The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 17, 1905, Image 10

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.J . . . .
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I Farmers Insitute . Held at
Salem , Nebraska.
- -
, p Salem , l.'eim. 13-1\0 l ails City
' Tribune : . --'rl Salem l art11ers
institute met in the opera house
here ) 'cstcr < 1ay. Notwithstand-
l1g the fact that one of the worst
J blizzards of the winter prevails ,
\ both during the afternoon , and
: the evening session thc attendance -
ancc was good and the : meeting
s was a success in every way. Mr I
C. 11. Hinman of thc State experiment -
I . . . .
U11cnt station in a very entertaining -
ing' way discussed " 'I\hc Dairy
ow anu t her Management ; The
t hand Separator ; 'rhc Management -
mcnt of alfalfa to make a good
staid and to retain thc same.
The superior value of alfalfa as
a feed product over all other
known to science as a ballanccd
ration , for thc Dairy cow and
beef steer and the pig and as a
_ fertilizer of thin or worn out ( ) i1.
In thc discussion of this subject
the fact was developed that al-
falfa hay has more feeding value
ton for ton than either wheat
bran or shorls. 14'01' i the different
kinds of stuck enumerated above ;
hut for the hone ' '
; timothy slightly
mixed with clover , has more feed-
big value than alfalfa. Time very
interesting statcmcnt was made i
by 1\lr. Hinman that thc soil and ,
climate condition west of us were
\ such that their alfalfa hay having -
ing- more proticm thereby hilll
\ more feeding value hut that our
I soils in Southeast Nebraska pro-
ducing" very munch more of hc
, hay per acre which more than
compensated for he I shortage of
pot icut ! in the alfalfa Ii ill' . Time
fact was also cmphasi'd : that the
land" III son time tit : ' l'brflsln m hI\
- - - -
- -
- - - - - -
a g'cneralutility value in the production -
duction of corn not surpassed any
where in the known world , con-
sidering' their worth thc fact that
all thc cereals and thc other
grasses grow equally well There (
with other locations , makes an
interesting problem for the investor -
\'stor who can still find lands In .
this southeast corner of Nebraska -
ka for less moncy than $100 per
acre. i\ir.11111man and also Mr. Ap-
person who discussed the good
road problem rccommcnded the
King mcthod used in Missouri ; .
both emphasized the importance
of a good drainage system for the
low lands in Southeast \curaska.
1\11' , Iohlcr of 1' ails City gave
a very interesting talk on Horti- I
cultnre. Yours truly
N. E. Grinstead. t
P. S.--Therc were liberal pre-
miums given by our business omen
for seed com , wheat , oats , butter.
eggs : hrpld , rr1e , ald apples.
D 1.s.
, Ii'rank Pet rashek died Saturday
' ' shortly after S o'doC'k
evening as
thc result of aim attack of brain
fever , resulting from a short spell
with the grip , which first made
its appearance last eucsday. The
deceased was one of the leading
farmers of the section south of
Humuoldt amid cOll1csof Bohemiat1
parentage , his father i t > still 11\-
and a resident of I [ umbold t. Dc-
ceased was horn 011 the farm
where hc died thirty-three years
ago next July and seemed in the
prime of manhood.
Doubly Wedding Near
H Uill holdt.
Misseslay and Lottie Penn
hetwo daughters of \11' : and
t : \Irs. l'h..rk" Penn , It\ vi ng' several
- - - - - - -
miles southwest of Humholdt
were marricd to Messrs. John
Shafer of llumbohlt and Otis Pu ;
land of Speiscl' precinct , the cerc-
111o113 ' taking place at the house
of thc bridcs' parents in the prl'S- l
ence of a small company of relatives -
tives and fril'IHh. Both conpies
will t1J:1kc : their hone on farms ill
that ncig'hborhood.
- - - -
HO acres near Hcscn'e and Pa-
clonia. Kal1sa 125 acres ill
cult \'atiot1. 15 acres meadow.
All varieties fruit. Seven room
house' Living \Yatcr. Will sell
good tcrms. Might take a good
residence or a fort as part pay.
A number of others bilrg'lI1s.
Some .ulerchanIise fat land. A
number of good ranches to sell. !
