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: - Published Every Friday at
: Dy
' ntcrcd as sccolll1-class matter , .Tanll-
A' . ary 12 , 1l)4at ( ) the pot olliceat Falls
City Nell. . u1Il1el"thc Act of Congress
of Mardi 3 , 1879.
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'l'l'1cphone No. 226 .
I . Falls City has the , : - smoothest
S and slickest walks in the 3tate. !
- - -
January .vas the coldest month
, . r.- ever recorded by the UnitcdStates ! :
weather 1m rca : u.
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Kyd bridge bill was defeated -
fca ted in the house All of the
, . Hichanlson Cotuity delegation
T r - - voted against it except i\Ir. Lord
I who was _ absent and not voting-
I -
. Aaron LLoticks who is in south-
i : crn California and sun'cd ng" with
. the heat writes that the nights
- are pleasant and that they sleep
under blan1\cts--gillnC here.
5' - 5 . . . . . . .A _ .
'rhe love of the beautiful is the i
greatest thing in lifc If von are I
. without this , cultivate it for you
are missing much without it and }
a S nofA1ing to the ibil-
are \ ng up possibil-
, hies of your c\ : ! 3tence.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .
' '
1'he cOlin try press seems prac-
. , " - ' ticlly unanimous in the opinion
7" ' 45 , that GO\ Mickey should call a
1' , . special election to till / thc vacancy
I" created by the resign : tion of
r ; ; : Senator Burkett with out delay
. ) . . _ . . . . . . . . .02 . .
. '
, If we can't cIo any better , let
, f.- every farmer drag thc road after
. . " _ the first tha \ ' . ' . If this is' done
; : , ) , - ' . there is 110 good ; reason why the
roac1s C < lI111at be put in fairly
- . . good shape : : hy spring.
I _ . . . _ _ . .
\V'e never pass throng a winter
' without realizing : that we have
4 missed much of life. The editor .
, . , j , . .
/ of thIs paper is thirty four years
of age and he never went sleigh
riding with his best girl in his
. - . . . . :
This has been the hardest win-
, ,
, tel' the laboring man has ever experienced -
- ' , pcriel1cec1 in Falls City. Butter
f i twenty cents a pound Hour S1.C
1 a sack , eggs two cents : t a pck-
. - aid : the weather 20 degrees below
hero make it a pretty tough proposition -
position to provide for a family
, J . ' 011 a dollar and quarter \ a day.
. ) i , . . . .4 . . . . - - - - - - - -
- . \Ve would like every farmcr to
read a clipping from the Wallace
. farmer on the quail which we
published on another pag-e. In
the spring and summer the quail
I is an enemy of the chinch bug
I 0 , ,
, " " " and : kindred pests : whIle in the 1
\ ) , , I
j winter he takes a special ! delight I '
: : ' ' ' ; ' in feasting the seeel which
would otherwise produce a pest
I of \\'eels.
. , " . - - - - -
E. \-'rucker has found time
, to introduce a new jury bill which
has many excellent features and
111ay become a law. 1'her is no
dispute as to the necessity for a
r } new system of choosing juries
- - -
ancl the ' 1'ucker bill is a great im-
pro\'ement. Senator I'uckcr is a
very busy member as he is on
eight committees and takes the
time and ( trouble to study all mat-
tcrs of legislation and confer \ \ ith
those of his constituents who arc
likely to be interested.
- -
Church Howc has announced
himself as a candidate for con-
g-ress fl0111 this dist1' ct.Ve will
now sec Nemaha county tom
apart by a continuation of the i
old hIowe- ? Iajor fig-hl. 'I'he
thin ; ; for Ntmaha County to do
is to ignore both of hcm t The
county is again In the republican
culul11n at(1 l the only way to keep
it there is to fight shy of thc old
- . . . . . . - - -
The Journal pretends to great
enelship ( for thc larmcr and
give nice little notices of them ,
their wives ; lI1d chil rell. It also
takes a : shot at the beef trust oc-
casionally. But how dews it-
stand on the Illlestion of the >
farmcr's telephone companies
coining in to Falls City ? Does it
believe that the Local , Bell and
Interstate companiesshuuld comic
in ) for nothing and the farmer's
lines be compelled to pay a thous-
and dollars for the pri\ \ilege : ?
- - - - -
If you ha\'i i'tagood book to
read Sunday ld us recommend to
you " 1'he Little \Vhitc Bird" by
J. ? \ I. Barrie It is very original
and altogether . out of the orcli-
nary. YOll can get it at the H-
bran' The following is one of
its charming pieces of imagery :
. heaven : help all mothers if they
be not really clears , fur their boy
will certainly know it in that
strange short hour of the t day
whcn every mother stands revealed -
cd b' ! fore her little son. That
dread hour ticks between six and
seven when children go to bed .
later the revelation has ceased } to
come. He is In ye(1 in for the
night now and lies quietly there ,
madam , with great mysterious
eyes fixed upon his mother. lie
is sUl11ming- your clay. \oth-
ing in the revelations that kept }
you together and yet apart in
play time can save you now ; you
two arc of no age. no experience
of life separates von , it is the
boy's hour , and you have come
up for jud 11lent.
