The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 3

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NoticcofProbatc of Will
. .
. - - - - - -
III the County Court of Hlcharilsoll Ctlllllty ,
Nebraska - ,
, + , Iu the matter of pwbatlllif the last ! gill : allll
testalllellt of Katlll'rhle Hallilm tlect'a-lt'll. ! No-
tice I-I ! hereby IfIYt'1I all Persona ! interested thaI
Herlllall Hallilm has ! deposited ! III talll court all
Illstrulllellt IIl1rpOl'tllI1 ! to he tilt last will and
testalllelltof said ! Katherine 1Iallilm tll'cea-lel. !
It h ordered that the same h. hl'alll hy t1u
court Oil Saturday the 18th d- y of 1'chru'lO' 1 1'.105
at 9 o'elocl a. III. III the Coil ttty court roolll III
1.'a11s City III said COllllt , when \1\11 where all
Persons interested stay appear ned contest the
Probate thcn'of.
By order of the court dated January 2.3thn
, t. J . 1905. : : . r' J. H. Wllhlh' .
p 5.:1.- : ' ISealJ County Jndact.
Legal Notice.
f hi the District ! Court oC Hlchanlsoll County ,
State of hraslm.
'j'h City of lIulllhohlt
jf Plailltiff I . ' lT
' ' ! -I.
- - L' . 'j'IIII"'r ( fu11'allll\n'ai- ca me
t gllwanl P. 1'iuler and 1 : . P.
" 'l'llIln'r full and real name I' , I. ,
wanll''l'lnlwr. " ' . K. ' 1'llIkt'r. I
\ I'ealnalllc unknown H.I > , , 'L'iulcl'r I
real nantentticnutvuluver't'iIIk . '
t '
' \ rr 'rulllan 1'itker Lottie 1Iur
. less H. 'Vrllfht r'alllIIII" UII-
- . . . . . _ 1 < 1111\\11. Ge rue \yright. Holill
r Wrluht , Champion Wrllfht.Char-
\Vriuht : . FrankVriuht . Lucy
Ina tic hardNcllie KhItie. Aha 1.111'
( tOil , J. \V. Heck : with . real name
. till kootv11 . allll Albert 1II'cwlth ! I
heirs at law and legal rcprl'tPII
tati's of O. 'I'lnkcr lIe"l'at"II. I
' 1'0 thin ldelllant abo\'c nagged ItIiiu all
' " 't - nun - resideot. of the State ! IIf Nebraska . except
t g. 'l'lnln'r.
You are each hereby 11otilicd that the plaintiff
4 the city tlf 1IlIlIlhohlt ; III tilt county of Iicltard-
son allll State of Nebraska did Oil thin 11th day
of January 11)05. file its petition against : you a. . ;
the heirs at law I and legal n'presl'1I1atl\'cs tlf O.
'l'llIlwr late of said County and State thc
. . . . object allll prayer tlf'h'ell ' I. . tu quiet title III
, . .
\ : " . , said Plaintiff city . to a public square III said
; . city located between blocks 5utt1 It according
. ' to the original plat and ! recorded ! survey of salel
city and ! lihCrih,1 III said tecordtd ! plat aud
SUl'\'I'Y as ! follows : 'Also . "t toue at tltt tour
turners of a Public " . \ uan'I 25 log challis lung
N 1 : , : ltd ! W. 11\ -I 12h ' links wide N. Ullil S. bet -
_ , : - weell hit cks 5 allll , , " the said city cOlllprlillU
. .
. } : ; v II part of the North half of the Southwest gnar-
. . . . . : - _ . ' : ' ' ' . . (2) ( ) Halllfc
: \1' \ oC section three ( i ) 1'o\\'II..hll' two
thlrl..11 (1:1) ( : ) East oC the sixth principal meridians -
10111 III said cOllllty aril -Itatl' ! . 'L'hl'lrOlllldulIOII
wit itit the title to said ! public square \ is sought
to h. quieted lu said plailltiff city I. , that the
I allll' ' was dedicated \ ! and uh"11 to said city for
- public use allll tube knots II as the public square
II\ tilt \ O\\'III'I'S uf tilt land I'll which the sauo ' Is
f . situated , tu wit hy O. J. 1'111\1' \ and E. 1' .
