The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 7
I ( , . THE FALLS CITY TRiBUNE Published Every Friday at FALLS I CITY , NEBRASKA By N 'L'RIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. j r j c . I ; ntcrcd as sccond-class platter , Janu- ary 12 , 190 . lat the post olliccat alls \ > City. Neb. . under the Act of Coil ri-ss of March 3 , 1879. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR , 'l'clephonc No. 22 ( ) . heed thc birds. - : . How would you like to bc a bear and sleep all winter ? . . .T- ' ' ' ' \ 1'hc oldest inhabitant has been . a very busy man this winter. " 'l'he intcr-state comcrcc tight is rapIdly becoming a contest he- - . , . . .r - - twccn the west and thc cast. 'l.'hc prevailing question in these parts ill 1950 will be , has - thc court dccidcd thc l\Ii1cs will case ? - - - - . Dues it pay to have a grand jury ? At a cost of nearly if not quite a th01isand dollars , thc to- . I , tal results arc two mcn lined 530 each for running a gambling . ' other consid- rJom. Every case ( - . . . . l'rcc1 by thc jury was alrC'ady in court because of complain madc _ hy the county attorney. . . - - - - Thc News says with somcthing' - " i. , , of sarcasm that this paper inad- \'crtently neglected to say that , \11' : F' Shafer winner of thc corn c ' - - . , u'I I 1C late 1 farmers Insh- tuic , chose th New a- his prilc ; The only reason that wc ( lid not speak uf it was that we did not know it. \Yc now make upends : and say : " that 2\1' Shafer . elid makc such choice and that t . he got a _ good nC\\'SpapL't' when he did so. . . . . . . . . . - - = - - - . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . The lower house of . ' j \ \ congress = . has passed thc administration In- . < . H.r , state : \ t corn merce b'Il and it is now before the scnate It is safe to presidia that those senator , such as Aldrich , Dcpew and oth- CI s who owe their election to rail- . road influence i will bitterly oppose the pleasure anti may succeed in - : " , . . defeating 'l'hercnc''C'rwils it : t' , , : ' greater object lesson afi , to the . . ' : t. . needs of the direct primary ) ' in thc , , : ' selection of United States Sl'IHI- . , - ; toN than the one now being git ' - . : en hy that August and more or . ' . . : less lion oraf le boeh , - , , . ' . , - I ' " W. A. lreeuwahl ; and F. W : .Lkhl.'lnut only Made Falls City known and felt ial the state IIJcet- 11Ig..of commercial clubs held at . . Prcutont , but they wer.e prime l. . . : # 1I10\'rs in the good roads eliscus- ( sion \1 11' . UreenwalcI ( ; was a member of it coin iii ittcc \ \ hkh suggetitei needeel legislation on the road question , and because of such labor there is a -trong : probability that thc present legislature - . blaturc will enact a law ' 011 this . ' : . , subjeet. If Falls l City had about . ; twent ) ' : Crecnwalels and jchels [ something uhl be doing surer . r , 1.'l1ollg'h. ' 1 ' hc Humboldt ntcrprisc has taken up the divorce question Don't worry about trifles Al1an. 'rhc world ' ' contract obeys every save thc sacred one of marriagp. Following thc prccedcnts of years courts will dcclarc thc marriage anul1cd and separate parents and childrcn pOll cvidcnce' that would be insufiicicht to a\'oid a contract for the sale of the spot- ted cow cal1cd Spcck. One third of thc cases in thc district court for Richardson county arc dh'orcc cases , and no matter how fast they are clearcd up , the next tcrm will disclosc' the usual number of uteri and wOll1en who have grown weary oJ thc bonds and seek release through thc lax methods - hods of thc law and its cnforec- hid ttts . G(1t marricd and if dissatisfied - satisfied gt a divorce ) , for so runs thc world ' away. - 'I ' hc eongrcssional situation in this district is causing all kinds of trouble between thc Auburn pap rs. In last weeks issue the editor of the republican exhausted - cd three columns in ( cussing thc general cussedness of his adversary - \'crsary , thc herald , In tIe : arti- cle were liberal quotations from Shakespeare , Ing'crsoll , Bryant , Burns , Goldsmith , l\crritt and Emerson. Governor Mickey would better hurry and call a special election or thc : , ord 1 only knows what will ) } collie ncxt. Arizona : : did not succced - in being admittcd into thc union , but she got Judge Tucker which is about : as g-ood. - - - THE FARMER'S FR1END. As was once said of the stra \ \ - berry we now spy of thc quail , doubtless God could have made a prettier bird than the quail , but doubtless God never (11(1. The little speckled beauty , that j rom his fence post