The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 03, 1905, Image 15

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' , ' GOLDEN TEXT.-l"or " God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
. Son that whosoever uellcveth In him should not perish ! , hilt have everlasting Ilfl
-John. 3:16. :
I. The Kingdom of Heaven-What
Christ came to 10 , as he himself pro0
claimed ( l\Iatt. 4.17) : ) , was to bring the
kingdom of heaven to earth , to transform .
form the peoples of the earth into
members of that kingdom ] , and thus
to change this world into the new
heavens and the new earth , the city
_ of God , described In the last ] two
chapters of Revelation.
The first thing to do in taking tip
this lesson Is to obtain a clear view
. of what the kingdom of heaven Is. It
la not any outward organization , however .
_ ever many organizations may he In.
eluded in It , but It Is that condition
of things where , In the Individual and
In the world , the principles prevail
which maIm heaven to he heaven , the
Jaws obeyed are the laws of heaven ;
and the supreme ruler Is the God ( of
heaven as represented by Jesus Christ
the messenger from heaven.
The ltingdolll of heaven , like heaven
Itself , Is not any walled place , where
all kinds ] of people may JIve , without
regard to their character , if only they
can get within the doors ; ' nor auy
organization which can he entered
' through outward rites , without a regard .
gard to charactCl'
n. 'rho Inquirer Concerning the
Kingdom of Heaven.-Vs. 1 , 2. After
the wedding at Cana Jesus went to
Capernaulll on the Sea of Galilee with
the members of his mother's family. I
He , did not remain long , but went up
to Jerusalem ] to the Feast of the Passover '
over early In April. Here his reef
ry , , , forms made a great commotion In the
' - city , and proclaimed his mission to
rulers and to people. As the transformation .
formation of water into wine made
. known one aspect of his messianic
work ] , so now ho reveals the same
mission under another aspect , by
. - ' cleansing ] jho temple from the moneychangers -
changers , and the cattle , and merchandise .
chandlse , by which , instead of a house
of prayer for all nations , it had be-
come ' t den nf flllnvnQ ( John 2:12.22) : .
- . . . . . . . . . . , - , - - . . . - - - -
He revealed his mission still more by
working miracles of mercy In .Terusa-
lem ( John 2 : 23) ) . Two effects fol-
lowed. On the one hand , many be-
lIeve on him when they saw his
miracles ] , "signs" of the Messiah's
work , among the greatest of which
signs was his smiting of great evils
which they had sighed over in vain.
. . . . . On the other han , many were angry ,
and aroused indignant ppositlon. But
. . both of these effects called wide attention .
\ ' tentlon to Jesus and his gospel.
1. Among those who were thus
: . awakened to a knowledge of Jesus
"was a man of the Pharisees , " among
" , whose numbers were the most of the
prominent persons who were waiting
for the coming of time Messiah , "named
Nlco < 1emus. " A Greek name In common .
man use. "A ruler of time Jews. " A
member of the Sanhedrlm ( John
7 : 50) .
2. "Camo t.o Jesus by night. " In
secret , so as not to be observed. Ho
would wish not to bo interfered with
by curious observers , but would have
a talk with Jesus.
) ' "Thou art a teacher come from
. , Go < 1. " So far he accepted him as ono
\ with a divine message which would
. shed light on his path , and answer
the puzzling questions which
thronged about him. "Fol' no man can
" do these miracles etc. This was
. proof positive that Jesus came from
. . . God. The argument was good and
holds to-lay.
, III. The Teaching of Jesus Concerning .
cernlng the Kingdom of lIoavcn.-V5.
g.8. 3. ' "Jesus answered. " Not EO
, much his words is his needs , and told
him the Great truth he most needed
to know. "Except a man ( any Qt' )
. - bG born again , "
What it Is to Bo Born Again. As
the child has a certain life before It
is born , and Is then brought into this
natural world to develop in accord-
ance with Its laws , with Its alms , purposes -
poses , and results , so that it belongs
'to the kingdom of human nature ; anti
all this through life Imparted In someway
way by God. So one who Is born
again enters the spiritual realm , Is
alive to God and righteousness and :
love ; his ] chief controlling motives are
love to God and love to man ; his
deepest choice Is to serve and obey
God ; it is the beginning of a character .
tel' which will grow Into the heavenly
life , the perfection of the human hOe
Ing. This life is imparted by the spirit
of Goel.
3. Explanations. 4. "How can a
man bQ born when ho is old ! " lie
asks for more light.
G. [ "Except a man b I ) horn of water
and of the Spirit. " The Lord here declares .
clares that there are two elements or
factors In the new birth ; putting
away the old life , and receiving this
new. Water was the natural and
familiar symbol of cleansing from sin ,
of putting away the sinful past , of con-
fession of sin. This act the Pharisees
were not inclined to believe as applied .
plied to themselves. They refused to
be baptized by John , and thus confess .
fess their need of forgiveness. Therefore .
fore to this Pharisee our Lord declares .
clares that an honest dying to the
past is as needful as new life for the
future. * * \ * It is essential ] that
our past be recognized as needing
cleansing and forgiveness. - Exp.
