The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 03, 1905, Image 7

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I i
' - Ohio.
" Ed Morgan bough some cat tic
I of G. W. Peck and son Mondays .
J Frank Peck spent Sunday even
" jug at WI11. Rcichick's.
Noah Peck gave an infair clip
= . ttcr Sunday in honor of his son
Elmer and wifc. About .vcnty- -
five were present and all report a
, good timc.
Mrs. Gco. Johnson returned
home Saturday after a week
visit at Bcatricc.
S. H. Kniscly Sundaycd at Eph
. Pecks.
" - - - , ! _ 1\1. Licht\ and wife spent Fri
' day at Mr. Knisely's.
Emma Kraus and Rebecca
Strauss spent Thursday night at
c Chas. HarkendorfT.
t " ' _ _
( ,
Lottic Yodcr spent several
'I . , days at her brothers in Falls Ci ty.
' '
Ike Allison and Ed Morgan
I shipped a car load of cattle Tues
, _ day night.
: Mrs. Anna Otto spent Friday '
- at the home of Charles Harken-
. ' - E. C. Peck and wife of Merrill
_ . . spent the past week with relatives
, at Falls Cit\ . . .
Clay Peck who was w sick with t
pneumonia is rapidly improving .
. Mrs. John Yocum and laugh -
. - ter . i\Icrtie visited at Noah Peck's
-i. .
f . z Sunday.
Fred Chesley and wife seen t
, , I
: : 'f' \ Frielay at O. A. Burk's.
" " Herbert and Ida Lurk spent
, , . \Velncsda evening at Noah
Pt c : 's.
: . Quite as number from this vicinity -
, " ' . . ,
' . . . . . cinit" attended the Farmers Institute -
titute Friday and Saturday ,
L \Varner is working : for 1\11'
Peel < luring his sons sidmcss.
- - - - _ . - . - - - . . - - - . " - - ' - ' -
Nellie Butler is amongthc : sick.
2\lrs. Bowers and daughter Ida
of Vcrdon visited several days at
thc home of ( wH. Simmering jr.
Ida Bowers visited our school .
Thursday aftcrnoon.
Jacob Arnold has been putting
up icc' from thc Ducrfcldt pond
thc past wcck.
Hazel Dunn spent Sunday with
Amanda uucrfclcH.
A large number from here at-
tended thc farmers institute Sat-
Jacob Arnold spent Sunday evening -
cning' with Mary Ducrfcldts.
Albert \Veick who has been
working ill thc round house in
Cheyenne , Wyoming is visiting
friends here for several days.
Hc intends to leave for'l'cxasand
New Mexico in a few days. . .
\Ir , and Mrs. : Henry \Vcick
spent Sunday at the latter's par-
ents John Constantinc.
Miss Emma Karst is receiving
instruction on hc organ from
RcNcnhous .
Mrs. E. E. Butler was quite
ill Saturday but is improving un-
tier the care of Dr. Van Osc1c1 of
Mrs. Rosa : : Micheal is on thc
sick list.
Mrs B. Ducrfcldt is suffering
from an attack of thc La rippe.
. \lr. Alfred Koso was a very
welcome caller at the home of Mr.
Wcndcll Gt'rwick Sunday c\'cn-
in g' ; . I
Several of thc YOllng'pcl'Jplc of .
this community were cntert fined
Sunday : : : ; evenin „ by William and
Lena JIerlistcr.
Albert Gerwick . cl. ' mir ' r ill' ] e
_ _ _ _ .m , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . , _ .
R.L.Baumont M. .D.
. . , . . ;
Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph
Formerly eye and car specialist -
ist now limited practice to
Eye Glasses
i Falls City. Ncb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Snit Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and nil San Francisco
points east and and nil points 6
south. west. ;
No. 42. : Portlallll Ht ol1iH
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , tit.
Louis alld all points
cast and south. . . . . 7:20 : p III
No. 13. Vcstihuled express ,
( laity , Denver and
a11l points west and
1I00.thwcst. , . , . . . , . . 1:35 : a III
No. H. Vestihulcll express ,
laily St. Toe , Kall-
sas City . St. Louis
and all ' points cast
and . south. . " . . . . . . 7:43 : a III
No. 15. Vestihulcd express ,
daily DCII\'CI' , and
all points west and
north wCst " . , . " . 1 :28 I' III
Ko. 16. Vcstihul cxprcss
daily , S , ; Toe , Kall-
sis ; tatty , St Louis
Ch i cage , turd points
cast and south. . . , . 4:25 : p III
No 20. : Local e : : press daily
Atchison alld points
south and wcst. " . . 4:35 : I' 11\
No. 41. jt. uis-Portlaml
5pccialLincoluIle- I
lena 'l'acollla : itch . .
