The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 27, 1905, Image 9

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a THE : - FALLS r--.ratw..a CITY TRIBUNE
I ' Ptiblishecl 1'ery ! Friday at
, FA r4LS CI'T ' Y , n I : BRASKA
I Dr
° .
4 : , . . . . \ . 'l ' IBU1\8 PUBLTSJlI1\G CO
, 1'ntercd l us , \ 1I.cImattcl' - : ' , Jqlll-
: \I'Y 12. thc pDt bails
" City Neb. . under the Act of Congress
of } March J , 18i9. .
. . . _ .
i . ; ONl' : 1JOLLAl : pgl YIaAh
'l'elephonc .1\0. 22 ( ) .
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- . Now that 11011. E. J. I3arkctt
x' ' _ has been elect'd Unitcd States i
' Sena lor , the speculation as 10 his
, successor increases Thcr seems
to be a general disposition on the
I 4 pan of the outlying- counties to l
.t " - nominate some nian outside of
Lancaster County. Lincoln has
. had thc . , con ressman so long
that the 'mcmory of man run-
neth not tn the contrary ; " and
. now that thc United States Scna- I !
tor comes from thc sate place , thc .
" coun try counties think thc cai li-
date should come front some oth-
I crJoca1ity.
That Lancaster county will not
tamely submit to this ultimatum
I . may bc inferred from' thc fact
" that she has live ! candidates , to-
wit ; II. l\r. Bur . ' ss , E.P. Holmcs ,
I Paul Clark , Judge Frost and l\Ir.
. ; J
' j : . . Tobbey. In addition to this ,
4 Lancaster is suggesting candi-
r'J . elates for the other counties 'with
- . ;
4. ' ' . thc view of ha' . ' ng"thccilnelidatcs
: " . , . turn their delegates over to thc
. . Lancaster man in return for thc
federal 1 patronage such as post
\1 \ : : ' ' ' . ' , . , . . . ' - ' offices and thc likc. An effort of
this kind was made with George
\V. Marsh formerly of this county
hut Mr. Marsh was too wise at
the game to permit . himself to bc
, used } to pull Lmcoln's chestnuts
' " . out of the lire. 1 rom : Majors of
t" Ncmaha County is out for the
same purposc. There is every
reason to believe that Ncmaha
, . County will refuse to have its .
. . . . . . _ politics further prostituted by
. - l\Iajors. Four years ago hc and
Judge Stul1 fought thc legislative -
tive ticket notwithstanding there
. ' ,
' , : w' were two United States Senators
. ' , .
to clcct. There is probably not
, , 'a delegate outside of Ncmaha .
County who would under any
. . . circumstances cast a vote for Majors -
Pi. : . jors , and thc only possible result
_ _ _
:111 : . . .
J : : : . of his success in his home 1 County -
. . : ty would bc to dive him this right
to name the post-masters of thc
coun ty.
" w . . ' . ' 'l"hrc is also some suggestion
: ; : : ' ! ; , -:1 that Clmrdt Howe will be , in thc
. ' \ ,1 light , although nothing positive
> ( , . ' , ' I. is known as to this. Mr. Howe
: : \ ' . . \\as cabled for his vie \ \ ' s and has
. , , . : .
: not as yet replicd. Dickeal
formerly County judge and one of
. thc ablest and most loyal young
men in thc state is an admitted
" candidate and will in all probabil-
" > -
: ity be given thc dclcgation.
\ " Johnson County will namc cith-
, . cr A B. Allen private secretary
j to GO\ Mickey or Judge Da\'id-
- - - - - - . . . . - - - - ' - - - - - ' - - . . . . . . . . . . , . ,
son. 'P he geuertil impression
seems to be that Judge Davidson
wants to he suprcme Judge to
succeed .1mlge \ TIl)1comb and
might be induced to turn .John-
soil O\'cr to Lancaster in return i '
for assuranCes of future fa\'ors.
Otoc County will present Wilt
Hayward , son of the late Senator
Hayward.1 I r. Hayward is a
lawyer of Nebraska City and a
young man of splendid rarts.
Ernest Polta(1 will have Cass
County. Mr. Pollard is also a
young man , a farmer and fruit
grower and has long been promi-
ncnt in thc councils of thc party.
