. , - . - - - - - - . - . . . . - - - - - - - . . . - . - . - , - . - - . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ' , . j F ? OM TIME I I Humbler Heroes. It might not ho III dllllclIlC to lead the Light Brigade While the army cheered behind you , and thb fifes and bugles ptayecl' : _ It might ho rather easy , with the Will'- Ihrlelc 111 your cars 1'0 fm'cet' the bite of bllllets and the taste of blood and tenrs. But to ho a scrubwoman , with tour Babies I , 01' more Every day , every day soltlllg your back 011 the melt. And nil your reward forever nol quito .A full bite or bread for your babies Say ! III the heal of mho day You might he 11 hero to he'd n. brl udo , But Il Item 1lkp her ? I'm afraid ! I'm afraid ! It might he very feasible 1'0 force 11 great reform , 1'0 saddle 11\Ihllo ' passion and to ride upon ) the storm : It might lJo somewhat simple to ignore thu roar of w1'alh Because 11 second shout broke out to cheer you on your po the . But Iw who , alone and unknown III true 1'0 his view ' Unswervcl1 by the crush oC the mutton- brewed Blatting crowd UIIWOU' by the lIahb-hrlllned. blinking - ing " ease Which ho sees 'J'hrolwl1 and Illlointed. Say ! a At the height of the fray , You might he the chosen lo captain the tiring : But to stand all aloud ! How long ? How long I \ 'r -lr.r1l11oml Vance Cooke , In Philadelphia ' ' ' l'ollt' . NEWS , OF THE LABOR WORLD. - Items of Interest Gathered from Many Sources. I The validity of the eight-hour ordinance l- nance for public work In the city of Milwaukee will In all probablllty be tested In the courts , so as to furnish a precedent for other clUes. The A. F. of L . will make the case. It 18 stated that the Unite Typothe- tao of America Is nt present accumu- lating a defense fund in order that the eight hour day enforcement may bo combatted. It Is hoped by the employers - loyers to gather together at least $600,000. Of 1,237 unions malting returns to the American Federation ot Labor for November , with nn aggregate membership - bership ot 84,663 , there were 3.9 per cent without employment. In the preceding month 1,006 unions , with a membership of 105,667 , reported 1.2 per cent out of work. nepalrs having been made In the plate and rail mills at the South Chicago - cage plant ot the Illinois steel works , m fmylly 2,500 men are at work in those two departments. More than a month ago 3,000 men were notified that their : services would 110 longer be required. About 600 of this number , however , returned < not long afterwar The National Alliance of Amalga- mated Painters , Decorators and Paper Hangers is In favor ot amalgamating with the Brotherhood of Painters. At i a recent session of the alllanco In New York a committee was appointed to arrange a conference with the brotherhood to settle all differences and bring about consolidation An act recently passed br the House of Representatives ot Rhode Island prescribes a fine oC $350 to $500 , or imprisonment from three to six months , or both , against , any : employer or corporation attempting to prevent working people from belonging to 1\ labor organization ns a condition ot new or continued emplo'ment. "Curse ot Child Labor , " Is the title of a circular which has been ordered printed to be distributed broadcast at the Instigation ot Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania , with a view ot working up sentiment In favor ot the act pro- posed by Philadelphia trades unions for the purpose ot shortening the hours of women and raising the age limit of chl1dren. The circular deals with the inadequacy ot the present laws. Florshelm & Co. , shoe manufactur- . 'fa , of Chicago , have found that an I , . - . - , . - agreement with a union that docs not provide for arbitration Is not to the interest of the . ' ' employer. The union officials have been asked to terminate the present agreement May 1 , instead of June I , and make a new agreement for one or two years , covering wages and working conditions and providing that all disputes be submitted to arbi- tration. The Chicago South Side Car Men's union and the Chicago City Railway company have made an agreement covering all points nt Issue. It will expire April 30 , 1906. The company had objected to Its expiration the coming . Ing April , as It would be necessary to begin making a new agreement 1m- . There was no change In the wage scale. 'fhe union has 2,000 of the 2,300 employes of the company on its membership roll. At the National works of the Amerl- cu Tin Plate Company at Monessen , Pa. , the hot-mill emplo'es were recently - cently paid a bonus of $18,000 for faithful and continued service with the company , it being r.i per cent of the net earnings oC the men for the last 'ear. The National works Is one of the largest controlled by the company - pany and contains twentY-four hot- mills and twenty cold mills. The an- 1\ual output Is 35,000 gross tons of black plate for tinning. After holding out for five months , 2,000 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of New Yotle seem to be on the verge of smbmlsslon i to the conditions required by the bosses , and the strike , or lock-out , as It is called by the men , will be form- ally declared o IT. The one moving cause for this action Is the fact that : the funds of the organization have : been exhausted. For two weeks there has been no strike money dis- trihuted _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ and n _ _ _ many nn _ _ of _ _ the men have . