r Local and i ersonal Robert Hulc was a Salem \'isi- S ' tor Sunday t \V. A. Grccnwald wcnt-to 'rc- J 1 moat on Monday. 1 " James Sinclair was ' up from Preston 'l'ucsda . Jack Walsh of Humboldt was , in this city 'l'ucsday. Robert Batc of Hiawatha 1 spent Tuesday in this city. Dr. Griffith of Preston was in . this city on business Ionclay. ° t . ' rr.Iichcl1 wpnt to Fremont thc first of the week via thc Burl- ing-ton. Ji' . \V. Cleveland returned to this city from Salem Tuesday aftcrnoon. \lrs. Robert Rule and daug'h- , tcrs returned from Salem Ionday . - , fternoon . . lrs. Ed. Hammond was down from Stella on a visit to her par- cuts this wcck. . Hcrbert Cullen of crclon saw - "Old Home Folks" at thc Gclll- _ il1g' 'rucsday cvcning- F. C. Cleveland returned to Sal- cm Tuesday after a three clay's visit in this city. Rev , Moore of Omaha visited with \lr. atdIrs . F. \V. Clc\'c- . land thc first of thc wc ( > k. \liS5 Clara Savior who has , - - w I McNall's GROCERY . . .T / - /l . / Fancy and Staple ' , ij Groceries I - Fruit in Season I . , I : , Satisfaction Guar = . ntecd . , . I Free City DeHvey I Phone 40 t s Storage for Household And Other Goods , . . . . . . . . - . ' /V. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY llat.tford Fire Insurance Lands bought and sold houses in city for sale . . ' : none } to 10'--11 Telephone 178 t DON'T DO IT ! It c1lJl1't pay ! Don't send away fur Nursery Stock ! . The best trees , thc finest t ' . , fruits , the best results are ohtaipl' 1 by purchasing trees of the FALLS CITY NUR- SERVo A large stock of ( hoke home grown trees to select from. Lowlpriccs for high I h l r\lc : \ Trces. ' \ ' ' ' \ . nOHLER , Proprietor r - - - - . _ - - - been \ 'isitingwith \Irs. loyd I Gia mini returned to her home in Ncwkirk , 011 , last ' .I'nesday afternoon 160 acres near Reserve and Pa- ( bum , Kansa : . 125 acres in cu1th'ation. 15 acres mcadow. All varieties fruit. Seven room housc. Living \ Vater.VitI sell good tcrms. light take a good residence or a forty as put : pay. I A number of others harg-tns. Some merchandise for land. A number of good ranches to sel1. Lands and farms in thc Indian Territory. Call on or write mc if you wish to purchase or make an cxchal1 'c.-Hcnry C. Smith. Revival services wiil begin at the \l. 1. church Sunday , Feb I 12. Evangelist Campbell and I sons will be present to assist. Services on Sunday at 10:45 : a.m at 3:00 : , ' ( ) :30 : and 7:30 : p. 111. Dur- ing thc week in thc afternoon at 3:00 : and in thc evening 7:30 : p. m. arc invited to attend these scr\ ' ccs.---\V. ' .1' . CliilC , pastor . Brethren church services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Reception I of members at morning scr.H.s : , revival services in the c\cning- . Services at Silver Creek at 2:30 : p. 111. All arc wc1comc.-- . E. Haskins , pastor. Jl1sscslabcl and Myrtle Span- g-lcr of JctmoreKansas who have been visiting thc home of John Hossack for the past two weeks I returned to their home of \V cd- ncsdav. W. Wakclcy who travels through this city for thc National - al Biscuit Co had thc misfortune " to fall on thc payment in'St. Joe Saturday evening sustaining a i broken anklc. 'l'hcrc will he a valcn due social I given uy thc members of thc I Episcopal church at ttc home of Margaret laehlox next Tuesday I from 7 to 10 p. m. Refreshments 15 cents. i\lrs. Ed Hammond and son , Ralph , who have been visiting I this city with thc formcr' ! par- I cuts , Mr. and Irs. Albert Norris returned to their home in Stella yestcrday. Albert O'Neil and Robert Maxwell - well of Hiaw.ltha visited with hlazel Jcllison and Lottic Culp I \Vcdncday c\ ' l1ing- . I \lrs. n. C. L'lPP who is suITcr- tug from pneumonia is a trifle I better at this writing- Ethel Mitchell returned1'ed - ncsday from a few day visit with her parents in Shul > crt. , Mr. I White was a B. & M . pasS Sl'ng-cr goingwcst Monday aftcr- noon. Mrs I . Fred Keller is seriously ill I at her home in this city. Mr. Margrave came up from the ranch Tucsday. The cash register men were in the city Wednesday For Sale--\ brown mare.--O. : P. fleck Jennie Prater was on hc sick \Ycelncsday' . . : I . - . . , - : ' ' " . ' : ' " . . . . . . - - - - Bid Discount Sale I - All Winter Goods fla.-ked Down Lover than Ever. - - - - u . I.d1NI..d 1 , [ . , , f0. ; ; nL ItiHI , : , , iiSC ° I Allw % { G Y'ti . ; w I ' i _ ,4 , _ ' ' . , g ! ! . : ' : til" fit. ' - l p a ; r' ' } . . . 1 r , . . ; I fq MIM G6n rG pA - - ' _ . , - - - - - - rGF. F. W. Cleveland Falls City , Nebraska to , - , . _ - . _ . , _ _ _ , _ . : : \ : ' r cf. : - - - - - < : : ; < yc ; - r - I EGGS , tOe Doz. I I DOES THAT LOOK I GOOD TO YOU I I Here Is Some = I thing Better Our CREArtS and CHOCOLATESNut Taf . ! i lies and OLD FASHIONQ I EO BUTTER SCOTCH - - Oranges Bananas And Our AGENT CIGAR The best 5 cent Smoke on Earth. Try It. Sowles Lois Spencer was a B. & M r. lsscng'cr to St. Joseph thc first of thc wCI k. . . _ , Owing to the fact that \ve t never carry goods over from \ , one season to another \ve will make great reductions on all of the above lines Come in take advantage of these prices as there will be plenty of winter yet and if you don't need them this winter , the prices are so low that you can afford to buy thelll nov and keep thelll until next , winter - - - Wilson Special Prices on China Dinner Sets-8 different patterns to select fron1. German , Austrian and I Haviland Ware. . A full line of best English Plain and Decorated Ware by the piece or set The largest Stock of Glass- ware in the city , an kinds and . . . prices , at " C. M. Wilson's REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumoni , M. D. , , Sixth d FelixSt.Joseph I' Formerly eye and ear special- r " ist now limited practice to I ; Eye Glasses j . . : . I : 1 3 . .