- I - - - noui w Foreign Demand for American Apples. In II TN-ant n4dr es WJtUam A. 'fay- 1C1r of Was"blngLJu saId : "The rea- f.Ol1 for the Jncrlap demand for Aru9r1lIJ nppAs In foreign mar1-ets are r'aricxl. One of tIle most 1m. 'fCJrhwt of these Is , unquetUC1D11 My , tilE rapid grai : th . of thA large cities Jf Iyurope In 100'Ut years slid thl 1118- U'9 starrtintlriu Clf fruit culture In manl port.kir s uf Uurt auuUnr1L Det- ter tr8.Up , tlTtatJcm fr > > tfJlUs ! In this ClUWutry arse curt tlte ( rC fllJ. at lower ow-t , } ! five zw4e tJs'lllle the landing uf A-a911a Imt h.l c + er 'UJfu Is tnrupear- : seapurt.s art 3r s cost : rend in better ' wu4tUQU UUfU fb"t Phtppoo only n mwrt dl'.aLCfe froJlJ their benne Uf- 1uuils ne develupweztt of refrlger- ated sWrage Ju tl e t1nlloo States has greatly Eltendicrd ' the E."X11t1rt apple trade I by PWJum'ug ' the slIJpJrtng season until - til Australasian : ' fruit uf the new crop OlIJS fClrw811J In oousfdE.'Ts1J1e qunn- Liilaas. 'J"ive' years age It was practically Impusslble for u shIpper with less 1 than fi'tu CHl1ufld81 of fruit ( lie apprmtl- maLa c CEllIICH of must ! of the reftlg- t'1lftocJ corn pa rments ( ) 10 lJcuro space : fur his sI1JIIUHJJt , while Itl thu present Hmo SIJEwe to st'Yl'tElI putts car he had fur single udolds at almost any Urny during Ow shipping soasou lIy arranging III UdVlitlCO "OtJWt causes of the increased de- JrJalHJ are undoubtedly UH gradUIII Irn- IJlOTOllHflJL 111 methods of packing IIrllJ handling Ow ( fruIt 01 our COIIIIIINl'lnl orchards amid ] II gradual approach toward - ward standard grades and stlllHlard SilOS of barrels and ] boxes which Is III progress and alone whIch line there Js i still room for great pruvement. "WHb aU the gratlfylllg features or the PJ'Jle ' export trade , there are still sortie dlfflelllUos to lIe overcome it J the export outlet Is to lie sufficiently ! : ell- Jargotl 10 carry the prospective ! stir plus fruit Irvin Ow 200,000,000 apple l trees now III our orchards . FIrst alllollg these Is better handling ! aud packing of the fruIt. While there lws been marked Improvement In this respect . fJleet 111 recent years , there Js sail need fur emphasis on this polllL Ito garlJlosB uf trade or quality . apple l lJeslnuLl fur export shipment must ue snugly and tightly paoJtetl " Balanced RatIons So far as Josslllle ) , the fowls should line balanced rations , and Jl Is ! llmob' allly host to balance the rations at each Ulenl. MaIl has conic InsUllc lively to prefer ulllnncetJ raUouB Lung before he understood the reason , son fur Il , wan made up each meal of different kinds ol loud lIe always wants the carbohydrate potato with his protein lean meat. Il lie eats u race ) or potatoes ' alone he feels dls , satlsled and ) 1f lie Is compelled to put up with mont alone IJC feels that lie bas not had ! the kind of food needed He docs not eat his potatoes . at one meat and hIs moat at unuUler. Nature seems tu point tu the ueecs- . ally for giving the different compon- cuts or a balanced mUolI ut one meal. I The Ftat - Beak Deetle. At R meeting of fruit growers , a mOllltwr snit ] : "Anuthor Insect that worKs Oil the trulllt flllll branches of trees , 119"eclal1) lllO 1,111111 ) , Ira lie ( I1l1t- beak ! II0IJtllI 1l bores III tie pinholes through the back flf the large 111 allehm , BumutlllllB getting down into the trunk and lays its ' ! eggs ! III these hulf'F where IIP , lu I'nlb felll on the Inner bark , nnH'tlm"s girdling the Inner uarll When hat ( gels too bad , the best : remedy IF to cut the tree tlt/.wn and burn H. but that can ho IRHolr ! kept out by keeping the tree In a healthy cOlldlUoll. for they seem .Rlmoet always i to attack trees that have boon otherwise t1luE\Sed or ID' jured J'rerlously. