The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 6

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. ,
' A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Gew
' eras ! Session
i nm _ _ _ _ _ _
SENA'I' [ ' ' senate on the 1st
mlillell the work of the caucus and
formally placed II. 1I . Goulding on
the pay roll , IlS well nB Peter Carter
alit ! Stun Grant. 'hIs [ swells the list
to sixty . one. Upon the reconnnenda
' ) tlon of the revenue commltteo S. 1. ' .
11:1 : , by Shelllon of Cass , was lndefith
( Itely 110lltponell. 'l'hls hill provided
i that taxes on personal property I
should bo a lien on the property for
two years after due. S. I. ' . 9 ! ) , . by
'l'hollll1S ) of Douglas , told S. Ii' H , by
Jennings or Thayer , were pallsed. The
fOl'lIIel' ] provides that when nn agent
collects honey on commission and
mhH\IIIJ'OIIr'latcs ) It no shall Ie guilty
t of mllhezzlumellt. S. F. 1-1 provides
for the Issuance of school district
bonds In l'IUI'of : the Ill'st class. The
sellate then resolved into a commit-
I0 t of the whole , with 'J'homas In the
ehalr , arid rel10rtct ) ! the followlllg
hills : for engrossment allli third read-
{ lug : , S. F. 017 , by 'I'uccer ! of Richardson .
son , defining mho dutlclI : of county
judges In certain caseH. S. F' " 4G. by
i Hhreclc of Yorl" , 11I'ovldlllg ) that railroad .
road companies shall furnish transportation : '
' Ilortation to shippers of live stock to
accompnllY the slol'lc. S. F. 58 , by
Gillin of Dawson , providing for the
stabIlRhlllent ) of dralnago districts.
S. F. :1-1 : , by Gillin of Dawson , Ilro\'ld.
i Ing for printing ) the report of the Irrigation .
gallon hoard. S. F' ' . 31 : : , to provide for
the printing of the irrigation board
rOllort ) , brought on considerable discussion ,
cusslon , It being the sentiment of
ninny of the members to hill \ the hill ,
It Illlllarcntly being their Idea there .
was no way to distribute the reports
lifter they were 111'lntod. The bill
was recommended to II11SS.
nOUSIij-'l'ho house on the 1st
passed senate file No. 4:1. : authorizing
the governor to cuter Into and sign
a compact with the governor of South
Dalwta , as agreed upon by a com
mission appointed by the two governors -
ors , to fIx hOlllularles between the
states at certain 110lnts In committee .
tee of lie whole , with Casoheer In
the chaIr , the house spent considerable '
able time In delmto on house roll No.
69 ! ) , by Horton of Keya Palm. to allow
illmysleians In Comm Ufttics where
there Is no registered pharmacist
within five IIIlles to dispense his own
medicine. 13y motion the bill was in-
defInitely postponel ! Lilts : were In.
traduced : An act providing for the
lJaymlmt out of the state treasury of
the premium on the state treasur r's
bond when such bond Is executed by
a surety company. An net providing
that bona tide owners of contracts for
lease of educational lands which
were In full farce and effect prior to
? May 26 : ! , IS7t1 , may perfect their title
according to the terllls and provisions [
of the laws which were In force and
effect prior to May 2G , 1879. ! ) An act
to provide for the construction and
maintenance of bridges , culverts and
approaches thereto on public highways .
ways In the state of Nebl'l1slm. An
act to prohibit printers and others
from printing or IHlbllshlng more copies .
ies of books , pamphlets , circulars oft
other publications than ordered by
the author An act disclaiming and
relinquishing all claim of ownership
or title on the part of the state of
Nebraska to any and all lands now '
being within the boundaries of the
. state of Iowa which shall hereafter
he 01' become within the boundaries
; of the state of Nebraska by virtue of
time action of any commissions ap
; pointed by time said states , and the
ratifIcation thereof by said states and
; 1tlho sanction thereof hy the ongress s
, of th © United States , 01' otherwise :
. provided , however , that said land or
. ' . . .t ft'u. - , . Y ' , 1'nl"1T"'Rn-1 ' - ' . , vn Vft '
_ _
lands have been for ten years or more
past In the possession or occupation
of any person or persons co . partner .
