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Some Queer Cr&1dlct :
A emllio. Well , perhaps you might
not call It that , but the little Lapp
baby Is quito sat lst1 ( ' cl with It , Not
only his eights but his days ns well
are spent In thin funny cmlllo , which
16 really only II piece of wood , hol
loved out and shaped like a hoat.
; lie has nothing hilt dry moss to lie
K on , and no clothes whatever to cover
his little naked body , hut ho Is n'J
cozy us possible tinder the soft moss
and warm reindeer skin which his
careful \ mother spreads over hllll
Generally , ho Is hung UII lJy cords to
the silo of the lint , 01' rather his
! clalllo : IH , butsometimes It Is tied
on his molhel"s hacl When the fame
fly start on a journey it Is SWUIII 011
mho horns of a reindeer , raid the baby
111118 a good time , and Hoes all the
sights ,
I The little Eskimo l lives and sleeps
In his 1II0thCl"R fill' hool1. 110 , too ,
wears no clothes but Is quite warm In
the soft fill' When ho becomes
stronger ho crawls UII and peeps Ollt.
Some HlIsslan cradles are made of
wood 01' braided rushes , lined inside
und out with sldlH These have IIlls
which arc left open In summer ntlll
closed In wll\lcl' Baby might smother
, , . . . , " " 'i\ ,
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I . i 1s'P 'J" ' ; > , ; ,
In thCHO quarters \ \ ere It not for thc
. ' little skin covered hole In the lop ,
which the mother opens once In a
while \ to let In the necessary fresh all'
{ There are other kinds of HIIsslnn
c\'ailles Some , like baskets , may he
Set on the /011I111 / ; dl I hors hang on the
walls , laid still others the mothers
carry about the fields as they do thoil'
wOl'1 ; : These last ; have canopies over
them 10 shade them from the sun
'ho [ little Comnneho pappoose [ has
only I It straight piece of bearskin
laced IIIJ with a little piece sewed
Into the foot to spend Its first days
In , yet It never cOlI\lllalns
The little Sioux has a much finer
resthmg place hill even less comfort.
able In niy ollinioll It Is n. wooden
frame , painted [ yellow and stlllhled
with brass lIalls ' 1'0 this . ho is [
stl'nllPod down tight. Above him Is
hllllg wOOllon hoop , with little hells ,
feathers , bright pieces of tinsel and
rags. These arc his } lla 'thlngs , A
great turtle shell Is the cradle for
flomo South California hahos [ When
a few months old the baby Is placed
astride Its mothcr's sholllders , Its legs
hnnglng down In front.
With Bottle and Goblet.
Tell [ your company that you have a
bottle amid a goblet , both full to the
IIrlm of water , and that pm are go'
. lug to empty the goblet hr moanfl of
the bottle without taking ! a droll ot
water from the latlOl'
This Is the war to Prepare for It.
With a rOil hot wire bore two holes
through a cork and Into lholll ( insert
two straws , OliO of them extending
above the cork ; : liS high as the goblet
Is deep , the other about twice as
Now , with a little kneaded bread
or wax close the upper end of the
shorter straw and then force the cork
into the mouth of the bottle until the
water spurts out through the longer
Meanwhile l you have the goblet of
water on the table near ron , and ! also
a basin 01' bowl anti n l1al1' of sclssOl's
Hold the goblet over the basin with
j your left hand , and with your right
C turn the bottle apsido down , putting
_ . .
. . . . . . . , . . . . . : ; ' -
\ . . , ' ; ; " . . . ' < . . , . : < 1 "
the shorlm' straw : inside the gohl't.
As you do this have some one take ; :
the scissors and cut off the closed
end of the shorter atm\\ Water will
al once begin to run out or the longer
straw Into the basin , and will con-
tinuo to run until the goblet Is empty
You must , or course , hold ! the bottle
so that the short straw will reach
down to the bottom of the gohlet.
This Is sllllplr the . operation of n
Not So Hard.
L f
' -4
o C
Can you draw this pentagon and Its
diagonals without taking nlJ your pen-
cil and without retracing a single :
line ?
Game of "Bird Dcaler3. "
The game of "Bll'll Dealers" Is played '
oil liS follows. The children stand In a !
row , leaving two onlslde. These two
represent the bird 1I0alors Each child
l'elJl'eEonts a hlnl-ono being n crow ,
another a crane , another a canary , and
so Oil. One bird dealer says to thc
other : '
"I wish lo buy a hii'll. "
"What kind of ail'll \ ? " asks ; : the
second dealI'
"A bird hat can fly fast , " says the
" : :
n , . ia 1' ,
III"'l IIl'.Il ,1 .
"Vel'r well , " answers ho I ether dealer .
CI' , "talw what you wish "
"Tholl , " says the fIrst dealer , OIl will
take 11 rolJllI "
As soon I1S the word Is out of his
mouth the "rohln" must heal from
the I'ow.and 1'111111'0111111 It to escapo.
