The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 10, 1905, Image 2
. w _ u , . , _ _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ . . . . f. .a WORK THIS WEEK . - ELECTORAL VOTE WILL BE CANVASSED - VASSED WEDNESDAY. - - VOTE ON THE STATEHOOD BILL All Amendments ' Mast/re " Itself to Be Disposed of at Once-Rail- road Rate Legislation Has the Right of Way In House. ' ° WASIfINGTON-'J'he senate bas { ] aid out an extended program for It- t4 belt : this weel According to this ' plan l\lotlllay and Tuesday will he given over ! allllost entirely to the statehood hili. Wednesday the senate - ate will proceed to the hall of representatives ! ' Hentallvos and assist In canvassing the electoral vole On Monday the HlalehoOlI bills will he displaced telll- ' . . ' ' of lol'llrlly ) 10 permit the managers the Swuyno impeachment trial to m present ) he 1 replication of the rouse ] of representatives 10 Jlldge Swayno's answer In the proceedings against him , hilt. It 16 not expected that they will consume much lIm { ' . Appropria- } lion hills will occupy the balance of the tune during the woel - The republican steering committee han lleclclcll that the pure food bill I shall become the 11III1nished business I after the lJlslosal ) of the statehood bill , hilt It Is not believed that much If any time will he found this week \ t for Its consldcmtlon 'I'ho agricultural I alllroprlution ) Is now 11I11101' consideration and will con- , , tlnlle to uo discussed as opportunity offers ! and It Is expected that uy the i tlmo It Is out of the way the District of Columbia anll the Indian hills will 1. lie reudy for conslderallon. 'Wilh the slatl'hooll hill out of the way , the 1)01 . Icy will 110 to press the SUJlllly hills persistentlyand ) nothing hut time $ Swayno trial will he permitted to 6tlll1l1 In their way. In accordance with the unanimous r' agreement reached the statehood bill and ! all anwndlllents offered to It will he'ot cd on before adjournment on 1'ueslay. ' Time ' ' or the contest over sonic amendments to the hill will be sharp ) i and mar continue time session Into N t the night. } ' Railroad rate legislation Is to have the right of way In time house of representatives rescntatlves during Monday and Times : I day and Wednesday. 'rho rule mal I i hug ! the bill giving the Interstate Commerce - merco commission power to fix rates n special OJ'llel'lII'lng \ sessions which are to begin an . our ear1lc1 than usual on Tuesday and \Vednesdar 110 the subject or lively debate on 1\londny. Opposition \ ) to the hill which has been agreed on hy the ropuhll- cans on the commltteo of interstate commerce will UO voiced In the do- hate on this rule ' 1'hls opposition mayconme from the minority developed - oiled In the republican conference Friday , as well liS from the democrats of the house. If the two should unite to defeat the rule those who have l'ountell noses fay this could ho ac- comll1l8hol\ \ Should time mimic he adopted , as Is the belief of the ml\- j rarity leaders , there will he ! no opportunity - IInity to amend the hilI. The demo- ( 'mts will bo given an opportunity to show their strength on the Davy bill to he offered as a substitute for the Esch.'I'ownsond bill , when the time comes tu vote on that measure atI o'clockVednesdar , Time discus- sion will uo interrupted on ' Wednesday . day to penult the two houses of congress . gl'ess to assemble In the ball of time house and count time electoral vote for president and vice president. General Matsllmara Dies LONDON-Genoral l\1atsumal'a , according . , cording to the 'oldo correspondent ot the Daily- Telegraph , has died at the front from congestion of the hraln. lie commanded time operation at Two Hl\Illh'ed and Three.\letel' : mill ] nIlll k was decorated and promoted for hero- I ism , . , . ' " . . . . . . . - . ' - ' - - ' . - - " " . " . . . . THAT BEEF TRUST. No Evasion of Decision Relative Thercto. WAStltNG'I'ON-ll can he said uy authority that unless the corporations constituting the alleged "becf trust" shall heed the Injunction made permanent . manent hy the decision of time Sll- II/'l'rno court of thc United States , time government will institute proceedings against the Indlvlclllal members of the corporations to enforce the decision of the court. The lroceelllngs will bo lindoI" the criminal law , If such can ho Instituted The minds of the president and mem- bers of his cabinet are made 1111 flllly on the qllestion. They have determined - mined that time "beef trust" shall obey the law , and now that the highest court In the land has ] upheld time lIIIHls of the administration , it Is said they wtll permit no further "dilly-dallying" \ \ ! with the suuject. At Tuesday's cabinet meeting the president and Attorney General Moody shared In the congratulations of time members of the cabinet on the result of the "heef trust" cases before - fore the IUllrome : ! cOllrt. 