1 'I'llIk'I'.ou January 12th 1571 , as Is shown hy
l tilt said ul'lrilla1\llat and ! survey tlf said city
It . now ou n'coI'I111l H.'cord Look 14.l'al. ' il & j.11I : !
o the office oC the H"ltish'r of de,111I said county
_ ltd to obtain a further decree of said court
- , - , ( forever excluding yon and each of you front
. " clalllllllu titles to paid ! land cUlllprliu said !
j public " : 'IlIal'l' . allll from the a"'rlollof allY interest -
t'rl'st of ally kind tl1l'I'L'iIl.
You are furtlll'r not Ilitd that uote.s you
I \ \ , . . , Plead answer or Ir'mul' 10 maid petition \ 011 or
.tt > before the 31bt day ! of March rtn5 : . th , ' saint ! will
. ( b : tab : ' ' n a. true allli thl'toe. \ . . . . e prayed ! for
} I rendertcl acconllllld"
TnE CITY 0)1I17\lOl\'l' ) ; ) \ .
t Kravis I : , L n'a'j. . .
: \ttnrtleys Cw 1'1.lilltlff. 5..H
1 \ Missouri Pacific Railway
J Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
1. owj'Jr
t > Xu. ; ; 1 (1lIIalm ( ) allli f.ill.olll
f 1xpres " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:2 : : a m
j Xo. 53 Olllaha and Lillcolll
, passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " \ 1:1)0 : ( ) ( ) p 111
\0. : :233 : Local Freightu -
o , 1I1lt'1I . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . " ' :00 J : p 111
. -:0. 52 1(4111"Cit \ ' y allli Sl.
Louis alld DCII\'C'I' . . . . . . . A .3:10 a 111
fi. , Xo. 58 Kansas City : tiid 1 Sl.
, I.otlb allll Del1\'ct. . , . . . . . A l-tO : p 111
Xo : 232 Local , Alchi-oll. . . 10:31) : a 111
j \o. 220 Stock FI'cig'hl.Hi-
a twatha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:20 : p III
" > . ' A. Dail , ) ' . H. Iaiiy t. ' : cl'l'lullliny. .
1 J. \'ARNEI-Agelt. .
. .
. . .
, \ nt aU hours
} C. Everything : V. MENDRICKS Meat c. Clean
R.L.BaUinont M. D. ,
Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph
FurllH'rly l t'ye and ( 'ar specialist -
ist no\\ ' limited practice to
, Eye Glasses
- - - - -
Apple Orchard.
If thc orchard is "ithin a reasonable -
enable c1istancc of his market , i
thc cost of taking a barrel of ap- I
plcs from thc trees to market will
be from 15 to 25 cents
There the trees are set 30 feet
apart it will take about 50 trees
to set an acre Many commcrcial
orchardls lS set their trees 20 feet
apart or about seventy trees to
an acre , but in this article we
will use 50 trees to the : acre as a
basis from whidl to figure.
An apple orchard that aggre-
gates a yield of 50 bushels of the
tree in twcnty years time will if
thc apples arc sold at 1.00 per
barrel , . , After allowing 25 cents
per barrel for getting them tu
market , net its owner $625 all
acre or an average of 831.25 an I
acre a year for the twenty years.
deucting' ! from this amount SlO
an an acre for land rent and the
care of thc orchard we ha"e left
average ) ails of 821.25 a \'ear for
the twenty ycars.
A field of com that yields 50 I .
bushel per acre and sells for 40. .
cents per bushel brings its owner
a clear gain of but 10 per acre if
we allow Sol an acre for rent and
SC an acre for the growing and
the marketing of thc crops.
50 hu of appl's to the tree in
twenty rears has been grown in
many orchards. The yield may
seem large to many but S1 per
barrel is a low price for first class
apples. There is a greater net
gain in a yield of 36 bushel per
tree if thc apples net 35 cents per
bu than we get out of SO ( ) 1m at
25 cellts. What we should do is
to grow the 50 ; un and sell them
for enough to net us the 35 cents
per bu , bringing : us a clear year-
ly n2t gain of :333.75 : per acre.
This can be lone if we plant thc
right varieties ! and if we make
proper use of the the B 6 a:1 : acre
per year allowed for the care of
thc orchard. $6 a year will pay
for the cultivation , trimming and
spra ' ing required to keep the
orchard ill the best cOIHlition.
S'200 : will pay for the land rent ,
the tree , the planting and the
whole care of the orchard for a
period of twenty yea r5.
Tn other words all investment
of : 100 ( ) a years bring in 831.25 ,
a net gain of $ 21 .2or more than
200 per cent on the im'estment.
