The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 27, 1905, Image 20

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Dropped Dead.
j F.'II. D Hunt. an old resident
of near St. Deroill , in thc north
' part of this ! county dropped ( lead
or heart < disease ! on \Vedncsday
+ afternoon lie had been in apparent -
parent ( rood health until the tune
of his death and } his many friends
in this county will bc greatly to learn of his sudden \
Socially ,
'rilc Misses Ilos-aclr entertained i -
ed about 14 of their friends : Oli
'Ph ursday evening in honor 'of
hiss Bclle's Hth birthday The
1 evening was most pleasantly
spent in various games of cards
I ,
and a three course luncheon added -
! ed to the pleasures of the evening
1 ' [ 'he guests departed at a late
J hour voting their hostesses most
j royal entcrtainers.
'I ' -
i A Fire.
\ About 11 o'clock Tuesday evening -
ing the residents of this city were
startled by hc t fire bill ringing.
The fire was found to hc at Chas.
L rec's home hut was under con-
trol before i much damage was
donc. A small hole in the roof
was the extent of the llamage.
Kerkhoff Dramatic Co.
J\1 anager Gehling has booked
t thc KerkhoJT Dramatic Co. for
\ February 6 , 7 and 8. This com-
patty is known as one of the best
popular price companies making
his territory. The Cat ry twelve
people , all their own special scen-
ery , etc. High class specialties <
every night Prices 15 , 25 and
35 cents Remember the dales ,
February 6 , 7 and S.
- - - - - - - -
Loans Lands.
. .
640 Acres Marshall County ,
Kansas $1,000
\ 'Vill consider 30 acres as part
HO Acres Richardson County ,
Neb $ ( , ,400 ,
+ Part in cultivati Prairie
Good residence at a bargain ,
close to business , Falls City , 150
Acres. 'Well located.
Bargains in Real Estate.
Money to Loan. Annual In-
terest. Optional Pay incnts. ,
Mortages bought.-Henry C.
Smith , Falls City , Neb ,
t ; Thursday at 3 p. m. Jan. 2 6 ,
1905 at the 1\ [ , E. Parsonage > in
Falls City Mr. Oscar E. Nuss-
baum and Miss Elva E Cline
were united in marriage by Rev. ,
, Yo ' 1' . Clinc. Mr. and 1rs. Nuss-
baum reside near crdon where
their new home will bc cstablish-
- - - -
Marriage Record.
IcnllIalll"ood. . Stulla . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : y !
lIe" lc 'tholllas. Steila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
J Married 1I-WIII. MOr\n Jail. II } . IfJ)5
AlIllrcw Clarl < . Seneca Kas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; i
t Nora May hunnSeneca Kas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If )
Married 11) Jlllilfu Wllhllu Jan. 24 19(15. : :
John A. Rlchh"'l'nrnlJ , 1\10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : :
Laura GrllIIlI1rllrnlJ . llo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l0
. . . .
'l ' he B. & ? I. road is putting in
a net work of willows below thc
west pier of thc bridge , The
mat around the bridge on the Nebraska -
braska side looks like sonic of thc
creations of Capt. Bade
A number of Rube People went
to Falls ! City Saturday to hear the
, reading of the Bowkcr will , The
division of property seemed satis-
factory , 'hos. ! Bowkcr has thc
ranch south of town and tock ! in
the Bank of .l ulo. The other
members of the family were am-
p'y provided for.
Arthur Darveau has been wres-
tllng' with II cold and has not
been able to attend to his duties
at the 1hltcher shop.
'rhe chicken pox continues to i
i hold sway among the school chil-
; "Irs. ' 1'110S. 11avs was operated
upon fur stomach trouble at S1.
Toseph last wcek. Mr. Hays and
childrcn went down returning
Sunday 'rhc operatiQn was suc-
ccssful. -
"lrs. Kate Lease was over from
Bigelow to visit her sister , l\I rs.
August norstc , living 6 miles
north of town went over to Missouri -
souri last week for an extended
visit with his daug'htcr.
Oeo. Taylor of Ft. [ hazel h.ld
two cows buried under a
straw stack for almost two days
but the , ' \ \ 'e1'ali'e when ( lug out .
Henry Cavcrzagic is visiting
relat'es in Rube this wcek.
Ma ' Hull has been '
May suffering
from neuralgia this week.
M. Ball of White Cloud was in
Rube this week , called here by
the illness of his mother.
A card party was organized by
thc young people of this vicinity
last week and met with the Misses
WinterbottomVedncsday c\'cn-
v. 'Y. Kelly and Oscar Nuss-
baum visited F.V. . Stock and
family in halls City the forepart
of the week.
