The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 10, 1905, Image 8
- - - 80 nn. rn'nronl'Ia'n ( Per Acre , It ( J\ ) ) I introduced by I the U. S. Dcpl of Agr. It is a tremendous croJlper , yielding III good Innll in \Vis , 111. , la. , .Mich . , Tnd , U'1 j'a. , X. Y. , 80 1111. per nlm , IIIHI 011 dry , 111'111 lands , flllch its ! are found in Iliont. lllIho , the Dnlwlns Colo. , cl ( ' . MOIILr yield : from 40 tll GO tnl. 'l'11is'hCat : IIIHI f.pcll7. ; nml 1I1I1IIIa Harley and llromuy ! 9 lIcrllliH and hllinll ] Dollar brass , makes : it l'o'-lIihle to grow 1111I1 fatten hogs , sheep and cattle wherever soil ill found. Je/H' ) lilrw lee AU ; TIIIR ; OTICE ! to the John A. Falzer cc(1 ( Co" , La Crosse , " 'is. , allll thc ' will send you free II Hllllplu : of this Wheat find other farm seeds , to. gether with their great catalog , alone worth $100.00 to any wille.awake farmel' [ W. N. U. j Origin of the Maxim Gun Vanity Fair , In the letterpress ) ac' compauying Its cartoons of Sir Hiram l\lnxlrn , says that ho first thought of the Maxim \ gun by receiving a jar on y ! the shoulller Ilt the firing of an old 1'1110. "It seemed a pity that the kick Should he wasted 1'ho1'oforo he put J the recoil to work In automatic load. Ing and Thing at the rate uf u thou. j slllltl shots 11 minute. " j There tP I moro ( 'RtRrrh ) In tits ectlon of the country than all otli"r.tI'IJK'IJ Pllt together , RIII until the lair few yents was 1I1'I'o'c.1 to 110 hlcllr"hlJ. ! For a great , - IIIKIIY years doctors llrunollllccd II a local .tI'en.v and i l'rc'crl\Je.t ' \ loelll remedies , and ' I.y COII.l/llltly flll1ln. I" c\uo : with local treatment , pronounced It Incurahlc Scleneo III . A proven Cntnrrlllo be a cUllolltullullIl1 dle- I CIi'C therefore refJ II I roe contltullnllal trealment. lIall's CIIIRrrh Cure manufactured l1y F..1 I Cheney i k Go. . Tot'.lo ! . , Ohio , Is I the only cnmtltullIJlIlI1 curu "n the mKrkel 1l h taken internally In d Iose. from 10 drops to R tell < poonful. It acts .tlrectlv 011 the blood \ BII.I rnIlCOII urfllcc' of the py telll. 'I'hey offer one hundred dollars for any care It falls to cure Send tor circulate and t".IIIIIOIIIIIIII. Address < ; } o' . J. C11KNIY : : w CO" , Toledo , Olliu. fo\ll \ lIy IIrlll'Jdol' , 75c. Take all's Family J'\1I8 for couslll.otlon. As daylight can he seen through + very small holes , so little things will Illustrate a Ilerson's cmractm' ) Indeed . deed , character consists In little acts well anll honorably performed , daily life being the quarry ' from which we build It up , and rough.hew the habits which form H.-Samuel Snilles. I Among tho-e who bare received . the highest M\'IIrtl-lhu Hmn,1 J'rl7.6-ut SI. Loula " ' ' 'rid' , Fair r was tie A. .1 , Tower Co. , the makerH "c the FISII ItItA1I ; 81.llmmts. Many of our readers who went to the Falr will recall their lee exhibit lu which waterproof gllrlllcnt were shown adapted , tu so many uses that almost every tleplHtrnent of the worltt's . work WM ftullestc.l. 'I'hu ( lrallli : Prize was 1cle. . served tribute 10 one . of tile uldu.t manufacturing ! I concerns in tile country. The man who puts ) his heart Into his work will always get ahead In It. Try One P 1c age. It "DCfil1ncu Starch" does not please ' return It to dealet. 1C you , ! your Il does ! . you get one-third more for the same 1I10Ile ' . It will gi\e you satisfaction . and will nol stick lo the Iron. When you come to Ray good.hy to old sins It Is unwise to hold a farewell . wen meollng. fiTS permanently CIIM' < 1. No fits or nrrvcarness "ftep 1I00t d"t" usa ur Ur. 11110'8 Un'llt Nerve H.