Either 1 John B. Hapcr or Frank
Barton wilt have Pawnee Count
'rhe situation is this ; a combi-
nation between OtoeCass , Ncma-
ha , Richardson and either Paw-
nee or Johnson can furnish thc
candidatc. 'fo- defeat Lancaster
County , this sort of nbination
will be ncccssary. From what
thc writer knows of thc senti-
uivnt of ichardson County , the
delegation will probably favor
some such plan. \Vho thc man
will bc , no one can prid"t. : ! . The
difficulty will bc , not in finding a
good man , but ill effecting such a
combination. .
Thc terrible scenes resulting :
from thc conflicts between thc
people and the crown in Russia ,
which have been enacted in thc
past week may mean thc beg-in-
tng' of thc revolution which has
been predicted for ' many ycars.
The cruelty of ttc Russian g-O\-
nmcnt towards thc serfs they
call subjects is one of thc commentaries -
mcntaries of our ct\ ' 1ization.
There is no room in this day for
such a government and while a
revolution is to bc deplored , the
time seems ripe for a new and
better order of thing's.
Did thc blue mark catch you ?
Why .Jot pay up ?
1r. Farmer , wc would bc very
glad to print your envelopes . to
advertise your sales or perform
_ ny other service usually done by
a first class printing officC' Will
you give us a trial ?
Our readers must not infer that
there arc only one or two mercan-
tile houses in Falls City. The
mcrchants(5omc ( of them ) arc too
modest to cell your attention to
their existence by h'crtising"
A pretty safe plan is to trade with
thc men who want your trade and
who use your favorite paper to
tell you so. Such men arc our
friends and they are your fricnds.
Trade with Tribune advertisers.
Chancellor Canficld , formerly
of thc Nebraska State university
once said in a lecture at Falls
City that the base of the United
States was thc great mass of the
pcoplc That our country rested
upon such a solid and enduring
foundation ; and that thc cap
piccc of thc pyramid was the
w t
I i
, 4
. . .
- - - - - - - ' - - ' - ' - - - - -
Should be cautiously
I S gU\1'Cled. These docu-
meut ; you know , sometimes mys-
teriously 'van lsli. You may leave
yourVill in our vault for sale keep-
il1g and make sure it will not "turn
uP.missing" Just at : the critical mom-
- - - - - - - - - e Ii t.
Wills If you arc about to sell your farmer
or other property and have a CON-
and TRj.\CT 01' other valuable papers
connected with the deed the
Contracts Fa..lIs City
State Bank a
\\Till be pleased to give you vault
room for them.
This bank makes no charges for
I such service.
. I
" , . ,
Own a Farm
'Don 'Rent
Buy an irrigated farm yourself 01' your son
before the advancing price shuts you out. The time is
fast coming in this country when the owner of a good
will be a very independent man ; the acreage of farm
lands is limited , but our population is rapidly increas-
The entire acreage of land available for irrigation , m
either by Private or Governmental enterprise , will make r
but a small number of eighty-acre farms compared
with the number of young men who expect to become
The Big Horn Basin has ample water , a splen-
did sunshiny . climate and a soil which , under water , is
as rich .productive as any in the temperate zone ;
send for our special Big Horn Basin folder , and keep
I that locality in your mind i in looking into i the future.
: :
I General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
prcsidcn In contrast he said
that Russia rested upon thc Czar
and thc top we s formed of thc
people. It stood as :111 inverted
pyramid and some time would
grow top heavy , and fal1. It
seems that this prediction may
be vcri ficd.
F'al1 : City is the best trading
point in this sccticn. The mer-
chants have the most complete
stocks and make prices that com-
pete with your catalogue houses
or any other foreign conccrn.
'Vln' not spend your money at
home ? It will help you , thc
town , the merchant and thc
country. Make a resolution to
spend 1 your money at home an-
other ycar. Give your local mer-
chant a chance.
R.L.Baumont , M. D. ,
Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph
Formerly eye and ear specialist -
ist now limited practice to
Eye Glasses
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 51 Omaha and Lincoln
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 2:2.5 a 1n
Xo. 53 Omaha and Lincoln
passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . A :00 p m
No. 233 Local Freight . , Au-
lurn . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . \ 1:00 : l' In
No. 52 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 3:10 : a m
No. 58 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 1 : 10 p 111
Xo. 232 Local , Atchison. , . 1O:3U a 111
.xo. 2JO Stock FrcightHi-
.1".atl1a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 9:20 l' nl
A. Dail ) ' . n. Daily t.xccptulltl : a ) ' .
J. n. V RXJtI < , Agcnt.
Lands bought and sold
Hartford Fire Insurance
Houses in city for sale
honey to 10kfl
Telephone 178
Rev. Moody Wisconsin spent
Sunday in this city.