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ been reduced to actual want. A plan for establishing and main- taining a sanitarium or health farm for members suffering from tubercu- losis has been submitted to n referen- dum vote ot the members of the Cigar- , maleers' International union. It the proposition carries the members will each be assessed twenty-five tents to start the necessary fun , which will realize about $11,000 , and the Insti- tution will be maintained fiy similar assessments , provided that Sot more than two are levied In anyone year. The present scheme suggests that the health farm Ge established In Calo- rado. For ; the next fift-two weeks the r.iOOOO members of the International Typographical union will pay an assessment - sessment of , one-half of one per cent of their earnings , the total to be used In establishing a universal eight-hour day In all job and book offices In the United States and Canada. While the total membership will pay the assess- ment , the number to be benefited by the shorter work day will be about 25,000. The average wages for the 50,000 members Is said to Lo nt least $100,000 a day and that the assess- ment will bring into the treasury more than $200,000. The plate workers who arc members of the Amalgamate Association Qf hon , Steel and Tin Workers : will be benefited by another advance. At a conference at which the wage scale was arrange for the rear : ending June 30 , 1903 , the base of the tinplate scale was reduced from $4.20 to $3.40 a box. Under the provisions of the agreement wages advanced 2 per cent with every ten cents a box increase In price. Dy restoring the former rate of p.60 a box the price will be twenty cents above the base , and the amalga- mated tin plate workers will be given an advance ot 4 per cent in wages , - r There Is a bright outlook for bridge and structural iron workers : during ; the coming year , according to reports I . compiled at the headquarters of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron 'Varkel's. A good Idea of the amount of work on han Is afforded ' by the fact that all . at the American Bridge Company's : plants are now In full operation , and will soon be turning out their full ca- pacity. In all some fifty odd thousand tons of material will soon bo ready for erection by the American Bridge Companr. Besides this work there are some thirty odd independent plants that are well supplied with con- tracts for structural material. A 11111 has been Introduce In Con- gress by Representative Adams of Pennsylvania , by request , which Is designed . signed to regulate by novel means the employment of labor. The bill provides vides that any person or company employing - ploying journeymen mechanics , laborers - era , clerks : , or other help shall give preference to American citizens and residents of the vicinity In which the work Is to be done : that no employer shall have the right to discharge an employe for a petty cause , and that any employer who refuses , without cause , to give work to n citizen of the vicinity In which the employer lives shall pay damages equal to the amount of wages which would have been earned by the worker who was refused emplo 'ment. Separate bills have been introduced and the House of Representatives pro- viding for the pensioning of army loco- motive engineers , firemen and telegra- phers , as well as the widows and minor children of the same. The bills are to the effect that all persons employed - ployed by the quartermaster general of the army in these several occupa- tions , under contract or otherwise , during the late war of the rebellion , and who rendered actual service for :1. period of six or more months , and were honorably discharged , and who are now or may hereafter be unable to earn a living , shall upon the submis- sion of the necessary proof be entiLJed to receive a pension of $30 per month , and that such pension shall commence from the ate ot the termination of his class at service. