The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 03, 1905, Image 9

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    . " - , 'f . . . . . . . . - , . . . " . . . " , . . . .
. .
It . . , . . , : : . . . III Police. I Court. . ,
I . .
" . , , Onlundil ( \ the police ( ll'part-
, , t , . ' 1tiant halllIc1 ; a bad , pedll1l.1t fl'oll1
, 1\ulu l , it ( itH l"U-toIlHlry ; prolllpt
' , Clarcltcc Siulon'hcn
, tJtlIII1Ct' : , \ \
j f" r
ir , . . ' ill otle of the HilOOItH ! , : lskell
? " , " , thides ( ; ; . 'l'altg'11l'Y. \\'ho IIr I
. , ,
. J. ' the way is a ; t lI1 t'l' boy , for the
e , ; " , loa" of 11 dollar Whell , ' 1 ' ; Ingncv
: " ' tottl.Sill1ol1 hc dill ! nut ha\'e it , Si-
. ; : \nll \ used ahus \ ' eInd ; ! tllreatenit ) ; . '
I , lal1g'lIag-c ; , al1d fart : ; 'Pingnry ; a
t : ; : . severe lea Iitig , , al1d k.kkcd hint
. . . ' . . into the strcetVhile being \
* taken I to the police , court . \ , Sill1ol1
, \ f' ' metl the'ilcst \ t kind I I of 1:111 : g'lI it ; gee
o Y- _ , > , Ian SIOI1l' Btrtl't ill the prl''cl1cc ! ' of
if' < ladies : \ , and \rh'.n il1 P)1i I cOllrt
o : ' : \\t5 insolent i : \1111 CU11tC111ptlOtlS to
. ' ' .
'f , the judg'e.
-.4 - ri > ' .1lul\ : Clearer fincci.hill1 ( S1' ) . SO
, .
- „ fo1 lighting 1 t . and rile language
011 the street and SIO.OO for ' Coil-
tClltpt. As soon as this line had
. . . heclI paid ; Sill10n Continued his
, , . . ' . ' threats of + personal l violence to
. . , < Chas. 'L'ang-I1 , , ' : and also to John
'I'al1g-l1l'Y. 't'hese persons then
w ; SWOI : C out a cOll1pllInt : to put
' 1- .
I I : : ' . . . Simon I1l1hCr peace h011l1. As I
" , . t ' / " , : , , ' soon \ as Simon card of this 1 > 1'0- '
' . . ; , 4ctcdins , : . he struck out for the ,
: . . . .d . lepot . 1 . so that the mar ha11 had ;
l' . .
, . ' tff follow him up and bring him
: ' . . " hack up to\\'n. When brought tin.
r . " " , to Judge Clea\ ' er : - . count ! the scc-
. , ' . 011(1 1 time it was c\ ' dcl1t his heavy.
I , lW tine j had 1 taught him sonic respect ,
r for thc court . as his dcmcal1er was : '
I " "
, 1 : ' " entirely difl'erent. Lie was bound
. . , a . over to keep the peace and to answer -
l . ; swcr forth with to the district
' ' " "
r ; , Court which is now in , ssion'l
I , ,
I' : . It is related of this Clarence
j , '
. , < .1' , . Simon that he just about runs
. - ;
I - - t
, t ' ' . hc town of H.u1. ) , and has even \
, \ downed the marshal there .and
. . , . " " .
, ' taken hIs club from 11 in'hen
! - threatened with arr < . . . .t. This
. " " . kind 1 of rowdying won't go with
, the Falls City police department ,
' '
J ' . : , and unless Simon wants to \ comet
, All t . y , , \ . to grief he had better mend his
t ways or keep away altogether
J . . I
. .t .
! ) . > Good Roads l\\eeting.
. ' '
. The second goo(1 roads meeting
. .
; , took place at the opera house in
I Humboldt Saturday afternoon ,
: and a large crowd of farmers \ \ as
, ,
r " ' . . . in attendance. Fred Hummel ,
! : ' . ' . , r one of the progressive farmers
and \ stockmenpresidedand Sena-
. r- . . J tOl' Tucker was in attendance to
learn F possible the desires of
the husbandmen of his home
, . . section with reference to an im-
' '
.f ro\'ement in the matter of road
. . , - . . . . leg-islation. The ideas Well' as
. . .
, ; .
. , i plentiful 1 as the eats : occupied . .
XI' ' and the discussion waxed warm
: at intervals , opinions as to proper
: r : treatment of the question being
' > -1 much at variance. The law pro- .
. ; , . posed by the national good ; roads
> . . . association produced by
. ti , t' a was
- - Senator Tucker and read to the
assembly , but its provisions dId
, not suit all , and it was voted
' . . . ' down prompt1\ A like fate was
meted out to every proposition
. . " .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
' . ; . : l _ , N . ' ' ' . " : ; " : , " , - ' " T
lilale , and ; the body Iinal1y' nd-
juul"llcd atftertit ree hOllrs .uf oratory -
tory withollt passing a resolution
or pllcin r itself on , record in fa \ ' -
oi ! ' of an ; ) ' 1)lan. 'his ( leaves thc
senator still in a quandary IS : to
the proper method to pursue gill
ask ; , ng- for legislation and Lit is
more than prohable that t hI' will
allow the matter ; to drop. In-
deed he has sigh ilied his in te11t-
ion of not omplcting' the bill he
had under construction , hilt \\'il1
instead select from lmong- : those
already iII tred treed the one which
he thinks wi11 in he ,
\ \ t most rv
pccts . suit his constituency : ,
jl\lg-ing' \ from : he ideas hroug'ht
forth nt the two mass mnectitigs
held in thc COllltly , and give thc
samc his slIpport.