-Mn ! " . ( lr , Send for I' U"I : : : , IIII trllli bottle allli tr"tlU.e. 1./11.11. / U. SLLVtt LW. . 031 Arch : , 1'hiiadelphia,1'o \Ve find no better feelings In others than wo foster In ourRe\'cs. ! TO cmm A cOI.n IN OXB DAY Take l.oxKtlvlJ IIromo Qiilnluo ' 1'lIhlel. All tlruii' 1:1s1 rlJrumJ the mIJlle ) ' If ! It fllll to cure L' . \ \ . Oroyu' btguattuu h 011 box.c. : ! . A ( in.\ Tt.TI : I : J ) CIlm rOl l'ILlS. Itching .lIIhltl , II IIlcI'.IIII ; ur I'r . .tr.ltlllll 1'1101 Your tlrpll = ht will refund utuuey If l' . \ZO OI 'nIE\'l' bll to cure you In 6 to II d:1)'s. : 'Oc. . You soon lose the religion you try to Iteep to 'ollrself. 1)10'11 ; CUre"callllot " 110 too hllhlpolclI of as a cough curc.-J. \ , ' . O'lIltus , Third Avo. N. , MltlllculKlIlS , \111111" , JUII. 0. ltlU0. ) "Tlmo to hu1'11" keeps the l'vll's furnace olng. Jltu 'Vlnlllow't ' " ! coothlnr Ryrnp. For children teething . 8ottcn the gums , reduces lno ! Ilawlulltlou allays palm , cures wind coli. : . , c 1\ wtu\ Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch , not alone because they get OI1l'-thlt'lmure for the sane money . but also because of superior - rioI' qunlll Hayti devotes almost one.slxth or Its revenues to free schools. I I Defiance Starch Is put up 16 ounces In a package , 10 cents. One-third mora starch for the same mone ' , i i . . . . . , - < - - . . , - - - - - . . \ ; - ' , . . - . _ ' - , " . . , . - , : : . . _ _ . I' ' 1 r : . t And Both Object to His Lying Abed. Johnn ' -I wish my folks would agree upon one thing , and not keep mo all the time In worry. . Tommy-What have they been doing . Ing now ? Johnny-Mother won't let mo stand on my head , and dad Is uU the limo fussing because I wear my shoes out so fust-Stray Stories. Why Josh Shaved. . \ Zelce-How did Josh come to get them whlslwrs shaved oft what ho has worn for nigh onto 30 years ? Zack- \Vaal , as I understand , his children are all grooved up now , au' titer ain't no danger of his face sItaeI" In' 'ern to oalh.-Chlcago Journal. A Phenomenon. "Your husband ain't very industrious . OilS , Is he ? " said the woman who was sitting In the sleigh In front of the village ) store. 'Veil , " answered the woman In the spring wagon , "sometimes he Is an' sometimes ho ain't. He'll travel for miles and miles with a shotgun on his shoulder , but he can't walk a hun died yards with an armful of woo . " - - Still There "Of coumrse " said the tourist , "tho wealth of this country about hero Is In the Roll " "So fur's I'm cOl1mrned ! 1l Is , " re plied the poor farmer "T nln't tire c' . , - - - - - . - . - . - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .0 . god none of It out.-Philadel1)hitt Press _ Cold Weather for It. Ida-1'hls story says the heroine was wrapped up In a dime novel. 1Ilay-Goodness ! Is that all she had to wear ? Working on Bumps "Is you husband at homo , madam ? " asked the caller at the door. "Sure and ho's not , " said the big , red-faced woman who had opened the dcor. "You see , madam , I am Il traveling phrenologIst , and I'd like to examine time bumps on your husban 's head. " "You're too late \\'o did have a bit of un argument this morning , and my husband's gone down to the doctor's to have him examine them.-Yonlters statesman. - - - - . - MRIHAYDEVIE [ ] ' S GIVES HIS OPINION OF THE BEST TREATMENT FOR PARALYSIS Dccllu.1 That nr. 