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ! o1 [ dairy ' School I\ltendance. Heports from Wisconsin say lint the dairy school thIs year Is crowded there being 12li students prOIJUl. 'rhls number Is cnt7-five more ! IIHfI the school ; has facilities for InstructIng - lug with ease When the prosHlt school was built It was felt that the capacity /nrld ue great enough for a long time to come. The attedtmicc' shows the Interest V/lsconsln farmers are taking In scientific matters rolut- Ing to daIryIng Among lie students this year tire some Swiss hullermnk- ers from a parlor WisconsIn where cheese 01 foreIgn numo are JmlJlg made From other louts or the COUll' try come reports oC goad attendance lu the dairy sc110015 This Is mini ell- couraglng feature of Ilt1r'ntlonnl nil TRuce Probably ) 110 phase or farm life more needs the help or "cl'nce than the daIry , liB Il IB time part of farm work that wlUJhes manufnclllrp Every state of the Union should I have a dairy sehaul for In every state I of the union daIry products are becoming - coming Irllportant ( burls of the farm IJIIlpul. Dairy COli vOlitions stlllllllllio interest , hilt seldom get down to the foundations of matters In their JIIJlon and ' dlEcUSEIrIllS , and , II they 110 , the . people limit ( hear thelll do not Ullller- , stuud what Is said Brit In the case 01 dairy schools the "tudeuts begin nt the IOlJlJJntloll ( and acquaint thern- . selves with the obscure thlllgs that need to 1'0 ' brought out to flue light. Many of our fnnners could well afford , ford to send their FOIl to alto a course In the dairy schools of their respective stntes. If J lire capacities are nol now great enollgh they could soon ue roade sot - - - - sterilized Water for Washing DaIry Dishes. Dairy utensIls should ) ue wnsholJ In a water that Js sterile as to last up' pllcnUon. Of course , we 110 not recom- mend that hot water 111:1 used before the dishes have Had the rnlllt rinsed out of thorn. But water that Is sterile has beer found ulJBollltely necessary In the wnshlng of churns and milt holding utellsll1 ! where dIseases Il11vo become prevalent or forllls of uncto- rlnl life that cause taints and strlngl , tress In 1l1111t. Recently In 11 innga zllle appeared nu article / rolllllvo to the aterlllzalion of water lIy the nppll' cutlon or copper sulphate al tllo role uf one purl ul copper sulphate to ono million parts uf water. 'I'IIIB , It Js said wI1I : JIm germs In wlltor. AB copper sulphate Is a deadly poison ) , we do not advise our renders to use It ns Iwscrluotl. 'rhe use of the pro' I portion given would not endanger Ufo , I uul novices cannot lIe depended ort 'to confine theIllsoh'eF to prescribed rilles. Time chemist will 1101lhtlm:1I provide us with full information III due lime Meanwhile , the lJUlllnJ uf water Is Ue , surest ! : way uf getting writer that IB germ proof , and that Is so simple u prOCCSB hint we have no lJOsltnncj- ) rocommenl1lng It. Dlahes .1 thoroughly heated IIj' means of boll- lug : water wm lIut. carry lactic held ! feruHmts from mllltlll tu milking IIrlll thus hasten sourIng of the milk. A Check on the Milk Buyer. Wl1Cn n producer of mllll for urine In n creamery ur cheese factory hits n Busplclon that ho 1Ft not receiving fair treatment at the hnlllls of the buyer , liB to the teat , the proper thing to /10 JR to purchase a I eater and ' test the cream and mlllt before ( hey are sent fruIII the ( farlll Thl/ll may \111111- the test or the ' calo buyer or may show hIm to hl Ilpallllg dishonestly ; , hilI. In either IIF.