The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 27, 1905, Image 3

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Conducted by County Supt. Croc1e'
. 'i'hc Southeastern Nebraska
" . . . . . .
" kr. llucatiotial 1 aSSOCIatIOn wIll meet
March 21) , 30 and31 at Bcatrice.
It is hoped that slring'acations
\\111 ; bc so arranged that Hich-
ardson county teachers can "t-I
tcnd. It is quite certain hat a I
fare of 1.1 " , 011 the certificate plan
'ilk be securcd.
- - - - - -
During this school year three
'rr-- lady teachers have resign to get
married , and now thc birds arc
saying that one of cur young
-cl.oolmasters : is to be married
soon. .
4 - _ _ _ _ _ _
Hcmcmhcr that the closing program -
. , gram of the Farmers I Institute .
will bc a blending of thc institute
i\nd thc school work of the coun-
, ty. . The music is to be _ selected
and Miss Grace Minot : will give
select reading. The ' 1ucstion-
"Resolved , that country life is
preferable to city 1ife" will ] ] be debated -
bated by the Falls City and the
Humboldt high schools. ll\lm- \
_ . b ) Idt will have thc affirmative
, , ' and be represented bj' Fred
i - G. \llold and Jessie L. Draper ;
Falls City will ] ] bc represented by
, . . , . Earl I Cline and Steve Iower. They
judges will ] ] determine thc winn-
ilig' sde ; and award a gold medal
. j ! to the best individual d batcr.
. . . " After the debate Deputy State
Superintendent E C. Bishop will
- , . . . ' deliver . thc aldress _ of thc c\'cn-
Ing- :
- , . . ' ; During the : week ending January -
. " . . ary 20. the county superintendent \
visited schools in thc following
districts--)1. 'li , 83 , 30 50 and 51
and found each teacher doing
. . . . splendid work. It is regretted I
" . t that wc do not have space to tell '
" ,
of the splendid 1 things wc saw in
each school.
- - - - - - -
, . . The Harada reading circle met
" , " _ , at the home of H. J. Dunn last
' \ : ' > > . ; ; , : - . All
- : : - - Friday evening January
report a pleasant and profitable
time. Mr. Dunn is thc leader of
" : : this division and is
- ; \ is doing splcn-
. . . . . . - , , ; . . . : \ . . . . . . .
= . . , '
: ' - did ; . .orl ; .
. x
. Dist. No. 68-l\Iiss Lois Spencer -
o . cer , teacher , Enrollment 34. Miss
> . , " Olg-o Hcndrickson , one of our
11 . - is review-
> eighth grade graduates -
! ; . : ; " tng a few " branches and with thc
- consent of thc board , assisting
. ' . . . . the teacher. Busy work has been
i ( introduced in the school for the
f' ' ' ; : , ' first time. Each little child
I. , ; brought ten cents with which the
I ' teacher bought scissors and weaving -
; " 1 _ ing mats. They use wrapping
i. paper of different colors for work
I corn husks for rafTie and six
skeins of yarn were lUrchased ) at
. the . beginning or' school with
tl. which to weave and sew Every
" Friday afternoon after three
' o'clock all pupils do busy work.
The larger pupils do water color
york and the pupils buy their
own matcrial. With hectograph
the teacher makes rulings for
bills and younger pupils play
store and make out their own
bill.s. 'Vc have fifteen minutes
I .
fur music hhtdy each murning'
thc children arc very much inter-
ested in learning to sing by note.
Our fourth g-radcs are study-ing
IIri vcr basins. " 'fhey bring in
old tin pans fillcd with sand and
model thc basins. \Vc shall soon
study thc relief of North Amer-
ica in thc same way. . These arc
homely methods but \'cry help ! tl. .
- - - - - - - -
Last Saturday was regular ex-
amintltion day. Two teachers
worked to raise their grades and
two young ladies were taking cx-
auiination for the first timc.
Some of thc country schools are
taking up debating work.
Remember the teacher is re-
( Iuired } tu teach l"hysiolog'y and
Hygicne.Vhcn thc teacher
fails to do this ; the lIistrict js
not entitled to share in the state
a pportion men t.
Teachers , why do you not use
your wall maps. If any school in
the county docs not have a nice "
wall map of the United States , it
is nearly sure to bc the teachcr's
fault ; because the count ) ; super-
it1tendent has advertised for several -
cral months that he has had nice
big wall maps to give way.
Last week when visiting Dist.
No. 4i , I had thc pleasure of
hearing Miss Brccht conduct thc
nicest little wall map recitation I
have heard this year. She had a
nice map of the United States on
the front wall and all the little
people grouped about in front of
the map. with pointer in hand ,
she lead them on journeys
through our country ; told them
interesting i things about different
placcs'-abuut thc mountains , thc
rivcrs , the capes , the products , thc
winds , the rain and thc snbw.
Every teacher should have such
a class for the smaller pupils.