'l1l1nll1 ' Pink 1'1111 telllo11 the Ute of ill . I.llIIhN " 'hCll All Olllor ICClllCcllc8 lo'Itilell. The premouitor symptoms of paralysis - sis are : tronlbliug of the hands ; sudden loss of power in arms or legs , frequently nfl'ecting whole side of the botly ; staggering gerillg ; partial 01' entire inability to use the fingers ; distortion of time features , sOllletimes an uncontrollable quivering of the chill ; severe pains ; difficulty in speech. Frequently : the first warning is vague feeling of headache , vertigo and muscular \vcnknl'ss. In 1\ recent interview Mr. W. J. L. I-Ityden said : II I truly think that Dr. Wi11iams' Pink Pills are n great muedi cine for they cured mo when physiciuns and other romedics hud failed to give mo the slightest rcliof. Too close nt- tention to business brought on an attack of nervousness which finally developed into paralysis. There were times when it was impossible for mo to move my hands or to get up from n chair. At other times I had llartial control ot my limbs , but I was afraid to go far from the house for fear I mIght suddenly become - come helpless and have to be curried home. " \Vhilo I was in this miserable condition . dition , I was stricken with mnlurial foyer und confined to bed for four months. I had the best physicians , but while they relieved my fever , their treatment did not entirely drive the malaria from my 8'Htem , , and they did not help my Paralysis alysis in the least , I II I was well nigh despairing when a ; friend persullllcd mo to try \Vi1liams' Pink Pills. When I hud finished one box I could see results that encouraged me My condition kept steadily , improving , nnd when I had taken seven boxes I was cured of paralysis und the malaria was completely driven out of my system For two years ; now I have enjoYCll the best of health and have attended to business . incsl without any ! interruption " Mr. Hayden's home is at No. 2i2 West 30th street ) New Yorl. Wi1limns' Pink Pills hl\vo cured many similar cases of paralysis , also locomotor ataxia. They are sold by fill druggists. A treatment so simple , inexpnnsivo and successful 8hotlltl ho tried : hy every sufferer from partial paralysis in any or its stages. Most of us believe that fasting fat- tens-the other fellow. GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA - For Instant Relief and Speedy Cure of Raw and Scaly Humour , Itching Day and Night-Suffered Months. - "I wish you would publish this letter . tel' so that others suffering as I have may 130 helped. For months awful Bores covered my face and neck ) , scabs forming , itching terribly day and night , breaking allen , and running blood and maUer. I had tried many remedies , but was growing won , when I started with CuUCUl'lt. The first application gave mo Instant reo hot . and when I had used two cakes of Cutlcura Soap and three boxes of . CutlCUl'U Ointment I ' I , was completely cured. ( signed ( ) 1\IIRR Nellle Vander Wlole , Lakeside , N Y. " It takes more than the Sunday suit to make the solid saint. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORJA , a ufo and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that tt - Dears the 9'rsr/ # . . , I-P- SIjnlltnro of ' / . ' , In Use 1Por Over 30 Yel1re. The Kind You have Always Bought lie cannot be a saint who will not 130 u servant The Best Results In Starching can he obtained only by using Defiance Starch , besides getting ,1 ounces more for lame ! : money-no cooking rcqulrel1. . . - - - ' - . . 