'rho president , who made no attempt - tempt to conceal his satisfaction at the decision of the court , united ! with time members of the cabinet In con- i gmtulatlng time attorne general The sUbject was considered briefly at the meeting , but no definlto conclusion was reached as to what action , if any , the government would take In the future , except } the general lcter- mlnation to enforce the law as it has been construed by the courts. The president and the memuers of the cabinet . Inet regard the decision or the supreme - prome court as a signal triumph of law as they have viewed It and are prepared to carry It Into effect auso- lutely. All the members of the cabinet were present at time meeting except Secretaries Hay and Wilson , the for- mer still being confined to his home by a severe cold Again , time president emphasized I . his interest In time arbitration treaties pending before the senate Ho holds that the opponents of time treaties are proceeding on wrong premises In maintaining that they may uo used by foreign countries as a basis for ac- tion against cortaln of the southern states In the collection of old clahns. Some departmental matters were considered at the meeting , the most Important of which was the action ot Postmaster General Wynne In notifY- , Ing John G. Capers , republican na- tional committeeman of South Carolina . lina , that postmasters In that sta" will ho dirnmissed from the service if , In time future , they pay time expenses of delegates to political convontions. The action of the postmaster general was approved hy the president and the caulnet. In principle the declara- lion of 1\11' Wynne will \ apply to all other states where such methods are practiced JAPANESE LOSE IN ATTACK. Latest Report Indicates Wounding of General Dombowskl. S'1' PETERSDURG-Accordlng to General Kuropatldn's latest reports , which indicate time wounding of a third Russian gonoml-Domuowsld- the operations at Sandlapu and the fighting at Sahko have been momen- tarily suspended The Russians successfully - I cessful1y rcpulsed the latest attack of time Japanese eastward with heavy 10:3s Time cold is still Intense , there being Ing twenty-fom' degrees of frost. There arc Indications that the Japanese are preparing to break : time inactivity on their own account as soon as the weather moderates. The war office Is closed and no further - timer facts regarlllng time reports that General KurolmUdn is about to give up his commanll can ue outalned The rumor , however , is generally discredited IJAPS AGAIN WIN I Ii i I - - ' ! ; ; THE RUSSIAN FAIL TO TURN Ii OKU'S LEFT FLANI I I I ASSAilANTS AT DSADV ! ANT AGE : I Moving Over a White Surface and : I I Frozen Ground With Cold Weather They are Targets for Fire of Men . : I In Trenches. j I GENERAL < : OIU'S IIEADQUAR- TEHS-Tho Russian attempt to tU1'11 I General Oku's left flank has proved a complete fat1uro Following ou the I failure of time recent cavalr,1. . : down the railway this , it Is thought hy the .Jupal ese , wtll probably induce the Russians to await In the future i Japanese attacJ The attempt , even l with time bombardment pf other portions - tions of the line or a cavalry move- mont around the flank , was doomed to failure from the start. The Japanese - panese were at llet1wutal , but withdrew . drew its small force from there antI allowed the Russians to occupy the positions until they could move over enough men to make its recapture cortaln The reoccupation of this position was easily accomplished , although the loss was heavy. The casllaltles' have not yet been reported , but It is belayed : that they will amount to fully 3,000. 'rho Russians hall five divisions \ \ engaged - gaged at Hollwutal and In that lIrec- tion They were driven hack by less than two , Japanese divisions. Over 100,000 men were engaged In time Russian demonstration against the , Japanese positions Immediately east of Heilwutal , a force strong enough to have been successful , as but one Japanese divison ! was sent against them. The Russian loss Is estimated at over ,1,000 , although prisoners say that . -one regiment was practically annihilated. 1'he Japanese - ese loss Is placed at only 200 , due to time fact that they remained In tholr trenches while the Russians were forced to cross open ground , solidly frozen , where the construction of shelter trenches was imposslule The ground being covered with snow , was naturall a great disadvantage to the attacking force , as it was plainly , visible against the white background - . ground for a long distance The Japanese - panese suffered the same disadvantages - tages In the recapture of Time weather was very- cold during the fighting , the minimum being G degrees below zero , and time maximum - mum 14 degrees above zero. 1'he Russians did not retreat north , but retired , well out of range , with no sign of further activity ST PETERSBURG-The emperor has 'received the following dispatch from General Kuropatldn : The Japanese during the night of January 31 attacked Djantanchenan , on the left bank of the lIun river , opposite = posHo Changtan They captured the village , but subsequently