Mr. A L. Kniscly , teacher in
Dist. 83 , is doing especially
strong work in pcnnmanship and
vocal music.
Thc teacher in Dist. 30 , Mr. J E.
T. Peck , has drawn a nice map
of Richardson County. It is on
thc front wal1. Hc drills hiwspup-
ils on thc georgaphy and history
of Richardson County. He
teaches them of home and home
interests and in so doing , really
causes each pupil to think , more
of his home , sweet home , and
makes oi him a better citizC'n.
\Vithin a week we shall send each
teacher a nice map of Richardson -
son County ,
It is the duty of each teach-
cr to have a fresh bucket of , 'at-
cr brought for the . school each
morning. . ,
- . - - - - - - , _ . . . . - - - - - - . . - .
\Ve like to see good lang-lIi1 '
work done in our schoolsand say
amcn to all good effects in that
direction ; but don't you know ,
that thc best language instruction -
ion is for the teacher herself to
use good language and kindly
and patiently correct thc errors
of thc pupils ?
- - -
l\Iis Douglas , teacher in Dist.
81 , bl'lil'\'cs in pure air. Bach re-
cess and noon all windows and
doors arc opencd. and thc room
is throug-hty vl'ntilated. HClejs
a splendid suggestion , lit l 0 thl I'S
follow it.
" All work ilnd no play 'makes '
Jack a lull boy , " may be l all very
true ; but it is most certainly true
tha1"a11 play and no work makes
Jack a \ ' - d-for-nothii -
a'cry goo g-
The next meeting of thc Richardson -
rdsol1 County 'reachers' Assocs-
ation will be held either thc first 1
or second wCl'l { inl\Iarch. During
this meeting we will have the an-
nual Richardson County high
school rebate , and it is timc for
the high school debating clubs to
bc - bringing their strong
spe kers. Strength in debate
means success .in 1ife. Every
successful man is constantly car-
rying \)11 a debate , and when he
draws the correct conclusion , he
makes a successful business mO\'c.
- - - - - -
A number of Richardson coun-
ty teachers attended the recent
meeting of the state teachers as-
Catalogue Houses.
The Montgomery , Ward CO.of
Chicago is engaged in flooding
Falls City and the surrounding
countn' with itscatalog-ues , 'rhey
arc coming in great bunches by
mail and express. A reporter
saw one the other day and went
to thc trouble to compare prices
with those of the local merchants
and in nearly every instance the
local merchant's price was thc
lowest considering the freight
chargcs. In addition to this you
know just what you are buying
when you bu ) : ' at home and are
helping your town and locality
by keeping your money here. \Ve
would retcr you again to thc man
who marked a ten do11ar bill and
who had it returned to him seven
times in five ycars. In an evil
hour he sent it to a catalogue
house and though ycars- have
come and gone he has never seen
thc bill since. It was out of circulation -
culation so far as road taxes , helping -
ing himself or his neighbor or
any local 1 improvement i was con-
cerned. It had gone to enrich
another 10caHty. Spend your
money here. Your wants arc
not so many that the : local mark-
ets cannot satisfy them and you
arc short sighted indeed if you
fail to see the benefits which will
flow from such action on your
. - - .
McNall's f
. s
. ;
Fancy and Staple
Groceries r
Fruit in Season
Satisfaction Guar-
Free City Delivey
Phone 40
Storage for Household ;
And Other Goods
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John L. Cleaver
For Collection or for Suit
Small Com's on Collections
No Attorney Fees on Suits.
Defendant paYS all Costs. ;
; I' Falls City. Ncb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helcna
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Snit Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points cast and and all points
south. west
'fHAINS I,1AV1 : AS 1101.1.0\\5 :
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph , -
Kansas City , 8t.
Louis and all points
east and south. . . . . 7:20 : l' 111
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwcst. . . . . . . . . . 1:35 a 111
No. 14. Vestihuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Rau-
sa'5 City , Ht. Louis
and all points east
and south. . . . . . . . . 7:43 : a m
No. 15. Vestilmled express ,
daily , Dcnver , and
all points west and
northwest . . . . . 1 :28 p m
No. I6. Veslihulcd express
daily , 8. . ; Joe , Kansas -
sas l ; ity , St Louis
Chicago and points
east and south. . . . . 4:25 : p 111
No. 20. Local express daily
Atchison and points
south and wcst. . . . 4:35 : p m
No. 41. St. I..ouis-Portland
SpecialI..i ncoln , He-
lena , 'l'acoma and
Portland without
change . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:0i : p 11\
No. 115. Local accommodation -
tion , daily except -
ccpt SundaySalcll1 ,
Ncmaha and Nebraska -
raska City. . . . . . . . 10:40 : p m
Sleeping ! , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on -through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked \ to
sny point in the States or Canada. For "
information , time tables , maps and
tickets \ , call on or write to G. Htewart
Agent , Falls City , Neu. , br J. I"'rancis. "
G. P. & ' 1' . A. , Qumhu. .