"Havc 1 done wll l today , 111) '
son ? " You have got to say it ,
and nothing may you hide from
him ; he knows a11. How like
your voice has grown to his Jut
more tremulous , are both so sol-
emn , so unlike the voice of either
of YOU by day ,
"You were a little unjust to
mc today about the apple , were
you not , mother ? "
" Yes , my son' I was. I huugh
- - " But what you thought
will not affect thc \'erdict.
"W 'as it fair mother , to say
that I could stay out till six , and !
then pretend it was six before it
was quite six ? "
- . . . . . . ti
_ . . . , . .t . -
. .
n a -7 .
& _ _
. . , _ _ 1.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -1. -.11IIII I" "
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- . - -
- - .r
t >
Progressive people appreciate the value and
. . . ,
I convenience of f a checking I account. " . "I 10se
who du not kecp such an account miss many
, r
of its advantag's. : If 1 you have never clone t
business in this wa\ ; ' , and are not familiar with
. : ' 0
the plan , come in and we will get you started.
It does not : require a large sum of money to '
open ari - account at this bank-a few dollars
will do to start with and you may add more
j later
\Ve furnish [ our customers with a pass book
free of charge , in which we enter the stlm !
M you deposit also a check book to : withdraw
: the money or to pay grocery ! and other bi11s.
These little checks make splendid receipts and :
furnish the best of evidcnce in disputed ac-
' 1 counts. r
Business l'cople prefer handling- checks and
, . ,
o " " ' ' ' ' "
, , It IS a morc "tip-to-date" I' 'business 1'1" I
way of doing thing-so Don't be timid about
i trying thc plan-we cheerfully tender you our
' .
. . . . . . . . _ . .
'No . i tvas very tin' air , I '
. ,
thought - -
" \Vould it have been a lie if I
had aid : it was quite six ? "
"Oh , my son , my son I shall
never tell YOU a lie again ? "
"No , mother please ( loll 't. "
" \Iy boy , have I clone well today -
day on t1.e whole ? "
SUPPOS he were unable to say
yes. These are the merest pec-
cee1illoes. you may say. It is
then so many women are afraid
to be left alone with their thoughts
between six and seven ? I am not
asking this of you personally I
believe that when you close your
littls SOilS door softly there is a
gladness in your eyes , ai1d the
awe of one who lIluw that the
God to whom little boys say their
prayers has a face Very like their
mot her's. "
The committec on privileges
and } elections is considering a new
judicial aiportionm lIt bill with
the idea of getting rid of some of
our surplus Judg-es. 1'he hill as
i now constituted puts ichanlsoll I ,
Pawnee , Gage and Jefferson as
the First district with one uc1gc.
1'his apportionment would be
sure to give Gage County the
Judge for all time in the future.
Gage and Jefferson arc in the
same congressional district and
about all that would be necessary
for Gage County to do would le
t keep } on nominating Hinshaw
of Jefferson for congress and get
Jefferson for the Gage County's
man for Judge Pawnee and
Richardson would continue to
hold the sack.
C. \V Lewcllil1g- , the practical
farmer and in ti ! ute orator , i5 i not i I
only instructive in what he tells ;
the farmer to elo , hut l'q belly so j'
in what hc tells them to a\'oic1. : '
IIc says : "Insteac1 of buying 9 ,
ground oyster shell : : at extrava- I
gant prices for your poultry , ue I
nature's coin mu on sense article ,
which the bird prcfcr to all :
others , viz. common sand , ha'c it
abundantly convenient to your I
birds and you will not grumble r
because your hens c10 not lay. t
Pro\-1c1e a : dust both of ashes or f
"i\Iother l arth" instead of bu- ,
ing- poultry powc1erof source fakir ; f' '
scald and saIl your poultty house I
and toosts instead of buying + ' .
"Lixil Janes" lice killer. n'
"Instead of feeding expensive
IJowders and stock feed to your
hogs provide for theism , in thc
summer time , a good clover or al-
falfa pasture and hay from the , i ,
same in win tel' .
I\Ir. Lewelling- emphasized the
importance of these things to the
farmer and insisted that thc bull
dog should be turned loose when
these fellows which before long
would } be coming around with
their spurious anc1 expensive r
wa res.
lIe said also that , "any farmer
can write to thc State Experi-
ment Station , snaking his request -
quest known ilnll the officers
there will g-ratuitously send him
a formula from which he can
compouncl his own stock powders
much better in quality , and at
less than one fourth the cost. "
Mr. Lcwclling- quoted the in-
grcelicnts and many were seen in
the audience writing it clown.
Farmers are quick to catch on 111
these matters. A } tAH\mlt.