ship or corporation claiming owner-
ship or title thereto , and those so In
possession or occupation have for
said perIod of ten years or longer
paid taxes claimed by state or county
authorities or officers to have hewn
levied upon said land or lands. An
act providing for the payment by
counties of the premium on the bonds
of the county treasurers where such
bonds are executed by a surety com-
puny. An act to permit surety COlli'
panics to bo security for public offi
dais for more than two successive
tHrillS. An act providing for the payment -
meat of premlullls in surety cOlllpany I
bonds when given by persons acting I
In I a judiciary : capacity. An act In relation -
lation to Instruments of writing recorded -
corded , copied 01' noted In the heel < s
oC the office of county clerk. Makes
them competent evidence when the
originals are lost 01' parties wishing
to use them cannot get possession of
Sr' ATE-Tho senate on the 2nd
got busy and made report on a num-
ber of hills. 'l'ho following were .
placed on general file : S. I" . 79-Pro.
vhllng for the publication o : the ac-
tIon of Irrigation district meetings.
S. F. 117-Re-enacts the law establishing .
Ing the Hastings asylum and leaving
out of the title of the Institution the
word "Incurable. " S. Ii' . 21-1"01' " the
appointment of a registrar of vital
stat Istlcs. S. P. 59-To consolidate
the Home for the Friendless and the
Industrial School at 1\iilforI. S. F.
lOt , 102 and 103-Provldlng for constitutional -
Itltutlonal amendments : providing
the legislature shall create courts ;
providing the legislature shall have
power to regulate the power of executive -
tivo state officers : fIve'sixths of a
jury In civil cases may return a Vr-
dlct. S. P. 21-Provltllng that driv
ers of traction engines must use prop
er dllgence ! In preventing the frightening -
cuing of horses and dmagcs to bridge
and culverts , I1mended. S. P. GG-AI-
lowing fishing In boundary streams
S. Jo' . 120 was indefinitely postponed
after a debat which lasted must of
the morning. This bill gave author-
ity to the State Board of Pharmacy to
grant permission to any dealer or corporation -
poration to sell harmless drugs. The
senate went Into a committee of the
whole , with l\Ieserve of Knox In the
cualt' The entire time of the com
mltee was taken up in the discussion
of S. P. 55 , which provided that the
capital stock of banks should bo increased -
creased from $5,000 to $10,000. The
bill was finally recommended for pas-
sage , after an amendment providing
that no batik now organized should bo
IlOUSE-'I'he house on the 2nd
passed these bills : H. R. a , by Fos-
ter of Douglas-\Ialtlng time bribing
01' attempted briber or Jurors a rel
ony , punishable by a term of from
one to five years In time penitentiary ,
eighty votes being cast for and none
against the bill. H. R. 108 , by Wind-
hum of Cass-Applylng the fire es-
cape law to office buildings of three
stories or more-S7 to O. H. R. 30 ,
by Douglas ot Roclt-To incorporate
the Elks lodge in Nebraslm-91 to O.
11. R. 80 , by Jackson of Antelope-To
Increase the salaries of the chief dep ,
uty fish and game commissioner to
$1,800 a year , and that of his first assistant -
slstant to I,500-was defeated by a
vote of l7 : to 40. 11. R. 44 , by Smith
of Burt-To prohibit dumping In
drainage canals or ditches-was recommended -
I commended for specific nmendment.
The Omaha water board bill matter
ttfl'Crlz.31tt1C1' ; , ' . nerant . . as . ' J. i , _ - - - - . .
r .
was taken up and l1w motion of Lee ito i
to recolUmlt for specific amendments
voted down by 7:1 : to 2.1. The clerIc
then began the reading of the hill ,
which consumell nearly an hour. The
hill wag passed by a vote of 67 to I
21 . ; just the required number to carry i
the en1eI'gency 'Iause. 11. H. :16 : , by I
' - for ' districts In
Kid , 11I'ovllllngfOl' sewer
cities of Beatrice's size , was passed ! : : ! , I
as was also : 11. It 47 , hy Gerdes or i
IUchunlson-Creating village boards I
of health. 11. It G1 , by Saddler of
Adams-Allowing $ tiO for the burial of
an old soldier. Bills Introduced : H.
n. 213 , hy Crosby or .Jefferson-To
confer on cities of the second class ,
having less than GOOO Inhabitants ,
the authority to exercise "the right
of eminent demaln" In procuring
I'ghts.of.way ! for the construction of
sewers and drains. H. n. 21-1 , by Andersen .
dersen of Douglas-To protect per-
sons , associations and unions of workingmen -
Ingmen and others In their labels ,
trade marks and forms of vertlslng.
