The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 4

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An Ohio Fruit Raiser , 78 Yearn Old ,
Cured of a Terrible Case After Ten
Years of Suffering.
Sidney Justus , fruit dealer , or Mcn ;
tor , Ohio , says : " ) was cured hy DOlln'R
Kidney PIIIM oC II severe cn.e ! of I\ld.
ney trouble , of
eight or ten
i wa" ' ' 'Ofil'/i' tllnlllllll : ! ; .
f/ y ' I MutTered the
J . . T , , . , most severe
AV . 'I backache } and
" .3 other pains In
r , the region of
, he kidneys. I
f u ( 1111 ; ' ' '
° .
. \ These were especially
\i. \
II1'rially severe
when stooping
fiw'ay : .J\'STUB , to lift anything ,
and often I could hardly straighten
l11y huck The aching was had In the
laytitne . hilt just as bud ut night , and
I was always lame In the IIIornlng I
j was bothered with rheumatic pains
and drop ] cal fJwclllng of the feet. The
urinary puaElIgcs were painful , und the
secretions ! were discolored and so free
that often I had to rise at 1Ilght. I
felt tired nIl dllY. Half a box served
to relieve me . and three boxes effected
u permanent cure "
A TRIAL FHlm-Addresn Foster-
llllhm'n Co" , Buffalo , N. Y. For sale
by all dealerR Price 1i0 ccnts.
A new province \ called Klpghllllal
1 has been formed from part . of ho I
I province of Klan su , north of the
YI1Itse : ! rh'el' This will divide
China proper Into nineteen pro\'lnces
gnnhun has been appointed governor
of the new province under Chou li'lI ,
the new viceroy nl Nanltlng ,
Best Heads of Hair.
Falr-Imlred people have the bent
heads : of hair , 1.10,000 to GOOOO being
quite an ordinary crop on the head at
IL fair man 01' wOl11a
The hands are apt to thln1c that
J they make the clock go
nl'lIlel'H : gay tlnit lIH soon IIA n cus-
tOl11el' tries Defiance Starch It Is 1m-
JlOHHlhll' to Bell tllI'l1l IIny other cold
water Etul'ch. It can he used coW or
i Storekeepers report that the t extra
I quantity \ . together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch make It
next to IIIIJlOSHllIlc to Bell any other
1 1.1 .4 . 4 . . . . .L..I.,1.1 J. . J. . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . [
i .
4 t. .
r' SAYING GIVE r.m A t
i : BY ASKING FOIl A : : .
a " " i
"CREM 0"
1 ; 5.CEN'l' CIGAR IN t
. . : AMERICA ' -
. - .
. : 1
. : liThe World's Largest Seller" ) -
4. f
.ty'IT"TYt"'T''T ' TvT.TYT' T'T'T Tv.'T"TY' ( ' . , , . : .
. . . $ 2 ) 5 .00 Cream
_ . . FOR $25.00 we..11 the eetc-
. ' J. brated DUNDEE CREAM SIPItI\A. :
. TORe.pteltyEtx , ! , leundapcrlwura ;
t ,1. : . 3\0 : 1' . c . . paeIly Ilt'r hour Cor
_ . - 52.00. WO'ouIIlh rapacity l er
r f hour for 34.00. . Guaranteed
. the equal 01 "paralora that !
- retail everywhere at from lII.OO
to 5IE3.00. .
. OUR OfFER We will ship
a you a Sepa-
rl' 1 : rater on our 30 dars' free trial
' ttl1 ( 3t : plan "ltb thehlndlnl-tundo. .
, " . lug and aFrcen lcnf ) Oil 110 lint
, nod by conlpatison , test and U" e
Iii' Csaa that It wilt "I.t' in closer abttn
. / ' - colder mtlk , akin . . . .
. . ' . . . ; ] eanler rUI ;
_ " . y. . . . . . .
' : _ . ? itgbterandekhnone balfuore
) ' - , . ' milk thou any other Cream
i . ? Separator mini . . , you can re-
' , turnthcSeparatortousatour
\ _ , 'expenae and we will Immedl.
q' \ nle' ' ) ' , , , turn an ) ' mane ) ' 'ou
: ? i- -
" ha'enpaid ornfreight
" \i. \ , may hate paId lor Ir"aht
? } ' - - charges or olherwlae Cut
, -
t " ' - " r Ihls 1111 out at once a " , I mall to
1l il' Ej UII. and you will receive by IL"
turn mall . free , lloytpald ' our
SEPARATOR CATALOGUE You will get our big olferand
1 our free trial ' roposltlon aed yen will reed , , I" meal aatoe-
l.hlorlII".ral 'ru. . $ diar.taro.erher beard .r , Addrt'o"
' . " . " , . . . . . ' . , , . .3 t.1'T e ' r1r ' ; ' 1"RliI , , rwttnr ' ' ,
. . . , . . , ,
' ' ; r.- . . . .6.w ! . I1'r a j.ar4 3. ' : : , , , ' _ _ " ' ; O
City of London Contemplates Building
to Cost Millions
1.011.1011 . , Ellglnll.1 . wants a net . .
COllllty . A. n. nCllnCt , M. I ,
B. E , . say ! . Imllt ! II great new bridge
at the Temple , large enough and
strong enough to take the tram lines
fl'OIll north to sOllth , and to support n
comity hell ) whllh for beatify , economy ,
accomlllodation , and . site would stir-
pnss the county councillors' most
opulent drt'l1l11s. The bridge would ho
stn'i lounle(1 hy lofty vaulting with
OJlell sides , so that light and air would
have free access , and : tinder this vault.
tiF 'Page'P ,
e !
