II I 4 tI I . ; _ - . f _ " NEW MACHINE A WONDER. Anatomical Researchm Can Now Bc ' Brought to Perfection. An epidiascope , a itow-fangled scien- , title apparatus , has just been proseut- . } ( ei to Brown university , and It has become como the especial charge of Prof. Albert D. Mead , the authority on College - lege hill on matters pertaining to the $ researches of the anatomical labortt- i - tory. r Prof , Mead Is also known far tend } \ wide by goveriiment exlerls ) as the II 1I1 w11o has found out much 1 that is i new about the propagation of lobsters - sters and clangs and other shell fish from shallow and deep sea waters. t "I first saw the machine at Jena , " . . _ . _ .4./ " .4.f. f. , m ! . t , - . . - lr ' . 1' . f , 1 , r . . . . . . . , says 1Jrof. : Mead , "and there is not another . other in the country as large and as magnifying as this one. It has great power , and it is the finest thing in the world. "It is really marvelous how ( the col- ors are shown on the canvas , and 11n- like all of the other so - called epidia- scopes , you can keep your hands in the machine and handle the articles you are inquirIng into or demonstrat- . . . . . . Ing. rr , "When you place a crab or a butterfly - . , i fir or a snake in the slide , which is horizontal , the true colors and the , I , \ . movements of life are shown on th - , screen and the size is tremendous. I ' . The colors are if anything righter on ' the screen than they are in the object itself. If an open watch is shown on the slides , then rOll can see the wheels I go around. A whole class can witness it just as well as ono or a few persons. It is the greatest thing in the lantern slide line on earth. There is the most wonderful magnifying power. "The machine is 4 feet 11 inches high and wide and about 22 inches thicl Everything can be shown to ad- vantage , the pages of books , printed plates , the braIn in all of its tissues and colors , and the metallic luster of soft loom are readily shown. " Tile machine Is operated ] by one person . son and the same person can at all e. times handle the subject in tine slide , : I moving it constantly if desired , and ; can give the accompanying lecture or lesson. The machine is operated with \ . . . electricity , can he bandIed with ease and comfort while standing upon the floor beside it. A lady hug with its dark red colors of the winter time and the five black spots upon ] ) the crusty back looked bigger than a man's hat on the screen j- , ' 1 - . - I . . . , . - ' " " \ t , . 1.1. ' - " ' - - - - - - - and the hug was perfect ] ) in all of its colorings , while its little legs wiggled : ( I as if they were making tracks for a warmer climate. I I A small snake in the hands of Prof. Mead was moved about so that it appeared - peared lifelike upon ] ) time big white screen ten feet away , but it appeared to be the size of a boa constrIctor , round as a 200.pound shark. ) After the electric search light a sys- tem of mirrors have much to do with . 1 the magnifying of objects and colors. -Boston Glohe. A , . - * . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . - . . - - . . - . . . . - - . - - . . - . . . . RULES MILLIONS OF 8LACKS. - - - Youthful Potentate of Kingdom 1 In Brit- Ish Northwest Afric 'T'hislittle chap ] is a It lug , with : : , - 000,000 subjects , though It would appear ] ' lear that ho docs not fInd life very cheerful , If wo may judge from his pictme. Ills kingdom Is Uganda , In the In- , . . ' . r4kv „ as tsl , U r 11 , , ( . , Ill Lk , The Little King of Uganda. tenor of British Northwest Africa , and it lies on a plateau 4,000 feet above the sea , at the north end of the great Victoria lalw. The British established n. protectorate over the country in lSO [ } , and in SD [ } captured and deported - ell to the coast its king , 1\1wanga , who was a very cruel man. I The Idng's little : son , whose name Is Damll Chwa , was proclaimed icing when his father was banishell. He hasn't much to say about running his kingdom for there is a regency of three native chiefs , and over them the British. The little Icing of Uganda Is entitled to a royal salute of eleven guns , and can spend $7,500 a year on his civil list , or ofHceholders. His omclal title is "his highness the Kabalm of Uganda. " In Realms of Bliss. 'Vo find the following In an exchange change "Lewis nolIlngs and Miss Pearl Cox , after several months of heart-to.heart conversation on the perfumed avenue of love , passed un- del' the roseate archway of Hymen , where soul meets soul on Waves of ecstatic feelings. " ' 'Twas Ever . Thus. _ 7JL 4. - 1f. , . f\ { \ ( " . ff ! fI 1.f r / 1 i ? ( , ( fto Co" _ r. . . _ t : ' . ' ( , \ I < < - " - ' ' I f'l \ f " 111 ' IW ' ' - V _ . " . - . . - . . _ . - : : . . : L,4 : " " ' - - - - - - " . . : = - . . . : ,4 - - . - H - - . . r Said Dr. Duck to Madam Stork , 1':11 triplets for your coming trIp ; I hear the co1 > bler's very poor , So let them down his chimney slip "Tho king is rich : when you return I'll have a. . fragile little thing , So light 'ou'll scarcely feel the weight A daughter for the childless Idng. " A New Marine Freak. A strange fIsh Is on exhibition at Seattle , 'Vash. It is six feet long and is half animal and haIr vegetable , as a seed gro\ out of its hOlly. , - TROLLEY INTO DIAMOND' MINE . - - Visitors Carried In Cages Over 1m- mcnnc gxcav 1t1ons. It Is ( lute ] the liming In visiting the gold IIIl1ws of the WCHt to don suitable clothes for the trill Ingo \ Into the minc ! Mtuly notable persons have done that and there Is in existence 1llho - togralh of Gon. Grant and sonic 'mum- W i 4 ( ' .S h 7.Kw w , J/c . y,5tip r ; Ir , c 'F ' , ! ) . i ti.7r ' 4y,5tip , , i.i , f „ h , i $ 4 % , . L y i rt5n * ' , r e > , 4H Ni 1 F r1 u , . , . . I . . . . a. ' c4r t silwl . 