SENATE-These hills from the
house were recommended for pass-
age on the 3l : : : I I. n. 1 , to provide
for guaranty hands for state officers.
II n. . G , providing for the publication
of Cobbey Statutm.l. H. n. 21 , recom-
mended by former Land Commissioner -
er Follmer and Land Commissioner
Eaton , providing ) that when a person I
buys lands from the state and dies !
time contract shall hold good with the
heirs. S. I. ' . ti5 , providing for the :
keeping of probate records , was roe-
ommended from passage , as was S. F. I
11 , providing that justices of the
peace may male a charge of 5 cents
for Indexing S. Ii' 1 , by 'rhomas of
Douglas , providing that the Omaha
firemen shall work twelve hours a day '
and layoff twelve hours a day , was
recommended for passage. Senator
'l'homas explained the hill would requIre -
quIre twenty-six men added to the department -
partmont and that the expense to
the city would be about $20,000 a year
lie has received a petition signed by
several thousand citizens of Omaha
endorsing the bill The following :
bills were introduced : S. Jo' 155 , by
Jones of Otoe- Ialtlng it unlawful to
kill squirrels between January 1 and
August 1 and providing a penalty of .
$5 for violation. S. Ii' UiG , by WIl-
hams of Wayne-Allowing a person to
take fish from a stream on his own
land with a hoop net during the open
season. S. I" 157 , hy Tucker of Rich-
ardson-He.enactlng and malting con-
stltutlonal that portion of the drainage -
age law declared void recently by the
of Platte ( hy request-l\taIdng ) the
open season fDr fishing , except for
trout , extend to November 15. The
season now closes on October 31. : S.
F. 159 ! , hy Hughes of Platte-Attach.
lug a penalty ) for failure of an abstracter .
tel' to file a $10,000 hand.
HOUSE-The house upon con Von.
ing on the Jd : took up F ! . R. 78 , by
Burns of Lancaster county , a Lincoln
carter bill which proposes to vest in
the mayor Instead or toe excise board 1
power to discharge and employ po-
IIcement. Time bill was passed with
the emergency clause II. It 79 , also
a Lincoln charter hill by Burns pro
vldlng for a municipal electric light
lug plant" was also passed with the
emergency clause. H. R. 89 , a corn
current resolution proposing a constI
tutional amendment for a biennial
election of all state olIlcers and to in
crease the supreme court commission 1
membership from tire , to six , was
passed with the emergency clause. H.
H. 82 allowing '
, soldiers' relief cone
missions in counties to retain 5 per
cent of the amollnt of money they
distribute was passed. II. R. 31 , to
pay bounties for killing large gra 0v ,
wolves or buffalo wolves , $5 a head :
prairie wolf or coyote , $2 , and wild
cat , $1 , was passed. H. n. . 72 prohi
icing the manufacture and sale of clg. !
arettes and cigarette material , Impos ,
lug the penalty of a misdemeanor , was
passod. II , R. 'i7 , to create a state
registrar oC vital statistics , was pass
el ! . 11. It 119 , prohIbiting the mar
rfage oC first cousins was H.
