The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 13

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" \ The American Ankle.
1 Our transatlantic cousins have cor-
r. ; ; ; , - talnly cultivated to perfection ) ) the
- art of looking dainty as they cross
{ the stroet. Somehow they always can
't . : Irlvo to look attractive while engaged (
, in this usuallY unbecoming nctlon-
"f' LandauYorlll. .
, .
1i .
, . y t. t ' Eye Strain In Children.
. .
. Ir ono rcml'mucrs the fact that not
more than 10 per ' cent of all persons
have normal eyes and takes into consideration .
shlorntlon the 'sensltlvo organism of
thc growing child It Is not dlmcult to
bollovo that many children suffer
from eye strnln.
Millinery Trade Not Popular.
'Whllo women are hl\'adlng nearly
F. all of the employments heretofore
. . . , . , _ belonging to men , milliners , both
. . . ) ! :
, . here and abroad , report a growing
difficulty In finding girls willing to
devote themselves to the art of making
ing hats.
. London Policeman Is Fined.
( 7 - For unnecessarily striking a man
with his club a London policeman
t has been condemned to pay his vlc
tim $100 and costs of court. The
r man had resisted arrest violently , but
was on the gl' Ulhl whoa 8tl'Uol
I \
, A stone house Is ! not so durable as
one of hrl-Ie A brick house , well con
strutted will outlast one built or gran-
The most hopeless task Is that of ,
saving the world with a scowl.
Why She Felt Lenient Towards the
A great deal depends on the point or
view. A good temperance woman was
. . . " < ' : oQ' led , In a very peculiar way , to revise
, - her somewhat harsh Judgment of the
poor devil who cannot resist his cups
and she Is now the more charitable.
\.r She writes :
1"01' many years I was a great suf-
foror from asthma Finally : my health
got so poor that I found I could not lie
down , but walked the floor whilst others -
, ers slopt. I got so nervous I could not
I rest nnywhore.
"Spc lallsts told 111e I must give Hl1
the use of coffoe-the main thing that
I always thought gave the some relief.
t I consulted our family physician , and
. he , being a coffee fiend himself , told
mo to lay no attention to their ad-
\"Ico. Coffee had such a charm for me '
that In passing a restaurant and getting -
( ting a whiff of the fragrance 1 could
not resist a Cllp. I felt very lenient
towards the drunkard who could not
pass the saloon. Friends often urged
1 '
t , me to try Postum , hut I turned a dear
ear , saying , 'fhat may do for people to
. whom coffee Is harmful , hut not for
i 1 me-coffee and I will never Jart. ] '
, "At last , however , I bought a pacle'
- nge of PostU111 , although I was sure 1
I could not drink It. I prepared ] It as
directed , and served It for brcalcfa8t.
i Well , hit ! er. as I was against It , 1
I 1 must say that never before had I
tasted a more delicious CUll Of coffee !
From that ( lay to this ( more than two
years ) I have never had a desire for
the old cuffeo. My health soon returned .
0" turned ; the asthma dlsapHarod. I began -
. gan to sleep well and In n short time
I gained 20 pounds In weight.
"One day I handed my physician
+ . the tablets he had prescribed ( for mo ,
telling him I had no use for thom. 110
stayed for dinner. When I passed him
. his coffee cup he remarked : ' 1 am glad
is- to see you were sensible enough not
: to let yourself be persuaded that coffee
was harmCul. This Is the best cup of
t coffee lover drank , ' ho continued ;
, 'the trouble Is so few people Know
f' & , how to make good coffeo. ' When ho
got his second cup 1 told him he was
( .drlnltJng P08tum lie was incrot1u.
1 10us , but I convinced him , and now ho
uses nothing but POStll111 In his home
and has greatly improved in hoalth. "
: Name given by 1'ostum Co" , Battle
I ' , Creek , 1\1lch.
Look in each paclmgc for the famous '
I mous little book "Tho Hmlll to \Yell.
vine , "
119 % ° :
r r
1 r
Nl d
She Demanded a Count ,
"The other day , " remarked a physl'
clan , "when I was called In to attend
a little patient I found the girl was
suffering front measles. She ( lemand
ed to know what was the nature of
her illness , and her mother repeated
the question.
' 'Oh , ' I said , as I left the room , 'you
may tell Elsie she has measles. '
"Quick as a flash the child said :
" 'Ask the doctor how many. '
His Proposal.
Mr.Vhite Ear-HAnd now that you
have acccpl ( l ale , Miss l1erlteshlre ,
may I put this little ring In 'our-er-
nose ? "
- -
HID Prescription alled. .
Doctor ( after the dlagnosls-Ap. )
parontly your : system Is run down
from nel'\'ousnoss superinduced by
less of sloep. l\y [ advice wOllld be
for you to try sleephg on your left
side awhile
Fair Patient-But. doctor , I am
slightly deaf In my right car-and my
husband talks In his sleep.
Couldn't Understand It.
She ( readlng-A scientist says a
woman's bralr loses weight after she
Is thirty "fivo ,
Ilo-I don't see how he found It out.
Sho-You don't ?
He-No As I understand It n woman .
an never gets to he over thh'ty.
l1l5 Jfl
I ' 14j r'
/f' '
: : B" " , , _ _ _ /
1\Jamle-Oh , Billy you said a swear
Bllh'-No , I didn't
11amloYes , you did ; and I'm going .
Ing right In and tell mothor.
mUy- Yon just want an excuse to
say it - 'ersol1' , don't yer ?
