The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 10, 1905, Image 7

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    r '
. \ ' < 1"1'I'
Nov and Then.
- - -
, If thc Grand jury misscd anyone -
one just speak up.
" . Murderer and Bigamist Boch
is to bc taken to Chicago and
while there bc confronted by
fourteen of his wivcs. Great
r God ! ,
- - _ . .
Judgingfrom the indictmcnts
returned by thc Grand jury , It
must bc about as dangerous _ to
live in Nims City as it is to be a
United States Senator
- - -
When thc United States Su-
_ prcmc court rendered its bcd
1 < trust cleci ion last week , the
Journal . with hecoming' ancl
characteristic modesty removed \
its hat and made its best ow.
.A Nebraska man was in Washington -
ing'ton when an acquaintance
pointed out a distinguished look-
ing' individual with the remark ,
"thcrc is a United States Scna-
tor. " 1'hat so'replied the Nebraskan -
braskan , "whilt has he been in-
d ic ted for ? "
- - - - -
When thc grand jury returned
a batch of indictmcrlts last week ,
all the lawyers . cong : ' egate(1 about . . .
. . . . the Judge's l desk to see who was
who. Judge Kel1igar looked
over he iudictnients t slowly I 1 and
dcliberately.thcn raising his eyes
, . - , 'C , _ ' to the bunch of lawyers 1 stanching
, around , he said : "You arc all
right boys they havl1't indicted
, t. : , JJ , any of YOU yg'1' ,
, , At , ' _ _
, ,
The Hiawatha World tells a
I story of a bride who woke from a
sound sleep and I1pOal ( c1iseo\'cring'
lie r husband at her side ran from
the coon \ screaming' she had for-
gotten she . vas arrie(1. 'l'hat
kind of a story may goo in Hiawa-
tha where everybody is asleep ,
but wc would hate to spring a
.1 _ I' sleep story of that kind in this
, neck of the woods.
1t is related of a Rube mall that
- he was in Kansas City recently
, and met with great : elitlkulty in
securing sleeping apartments
, The hotel clerk Iinal1y told him
that there > was a double 1'00111 on
the second floor , but that a lady
U' occupied one of the beds , " 'Now"
continued thc clerk , "if you can
, g-o into i that room quietly ( } and
without awakening the lady or
. : . - turning the light , all rhrhtg-o
' . : , J- ahead. 1 " 'I'hat's ail right" was
If FF the reply , "ShL' will never he any
the wiRcr. " In about an hour thc
Nubo man camc down the stairs
three steps at a time with his
, coat , collar and grip in his hand
\-.1 \ ; , and aid : to the clerk ; 'Great nod ( ,
man , that w0111an's dead'I
knew it , " replied the clerk calm-
ly 1 , "but how did you hnd it out ? "
. - . _ - -
- - -
A line so acres in Nenaha Pre-
cinct , known as thc St.rl Gentry
place will be sold at the Court
House on Thursday Hlth Feby ,
1905 , at 2 o'clock p. m. - g\'a
Gentry . Aelmx. 2
- ( } ,
Local and Personal
Eat Sowles Candy.
Coal , 'Vood and Nock Salt at
Hcck's feed store.
Dent neglect the blue mark
\Ye can use thc moncy.
. Dr A. Gaiser , dcntist over
l2icharlsOIt county hank.
How about that Job work.
Can ; wc do it for you ? .
Emma Grant S1)cnt Saturday
and Sundaywith \Irs. Sloan of
\Terdon. .
Coupe & 'l'hornton is still iii al-
ing special low prices on lard ,
ham and bacon. -
'I'helis'fCS : ! Spa n , der visited
with relatives 'in Vcrdon the first ! :
of = mite wcek.
Two Choice ste 1m heated
rooms for relit in State Bank
County Attorney Ja111es : was a
B. & M. passenger to Humboldt .
Saturday aftctnoon
Jean Cain spent Sunday in
Stella with his brother Tngraiul
and other relatives.
MIsses Elizabeth : , Isabelle and
Nellie IIGssack visited with 1\Ir.