- - - - - - - - . . . T . . . . - . : -
R. 75 , to compel dealers to put gasoline -
line and bemlne In red cans as a precaution .
caution , passed , 72 to O. H. H. 125 ,
to prevent conveying prohibited articles .
convicts and imposing
CIOS to penitentiary :
losing ) a penalty of a fine not exceed- -
ling $1,000 or a stat 's prison ) sentenc\\ . L , . . . - i
not exceeding ten years , passed. H. ,
I H. )7 ! ) , facilitating the obtaining oC a. '
change of venue In a justice of the
iear's : court , passed. II. R. 98 , shut-
t.lIlg out "professional" jurors in Jtls-
tlce of the peace courts and giving
defendants the right to peremptrary
challenges , pussed. 11. R. 99 ! ) ! ) , providing .
ing for the payment to jurors In justice .
tice of the peace courts of $1 eaclr
by the successful parties and 50 cents
each when the jury falls to agree ,
was passed. H. R. 100 , taxing plaintiff . . . . . . . .
tiff 01' defendant , whichever makes . .
the application for a change of venue
In justice of the peace courts , with
the costs of such change , was passed
II. H. H , malting it a misdemeanor to
into ' obstruct ditch canal
dump 01' a or _
, . ; r' ,
used for drainage purposes , passed. - . .
H. R. 51 , giving the state hoard or
equalization lY.Jwer to discriminate between -
tween classes of property and providing .
Ing that county boards need not make
their levy until after the state board
has met , was passed.
Judicial Apportionment Bill
Senators Shreck and Laverty are at
work on a judicial apportionment bill
which Senator Laverty introduced
on the 3d. 'rhe bill cuts down the
number of districts to fourteen and
cuts out seven judges , two from Doug-
last county , one from Lancaster and
four from ! the country districts. Under .
del' the bill the state will be divided
as follows :
First Dlsl1'let-nlchurdson , Pawnee ,
Gage , Jefferson : total population , _ ,
76Gn : ; one judge. _ . \ ,
Second Dlstrlct-Cass , Otoe , Nema-
1m , Johnson ; total population , 69,767 :
one judge.
Third District-Lancaster : popula- - (
tlon , 64.835 ; two judges.
Fourth District - Douglas , Sarpy ,
\Vashlngton ; population , 162,756 ; five
FIfth Dlstrll't - Saunders , Butler ,
Polk , Seward , York ] , Hamilton , Saline ,
I"lIImore ; ) population , 128,894 ; two
Sixth District - Dodge , Colfax ,
Platte , MerrIck , Stanton ; population ;
128,891 ; two judges.
Seventh District-Thayer , Nuckolls ,
Clay , Webster Franklin ; population ,
63,548 , : one judge.
Eighth DistrIct - Burt , Cumlng , .
'rllUrston , Dakota , Dixon , Cedar : ; j
population 65,668 ; one judge. , .
Ninth District \"layne , Madison , " ,
Antelope Pierce , Knox ; population , -j'
60,960 ; one Judge.
Tenth District - Adams , Kearney ,
Phelps , , Harlan , Sarm' ; population ,
5,1,149 ; one judge
Eleventh District Howard , Hall ,
Greeley , Wheeler , Garfield , Valley ,
Loup , Boone , Nance ; population , 65-
294 : one Judge.
Twelfth DIstrict-Buffalo , Dawson ,
CUHtCI' , Sherman , Blaine , 'I'homas ,
Hooker , Grant ; population , 61,189 ; ogle
judg .
'I'hlrtCnth District . -
- Lincoln , Logan -
gan , Keith , Cheyenne , Deuel , Scott's . , . '
Bluff , Kimball , Banner , McPherson ;
judg Box Butte ; population , 3,100 : ; ; one , , - : : i
Fourteenth District-Frontier , Red r ;
Wf110w , Hltchcocl" , HayeH , Dandy , t .
Chase , Perkins , l"UI'JH18 ; population , '
44,570 ; one Judge. . . ,
. . . ) i'
) r- -'II
Freaks of Fortune. ' .
In January of last year a murderer
named lIelfert had just been sentenced -
tenced In Moravia to penal servitude
for life when ho learned that he had
won a prize of $10,000 In the state lot-
terr , and a few weeks earlier Ernesto . .
. .
1. p
Bijar was hurled In a pauper's grave.JIC. .
at Barcelona on the very day on which I
a ticket found in his possession ) won
a prize of $40,000 in the Spanish na .
tional loltery
Little Destitution In Japan
There is said to be no real destitu-
flea In Japan. Though some ere very
poor , yet all seem to be well fed ,
clothed and housed and are Invariably
cheerful and , what is more surprising ,
Invariably cloan.
Men may differ on their theories of . . . J t
sunspots , hut they agree on the sun- ,
shln . ,