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Is back of the bill to pension the engineers , and the organizations representing the other classes interested will probably take up the pension question in behalf of these men. William Abraham , one of the British fraternal delegates to this country from the British Trades Union con- gress , who is at present visiting cities In WlsC'tlnsln ' , sacs that wr ttre behind In this country in the matter of labor legislation. Mr. Abraham has been a member of parliament for the past twenty years and i well versed In trade union matters. He says : "In several ways the legislation of Great Britain along labor lines Is superior to that of this country. For Instance , there Is the law known as the worle- . Ingman's compensation law. This measure practically dues away with- the tedious and expensive suits for damages on account of personal in- jury. In this country the workingman has little chance to recover , because of the co-emplo'e theory and the theory - ory or contributory negligence The British law , wll1ch has been in effect for about six years , eliminated both of these safeguards to the employer. If a man is Injured , unless it can be proved that he did It deliberately , he receives after the first fortnight , a sum equal to half Iris weekly wage. In case of death from such injury , his family receives a sum equivalent to his wages for three years if not In excess oC $1,000. The result of this measure has been beneficial In every way ; The employer is made vastly more careful In the matter of his safety appliances and the condition of his works. It Increases the efficiency of the men , as each Is anxious to se- cure a position where he can earn good wages , so as to have a comfortable - able amount In case of accident , anne no man will deliberately take chances of injury to secure only halt as much as he can 11'Iake It he Is well. " { .j .jI ALL CROPS GOOD IN WESTERN t ' CANADA "Potatoes the Finest I Ever 3aw. " Owing to the great amount of interest - terest that Is being taken In Western Canada , It Is well to be informed of some of the facts that arc bringing -1J about the great emigration from per -f' " - tlons of the United States. The Canadian government has authorized , thorlzed agents at different points , aDd the facts relate In the following may be corroborate on application At the same time they will be able to quote you rates , and give you certificates entitling - titling you to low rates on the different - i ; ent lines of railway. The following f I ! letter copied from the North Bend ' ( Neb. ) Eagle Is an unsolicited testimonial - menial , and the experience of Mr. Auten Is that of hundreds of , other ' Americans who have made Canada their home during the past seven or 1 . eight years : "I presume some may be interested . , j to know how we have progressed. his 1 rear : In the Canadian Northwest. We - - . ; ' I : have no complaint to offer. We have - I had a good year , crops were good and , we have had a delightful season. 1 threshed from my place 8,650 bushels of grain. l\Iy oats made 65 bushels ' ' per acre and weighed 421 pounds per ushel. My wheat made 3121.3 bushels per acre and Is No. 1 quality. My I barley made about 30 bushels of good I quality. 1\1y crop is a fair average of the crops In the Edmonton lstrict. "All crops were good here this sea- Bon. Potatoes the finest I ever saw , and all vegetables adapted to the cli- mate. We have had a very fine fall , but no exception to the rule , as the - fall season Is , I think , the most pleas- . ant at the year We have had no snow yet ( Nov. 9) ) , and have been plowing and working the land prepar- Ing for an early seeding next spring. . . Last night the mercury dropped lower )1- than any previous night this fall , and ' this morning there Is a crust of frost . on'the fields sufficient to prevent field ' . , wbrti : No doubt many would imagine ' . " . that Alberta had put on her winter overcoat before this and that the peo- pie were wrapped In furs , but It is only a question of time when this country will not be looked upon as an Iceberg , but a country fit for the best of mankind to live In. . "We are now assured of a transcontinental - continental railway , which Is to be built to the Pacific during the next five years. The Canadian Northern road is graded to within seventy-five miles of Edmonton. It comes from . Winnipeg , and will reach us next sum- . . . mer , so with one railroad already at hand , the second to reach us in less than a year , and the third to penetrate our city and open up this country to the west across the Rockies to the coast within five years , we surely have reason to believe that the country Is progressing. "Very respectfully , L. J. AUTEN " No News to Her. The chorus girl was reading the markets and when she came to thG poultry division and read "Ol ducks _ are dull , " she remarked that she won- ered why anybody wanted to spring such an old and well known piece ot informatlon.-DalUmore American It - - ' Every housekeeper should know that it they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time , because it never sticks to the Iron , but because each package contains 16 oZ.-onn full pound-while all other Cold Water ' ' " _ Starches are put up Inpound pack- . ' , ages , and the price Is the same , 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chem- Icals. It your grocer tries to sell you a 12.oz. package It Is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before be puts In Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large let- ters and figures " 16 ozs. " Demand De- fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance oC the Iron stick- Ing. Defiance never sUcles. Mistletoe Ig only one of the fiCty- -it two varieties of eXCUSes for lilsslng : _