If the dealer catches the bird he puts
it Into a cage , where It must stay till
all the other birds are caught
- - - -
Pretty Valentine Idea
/ . . . . . . 411 .
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FthcZanjaiion.- c\ \
ghat Y'sC r % Iff 11r ; \ \ ,
fl I4hcfor , Gji an ) ma
I seen to , dct tncJ V
sco my Jcrhn9 tr ) ckeJ -
ro the ; " ; t (11k ( ! girl 1
J" I rr , s
Failing Picture Was rirc Alarm.
An extrnorclilllll'Y incident uwrlf.11
n. tire outbreak a short tlllW ago at
Strangers' Hall , Norwich
, England , IIn
historic building which Is one of the
city "show 1)lnce8 " The fire was discovered -
covered In the cur'tal\Or' room
where a beam In the chimney was
found blazing , and was rellloYcd hr
the fire brigade . It appears that the
caretaker was aroused by a crash and
on going downstairs , ho found the low-
01' room filled with sDlole. It was discovered -
covered that the crash was caused IJr
the fall of a picture which hall been
hanging over \.Imtt'lpiocl' ,
- - , ' - - - - - - - . - - - - - -
sfl iTr : o ThI
A Twentlrth Century Love.
What to tll1 In time or space ,
HouI"s of IIhwl1Cl' : : , dttyS ] of grace ;
J' " \ \ ' ( \II" 1 allll Il'lgli / / alone
111 II kingdom 1 ot our OWI1 ?
Lore like ours Is 1111 10 date ,
1I1':1 ' : : at IOI'lUl'l' , ouqudll Date ; :
anises : : : the laves of etuly tinier : :
1.001. IIIw thl'oc bright , ' shiny : : ; dlmcs
Couldn't \\0 I\'c cards IIl1d spades : :
1'0 historic : : ; lavers' : : ; hHlcs : : ; ) 'f
Easily our Lowe call beat
' 'hnl ( of Faust l null : \Ial"gucl'ltc :
Iiclolse : : ; and Abthtrd 1
Stooped 10 tiI'ks : : that we'd discard ;
Ol'II1H'ulnnd ( EUI'ylllc ( '
Only lu\\\ a sllllille way : :
l.aulle\ol \ and Gulnc\'cre
Wondl'lllIJ \ \ ho our 10\1'-801118 hear ,
AIII It few thlllgs we might show
, TIIIIII aunt HOllll'O
TI"o we'd give IJUlllters to ,
'll'nch 1.,1111111'1' how 10 woo
I could coach Scmlmmls ,
1'I'ojnll 111'11'11 teach to 1.lsH
\ 011'I teach DI\nl ( ' amid Pet raehi .
Distance C'11'Ol'atra's111'1. : . ,
0 , the lOVeS of bygone days ]
\Vere not ulI to modern ways
-Carob 11 " 'l'lIs , In SlIIart Set.
- -
Problem Over Triplets.
A slnglllllrly rare case under the law
of universal military service Is now
engaging the attention of the French
war office and of the JluIJIIc. It Is that
of three triplet brothers , among them
the mnlnstay of a very poor family of
eight other chllllron and their mother
who are swept n tone stroke from the
workshop to the harmcls One Is a
mason , one Is n painter , and one all
agricllltural lahoreI' Another point
arises as to which should ho exempt
11' legal excuse Is extended ( lo' any.
Even their own mother Is Ignorant ,
which of the three Haw daylight . first ,
anti it Is quite IIII11ossihlo to say which
Is the oIlIest told which the 'lJ\1I\gesL .
- - - -
Swordfish Killed Its Captor.
A swordfish caused the death of Au-
gllsto Sylvia , about thirty-five miles
out at sC'a Sylvia was one of the
crcw on the fishing sloop I\londllo : ; : ,
from Glollccsl A 2,000 IJOIIIIII 8word-
fIsh had IJCon harpooned , and ! Sylvia
entered a dory to make ; : another line
fast to the fish , which was only about
two lengths away frolll the sloop In
Its flurry the fish made a break for
the dory and hrolo Its sword by rlln-
nlng It through the Illanldllg Tile
shock ; : when the fIsh struck the dory
threw t Sylvia overboard , and as he was
in ollsldlls and rusher boots ho was
unable lo swim and sank before assistance .
slstanco cOllld reach hi III ,
Metal Envelopes for Eggs.
Metal envelopes to protect eggs
from being broken hy the hon engaged
In the task of sitting on tholll to hatch
out chickens were among the curious
exhibits at the world's fall' They
are made of two sections of members
joined , which constitute the transverse -
verse center , one portion overlapping
the other , the two locked hr n COII-
trl\'allco known as a 'ollot'.1olllt. .
1'hc 1)arts arc perforated to permit the
circulation of mils , nllll also to allow
thc heat from the hEn's body to reach
tIll eggs. When the hatching time
approaches ! thc envelopes sure 1'0-
Brides Measured for Legacy.
