The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 16

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attings better than ever. The Spring line now cOining in and i
at prices always the lo\vest. We have just received 1,000 yards of f
Japanese rlattings that we will sell as a leader at 25c per . yard. This
grade always brings 35c in other stores. You viII do veil to anticipate I :
your needs. The war has shortened the supply and when this is gone
we cannot duplicate. I :
We will carry a fuller line of Carpets this spring than usual.
Keep this in nlind. We are in a situation to save you l11oney. All Cart
pets sewed on our own l11achines. \Ve can give you an Ingrain Carpet I ;
sewed in 20 minutes after order. This is a great benefit to farmers , and J
over others prices costs you nothing.
The Furniture line is to be better stocked than ever and a more
varied line to select froill. We pay freight anywhere in the county.
Lace Curtains during this spring \vill be sold at a sacrifice.
Our Inventory discloses have an overstock. \Ve solicit your
continued patronage.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , . _ . _ _ _ _ -0 . .0. _
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1) ,
f : Money. Money.
Itil 1'0 loan on farms. Annual in-
terest. Optional Ilf VI kilts.
host t sa tisfactortcrms. .
Mortgages houg"ht.
Bc sure and call on , lIr write
mc if you wish to get a 10a" or
have one coming due.---lIcnry C.
Smith. 2
Notice of Probate of Will
III the COllllly Court of RIcltar.tson CUIIIII ) ' .
: ' Nebraska
Iii Iho matter tlf probatintt the lal'ol wilt allli
lt + slalll"lIt tlf 11"0' Richer ,1t'cl'aM'I. An -
Ilcu Is hen'b } ' Ifb"11 an IwrMIII 11I1t'n'slt'llhal
tlwn' hall barn tlt'IIU..ltt'\ \ III sans court :1II
instrument II urport Init III h.I. . . , lal'ol11I and
testament IIf said henry 12ieirr decrawd.
Il Is ordered that tIt ant : II < ' heard by the
court III Saturday the -Ilh thy of M\rch. 1')05.
al' 9 o'e1l1de a. Its . III tun county court rnxlnl III
Palls I City III said county . then :11\11 alteroall
prr ' ' nuc hllt.r.,1 stay appear and contest the
probate Ihen'lIf.
ity sit der of tits court dated I..hrllary Hlh
lQ)5. J. H. \\'ilhll .
j'l : I R..all ( CUllllly JIIIIUl' I
Marriage Record.
Gcurite : K..ohh.r. w Ichila . i-a. ! . . . . . . . . . . . 1t :
MaClfi\\ilsulI.FallsCiIY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Prank . 1'\'alls.Olllalta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Maud analll. Nebraska City . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ; :10 :
i JI'ltll1.l'lIllh'rY'nltlll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Amelia Fritz 1 < 'a" : ; City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
The Shoot.
'l'ucsday and \Vedn sday wit-
ncsscd one of thc most succcssful
and interesting shoots that has
ever been held in li'a1b Cit\
There were many professionals
from broad present to contest for
honors , among whom may he
i mentioned Elliott of Kansas City
Townsend of Omaha , Doug'herty
i of Bean Lake , Mo.'l'imber1ake of
Seneca , Kan. , \ViJl Vcach of this
, city and several others whose :
names The Tribune has been Unable -
i able to Icarn. The shoot was
manag-cd by Gco. Holt and bred
Oswa1d a11(1 was a conpktc success -
- inclc-
cess notwithstanding thc -
ment weathcr. A large crowd
- C .fh" In ( 'al -n-1't " ,
1 .pV VV " ' "
witnessed the several even tsinany
of whom got their first glimpse
of profc sion.d shooting- The
local shooter , did extremely well
and shot up with the professionals -
a1s in several events , Geo. Ho1t
doing especially we 11. TheT cac h
and Cl a \ ' ton matt ! h was declared
off hecause of illness which pre-
vented Clayton from being pres-
ent. It is ul1d rstood that this
contest will he heid latcr. .
- - - -
The sad news reached here
'hl.t2slav ! of the ( leatli of David H.