Sloan of Verdon on Sunday ,
The Tribune published forty
inches more local ma ttcr last
week than any other local news-
Home rendered lard and home
: urcd hams and bacon at Coupe
& 'I'horn ton's
Nat Titus of NC111aha City was
a visitor last week. MI' Titus I
was a witness before the grand
.i ii 1.y.
Owing tf a severely hurtlcd
hand Charlie Cornl was tin able
to play the voluntary at the
church last Sunday morn ing- .
Former County Supt. C. \ \ ' .
Whitchclll ; has wC'aricc1 of Indian
'T'erritory life and with his wife
has taken up his residence ! in
Kansas City.
Ed Ferneau of Auburn was i
Saturday risitor 1\l Ir , Ferncau
is one of the lawyers in the case
\'S. the 'Telephone , to be tried
next week
Hon E.A. 'l'udcr : was in tuwn !
a few hours Sunday afternoon
conferring with local parties
about matters ol.lcgislation of interest -
terest tu this count\
It \dll pay to keep Chamber-
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarr-
hoea e111edy in your homc. It
only costs a CJuarter. Sold at
herrs Drug Store.
Baldy Marion says that the
weather was so cold last week
that it froze his face so that he
could not talk If you know : of a
bigger story than this give it to
us and we will publish it.
If you know of any item of interest -
terest , society , personal or otherwise -
wise call us U1 and give it to us.
Don't bc bashful about it , we will
bc fully as glad to publish it as
you can possibly bc to ' see it in
. .
_ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: = - : - - : : - - - - : : :
r..J , { _ - mOwn u
Own a Far1T '
' _ . , y- _ _ _ . - - . L. . .
" Don 'i Rent
l ' , ! ti. ; lt.t m
Buyan irrigated farm for younwlf ] or your ion
before tlw ( ach'ancing price shuts you out. ' 1 hc timt' ] ih
fast coming ] in this country when the owncr (11'l ; good
will be a \'ery independent man ; the acreage of farm
t I lids is limited , bllt slur population is mpidly incJ' ( as- . d
t ng' .
, The entire acreage of land available for irrig'lliol1 ; , '
either by Pri vate or enterprise , will make
bllt it small IHllnher of ci ' llt\ -acre : farms mpared ) I
with the number of young' men who cxpcct t.u Iecum ;
farmcr s. ' , ;
. , The Big horn Basin has ampl water , a splendid - f '
did sunshiny climate and a soil which , ulHh ( r water , is U
, ? as rich amid 'product.ive as any in the t.cmperate ' zone ; t f
fii send for our special Big' 1 [ ors E asin folder , and keep \1 f
Ur i that locality . in your ' mind in looking ! into the future. I
m w J
' " L. \tVAKELY , ;
General Passenger . * Agent , Omaha , Neb. sr ,
b ' 5n W.ilt't" . : ' : Ji JlI1' ' : . 'tll" ' ; l
i The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City I ( f f )
I AI" " 11 " , ' , ' It ' , i It t ' 11f1 pr Cllal and 'ood : tan Till olCh'l's nit HIt.'l 110111" JlII'lIly of
o 11"111',1:1'0111111 : 1".1. . IIrallallll Sltol'S : Il'alll. : Blh'll lIay allll : Hraw : huclr Sail ) : : ;
i5 , ' 1"1' c\\'l , . iinr lrmnti ; ( hurl , Hall : 4nc IH'r i cwl.llchllfal1 : Hall : ; 1.50 1"1' , ltarn'l
1AI ( llh , strh ! . . talc ( : Crash 'el Sh'lIs for Chlcl.'I1. :1.2.5 I 1"1' cw ( . . ( ; rolll1el Oil Cal,1' : " 2,00 r
O fll'r cwl I'rll."lall , I'ratts'atldns stork anti Poultry 1'o1l11H , CnSh for 11111(1'1' ( .
o : : glflfHalllll'ollllry , , . O. P. f I ECi ( . -I
. .