Measuring brides for legacies Is the :
rOlllal'I\I\\lo \ ) ceremony which annually
takes place In St. Cyrus , Eng. Moro
than fifty years ago a native of time
YiIlllgo bequeathed a 811111' of money ,
the Interest of whll'h , about cao ; , \ \ its
for all time to lie dls\III's11 \ In five
equal lIartR every ' ( 'aI' , Ono Jll1rt waR
for the 11II1'I'h1iHO of meals ! for the poor ,
whllo Ilse t remainder was to be divided
alllollg ho I yeur's four conslllcllolls
briclos-tho oldest , the youngest , the
tallest and the shortcst-who were
married In SI. C 'l'Its' parish church ,
All St. CYIUS tums out 011 "hl'ldo
moasurlllg day , " and the occasion Is
made a holiday
Was Playing Policeman.
Last week n Bath Mo" , family' were
puzzled : over the strange actions of
- -
_ , , , ,
- . - -
_ t
their 5.'oar.old bar , who was stroll'f" . , . . . . .
wg about ( lie 1I0Uf,0 wltll a small stick :
In hIs Imlll and every time ho stopped '
ho wOllld loa l up against the door
casing 01' the wall nearest to him.
The parents filially asked hllll what
his strange actions moant. Ho 1'0' \
plied , without a change of counte i'
nanco , I "I am playing Jollccmnn. " f , I ,
Ii >
Successful Woman Bool < makcr. c
t y
Over In France have the
\ thor \ only '
IJrofosslollul woman bookmaker In the '
world. She Is of English birth and
she lives at Chantlllr. For thirty
years she has been maldng books ; : , and
her knowledge of racing Is so com-
IJlotc that she has made a fortune.
Success crowned her efforts from the
start , and at the end of the first six 4
months of her campaign she had 'f
cleared \lp $0,000. _ , _
Cost of Corn Production.
An old corn grower says that when
a crop of sixty bushels to the acre Is
secured time com costs 13 cents a
bushel to produce , for fifty bushels It - - '
Is iii cents , for forty bushels 18 cents , - ;
for thlrtr-fh'o bushels 22 cents and
for thirty bushels 30 cents. These
figures arc not far eat of the way ,
and It Is thus oas ' to know when
you are selling corn any below the , I
cost of JrodllcUon. : r
Old English Landmark Burned. '
" 't'll' hotel SlInlJury , one of the old-
cst and lI10st notE.'d hostelries on the
upper reaches of the Thames , In England
land was gutted hy a fire which broke
out shortly after midnight the other
tnol11ln , The quaint rurlllre , which
had been standing for 200 years , was
built almost enIIrely \ or wood , aJul the
Hames spread ! wllh remarkable railld-
ily , d spilo the efforts of five local
fire t hrlgallos
AI\t5' Nests 15 Presents. ) r-
Among the Christmas presents . . .
which were 1'01' sale In London during
ho t holitlays were real ants' nests
with the living ants as occupants. The
nests were In mall wooden frames . .
with the top glazed. The habits and \
clever engineering devices of the col-
onr cOllld 1J0 observed easily. 'f ? c
tllnnels and ( passages appeared In section . j .
lion against the glass I
I ,
Washington Signature. .
A relic of the olden days has been a
Inherltod hy l\lrs L. II , Morse of
\VaIerto\vn 'Conn. , In the shape of It ,
certificate of membership In the society . J
ciety of the Cincinnati done on parch- . . .
lI1'nt with ) and Ink. 'rho
, len ; : dOCII- ,
mont , which experts } 'ononnce to bo
genlllno , hears the signature of G. R
Washington , president , and II. Knox ,
Didn't Know Worth of Violin.
A Finlandol' recently offered an old
\'Iolln to It Gardiner man as security
for It loan of $2. On examination It
was found tobe marked .Antonio
Stradivarius , l73G. " When questioned
about the Instrllmcnt , the owner ox- _ j
Illalnoll ( that it had been In the family ,
far years , being passed down from
generation to gonel'l\ton. ! I ,
Built House In Quick Time.
Joseph Biron of Wcst Perry , N J1. , } .
holds the record for hlllllllnt It ] louse
111 quick ; : tillie 110 cOlllll1oncod on the I
house enl ) five weeks ago and huts got I
It no\\ completed , plastered and fln-
IHholl on the Intorlor. lie has done
practically ! ! all the work ; : himself except '
copl the IIInson'ork. .
Tree on Stilt . .
In Lake l'OIl1\ty , California , to the . ,
north of San Francisco : , Is 11 tree on
stills It IH I1n oak tree growing near
the edge of tw ) lal\O 'rho waters of
the lake ; : 1m \ ' \\'ashed way the soil
from the root of the tree ! and rocell-
lug , have left the tree sUJJlOrted by
the uncovered mass of roots.
Funeral Long Delayed.
Not long ago there was held a fll-
noral sen'tco ut Goe'schenen , In S vitz-
01'11\\\11 over the fragntem1 . remains
\ \ , fl'l1gmeJ1\at \ ref
of a man who had been engulfed eight- ' 4 t
cell year ; : : earlier In n glacier