(1 II will hiring conviction , \'kUon 10 lime mluII of lie ( milk pro I1llct'r There If ! nothing more disquieting - quieting ! than working In Ibo ( dark , and nothIng more satisfying that knowIng Just how things Etanl ) It milk tester can bo purchased tot about $6. - a pa Wisconsin ' "I'IJ1cctlon or Cheese Fae tories Professor ! fIIlIry ( ' " 11' " 'cer ) manors / in . WISJOIIRIII dairy Ih , . .girt IIro IIJ , , vJcnlln greater efforts III lice In- ; provlllg of lie ( output of ( 'houso , Wo ' ' of llil' hullo\'o It cans Professor gnwry WIsconsin tiIiito airy h 1111,1 , food [ , UO/ll- mIssion who dint yen EulvolJ/lllll ( Inc 1lllIcln oC Il true 011 ouch choesu fllo- tory In lire form of Il IlelHlso , thereby I'nnllJlIIg the 81111to spllnd ( inure money III the ( way or choose factory In- sp0ction. 1'I'OfesRor 1I01ll'Y advocates the placing of a tax slIlIIelont 10 ell- able the stlilo to 1"1I180 by tltO IIcolIws $ ? : lUOOO Il yelll' lie says thnL forty Illspoctors should , he pilL to work nt once 111111 that theo WOIiIcl not find , till ! work IIgh WisconsIn hunts done pure In the WilY or inspecting ! ! cheese fne- tories than IIIIY other AIlII'rlclIlI Hlall' amid It Is IElI'gply 11110 10 this limit the ehol'5e output of time state ; inns rL'- IOII/llod / good . nUll Iris increased III "r1t'1) It i IR 10 III' hop",1 fhnt WIRI'O"- sin will nwlw lice venture and thus blaze the way for the other ' silltes - - - - - - Warm Drinking Iater In Winter. In "I'IJ or the wI'lIlhpl' WI' hnvp , In winter tho' wilier freezes very ritilccly : 1C sot out lit tire tOlllJlOl'tll1ltO lit which It Is drHwlI frolll the well. ' 1'0 JlorInlt the Cowls 10 have nil Limo wrier they desire , It will ho necessary 'to Wllrlll the cantor to nllollL 100 de grt'us It will tlllw sonic lime for the tomJlurnturo of thIs 10 full to : " :210 : / - grees. 1'hls given twice II day will , rep them IlltpplJe,1 . n with the liquid with which to make eggs amid lIesh It must 1m rClllornlJOred that much of ho eggs , ns much of the flesh of , fowls , Is water Hllrl that all food must ho greatly dllutell before Jl call he I used lIy the system of the fowl. The inch Gf Eu1l1cll'IIL water always results 1'11 ; El check to the digestive / ! opera tlOIIS _ The coldness of the water also acts as a telllporary check The more rwuter the fowls drink the better It Is "lor " them , unit tire more pounds of Illesh I and amore dozens of eggs prey are likely to produce. - - - - - The Ground Done Elation Wo have often referred to the use .of ground bone ! for poultry feed , and will ( lignin call lI11entioll to tire mnt- ter Fresh \ bones are most \'lIll1nhln _ _ u _ . . _ _ _ , HS they have ors thclll u large amount of fresh meat. ] Bones also supply a large UlllUUllt of phosphol'us , which Is present III bOileR to n larger extent than In most other kinds of food glv- flll fowls It Is to he doubted Ir there Is allY other kind of feet ! that has received celvcd n more universal endorsement thlln hns fresh cut or ground bone ; yet 0110 Is surprised as ho goes from farm to faun 10 find how low farmers comparatl\'ey : hll\'o a bono grinder ur hone clIllel' It Is more sllrprlslng to find lint ( the fowls generally ro cel\'u no grolllld bono In their ration , oven the purchased sorl. If there were as ! mnny boric grinders liS there are farms on which ' poultry are lJpt , IL would ho nroney III Iho ! POCltct3 of AmcrlclIlI flrrmcrs , - - Butchering the TreeG J\Inny nil orchard Is left ullprulled fur years and then II 11I111\ goes In wllh SIIW and IIX rind hutcht'n thin Irt.PII ! fly thlll 1Ft meant thin the largo IIl11hl are staved off } tore rand there 111111 tll such 1111 nxtelll thai the ' ' trees present the al'III'lIranco ' mostly of IIII\- lug been ( helped . ) ' rather thun lrinl- t 11I011. The hlldu1 that OIllO ol"chl\l'Il trpes get fl'olll such , Irelltlllent II' ' 10 ; great hunt ( seine rile . , whllo other ( ( at- WII'I ! I'CIIIIIIII ' IIIIRIKhll IIl1d ) III 111'01101'- 1101111. 