Atwood which occured at his
home near Humholdt. \ Ir. Atwood -
wood hacl hecn sick with grip for
several da \'S but nothing serious
was anticilHlte'd until I\Ioncay } af-
I ter noon when alarming s\'mptoms
wet not ked. \Ir. Atwood was
one of the county's best young
citiz.ns and his untimely death
will he deplored } by his many I
friends throughout the count\
1'0 to grief stricken young wife
and family 'l'he''rihunc ! olTers its
sincere smpathY. }
Conic to Hc'al -
\ \ meetings at
thc M. E. church and hear Campbell -
bell Dros. sing and the Evangelist -
list pn ach.
V. G. Ldo\l \ is in New York
City this week making his spring
and summcr purchascs. It 1 t is his
intention to buy thc most extensive -
h'e line he ililS 'c\'er
as ever purchased in
ordcr that his many customers
shall have every opportunity of
choosing from the most selcct
eastern sty1es.
Born \Vcdncsday ( evening to
Mr. and Mrs. John Baucr ! , a
Mrs. Auker formerly of Ste1h
died at he poor farm Monday of
vI1s .1 tTnrf1\jHUCK , : rtltt-t . .llIlI .t' I
- - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - . _ . . . . . . . -JI"J 1 _ . . . . . . . . " ' "
paral'si , . She was a \ 'crold
nanny and ; had been in feeble health -
th both bodily and mentalh' for
sonic timc. The body was taken
to Stella for intcrment.
Commercial Club.
The Commercial club met at
the court house J\londa ; night
and received the repOt of Mcsars.
nreen\\'ald and l\lichel who were
delegates to the state conventions
of commercial dubs which met
at Ii'remont last weck. The good
roads question and catalogue
houses also received their share
of attention.
District COUI"t.
The ! district court has been
g-riuding' more or less for the past
two weeks with Judge Kellig'ar
on the hench. But two jury cases
were tried ; the first being thc
case of Hcim5. . First National
Bank of Humboldt. 1 'l'his [ is one
of several cases g't'Owingout of
the Samuclson failu1'l' Thc testi-
111011) showed that 1\Irs. lleim
loaned sonic money to thc hank
through its President . I" l . W.
Samu 'hmn. 't ' hat instead of issu- I
ingthe ban's } paper to thc plain-
tilT , he pretended to do so , but
issued instead
his own paper
signed by himseH. The court instructed -
structed the jury that if it believed -
lie\'cd thc bank's President Sam-
uc1son , deceived the plaintiff
they should find against thc bank.
Silmu1son tcst\ficd \ that the trans-
action was a very innocent one ,
but the jury evidently gave no
credit i to his evidence
\ as they unanimous -
animous for the plaintiff on thc
first ba11ot. verdict for SI 17 79.90
was returned against thc bank.
'l'herc are several more cases of
- - - -
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the salve character per1ding in
the court. '
\Yilliall1 fernills who was : in- .
dieted for forgery was permitted l'
to plead guilty to the charge or ,
ohtaining' money lIIHll'r false pre- ,
tenses , the court giving him ' .
ninety ( laVS.
John I rusoli who was indicted
for running a ferry without license -
cense plead guilty and was lincd
81 and costs. ,
The Rube ! shooting caSl' was ti
con t 111 tied.
. . Nixon or Haracla ; } plead .
guilty to selling liquor without
license and paid $100 a alld costs.
'Plie [ same line was imposcd on A.
Lk comm of Nuns City for operating
a joi nt.
I'-rank ' Blalcncand David
Delph plead guilty - a
gain hiiiig room in Nims City and
were tilled S30 each. , '
Lillic Dixon was g-rantccl a divorce \ - ' .
\'orCl' upon proof that her hus- 3
hand had left his happy homc. i
The Atwood case against thc
1'clepholla Cn. , was continued because .
cause of the death of thc hugband
the t plaintiff. I i . . . . ' . ; ref
The case of Sbrill1pton . 1'he
Sal,111 Bank " , as continued 011 application -
plication . of the p1ailltilT. .
' 1' [ 'lie jury was ; discharged I 011
\Vednesday for thc term.
- - -
- - - - - -
An American Gentleman
Will appear at 'he ! Gelling on
[ " riday , i'cbrnar24 ' , with Mr. .
\Vul. Bond Ii , the ' superb romantic -
tic actor as the star. This is i one
of thc best attractions that will
appear here this season. ' "
Mrs Hayden Prater has recovered -
covered from a serious attack of l
the -
grip ,