Vfrw or - '
I ,
cwtz ! fr rlta1ttrar S
, '
County Hall Suggestion.
lug , which would cOlllllletely cover the
roadways anti footpaths , the tralllc
would he conducted , and on the "aull.
lug the main building wOllld ho orecl.
ell. A tiu ce - story building erected on I ,
the bridge wOllld yield a floor space of
about four and a half acres A coun.
cal chamber , public ) rooms , a musellm ,
a library , a picture gallery all come
withIn the scope of 1\11' Bonnot's plan ,
of which he estimates the total cost
10 ho , Including the aCCJllisltion of
property at the approaches , $23,750 ,
000. The hull itself would cost about
Bag Game Without Gun or Dogs.
l\1rs. Owen , wno lives three miles
north of town , came In this morning
with fifteen quail , eleven rabbits and
two squirrels and when asked how she
killed so many stated that her four
little sons went out walking yesterday
afternoon ( Sunday ) without dogs or
gllll , tracked a covey of quail into 11
brush pile and killed fifteen by get-
ting 011 the pile and jumping up and
They killed n. number of rabbits In I .
the same manner , and still others by
chasing them Into dens and twisting
them out with long forked sliclts. The
squirrels were killed by getting them
Into hollow trees and twisting them
out In ! the same manner as the
hlts.-Coo1w\1II0 Correspondence
Nashville American.
Clever Canary. .
' .
'trained to ride perched on n. liltlt
wa on.
His Day for Misfortune.
A peculiar accident was reported
from Augusta , : \Ie , A visitor to the
capital city was passing along the
street when an icicle fell froze U
building , and striking n wire , sheered
from its course about twenty feet and
struck the cdestriRn on the head.
1(1S ( 11l11CI reeitsr . anu mil ---e- -
: _ , . . . . . . , \ . . . . . , . , 'I' _ ' . : ! ; , . - . . . , . , " . ' 10
' . .
- -
JLJ ; ! '
- - - - - - - - - - -
. . . ; ; tt
There are 111 any Imitations of
Bal < .er's Cocoa k .
Baker's Chocolate
DOJt't be lJltsled by them !
: : Our trade-mark is on every .
- 1'q ' package of genuine goods. ' - - .
'I " Under the decisions of several
t r I \ \ \ United States Courts , no , _ r
; , ! I I I\ \ \ \ \ other chocolate or cocoa than 1.
, " ; I ! I , m1 \ Walter : Baker & ' Co. ' s IS en-
, - : . _ : .Jj .5- ; QJ ' ' r II' I titled to be sold as "Baker's
Looldor1hTr ! - . Matk C ocoa It or "B a k er ' S Cl lOCO I ate "
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
Walter Baler ( Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester , Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America I
l .
How to Win in Advertising.
The sporty horse is a poor sort of
animal for a long hill In advertising
the winner is the man who strikes a
hail he can hold and keeps moving.-
Profitable vortlsing
It appears that eggs arc sent from
Austria to Ireland and thcnee' to Eng-
land , where ' they are sold as fresh
"Irish eggs. "
1f you Ion't get the biggest and best
it' ! ! your own fault DptlnnN' Starch is I
for Hale everywhere anti there t is I positively -
tively nothing to equal It ! In quality 01'
Responsibility walks hand In hand
with capact ! and power-J. G. HoI-
a. cs a
, t ;
rt Cures Colds : , Coughs , Sore Throat Croup ,
Influenza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis sad
A"lhma A ccrt31n euro for Consumption In lira
stagesund ; ; ! a sure relief In advanced ! Ntll eN , Use
at once Yon will see the excellent cITed after
taking the first dole. SoIl ! hy dealers cvcry.
wherc Large bottles : : : cents and 50 [ cents
Salz2r'S , iLf
Nation31 0218 \
Greatest oat of the cenlurY. ' J
Yloldpd In Ohio Ib1.n . . ! 'tIlch. : !
ZI1. Inlllo.25. .auI11u .l'I.Daltota
910 bu- . per DCIO.
You cau beat that record In 1911.1. I
Far lOc and rhKf notice
we mail yon tree lots ot farm seed
lIuUlpll'8 and our bl . ; cntuicg . tell-
ing all nhout nua oat wonder
tbouSBnds other IIl'e.III.
La CrosSli , /
Wsu wf . .
. .
a. _ . r.d. . ' .
Thrift in British Isles. T
In England and Wa1es about one in I
four of the population has an account .
In ' the postofTIce savings hank fn Ire- - (
land one in ten , and In Scotland one ' :
In eleven. 1
"Dr avid Iounedy's I"a.orlte Rr + med
raved . Illy life I I lead .JY"' ' and kIlIIlO"s..e. .
Ex-SllDator Albert .rorrlLt , lark Place , N. Y..1 a t. . > ttla.
The work itself is the best wage.
, ,
: :
Every housewife . gloats
over finely starched
, Ineo and white Sl'oods. ;
Conceit Is justifiablee
after using Defiance
Starch. It gives a
stiff , glossy white'
. ness to the clothes "
and docs not rot p
them. It Is abso-
Jutely pure It Is
the most economical
because It goes fa : :
farthest , does more
and costs less than
others. To be had of all
grocers at tO OzL
for IOc.
- -