Kate-Dolly Is wearing Louis XV.
shoes now
Belle-I knew they were pretty big ,
hut I didn't think they were moro than
. - -
- - - - - - - - - -
. . , , , . . , . . .
. - : " ' : " . ; .ny uti .t' t
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i on , . ! ! uiniia gi ri IihhtLitI . _ I
iinw n Tip nun TiTnnn , , . , m.Ib ri 1 , 1i t1ii hII
similating tlteFoodandncgula- ; 1
Hag theStoinachs atuWowc s of
Promotes Dj cslionChccrr"l- , ,
ness lln HcstConlains neither
OpiumMorphine nor Nincral. n
'N01' "NARc O'l.'IC. '
. . .
la ! ; afoldJD WVELlf1TJllEll
Jlcrakut { , frx--
.f/ . , mart , W
&x1..lI , .fait . - t
4nur .ff't'd r
Jkrmun6 -
11r frrficrrakJW ti. , u
, , . , . ,
lI ' 1'rtJ.-
j"/fi' , ; ! .1Iy , - : . -
JSbkflwtflaltx ' , : I I
A pence ! Remedy ConsUp.- .
non I Sour StomachDiarrhoc/t 4
Worms , Convulsions , Feverishness - 4
ness fund \ Loss OF Si.EEP. ti
Facsimile Signature of i .
. . . . \
' ' ' ' -
. . . - - - - - - - - - - - -
r. : : < ' . 4. ? . . : _ : ; . . , . . .J. ' , \f \ ; ' _ of' - : , . : . . _ . _ : . . . . . . , 't , 1' . _ - : . . . . . .
'd ' l TakeDown Repeating Shotguns
Don't spend from $50 to $200 for a gun , when for see
e much less money you can buy a Winchester Takei i
Down Repeating Shotgun , which will outshoot and
- ? outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun ,
I besides being as safe , reliable and handy. Your
1 , dealer cafe show you one. They are sold everywhere.
III - ' FREE : Our 160-Page llluslraled Calatajuc.
: . :
Three ! great punnet ! huvc I again "hown "ontlcrCul
re5ulla 1111 the Frct Ill/lIIcblc"tl 1.nnds ot 'cdlern
Canada tills ) 'cur.
Mngnlncent r.lll11nlc-farmcrs plowIng Intbclrshlrt
.Ic'o In the middle ot No\'omhcr.
"All are lIonrllllo ho more than ! fieBAC1 with the
Gnni rebuts of llau pint ! 1'n8on's Iwn'C8U-txtract.
Coal , wood , water , hay In uudunco. schools ,
churches , markets con\'Culcut.
Apply for information 10 Superintendent of Imllll'
grulluu , Ottawa , Canada , tlr tll tlnlhort7. ' Rnndlnn ;
Uo\'ernmellt Agent-W. \ - . lIcnnolt , 8Ul New York
Lltc lluilding , Olllnlm , thrll.I.II :
Picaeu gay : .rero you saw this "tlvertiBemeut.
- , , . . . . . stlO : 00
. " - !
' 4
- .
- . -
. -
.v. ' FOR ALL
fill J 'ih.I' all It will
1 . ' . rOil 10 get one of
, . .ur t ! lCl.ealf In.
w . . eubatur . couqlete . ,
' hid down a' Jour
.lIre",1 d"lIon , all
frelghl cI , . . . . prs '
ial1. No other n.
/1) Allrovlyt . : : oretLte. : : :
are the . .oId' . . . , 1Iu _ J . . .U. Callfo-
nla .dwood , Aibeitw limy Ih'I'houI. CoI'I" : Got water
" . .lInrIYlltm. i3d l'IU"elllcll.1 heating surfareto water
" . .Ier. Only 'hlIy ctnu wonh of all , " ' } . ullI < l fo , a haleh , t
All machines sold rn flU t 11. . , . . ' Free I'rllll , giving you
svery opportunity 10 I.e , aura you are ,11 Every : 111.chll1'
' 'r. a f\ years guarantee. : : ; You tale no rlai : with tae'
t.UliP "I HArull-thetnachinothathaastool : i I thetestof
11m. Fend ' for free I."klo' \If \ ) , If ) ou live east of D11sL .
alyil ) liver address Indlanal ells , , If west. Clay I'onlor
bLylta , JI.\U : 1\ : . 1IATOlt ( 'II % U'\SY
Ulny Center Scb. Indlunupolla . Ind.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
, ,
I :
- . - . - . . : : ' . , , 1 \
- < < :
, CASTiR ] A i
For , . Infants and _ . Children . i
: - - - - - - -
: The Kind { ! You Have
; Always Bought .
Bears the
f .
f I , Signature
I u
of , \ \
: .
ci n
! ( XJJo Use
! ' yr For Over
; G Thirty Years ' '
, CASTA . . , .
Tae CFNYavn.or.vanr. ftlW : YUill orrv.
r . . , ,
ollow the FI" " , "
It you are thlnltlng oC a trip
write anti let IIR tell you bests rates , ,
tlnu/ route and sent ) marked tins ,
This saves your worry und annoyance -
noyance and nml(11 you feel at
home nil the way.
Cali1'ttbastt ( 'lIy OlJlcc , lCOl Far-
hail Sl. , or address : :
Harry E. Moores ,
G. A. P. D. Wabash ) Il. R. , Omaha , Neb.
.1 : : : : :
GREGO Y9S . . ; "
Guaranteed SEEDS 9
crow IlulcI Free C'nlnloj\le. . , Ut : . .
J. I. H. Qrepor as Son MArbl"hglI , Mau.