1'1 peR of nil kinds ! . should ho trllllllll'll II little erich year maul whl'n ( lint III done carefully 110 sign of IJ\llche11llK II to 110 Beoll , I.very : man II his own happiness makol'-ClnchlulI COlIIlIHHl'Ial. - LIVE . : - - - - ! STOCK A Do Not Forget nape ThIs coming season n small field of rape should lie put In IC the farmer keeps ) nl/IJolit ; any kind of live stock , eSlucllllly ) sheep or 1wgs ThIs plant ! Is hocoIJlng'ory popular In ! the parts of lie ( country where Il hints been longest grown. It Is BclenUficul1) ( known its IJrasalcn armpits , aatl Is 01 tine sonic family as cabbage anti tur nIp , It will grow wherever potatoes , ( 01'1I. turnips and ! cabbage will grow Il needs especllllly u soil rIch In the rnlnorlll elements anti In humu . It Is 11 very good crop to rotate wIth clover , cow penu , soy beans , whIte IWIIIIK , ports und the leguminous plnnb gonornlly , us Il takes from the so. , very different elements Cram thong llllwn hy the plants nnmed. Il b above III ) II solllllg crop , and whet treated liS such will yield from ten te wUllly tons per ncre. It Is , however used IIrHO as p"slurngo , Jut ! when soused used thrust 1m carefully handled } or the stock wIll curt It down too close to the ground tu permit Il to give the largest yield per IIcre. About three pounds / of seer } Is re- JI/lrull / per acre , IIrlll the seed is I1rlllCt ) III , the rows being 24 or 30 inures flpllrl. Cultivation / should ho gIven DE Boon tiS the plants appear above thE ground , to keep down the weeds and tine cultivation should he repented oflclI. 'rho keeping down of the weerJf Is the IIIIJorttlnl ) thing In the caring fur the rape , hut when It has obtaIned a good dovolupmont Its spreadln leaves will shade the ground and thE weeds will thenceforth multo very little growth. If the rains are good and wcathol warm , the rape will make n. . good growth In six weeks and by that limE may bo cut and Cod to sumo extent. II It Is to UO pastured the stock many Uf turned onto Il lit that time. If It I' cut down to the ground , now scud musf bo sown at once , and this process may uo conUnued till hate summer The crop will keep on growing tilt the heavy frosts kill It In the matt fall. Il will / } stand n good deal oj frost , ns will } } turnips , and now and then roots and plants will } } live over wInter. If the plant Js pastured but lightly the hogs or sheep will ont but I the tops fund the sides of the leaves ) lon\'lng the stnJts ) and some of tilt h.t. ' _ _ _ ' - _ _ , IllIU-VCIIlB 'l'1I0se nt once send out new verdure and wm continuo to ro now themselves nil through the Ben son. oil Meal In the Beef Ration. At thin Nebraska IaztJeriment Stn Lion n tel ! : was IIIntlo with two - year old steers to determine whether or nol 011 mica ! raided to n corn ration with grass pnRturo would lessen the cost of producing graIns. One lot was fed daily m average o' ' J 17.8 pounds ! : of corn meal per steer while IInothor lot was fed the snmt weIght ur grain , consisting or 90 POP cent corn menl amid 10' per cent 01 menl. Dacha lot was fed on u rnlxo pnuturo consisting or blue gratis , brohtn grass , prairie grass , meadow fescue curd IL little nllllflDurIng the onUre period / from April 21st to November 18th these on corn wIthout oil moa conic an average daily gain or 1.61 pounds \ \ each , while these fed 90 pOi cant COrn and 10 per cent all moa' Finned 2,02 pounds ) per day. WIUJou' ' , . oil meal , 10.9 ! ) pounds ) or graIn were required for each pound , or gaIn , whlh with oil meal hut 8.8 pounds ) ot grain veto requIred for one pound } or In crease In wolght. With corn wort ) aa cents per bushel , oil meal $25 pC ton , amid grass $3 per acre , tire coat. 01 producing / gaIns was 13 per conI greater without all meal than with It , The all meal In thIs experlmenl proved to ho worth $ 14 per ton Had It cost more than that figure , noth- Ing would ! have been gained by teed lug It. . . U 7' " 1'I . w t --I "I . k. p Ji I V . . , . . . I i II I I , . i I .r I . : , ' I . .i j j . 1 , , , f , J .t I . < ( . ti. \ , -i )