Greek 'l'est.
6. "That which Is born of the flesh
is flesh ] , ' etc. "Dr the word flesh he
signifies the appetites , desires , faculties .
ties , which animate and govern the
body , as well as the body Itself-the
whole equipment with which nature
furnishes a man for life In this wodd. "
-Dodl1. "That which Is born of the
Spirit is snlrlt. " To belong to the
_ . _ _ _ _ _ nn _ , , , _
spiritual kingdom ] it Is as essential to
be born of the Spirit , as to be horn
of the flesh is essential to entering
upon life in this world. 'fhls Is the
scientific Jaw of biology.-Ethlcs . l\laj.
1:10. :
7. "Marve ] not , " because or the
reason given in Y. 8. Natural life is
as full of mysteries as spiritual life.
"So is everyone that Is born of the
Spirit. " 'fhe Splrlt'f methods wo can-
not know ] , but the facts of the new
life are as plain and certain as that
the strong wind bends the forest trees.
\Vo may not know the day nor the
hour when we are horn again , but we
may Jmow the fact by the frultH.
Remarks. The new birth comes not
from ourselves , but from God. The
necessity for it Is a statement of
fact or truth , not a command. But
, it is stated so clearly , In order to
urge us to the duty of turning to God ,
of accepting .Tesus as our Saviour of
choosing to love ] and obey God as our
first duty and great privilege. It presents -
sents a series of time strongest motives
of hope , fear , love , duty , that can
move us to become disciples of
ChMst. -
The New Birth is but'the Beginning I
of the New Life. The birth of a child {
Is but the beginning of Its life. Il is
to grow , develop , unfold Its powers. he
disciplied and trained almost without
limit or end. 'fho sprouting of a seed
Is but the beginning of the plant's
life , only you cannot develop the
plant unless it Is alive.
IV. The AuthorIty of the Teacher
Behind this Teachlng.-Vs. .13. ! ) . 10.
"Art thou a master ( that Is , teacher )
* . * . *
and mowest ] not these
things ? " Have : you studied the Scrip.
tureu enough to teach , and not uo
iced this great truth ! If n "tol\cher'
does tlot understand these things ,
what can 1 expect from the people ] :
11. "Wo speale. " Why plural ?
Probably the plural of his conscious at-
lIanco with God. The Father who
sends the message , and I who bring
It speak this truth.
12. "If I ( now ho speaks for himself .
self ) have told you earthly things. "
'l'hings written and experienced In the
earthly existence , which any one can
put to the test , and verify. "How shall
ye believe , if I tell you at : heavenly
things ? " Those truths which could not
be learned without a revelation from
heaven ; divine forgiveness , the perfect -
fect , free , universal love of God , the
divine nature of Christ , the atonement :
the reality of life beyond the grave ,
the way to obtain it , the blessedness
of heaven , the glories of the l\Iosslah's
kingdom on
13. "No man hath ascended up fo
heaven , " and brought back the testimony .
mony nf nn p.vp..wltnp.RL "hnt ho that _ _
_ nn _ _ nn _ _ , . _ n _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ nn
came down from heaven. " The
'VOl'd" of .John 1 : 1-3 , 14. who "was
with God , and was God , " and , therefore .
fore , knew absolutely ] the things
which ho revealed to men about
spiritual and heavenly things. "Even
time Son of man. ' The true representative .
tatlve of humanity ; not only God , but
a real man , with all the feelings ,
hopes , temptations , possibilities of
man ; the Ideal man , showing what .
man may become. "Which Is In
heaven. " Ills homo Is In heaven , and
ho maintains continually a vital connection .
nectlon with heaven. So far as heaven
Is a state and a character , Jesus was
always In heaven. The whole universe
Is leaven to him . for his senses are
all open to perceive and recelvo.
V. How the New Life Can Bo Ob-
talne < 1.-Vs. 14 , 15. 14. "As Moses
lifted up the serpent in the wilder-
ness. " Jesus now uses an illustration
which makes clear some or the heavenly -
only things he came to reveal. Study
the story In Num. 21 : 4.9. ! ) "Even so
must the Son of man be lifted up. "
By his whole life and teaching and
character , standing then , as now , far
above men , but especially by the cross
and Its redeeming love containing all
motives and powers that attract men
to him. Today the crucified Jesus Is
the best known ] . the most exalted person .
son In all history In all the world ,
past or present.
15. "That whosoever believeth In
him. " Accepts him as Teacher , as
Savior , and Lord. Whosoever Is better .
ter for Mach one than If hn were cnllod
. . . . . . . , . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . -
by name ; for the mme ! : name might
belong to another. But whosoever Includes -
cludes everybody . the meanest and
wickedest , as well as the greatest and
hest. "Should not perish. " From the
effects of sIn , which naturally end
In destruction of the sou ] . "But have
eternal life. " Eternal life Is the life
which nothing can destroy , which en-
dunes beyond the grave , and grows
fuller and richer aa the ages roll on.