Lands and farms in the Indian
Tcrntory. Call 011 or write mc
if you wish to purchase or make
an excbange. 1I miry C. Smith.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Chn.mhcrhdn's Cough Remedy the
i1i ( ) Iher's Favoru ( ; : . I
The soothing and healing pro-
pcrties of this remedy , ih pleasant -
ant taste and prompt and permanent -
nent cures have made \ ita favorite -
itc with people c\'erywhcre. It
is especially prized ; : l by mot hers of
small children , for colds croup
and whooping cough as it . always -
ways affords quick relief mold as
it contains tee opium or other
harmful druJ iT may be given as
cent clcnl1y to a baby as. to an
adult. For sale al Kerr : ; , 'Drng-
Dt11as Jones was up from I' I No
Home I rendered lard and Monte
cured pants \ and bacon at Coupe
& Thornton's ,
1'11\ infant son of \Ir. and \rr- I
Paul'van'r j" rlpidly : I"l o\"l'r-
jng- front a " 'l'\"l'I'l' ill mm es . . . .
I' ' ( ;
Local and Personal.
Sallie Schoenhl'i is enc of the .
many victims of tilt g'rip.
Did you l\el'PYuur walks clean : !
How 1 about that job work , an .
. . . . .
you ready I to Itg'urc wit I' I ! .
Coal , \Vood and ( Rock l ) Salt at -k ,
llcck' feed stlJrl' ' ;
DI' A. iaiser dentist ovCuu ,
i' l ichardson county bal1k. t !
Coupe & I'ho.I1ln ) is still mak- ! f
ing" special : low prices on lard , , .
ham amid hacon.
For Sa lcA brown IiW rl'-- O. ' " . ,
P. Heck. ; "
Sbernmaii Goc1frey and bret hrr - . . t
of Nine l are \ ' iting' with friends
in this ci t.\ ' . I .1
Elsie ClIlp of St. .Ioscpl \ spent t '
Sunday with her parents in this _ . . . . - . ,
city Sund.y. , j
Lottie sited with Ilit-
Culp \ : - .r
watha friends Tuesday and \Ved- li }
Fritz ; : Miller : cane down frul11 .1
Omaha ) Friday ftc\'lwol1. I . '
h.ador l'roeblicIi. the busy :
bttsincs : , ulan came down from \ \
Nebraska City last Monday. : . !
R. I C."JEmes was a Humholdt . . I
visitor : \lol\lay \ , I
F. W.Clenand ! .11' . left at noon !
for Salem where he manages his J
fat hers general mere ii aim disc storl' 1
L. D. Meyer representing the . . , ! '
Roberts Parkes ) Ic1sl' Co. . left . . L
at nOOIl : Monday for Humholdt. n
Cli as. E. Shug'ar left for I\c- s
u\11'eh \ Ionda \ ' . .
Elsie l Goldner Il'ftIondil \ ' for y ' .
Lillcoln where she will "pend tj
some tulle. i
Miss : Eth 'l 1 \1 ilex of Auburn \ is
I till' g'Ul.-.t t of I"l lati\.l. . . . and friends '
I here the ! first 01 the t Week. )
- - - - - - - -
' "
. , .II
I I COLDS THAT "AiG ? ON : -i iSo !
So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption Do not take chances on a cold wearing
away or take something that only half cures it , leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. .
4 . tr' :1 ' rJ J
. , t
Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents
y II - Pneumonia and Consimption ! ! I
Consumption Threatened Cured Uernorrhagcs of the Lungs . t ; ,
. C. Unger 211 t Maple St" , Champaign , 111. , writesA. . M. Akc , Wood , Ind" , writes : "Several years ' . J ( I 1
_ "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and since my lungs were so badly affected that I had "
_ I thought I had consumption I tried a great many many hemorrhage'S. I took treatment with several I
\ - 1 remedies and I was under the care of physicians for physicians without any benefit. I then started to take I
i e I several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR , and my guns are
. . ' _ HONEY AND TAR. It cured me , and I have not now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it in ad-
L been troubled since " vanced stages .f lung trouble. " ,
: t
CURE- Threes Slzes-25c , 50c , $1.00. The 50 - cent sIze contaIns two and one-half times as much as the small
CURECOUGHS AND COLDS size and the $ 1.00 bottle almost six times as much REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. .
DR Mcf\ILLAN I , Proprietor City PllartllaCj'
' _ , I
f ' . < a :
. ' j
_ , . . . . ° u. , . , , : . . . . . . : - - .r : . .tI : , ; : inra _ } 'Rn-1 : : : . ways rtfCr O.\1.1C . . . .pltet./lTtU USm - - - - - - - -