greets the farmer in the early morning with his cheery call ringing clear as a bell over the hillside and down into the valley , is one of thc Almig-h- ty's most charming : crcalt.rcs And hc is more than ornamental - al ; he spends the whole of his . little life , ending as it usually does in tragedy , in lighting thc pests of agriculture ; destroying bugs aiHI cut worms and picking up seeds that would germinate in- to crop smothering wccds. I In these days of cold and snow the little fellow is suffering from hung-cr. lie with his little brood is huddJee1 in the fence rows and the hollows slowly starving : to death. Cases have been reported of hunger so intense that thc quails have alighted in thc streets of a town unafraid. If thc quail had nothing hut his appealing beauty and his merry call , it would still be \'orth while to I save him. In as much as hc has helped you so man ) , many times , would it nut bc well to do a little somcthing for him ? If I every farmer who reads this will clear - j # I 4 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . . . . . ' . . - - - . _ UII ; f To the Women fI I f'e I . I \Ve give particular attention to the husiness wants of women. Ladies , sometimes , are just : a trifle timid about going to a bank to trans- act business. This shouldn't be'so , and indeed - deed , isn't so , with those who come to this bank , for we take special pains to familiarize I I than with the rules of banking and plaice ! them feel at home. \ VEVELCOi'vI E small transactions , and gladly explain matters of business 'hen called upon to do so , If I you arc . not a patron of this bank ) then please consider this an in- vilalion lo become on c. Kindly read our remarks next week , as we then expect to point out somcof the man ) ' advantages you will derive by followi ng' our advice. . . . . . - - - - - FALLS CITY STATE BANK . . . . - - - ' - - - I ' 4AF ! . % ! 12 DISEASES r PcclIlInr to women eured with 1)It. l1Jr.YEU'S'I1'A S\'STJ'U : ; Wo do not /lHk you to take our III1HIIlIIIrtl'(1 ) word WI' will refer you to Jrnh.rul aplenty III your own looallt ) ' , IR. 11119YB1t'S fur ,7 tallied VITA SY'l'J I ; RlJel'I11Iy cun'iI the JIIOHt hOlll'll'HH Of 1 < 0 , called incuralllo ) CaliPH without hullo or 1111111. It 1"1 ! 'Iu11e'all ) ' dtr- a"r ferent frolllluythlllJ : else ! under the Sun , being 1,01'l1Uvtlly ' hllrlll- 5 less ' rl'lIltblu , 11111I1'10 unit olfecU'o HI' ! I1IHOII'I'IH / boon to \'OIlIlUlklllc1. . 1)clnq Hyll'llIy \ \ many III' ! the Umlltlnu : CuruUu. It . L. M.r.N , doer ! not merely cute \ the twelve Hllle.11 11I011110111'11 III our book \ , s. . . M. o. but fl'lIl'\'S RuJTc/'Cfil / from Tumors , Cantors ullcI 'l'ulullrlllllt OHI. P .Hyal- growths without the U80 of the knlfo. OIAN ' \ 'rIlClIIUIotal tOllu ' . Simply Hay . ftlll1111" : your FREE HOO1 : : , 12 JHIII''I'II'/l ' l'f'cullur \\'OII1CI1. . It Should ho read hr all Sun'urlng'VolllclI. ( Sent ollly to WOIIIUII ) Address THE VITA COMPANY , Hiawatha Kansas U. S. A. t .t few feet of ground in his barn lot and sprinkle upon it a fcw quarts of grain , thc weakened and star'ingbirds \ will find it. If every house wife will stew a few crumbs from her table about thc back yard it will mean life and returning strength to the little unforttnates who have had such a hard time this winter and who arc even now wondering- if thc snow will nc'cgoo and the sum- mcr never comc. , ' 'III as much as ye hive done It unto one of thc least of these , yc have lone it unto mite. " < - Afraid of Strong Medicines. Many people stiller for years from rheumatic pains , and prefer to do so rather than take thc strong medicines usually given for rhcumatism , not knowing that quick relief from pain may bc had simply by applying Chambcrlain's Pain Balm and without taking any medicine in- tcma11y. Rev. Amos Parker of ? \Iag-onolia ' , North Carolina , sutT- , Bred for eight years with a lame hip , due to severe rilcumatit . pains. Hc has been permanent ! ) curcd by thc free application 0 ChambcrHan's Pain Balm. ret : sale at Kcrrs Drug Storc. , " ' I Jerry Hcmphill was taken tc thc Mercy Hospital Saturday suf fcring- with a very severe coli' with symptoms of pncumonia Prompt treatment and the best 0 care however , have put thc 01. man on thc road to rccovcry. ' If You are a Stock man who is independent of Commission i lou , ; : , \ . money - ey we want to hear from you. vVe are Strictly Commission Firn and deal with the FREE AND INDEPENDENT STOCKMEN EXCLUS ITELY.'Trite to us for F. & I. S. Badg-e. Charles Dixon COin 'n Cc Stock Yards KansAs City , /\10. / I