The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 5

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    - -
mot. \ County Conscience Fund.
County Treasurersoot ( has
started a conscience futid A
short time ago Mr. Zook received
a letter from Bern Kansas con-
taining' a tell dollar bill accoll1-
. . ' ; parried br l note stating that thc
, , ) a ;
itl . . . .
: stun wS to bc credited to a COllll-
tr conscience fund 'I'bisIr. { .
% oed ( has ( donc 'rl1 s fund should
grow rapidly for if there is anything -
. thing about " , hicl men will lie.
that thing is asscssmcnt and
taxc : l\lr. Zook has put thc
money out at interest and is ! lnx-
. . - - , iusly waiting thc next con tribu-
- ' j tWIT' :
- ' . - , ' ,
I "Cor\vin Fergus.
tl Corwin Ferg-u of I ' rank : in
_ precinct died of BrigIt t's discasc
r r--- : and heart trouble . Sunday. \Ir
Fcrg-us was one of thc best Imown
. and l Most ) romincnt citizens of
Richardson county lIc settled
in hc t west cnd at an chrJy date
and by hat ' ( land careful labor had
bt comc one of thc most prosperous -
ous farmers in thc county. He
leaves a wife and several children
W. P. Pergus l of this city is a
cousin of thc deceascd.
Engineer Fatally Injured.
A . \Iissauri Pacil : engineer
! was fatally inj\trcd Saturday by
) , m the breaking- one of thc dri\-
- ' . , , . r ing : rods of the ng-inc. "Frcig-'ht
r-'ji , " '
I" number 12 son tIihouiid passed
i through here at about 2 o'cluck
( , l\ ) : : ' in thc afternoon in charge of
1 ' , engineer \Iartin. : As they reach-
cd the bridze ; just this side of
Padonia thc driving rod broke
and in its revolutions completely
, demoli' : > hrd the cab , 1l1ocking' ; :
' Martin out out so that hc fell
. " , through thc bridge and on to
, the ke below lie was terribly
bruised and beaten and lived
bu a : - . -.hol time. \ His Iwme I
i ; in .At hisol1 where he list l s
with his family.
Class Confirrncd.
Bishop Williamsof Omaha con-
firmed a cla ' ; s of six tlll'1I1bcrs at
the Epb.opai church Sunday
i . UO.rl1illg. . . The beautiful service
, was imprts ; ' read by the
, Bishop before a very I urge : ludi- <
nce. bishop Williams is always
a welcome visitor as he is one of
the best < pulpit orators in the
. .
Judge Tucker.
s _ , Word was rc eiYl' 1 here 1 'ridny :
, morn I1mg that Senator E. A. Tucker -
kcr had bel.'l1 appointed ( Territori-
, al : 1 lllite for A riwl a by the
' 'Prcbidettt. This { ; is if ; position of
. . . . . . . . . . . responsibility for which the .ludgc
I is well qualified. We arc informed -
eel that thc salary is S3.0CO ( ' per
al1nl1m. Thc state sedate upon
hearing ; the news passed ! appro-
dute resolutions of thanks ; : to
II' which .Judge 1'uder ; : responder
'in. i a ; neat fpccch. 'l\he Judge
will not tale his seat until after
the adjollrtll11'nt of the leg-isla-
ture. The Tribune joins in the
) gen2rah 011g'1 atulations to the
- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
fortunate pplica11t
Shakespeare Club.
A Shakespeare reading circle
has been org-anized with time
following mcmbers : Mrs , J. T : ,
Cain , Mrs A U l , 'Vanncr , . \Irs
John GilliganIrs. , Isham Hea-
\-is , 2s1 rs. Robert ' Rule , \1 I rs. 'L\ J.
Gist , Mrs. H. H , . Miner Mrs. C.
F. Reas , Mrs.V. , \V. Abbey ,
Mrs. D. I D. Hca'is , Mrs. J. C
Yutzy - ahl(1Irs. . . I . lI 'eowlc
1\1rs. C. F. Reavis was ; elected
chairman. 1'he club has secured
pamphlets of Prof. herman of
thc state university and will read
Julius Caesar. Meetings will he
held every two weeks , the first of
which is being held today ( Fri-
d IY ) with 11rs. , V.V. . Abbey.
The Truth About the Coal
. .
The coal COO trtct bdweel1 thc
city andJ 1' . Douglas , proprietor
of the city roller mills was abrogated -
g-ated at the meeting the city
council last week. Humors relating -
lating'to this action have been
abroad in thc land for some weeks
and the action of the city council
was not a surprise. 'l\lte trouble ,
as we learn from a member of time
council , began when it appeared
hat thc coal was not lasting as
long as it should , one nmorlth the
city burning eight car loads or
about two car loads a week. An
invstigatioim was instituted and
the council claim to have secured
evidence that Iouglaswotlld take
coal from the cars anc1 put it in
his own coal bins al1d that 1 hc
would also scJl coal from thc
city's cars. Mr. I'o lnec1il : on
bond \ of Douglas started to il1\'cs ,
ti , ate ; 111 1 as a result asked the
council at its last meeting to re-
lease him from the 1)011(1. After
a satisfactory settlement this
was clone al1el the coal contract
abrogated. Time council . then entered -
tered into a contract with Mr. P.
S. , Hcacock and has every reason-
able assurance that it will not
again be necessary ta burn two
car loads a wcck.