were driven out with great IO:1s : Time Russian casualties were 100 A War For Independcnce. ROME-Prlnco G. Inca of TIou- mania , who has been elected hy the Albanian committee as "suIIJ'omo head ] for Alblanan independence , " wag interviewed - viewed regarding his 1lans } and time . purposes of time commltteo 'rho prince said his election meant time beginning ; of 11 general revolution In Albania and a hitter struggle to achieve the libertyy of that countrr. Ho said ho wOlIlll In person assume command of time Albanian . uanlan forces , which ho asserted , would ho reinforced uy 1 ° ,000 European . pelln volunteers. May Replace the Drawback. WASHINGTON - Senatorl ! : , Ill S , bl'oull1 introduced In the form of an amendment to the sundry civil hill ! a measure which If adopted would have the effect of repealing ) the drawbac , \ t.t'Uvlslon of the Dtngle act , 111 JO tar as It IlDDltes to wheat. . - - - . . - - - - - - - - . _ _ . _ - - - , , I \j ! I' J t . . ' . . o . . - - - . - ' MEANS MUCH FOR OMAHA. . Proposition to Make : It General Des : trbutlng : Point for Supplies \\'ASlIING'1'ON-There Is pending . In . ' ' l'roposltion to raise t the war office ! a , Omaha to time importance ) of a general . . " i J d't , Ibuting pmiut ) : for quartermaster's \ " I . SUlIIIcs ) ! ' It Is now time distributing , f. , station for array s'IP1llles destined to , J mtlitar posts within the department f' ! of the illissoul'i. The recent complo- ) tion of the new addition to the qual'- " termaster's supll ) depot warehouse In Omaha has provided ample space for \ the candling of a much larger ton- nage. It Is understood that there are hut three gellcl'Ill supply depots In time United States , vlz" , New York , Sun " Ii'ranclsco and Jeffersonvllle , Ind. , time . _ latter station having been established dUI'Jngtho - civil war and nmaintz'incd largely because of tradition. The del . . \'elopment of the west In the matter of tl'ltIISIO'tution facilities has giver' , rise io a demand for a general suppl ; " r H station In the mitl-wcst. Omaha' claims to this new distinction hav' ' ' : . been advocated bv Senator Millard , . 'I who recently tool the matter up with I General C F. Humph roy , quartermas- tel' general of the army. General . Humphro was for a long time sta- tlon2d at Olllaha as chief quartermas- I . tel' of the department of the Platte 'W , ' , , and Is personally c011\'ersU1 with the i. 'k situation , as ho Is , of course , with the " ' needs of the service In everypart oC \ , : time United States Senator Millard feels confident that he will have time good will of General Humphroy in the effort to enhance the Importance of 1C Omaha as It supply station Success In this matter would , of course , en- able the wholesale merchants and unanufactur ers of ehrasJm. to bid on a variety or army supplies for use throughout the United States and the r Philippines and ! no doubt they would receive large contracts It Is Ilcsslble that an act of congress may uo neces- . san' to bring this about , but Senator ' . . - Millard Is In hopes that It can bo done uy order of the secretary of war FAILS TO FIT CASE. House Bill on Railroad Rates Thought To B = Faulty ASHINGTON-C'ongrossman Hin- shaw called at the white house to con- fer with President Roosevelt on mat- torr pertaltiln ! to the Fourth Nebraska - Ita district and also to measures pend- Ing hereto the house relating to subjects - jects 9f legislation of paramount pub- lic Illterost. Incidentally , time talk turned . oIl upon the hill \ which MI' Townsend Introduced in the house January 31 , providing for additional powers to uo vested In time interstate commerce commission : \11' , Hinshaw expressed the opinion that while the Townsend bill \ WOllld meet the puhllc demand for a better regulation or railroads rates , It docs not go far enough , and since that hill will uo considered uy the house within a few days , Mr. Himhaw desired to learn whether , . its provisions would he satisfactory to the admlnls- trallOJ1. 'rho president , however , did not express approval 01' disapproval of the 1'ownsend bl\l \ but J\lr , lIi\1shaw ' , , . left I the white house with the impres- ' . slon that the president } would lice to the present session enact a law empowering - . , powering time interstate commerce commission to fix rates , to prevent dlsel'lmlnation between shippers , to abolish private ear lines , and to give the commission authority to enforce \ r its Ilt ( 'r ( > eH , . : 1\Ir Hinshalv Is of opinion that r.othlng short of such legislation woulll satlsf his constituents , hut ho Is not at all sanguine that time senate would pass such a hl1\ \ while It Is not yet selllod that the house will \ do so. No Talk of Peace WASlIINGTON-1'ho German embassy . bassy , upon receipt of a cablegram from time home government ! , authorized - cd the statement that there hall not been even so notch as an exchange ot ideas between time Berlin and London / guvcrtmments regarding : time ending oC - - . - , 4. thus war In ll10 far east.