'rhese figures are being realized
in places that are not as well
adapted for fruit as Eastern \e- :
hrnslw. nut it is not being done
by the haphazzard \ : care the orch-
ants usually g-l't. I doubt if there
is a 10 ( year old orchard in this
county that is receiving $3 worth
of care a year , to the acre. Last
fall our orchards were loaded
with fruit that was too poor to
put on market. Forty of our
merchants arc selling Colorada
aPP1es that are no better than
Olll' 3 should have been for 50 cts .
a peck. Over in emaha County
in a neighborhood where . the .
- -
- -
' \Tinesaps were too poor ( O give
away a man by pending life I
cents a tree forspra ) ilIgproluce(1
'Vinesaps reac1ily ! for 81 per bu
Our orchards may be kept in good
condition by cultivation and our
worst enemies the codling' moth
and thc scab can be controlcd by
spraying . if done at" the proper
tulle and lone rightly. 'l'his
means that we can grow fine ap-
ples at a hanlsolne profit in last- ! ;
ern Nebraska if wc go about it in
the right manner.
" om. 1lohlcr.
. _
- - - - -
The Sims Case.
'l'he trial of Otis Sims for a -
saulting- Christ Stucke at Kims
City last November was tried in
the district court last week. The '
Grand J 111"had indkted Si ins for
assault with intent to murder.
1'he trial lasted two days and
was given to the jury Thursday
afternoon. The Jury returned a
verdict finding the defendant
gui1t. ) ' uf siluple assault. The
penalty is a line of not to exceed
$100. or imprisonment in the
county jail not to exceed three
months. The court room WBS
crowd .cl during thc trial and a
great deal of interest was milai ' i-
festcet Sims was sentenced on
" 'edncsc1ato flO days in thc
county jail and to pay cost of suit
New Bank Building.
The state hank of Stella is ad-
'ertising' for bids for the erection
of a flew hank building to begin
about the first of A p' it on the
site of the present builting' The
new building will be twcnty feet
longer and will have an entirely
new vault with steel she\'ing' !
The front of the bank will bc of
pressed brick and during the erec-
tiOIl of the building the bank will
probably occupy thc basement of i
the new Overman hotel at that
place as that is the only 1 empty
room in town at the , . present.
- - - - - - - -
Accident at HUlnbolnt.
Charles Krasnr , the six ) 'ear
old SOl of the north side restau-
rant man of Humboldt fell a dis-
tancc of eight feet through an
open cellar way Sunday , striking
his head on the stone wall and
steps at the uottom. sustained
several bad cuts in the scalp and
for a time it was feared a fracture
of the skull existe(1. Medical : examination -
amination proved this to he not
the case , howe"er.
The G. A. H. Jest ! and .H.C.
of Stella surpriscclMr , and 1\lrs.
John Holland at their homc two
miles south of Stella last 'Vec1nes-
day that being their twenty-fifth
wedding ann \'ersary. The attending -
tending guests took a basket din-
ner with them and spent the day
very pleasantly presented Mr.
tint Mrs. Holland with a silver
set before their departure.
At thc Brethren church at 7:30 :
p. 111. the pastor , Rev. I „ E. lIas-
Idns will preach on " ' 1'he Prod-
ig-als that never Came I-lome. "
'fhere will be services and recep-
tion of members at the morning
"I .
- - - -
' "
EGGS ' ;
t Oc Doz.
Here Is Some =
thing Better
Our CREArtS and
fies and OLD FASHIONED -
- - - -
. .
And Our
The best 5 cent < e
on Eurth. Try It.
Special Prices
on China
Dinner Sets-8 different M
patterns to select fronl.
German , Austrian and
Havilund 'are.
A full line of best English
Plain and Decorated
Ware by the piece or set f
The largest Stock of G lass-
ware in the city , all kinds and t1
prices , at „
C. M. Wilson's , .
It don't pay ! Don't send
way for Nursery Stock !
Time best trees , the finest
fruits , the best results are
obtained by purchasing trees
of the FALLS CI'l'Y NUl
Sl RY. A large stock of
choice homc grown trees to
select from. Lowlprices for
Hig-h Grade 'l'rees.
WM. nOHLER , Proprietor
Hen'ices. .At 3 p. m. services will
be : held in the Silver Creek church.
Dr. Houston made a business
trip to St. Joseph on 'uesday. !