Portland wit hou t
change . . . . . . . . . . . 1O:0i : put n
No. 115. Local accOll1l11oda-
thou. . . d a i I y c x-
cCl'l HUllllar , alclII ,
Nemaha and Nebraska -
hraslm C'i tr. . , . , . . . 10:40 : p III
Sleeping , dining and 1 reeling chair
cars ( scats free ) Oil through tl'aills.
Tickets sold allll baggage . checked to
slIY point ill the States eJI' Callula. : Igor
information timc tables neap allll
tickets , call ( III 01' write , to c. Stewart :
I Anent , Falls City . Neh. . or .1. li'rallci- ! .
G , P. & ' 1' . . . d "aha.
: Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
: _ : which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from
, the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption.
' . " , ,
' ' -
" i' - . . < . . . . " - . '
1' " " " , : FoLEY'S HON EYATAR ,
, not only stops the cough but . heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results
: I I
. .
. : - " \ from a cold. ContaIns no opIates.
' 1'1 . , I
: - ; - : It Saved His Life After the Doctor Said
' : ifl ; , ; . . . . . He Had Consumption.
: > . W. R. Davis , Vissalia , California , writes : IIThere is no doubt but
# 'fi./ ; " what Foley's Honey and Tar saved my life. I had an awful cough
' k. . on my lungs and the doctor told me I had consumption. I commenced
( ' " 9 : . taking Foley's Honey and Tar and found relief from the first and
three bottles cured me completely. "
. , . " ' . " ' .
- . - - - - - - - , - - - ' - - ' - - - - - - . - - - , - - - . -
and Willie latch spcn \ Stulday
with thc Vcoglc Brothcrs.
Hcnry. Ralph and Edna Butler
spent Sunday with their cousins
at thc Duerfc1 home
Cha.mbcrh\Jn's , CouJlh R.emedy the
Mother.s Favorn . te.
'l'hc soothing and healing pro-
pcrtics of this remedy , its pleas-
ant taste and prompt and permanent -
ncnt cures : have made it a favorite -
itc with people cvcrywhere. It
! is espcciilly prized mothers of
small children , for colds , croup
and whooping cough , ns it al-
ways affords quick relief , and as
it contains no opium or other
harmful drug. it may bc given as
' confidently to a baby as to an
adult. For sale at Kcrrs Drug
Overcoat Stolen. -
A man giving his name as Mc. '
Grat11 alighted at thc B. & M.
station here Sunday from off thc
west bound passenger with an
overcoat belonging to Mr. Sc-
grist of Humboldt. 'l ' ime coat
was not missed until \Ir. Scg-rist
reached Humboldt and then from i
descriptions given by the brake
man suspicion was directed to-
w arc1lll iurn dlq pcci ) in this
city. Fortunately Sheri (
Hossac1 was in Humboldt at the
time anti ! by tc1q)1.onc , Chief Aldrich -
drich was not ilied and located
thc fellow. Mr. Seg-rist came to
this Cltand recovered his
city \ prop-
erty but did not PI' o - ( cute ? \JC-
Gra til.
Small ] Pox -in Stella.
' 1'\\0 cases of small pox h.'l. .
developed 1 in hc , family ! of En m m
Bourke ; two miles north 0 r Stella a
The father ui thr I family and th e
little bai aI'/ ' "mktce1. Time e
< < 0 ' 'C I h , fjuarantinre1.
A Pollcemln's Testimony.
J. N. Patterson , night policeman , of Nashua , Iowa , writes : ClLast
winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least a half.dozen
advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians
without getting any benefit. A friend recommended FoleyJs honey
and Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the
greatest cough and lung medicine in the world. "
a : - / . ; . _ Three sizes-2Sc , SOc and $100The 50.cent size contains two and one-half times as mr ch as the small size and the
" : $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. Refuse Subs2itUtes.
, ' ' [ > K. mcrHLLAJ , ProvriL. . y I I , n \ '