4 jf 5 r N hers of his family who made such au excursion. Visiting a diamond mine a person receives much the sallie sensation . sation , for in the depths one realizes that he is proh1\hl surrounded by untold - told wealth. The diamond mines of Kimberley , whOl'c this picture was taken , are limo largest in the world and the compan ) that operates them practically ] controls the worid's out- 1111 t. Diggings arc of two kinds , wet and ( Ii'y. At the river diamonds are found along the blnl1'ho soil Is dug up and carried in ducts in the stream and they are washed in boxes of zinc pierced with holes In time open mines , which are the most important , you look down through an excavation several - eral hundred feet d ( > op. Time trolley cages which take UI ] the soil are rolled on wire cables a sloping distance of one thousand feet and a perpendicular ] depth of five hundred feet.-New Yorl Herald. One-Legged Dinner Party. A certain gentleman , the possessor ] of a cork leg , living in one of the London - don suburbs , annually gives a dinner to a dozen owners of a IiIcc substitute In the center of tltl ) table are grouped four crutches , around whIch twine fes- teens of flowers : minialure legs in ivory compose ] the handles or the Imin's and forks : while the piece do resIstance is invariably a. . magnifIcent turkey that has heels deprived of a leg before being brought to table. Gun With Hidden History. 'l'hls strange firearm was found 011 Kinney's farm , in Scott county , In- z' " dlfina. This farm , while yet covered br a forest , Was the scone or a slaughter - ter of whites hy the Indians. A monument ment was erected on the battlefield last snmmer. 1\11' Edward Bblch , of Dayton , Ky. , found the pistol , but Il I : ; unabo ] to learn anything about its history 01' the name that was applied 10 that kind of lIreal'l- . " . - - ; - " . i - AUTO. AGE IS UPON US. - - Change In Passenger.Carrylng Ve hides Seems Very Near. In the new order or things that Is' about to como everybody may ride in autos soon. 1'hls does nol Imply tkllt 1 nIl will ho able now to own nn automobile - mobile , for time flOG models seem to IIn about \ IIR expensive 1\9 those or former 'enrs. But the auto age Is upon 1113. The automobile , having proven that it can outdo on ordinary _ _ .11Jlr..1rIJJ ' 0 = . - ; : : ' . _ . \ 1'2"m ' . _ : ' : ' . . . . . . . . . . . A.'T'G : TP : ; OF A\J'1'O-DMT" ' } 1U1.L LINtS 0'1 C01111ILbUTO-311P . roads the steam engine on ralll : ! , ] masI now been elevated to the dIgnity at + being limit on tracks also The sputterIng - Ing little Ilutohoat , which first ntado' ' its appearance a3 : a mmmcr : toy , has + done Its racing work so well that the next thing wo shall see will be nuto- shills sl.lmmlng over the ocean like torpedo oats at express ] train speol1. This means time coming of the auto- shh ) and time auto train for the fast passenger-carrying ] worlc of the future. AlrClllly the first types at both these Innovutlons have appearel1. Autoboats whIch were mere launches a few years ago have now risen to'tho dignity of 95.foot and 100-foot cruising 'nchts. In England a GO'foot a\1toshlp Is now be- , lug built for a. . British peel' Twclve-Year.Old Girl Street Cleaner. SomethIng or the kind or girls they raise down in Aroostool i8 indicated hy the action of Miss Amy nereu , aged 12 years , of Caribou , who recent- h' appeared , standing erect as any f mUll , on Il snow scraper and driving a pair ] of horses weighing 2,800 pounds : , I I\nd ( scraping the snow off the streets in the vil1ago. Baby Charm. There are points ] of sImilarity between - tweon the baby of highly civilized parentage - l'cntngo and the offslll'lng or the untutored - tutored savage. Both of thorn are delighted with toys or play with the rattle , fInding much delight In time i ' I ' 1/ / "i k 2 J , 1l di 7 1 ' 4 N7 y i E v F ound. Nearly all peoples have dolls for their babies , und ill the museum nt Cairo there are dolls exhibited which are seven thousand years old. 1Iero Is shown a baby charm carried by a chillness harried woml\n ill Veclm- , alaland. It Is almost similar to time r baby rattle used hy that savage tribe , and as Il fotlch It is believed to have peculiar IQtenc Bell-Ringing Record. ' At St. 'l'homas' church , South 'VIgs- ton , Leicester , Eug , n team of bell- ringers attempted to ring a peal or 21,02.1 double Norwich Court hoh. After - ter ringing without intermission for ten hours and thlrtfive minutes ono of the men broke down through indIs- position , and the effort thus failed , but a new world's record or 17,184 was established , the prevIous one be- ing 17,024 by : the Oxford Guild In 1898 ut Kldllncton.