'fJ . . . . . l Great men are not born for lhom- , selves ; great lowers on which nnl -r I stand UlIII gaze , are meant for the 1 good of manklnd.-BoRsucl. I , * r ; : ; : " " " Follow I the FIL\a. ' v' I , n Ja 'd ua\ . ECURSIONS SOUTH DAILY " . , . . . 1 It you are thlnltlng oC 11 trip . SOUTII--SOUTHEAST--EAST ; i . ' 'rito and let us tell you best rates , time , route and und marked time tables. I " This saves you worry and an- i . . - r UOYUIICO and makes you feel at ' home all the wny. I Cull \ \ 'uhlshClt \ , ' Ol11ce lGOl Far- I "j num St. , Ot' a7ldress II I I , Harry E. Moores , 1 G. A. P. D. Wabash R. R. , Omaha , Neb. ' : : , .f' . 10,000 Pant for 16c. More gardens and farms are planted to Balzer' Seeds than any otlret ' In America. There Is reason for thl. 'Vo own over c.OJO acres for the pnJo ductlon or our warranted . aced. . In color to induce you to U.y them , we n11\1e you the following unprecedented . : cedcntl'd often FO.18 ' Oor-te PostpaId miss Enrly.11edlnmandLabCabbage. , 2000 Fine Juicy Turalp. , :1000 : ) 1II0.thlulf r.lerl , moo IIItl.l 5utty Eelluee , JOOO Onloo , JUliO taro Luotlnoo lIadlo1 > , . . JOOO OIorlou.lf u.lmoat . .0" . . . . , . . Above even packages cOltllln Sl1m. ! r" dent aced to grow 10,000 plants fun- .S- ; IIlohlDI bushels of' brllllant f .h\vrr. and iota and tot"Or oolc.e vegotablcstogotherwith , our great ealalo" tclllng all about Flowers hoses , Bmnll Fruits . etc. , all for ' 1110 In stamps and this notice. . . ' Dig Ito - page catalog alone , tc. . . ; JOHN A. SALTER SEED CO. , W.NV. La Cr09se , Wla. I I INCUBATORS. , The OLD TRUSTY Incubators . cullatorK arc 1I111do lIy K - f- ) Johnson tile Incubator IIIU , who hinds WOOO he- L G toro inventing ! his OLD ; TRUSTY. A IlIIy.for.lteelf hatch- cr. Forty : days ' free triAl rid 11 five'a guaran- tco. For bk l free cnta- . 101:110. 3JO IH1Ullr ) ' 1lIus. _ ( trllllulI , address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , " M. M. JOHNSON CO. , Box O. Too Clay Center. Neb. I DR. McO'REVV Fore ; ; YCt\'H Las : mode II specialty or 1)ISEASI ( ) III : N. J.\ht- "I'll ! yetira III Out aIia. Ilta JlIIUI ' J'ri : alnlent h a II IIt'I'I1IUllClltly 1 \Irl't ! 11I0IIIIt\III8. ONLY l'l'g j - nOIr.AHS for tire IIIlIuthH . .r trriunuut Medicine 1'10 II t In 4)Ilriu IHlelac : Box 7111. ; Ofllco i : ' 11'1 South lath Street , Omaha. Nub- \ ' \olta , FARMS and RaNOHES WHEAT LANDS KANSAS $6 to SID Per Acre Splendid sections , Comhlued farming and stock rablnl 81.7 to tHi.OO J'cr Act-u. Kansas , Colorado and Ne rakll. Only one. tenth culI. . ' Fleet land : bargalne . In ( West Ask , l 13. .1\ . 11oALt.Arlit , I.allli COlllu1l1'1lonor UOl1t. n. , U. I' . U. H. Cu. , 01uahu. Net SPINAL CURVATURE Can be Cure , , ALSO OTHER : DtF'DAMlTltJ. f Write or cull at office for free informa' tion lIillhcst testimonials from pronl ' ff ill6/1t 6tatcslllen , and physicians. Con- r 1I1t rour Family Doctor No braces or I' II IP1 > hallCeS used , Troatl'd successfully hy mail. Six 'Cl1r8' experiencc , - < r'1 l Ille UlomQlst GyrnDiatlc et Urtbopedlcllst. ( cPYIlgbt 190Z. ! INCOIt OM"TED. CAPITAL . . .000.00. . Ie TO :11 ARLINGTON DLK. , OMAHA. NEB. . 5 GREGORY'S ' ACAS RKLUB are seeds that you can do- x - 101 ! on. Oet CrtaloCue. J. J. a. WtUiUUY F boy , ! larW.bud , ) Iua. wp . ThE Q'UAT K'OHY AND LIvrn CO" , , , , . . , D VI I < EN EDY'S R D N FREEThC M 9"YbNNEDt' . . EDY'L3 a FAVORITE p ; r tJH .u.p f / u ! a t BLNNEDr ' o bony : l1ONDOUT. li . T. W. N. U. Omaha. No 5-1905. ( )