Inch thlcl Your pocket book looks thin , too , after you have paid for one of them. A leading critic says : "Few of the poets are now working at their trade. " low does he know , since the real poets are always dead ? New 1'OI'I's glided youths have calling ) ) ' Ing cards for their dogs. Thus a host- ess knows at once which to address when they are ushered In. _ Pennypacker of Pennsylvania says he believes the devil Is an editor. This shows that n'er ) ' small reason may sometimes totter on Its throne. New York dealers In automobiles report the sale of over UOOOOOOO worth of theh' machInes In the last two weels. The gasoline age Is upon us. J. Plel'lJOnt Morgan has bought Ling Leopold's Interest in a Chinese railroad. It Is pretty safe to say that Leollol dll1n't soak anybody on the deal. It Is found that \Irs. Chad wlcl's assets . sets amount to about $100,000. Foolish ' Ish womall. Think oC the fun she might have had with that much mono ) ' . The fact that a silver dollar of the vintage of 180.1 recently brought $1,100 In Chicago will bring tears to the eyes of the man who last blew Il In at Its face \'alue. 'hen a woman falls In lore you can't make her believe nil men are a 111 , e , and when she has been married ( ten years : you can't make her believe that they arc not. This "epldlascollo" that makes a ladybug look as big as a bat may make the feminine bathing suit look as big as a 1laIldlerchlef. But the machlno looks like a cook sto\'o. I A California professor has Invented I n logic machine , which on being fell with major and minor premises gives the correct conclusion. Congress would have no use for It. A Chicago man Is supporting his nineteen children and their mother on an Income of $9 n week. When It comes to expert finallceol'lng there IH something worthy of study. , rft5 . ! . . . . : dltlCh"rCt2L-r \ . . . . ' . . \ . , _ alltl U 1. g - - _ - _ Women i n Ou Hog ila is I ' Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Performed Each Year-I-Iow Women May . Avoid Them. . . 1 'fiEiI1 .1 \ \ , \ II &R ? I r. 11 " . , A : ' J v . . . . . . : - - --C- ; 4 Ct t MISS Rhby Mush1'u5h M"s ' 'red S yael -rj Going through the hospitals in our large cities one is surprised to find such I _ n l _ _ . . . . . . . - - . : - 01 the P""I"'ll' i .111,1 : r gc proportion ' , " " It. " " ' 1 . r : > on those snow-wlute beds women and girls , who are either awaiting , ' from serious ' cr recovering opera' tions. , Why should this be the case ? Sun ' ply because they ha'C neglected them- 60lves Ovarian and womb trouble : i are certainly on the increase among I the women of this countrf"-they creep I t upon them unawures but everyone oi . those patients in the hospital beds had j i plenty of warning in that bl'aring- ' down feeling , pain at left or right of the womb , nervous exhaustion , pain in the small of the back , leucorl'h , diz- ziness , flatulency , displacements of the womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms arc indications of an unhealthy - ' healthy condition of the ovaries or i womb , and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by dangerous operation. When these symptoms manifest them- selves , do not drag along until you arc : obliged to go to the hospital and submit . , mit to an operation - but remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women from surgical operations When women are troubled with irregular - regular , suppressed or painful menstruation - ntion , weakness , leucorl'11 , displacement . ment or ulceration of the womb , that bearing-down feeling , inflammation of the ovaries , backache. bloating ( or flatulency - ulency ) , general debility , indigestion , and nervous prostration or arc beset with such symptoms as dizziness , lassi- tude , excitability : , irritability nervous- . u . . _ . . . , . . . . . , . , _ _ _ i. "all- . ness , sleeplessness , melancholy , - gone and "wulIt-to-bc-lofl-alone" feel- illg' a , they hilUulll remember there is one : tried and true remedy. The fol.owiug letters cannot fail to 1 bring hope to despairing women. 'Ifrs : Fl'od e.vllcl , Ill N. fiHh Street , , West Philadelphia , 1'11. , writes : Dear It'S. Pinkham- : II I way in a very serious ! condition when I wrote to you fob ' advice. 1111111 a serious womb I ' .1\11 ovarian trouble and I could not carry u. ' child tQ Maturity , IInll was advised that an .1 operation washy enl ' hope of rccovcry. I could not bear to think of going to the hospItal - I tal , so wrote you for ad\'lce. I did as you 111- stl'llcWIl ' . E. l'illkl1/UIl'1I me allli took LyditJoJ / I Vegetable Compoullll : RIIII 1 11m not onl6' a I well woman to-day , but have beautiful baby girl six 11Ionths old. I advise all sick and I suffering women to write you for advice , a.I you have done so much for mo. " " Miss Ruby \Iushru : : , of East Chicago , Ind. , writes : Dear \Irs. Pilkham- J'j l . " I have heels great sufferer with irregular freat I menstruation and ovarian trouble , and about three months ago the doctor , after using the I X-Rayon me , said I had I1n ubcess on the , ovark 4 timid woulll have to have 1111 operation. fiMy I mother wanted me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham'fI Vegetable Compound as a last resort , I , and it not ollly saved : mo from un operation but made mc entirely weH. " T.Jydia 1 : . P nldtam's Vegetable Com- pound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine , for . you need the best. l\Irs Pinkham invites all sick women I to write her for advice. 11er advice and medicine have restored thousands to health Address , Lynn , Muss : _ - - - - 0 I.YOIa 1 : . t'InKIHUn'S YC9Ctallili tQmJQuntl ; { 5ucccmls Where Others . - 32 YEARS SELLING DIRECT We are the largest manufacturers of vehicles and harness in the world sell- ing to consumers exc1us \'cy. ] z We have No Agents . , . . . - . . . . . . - . - but ship anywhere for examination - amination and approval , guaranteeing safe dtliv- . + inn Ifnot satisfied as to ' . . \ style , quality and prIce. We make 200 - - - styles vehicles and No 636 CombInation nllggy with extra65 styles of harDess. . . , stick seat ant ; j In rubber IIr6 , PrIce complete $68.00. As good 35 sells Garlar e CAWo S ° e 17 No. 327. . Price complete Canopy Top Surrey. . ' , . , fur f.\O more Fr.U Gelid . for it. . , y73. As good as sells fur S = S morc . _ Elkhart C"rrl"se Q1 1I"t'iu' R Mt'f Co. . E12ihart. ! ; : Bndiana p % : . . . . . . . . iii - . . . - _ . - - - - - - - - - - OWY & ETON [ FURNRUII [ CO. OMAHA'e , RTIRINfi fROM BUSINSS 1'\'erytllln III . Furniture to 110 closed out at Ollf'l' regardless . oC cost. An opportunity - IlurtUIIIl worth coming " hlllHln'llli of units \ \ to laJ.lalh ant ' go or. . . . " " " " - . - - - u tors effiletetl I eLs , with u.e Thompson's } Eye Water BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coti : its and colds. _ . - - - - - - - I--- - U IJUHIS W'UtHt ALL ELSE FAIIS. Beat CouKtt 557rup. ' 1'aste > a Good. 'U In tima. Stela 1W drurglets. - ( I