- - - - -
A House Divided.
Senator g. ; A. Tucker is in a
quandary as toJtis action 011 Icg'
islatiol1 look i ng' to :1\1 improve-
mcntof our road laThe farmers -
ers adjoining IIllmLoldt hell a
IIH'ctingSaturda. . \ ' and tt'oceclet
to ol1demll en'ry fl atllre of thc
legislation rl'lati\ ' e 10 road : : that ,
has been lIg'g'ckd It seems
that sonic measure mig-ht he devised -
vised that would meet the a1-
pro\'nl of all the farming clement i I
hut all efforts in this direction j .
have so far met \\'itli failure. t The ! I
result of this division of opinion '
. , . I
will probably result , in nothing i
being donl' i
The Richardson Counts' dele- 'I '
g-'ltion would be justified in1 g-ht-1
ing' shy of all such legislation until -
til such time as its constituents I ,
Can get An together. _ Elks'Lodge. ; _ . ' , I -
Dr. Fred Keller is taking an
active interest in securing an
glk's charter for Falls City. A
meeti11g- the Sphinx club was
held on Sunday afternoon to con-
sider the advisability of changing - I
ing- that organization into such a
lodg-e. Nothing definite was de-
cided at that time , but the mem-
ber have the proposed change
under considcration.
Afraid of Strons Medicldcs.
I Many people suffer for sears
from rheumatic pains , and : preter
to do so rather than take the
strong meoicines usually given
for rheumatism , not knowing
that quick relief from pain may
be had simply by applying
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
without taking any medicine in-
ternally. H.c\ Amos Parker of
ag-onolia 1 , North Carolina , suff-
ererl for eight years with a lame
hip , due to severe rheumatic
pains. He has been permanently
cured by the free application of
Chamberlian's Pain Balm. For
sale at Kerrs Drug Store.
Better Hurry.
By the way , has any one heard
of either Henry Gcrrles or Josh
Lord introducing bill to repeal
the revenue law ? They were instructed -
structed by the county conyen-
- - - _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ . . . - -
- - - -
- -
- -
. . . C . n S . . fl . t . . . . . . . 'Y . . . . _ _ ' . - : - , _ _ _ , _
Playing Cards
Cards of quality.
For up-to-date card parties. . . ,
Smooth , thin and springy.
Dainty pictoral designs Rich colors
Gold edges. No others are so good.
/ 128 ' page prepaid for two Congress pack wrappers and Ib name
03i1 e
.J of the dealer from whom packs were boughl. Address ,
The U. 5. Playing Card Co. Cincinnati , U. S. A.
. . .
: i
\D . . _ . . - _ - $ oo. - . _ : : : JJ = h. _ - : . ' . : - . _ " " ' " J. I r :
[ I , , - - : " " . ' " , .t . Own a _ F'arin
" ' '
IMI $ , = - - ' T ; ; - -
, : -n ' ' n-t
I : LW1 J Dorz'i'Reni
11I" : " . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . & " ' . . _
Buy an irrigated farm yoursp1f 01' your son ,
; J before the advancing price shuts you out. The time is
fast coining this country when the owner of a good
; will be a very independent man ; the acreage of farm
: . lards is limited , but our population is rapidly rode ( as-
1 The 'entire acreage of land available for irrigation ,
¶ 1 either by Private or Governmental enterprise , will make
but a small ] ] number of eighty-acre farms compared
; \\ath the number of voting men who expect to become
: farmers. ' , '
The Big Horn Basin has ample water , a splen-
i did sunshiny - climate and a soil which , under water , is
. as rich -productive as any in ' "the temperate zone ;
r send for our special BigHorn Pasin folder , and keep I
that locality in your mind in looking into the future.
. . General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
. .
: : = = - ' - '
tion to wipe the infamous me s-I
urc off the statute Better get
busy boys , the time grows short
and the task is 'not beg-un.
Miss ' Robbins Sick. .
Miss Lucille Robbins the young
lady who was recently engaged
by the school board to teach
mathematics in the high school
was taken seriously ill at the
home of A. G. \Vanner last Fri-
day. Her mother who live : > at
Ord , eb.:1S telegraphed for
and has been at her daughters
bedside ever since. At this writ-
ing- the invalid is reported as
greatly improved with every assurance -
surancc of recovcn'
Feet Frozen.
past Sunday a colored man by
thc thc name of \Vm. Johnson arrived -
rived at the Missouri Pacific de-
pct'b. a bOA car route and had -
been wandering around thc yards
when found by Chief of Police
Aldrich about sh o'clock in the
e'cningand taken in the depot {
where upon removing shoes
it was found that his feet were
badly frozen. He was at once
taken to the Mercy hospital and
placed under the care of 1)r. Miner -
er who reports the patient a'
doing well and thinks that he will
get alright without the necessity
of amputation. Until rec' > r.tly
Johnson had been working the
packinghouse at Omaha but decided -
dded to quit and try making a
l \ 'ingby traveling and started
out , winding up in the manner
above statcd.
A. 'Yea\'cr returned from
Chicago in tine-for-court. . w = '
. v