. " . .v iV w , & : . ; " , . , : , - " ' , , ,
r- ' ; ' " , .ij " j. ' ' _ ' '
. ) . ' '
a R ; l , YpsN ; 12 DISEASES
" , , H
< <
a 11 Peculiar to WOIII/l CllrI't with lilt1 ; JIIt'S1'J'A S's'J'Ir ;
; rf.1irJ : . WII do not ask YOII to tlllo 0111' II/1Hupport'cl , , wonl0 will /1' fcr
Zltbs you to grateful path'nlH In your uwrl locality. Hit.IF.YEIt' ; fury
' , j E : l fllll\(1 \"I'I'A S\ ' TJo\1 : HPt'I'IIII , " t\trl'li \ thu 1II0lit hOpP"H ) III' AO ,
' < ( J ' . , tf called Irll'uralliu l'Il"'H without klllfn 111'1111111 , Jt IH " /11\11'1111) \ ' Illf
&t' : ] . . , , : " , , o/i / fp/'PII t fl'OlIIllllvth III I'JIiI' 1I1111t'r tlw Sun , Loin , { Pnniliculy lIa rill'
k' t .Jitffcl. ; : ? 1 t ' 2 : ' I 10" " . rollllhh"4ll11pll ) and eaoativu , itA , dl ' a ' nv ( + rv Iii It 1"11.1110
' wonutulauQ.lroing / styled ' Itv IIII1I1Y IHI the . \ it , dluinul , ( 'lIl'clt4l. I '
I. L , lit . rr " _ 110tS nut merely 1'111'1' the \\'t.i"I ) 1)inenneM JIll'lItlol1l'cI ( III lilli' " ' ' ' 'I" , ' ,
: A' A , o. M , D. ItIIt 1'1'111'\1'8 RulTI'I'm'H frolll ' 1'11111111' , (1LIncrn : : 1111.1 ' 1'1111101'1111)01 'I ' . .
i CHIUI' I'HV81J.ruwthl , ! without the IIHU of the Imlfo. I
CIA' . " ' 1'110 11 postal tIHlln' Slut Ilr , l Ha ) ' . 81'1111111tYOIll' FIiEE HOOK ,
12 11I."ollt' 1't ' ennui to " " 11I11011. , _ It Hholl"\ , \ I" 1'1'1111 by nil Su(1'erhlg ( \\'unton.
L. : ntonlyto \\011I1'11. Al1l1l'c H . \\1
THE VITA COMPANY ; ' Hiawatha Kansas , U. S. A.
" te "J.t" ' . im ( ' 1 ? , r''ls. mm
L..Y : ! 3 : , t ; ( \ : " - : ' ! I -c
. . .
print .
Dick Neal of Auburn , one of
Nemaha County's candidate for
congress Was before. the court
Saturday on mattcr pertaining to
the Carson casc. \Vhile here MI'
Neal met many of our local republicans -
publicans and made a n1lst fa01'
able impression.
V. G. I Lyford left Friday on
his yearly trip to New York
where hc will purchasc an up-to-
date and complete line of spring
goods for his emporium.
Stephen Story , who was a resi-
lent of this city bout fiftccn
years ago visited old aCjuaintan-
ces here thc first of thc weck
For Sale-An org-an. nearly
ne\v. Inquirc . of \liss ! : Grace
Say lor ,
D. ' V. Utt of 'Vhitc Cloud tran-
sacted business in this city Mon-
day. ,
Che die Cornellvas a St.Joscph
Vi' itor Sunday. "
G. E hall of this city spent
Sunday in \Terlon.
Dr. R. P. Rohe..tsilentist .
over Kings PIHunlacy. I
J. II.Vilsoml and wife of Omaha -
ha are stopping at thc City 110tcl I ,
Frcsh bulk oysters direct from
Baltimore at Coupe & : 1'h01'lltons.
Whist Party.
'T ' he young , mnarriecl lady's Kens-
ington club entertained their
husbands by a whist party given
by Mr. [ and1'5. . George Holt
Ii'rid ) ' cvcn i ng- . 'l'hcrc were
eight couples in attendance and
a most dclig-htful timc was had.
Miss Jcnnie li'ellcrs of Humboldt
was the guest of thc club. Thc
rcfrcshmp.nts were furnished by
the mcmbcrs. ,