It Is a present possession of the Chris.
than , and dots not begin with the
world to come , though it continues In
It. It is more than mere endless ex-
Istence. It is goodness , fulness of life ,
joy , peace , love. It Is the kind ] of life
lived In heaven , the kind ] of life God
II Yes.
The Heart of the Lesson.
Time one great essential , both for the
Individual and time state , IB n new life
, In the soul that supremely loves ] the
good and hates the evil. This Is the
one way to the best life hero and here
'rhen follows the central verse of
the Bible.
"For God so loved time world , that
lie gave Ills only begotten son . that
whosoever believeth in 111m should
not perish , but have everlasting life. "
Luther calls this verllo , "Tho Little
Gospel , " or "Tho Little Bible. " For
the whole gospel , yea , the whole Bible ,
Is condensed in these few words
On the tiny retina of the eye Is
pictured a wide extended lundscuLlO In
Its minutest detalls-mountnlns , riv-
ems . forests , fields , cities villages.
This verse Is said to be "the best
, thing ever put In human speech. "
"Infinite riches In a little room. " The
treasure room of the , London Tower.
T1J. : Salon Carte of the Louvre
. ;
- A
Sinking Spellll , headaches , Rlummfttillm ,
AU Cnulloll by I"oor Ulood-Onred by
) ) r. lVllliams' I"lnk 1'llls.
When 1\Irs. WillinU18 WR asked for
some details of the fearful illness from j
which she had 110 long suffered , she spoke
Its follows :
II Ever since I had nervous prostration , 1
bout thirteen years ago , I have had }
Periodical spells of complete exhn\1stion.
Ally excitement or unusual activity
would throw mite into state at lifeless
1Iess. At the beginnlug my strength
would como baole in moderate time ,
but the period of wealmo/lR Jcopt length-
ning until ut last I would lie helpless
us 11Inny as three hours at stretch. . "
You were under medical treatment ,
of course ? '
II'Yes , when I became so bad that 1
l . . i t I. . . . . . . . . h " . . . . . . " . . . " . . . 1 c it 1 1I.fnu of
IIiLU o ti'"U " p ' lay . . . onsewor . . . . . . . . . . ny " . .
1003 , I was being treated for kidney
trouble , and later the doctor thought my ?
difficulties came froUl change at life. 1
was ! not only weak , but I hind dizzy
feelings , palpitation ot the heart , Misery
after eating , hot flashes , nervous hend-
aches , rheumatio pains lu the back and
hips. The doctor did me BO little good
that I.gaye up his troRtmout , and really
feared that my case WRY inourablo. "
" What saved yon from your state of
hopelessness ? "
II III July of Hl03 I had a very bad
spell , and my husband came in one day
with a little book which told of remarkable .
able cures effected by a remedy for the
blood-amI the nerves , Williams' Pink
PiUs. Ho bought 1\ box for mOl nud
that was the beginning of my return to
health. My appetite grow keen , my food
no longer distressed mOl my nerves were
quieted , and my strength began to ro-
vive. "
IIHow long did you take this remedy ? "
II For two months only. At the cud
of that time I had regained my health
aud cheerfulness and my friends say ;
that I lUll looking better than I have r
the fifteen . "
done for paRt years.
1\IrH. Lizzie Willimns iR now living at .
No. 410 Cedar street Qulnoy , Illinois.
The pills which she praises so highly ,
cure all diseuses that come from impoverished -
poverished blood. If your system is nil
run down , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are 1
the very best remedy to take , Any drug-
gist can supply them
Happy Is time man who is admired
and praised by his follows-'or ho is
dead. 1 ,
Itching and Painful Sores Covered'
Head and Body-Cured In Week P
By Cutlcura. °
"For fifteen years my scalp and
forehead was one mass of scabs , and
my body was covered with sores.
Words cannot express how I suffered
from the itching and pain. I had giv-
en up hope when a friendtold . mo to
get Cuticura. After bathing with l
Cutlcura Soap and applying Curti- ° '
CU1'l\ Ointment for three days my
head was as clear as ever , and to' my
surprise and joy one cake at soap and ' ,
one box of ointment made a complete
cure In one weel ( signed ) H. B.
Franklin , 717 Washington St. , Allegheny -
gheny , pa. "
The great thing which counts In
this world IS' not talent , hut faithful-
ne85.-Jolll1 Clifford.
Many Children { .ro Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Clmildron ,
used oy Mother Gray , a nurse ill Children's
Home , Now York , cure Feverishness ! , Head-
'lcho , Stomach Troubles , Teething Dls-
l'ders , Break up Colds and Destroy \Vorms.
At all , Drllgglsts',25c. Sample mulled FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Rattle brains always make the moat
, Why It Is the Best
IS because made by nn entirely differ-
tnt process. Defiance Starch Is unlike
any other better and ono - thlyd more
for 10 cont1'l. '