I have a'cry libcral proposition -
tion for some good man who
wants to break up about twelve
acres : of timber land.
C. F' . eavis.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Local and Pe..sonaL .
Eat Sowles Cand r.
, Are you a member of the blue
mark club r
Fresh hulk oysters direct from
Baltimore : at Coupe & Tltortltons.
Two Choice steam hcated 1
rooms for rent il1 State Bald ,
Buil(1 ng.
Miss Jennie Fcllcrs retttlned to
her home in Humboldt Sunday
after a two weels'isi t with h
This has becn thc co Idest win
ter ever recorddcl ! ; l by tue weather
bureau. Some thermometers reg"
istered ! thirty below Monday '
. „ . . . . . - . .
- . _ w . . . . . . . w. - .
. , I
I .
t.I I
, .
- - _ . _
- - - - - )
on a Farm J ,
L . . : . _ . _ , _ _ ilHfjKlX : ' A
t 1 t , y t Don'iReni
. . ,
. Buy nn irrigated farm . for yourR'lf or YOUI" Ron
before the : advnncing- pric ( ' shuts you out. 'I 1 he time is i
fast coming in this country when the oWner of a good
, will be a v'ry ( inclc pendent111 \ ; n ; the acreag"e ; of farm
, l1d. limited , but our population is rapidly increas-
mg. l u
The entire acrcar e or land available for irrigation ,
citlH'r by Private or Governmcntal enterprise , will make 1
, but small number of farm j'
a cightY- lcrc ; ms compared
\\'ith the number or young men who expect t.o becom (
" farmers.
The Big Horn Basin has ample water , a splel1-
\ . did sunshiny climate and ; a soil which , under water , is.
I S as rich and productive as any in the ! teilhpetitc : ZOll ( ' ;
If l send for our special Big lore i tin : folder , ; ll1d kcl'p I
i that locality in your mind in looking into the future.
t ! 1 General Passenger L. W. Agent WAKELY , Omaha , , Neb. I 4
t""t ' : : , ' ' . " ? : t't7rrrT ( a.rr.
: E The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. ( f )
A1 . . 11:1111111' , all 1\11111 nf Coal unit Wood : cats nil nhll'n ; nil HilmI IInllcl' Plenty of
o l'Jnur , , nrnllllli Feed , Brallallil Shorts : ( : rain , haled . inlay and Straw : noel , Salt ) >
5c per C\\'I. , I'ltll' , Grnllll.1 Hock ] Salt ne per t'wl" , l\ticllhmll Halt : I,5t1 ) per barrel ,
\WI \ ( th. sads tote : rll.lIt..l . Shells for Cllldll'lIS 1.25 per 1'11'1. . Ground Oil Cake ; _ .IKI ( r
aWI ett ' t. 1'rll.iall , . Pratt ! ' , \ \ 'atkiox : Stock : IlItl Poultry 1'ooIiH. Cut ; ! for 1Sntter ,
o IJ.I'If : ! ' and : Poultry. O. P. 11 ECK. -I
, ;
Bert \ \ ' II taker has been very
ill for several day- : and for a time
his COl1elitton was a source of
great cuncern. 'Ve are glad to
report that t hc is now un thc road
to rl'CO\'cry.
It \.ill pay to keep Chamber-
lain'g Colic , Cholera and Diarr-
hopa Hcmcdy in your home. It
only costs a quarter. Sold at
1' gees Drug Storc.
The Auburn Herald contained
eight : display advertiscments of
public sales last week and the
Hiawatha : World had five , three
of which were full page 8ls. 1'he
farmers il1 tIle adjoining counties
tind this met 110c1 profitable and so
would the tanncrs of this county
if hey would try it.
A Fall > City man ; who is an
enthusiastic hunter alld 1 an' onCe -
compromlsingrcpuhlican went
home at 1100n thc other day to
find his six yea old clothed in
lcg-g-ins which came up to his
waist. 'rhc boy looked like ; : a
little brownie and thc father
thoug-ht to complete the picture
by putting his l tinting cap on
him. 'rhis pleased the little fellow -
low imnH.nselr and the father , .
I said 1 , Hwait a minute till I give
you m ) Parker g-un , I want your
" " "
mother to see you "Huh ,
replied thc youngster , " "aint thc
Hoose\'c1t g-Ull no g-ood : "
How many of you remembered
that Sunday was thc birthday of
Abraham IJincoln
Startling nut True
People thc world over were
horn lied on learning of the bowling -
ing' of a Chicago theatre in which
nearly six hundred people lost
their lives I , yet More than five s
times this number over 3,000
- -
people died from pneumonia
Chicago luring the same ycar ,
with scarcely a passing ; notice.
lal'el' I ) ' enc of these cases of pncu-
ItlOnin resulted from a old ancl
could ha\'c been prevented by the
timely use of Chamberlain's
Cough cmedy. A great many
who had every reason to fear
pncumonia havc wanled it off by
the prompt use of this remedy
The following all instance of '
this sort : 'Too 11tuch cannot be
said in favor of Chamberlain's
Cough cmecly I , and especially for
colds and in/luen7.a / I know that
it cured my daughter , La uraof a
severe cold , and I believe saved
her life when threatened with
pucullloIt\1' . D. Wilcox , Lo- , New York Sold at Kern
Drug Store.
- - - - - - -
(1t all hours
Everything Neat & Clean