Arthur Conkcl of Peru visited
the Nussbaum family Saturday
and Sunday.
; \ 'Vhitman n was able to attend -
tend to business at his furniture
store on Monday : after being con-
fined to his home two weeks. Abe
Stuart and D. HuITncl1 looked
after thc interests during his
sickncss. Mr. HufTncl1 returned
to Rule last week.
( leo . Ha11 visited in'erdon
J , \V. 'l'a'lor was down from
Auburn last week. . i
GCJ Lum went to Kansas City
on Monday to attend a meeting
of thc Lumbermen
14. A Kinscy and C. l\L Hein-
zelman sited thc high { school on
11'ednesday. i ,
On account of the cold weather -
cr thc officers of Dell Lodge D. of
H. A. O. U. \V were not installed -
ed on l'uesda.r ' nig'ht.
Miss Acott the Intermcdiatc
'I'cacheris'staying with Mrs. Cullen -
len thi week while Mrs. Gee
I"um and daughter Gertrude arc
in Kansas City.
Mrs. Ode Sailor while cooking
dinner last Friday thought she
would hurry thc fire by pouring
on coil oil the blare caught the
oil in thh can and ill a'cry few
seconds it exploded , the flame set
her clothcson fire , she ran to her
husband screaming she was burn-
ing to death , Mr. Sailor with
great difficulty extinguished thc
fire and summon cd mcdical aid
VI'S. Kcency m.d Taylor on examination -
amination it was found that she
was badly burncd but through
their skillful application the : pa-
tient wits soon rclc'cd of pain
and is getting along nicely. This
is another example of the power
of coal oil improperly used in its
place. It is to be hoped that wc
shay profit by \1 1' : ; . ailor's sad
experience and hereafter bc careful -
ful Mr. Sailor was burned on
face and hand so that he has been
unable to work any since thc firc.I I
F.1V. tock of Falls City was
in townlast'l'hlll'sdar.
Miss Amelia Schradcl'
taincd at her home last \Vednes-
day evcning' A pleasant title
was spcn 1. . Refreshments con-
sisted of cakes , fruit and other de-
Evan O\\'em wcnt to Falls City
last Sunday. I
Frank Paul was in Falls Cit ' i
the first of thc weck.
Sheriff Hossack was ' ill town
several days last weel"
Nellie Weaver returned to her
school work in St. Joe thc first 'of
the week after a short visit .ll
On Josh Bloom sited in St.
Joe thc first of the week.
Market Report.
Corn . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3G
\ Vheat.)5
Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . .23
Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,50
Cat lc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.20
Butter . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . .18
Eggs " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .25
J. C.'fanncr county clerk is
having a somewhat , < ; crious time
with a poiscned hand. lie has
been troubled with it for two
weeks , but it has grown so much
worse that he was compelled to
be out of his office for a portion
of this wcck. . d
. ' .
Revival meetings each evening -
ing' at 7:30 : at thc Brethren
church. Unusal interest has been
manifcst and thc meetings w111
bc continued all of next week.
Sunday will be especially observed
cll as a day of prayer opeuing'
with a moving prayer meeting
from 7 to 8. Pleachin at 11 a.
111. and 8:30 : p. m. The public is
cordially in\ ' ted.-E E. Haskins
, - - - - ,
- - - - -
- :
Wilson's I _ . '
Special Prices
on China .
' .
_ . .
- -
. . . \
Dinner Sets-8 different
patterns to select fronl.
German , Austrian and '
Haviland . ' i
re. . . . ' "
. . . . y ; I
A , full line of best English - " 't'
Plain and Decorated . ;
Ware by the piece or set o'
. . . .
S ,
, ,
- -r , ' . J
The largest Stock of Glassware - " I . ' ,
- I
ware in the city , all kinds and 1 ! .
. ,
prices , at "
. . .
C. 1\10 ikon ! ' s : .
, .
The subject of sermon ! ; at the
Presbyterian \ church. : Next Sab- :
bath at 11 o'clock will bc "Opti- '
misll1. " I have a special message . . 1
.for men and women who have
passed thc mid century mark.
Some of whom are quite old , All - - '
" ' ' ;
such are most cordially in\'ited. ) r
The evening snbjc-t will be I
"S mc thoughts for intelligent t.
. '
persons , who think. " Service at
11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. , Endeavor -
or 6:31) : ) p. m. E\'erybody in\'ited.
Sale bills printed promptly , and
a free notice inserted in the pa-
per. 1
. .
Cut Flowers
II PF flU It J
I ' I
Nabisco Sugar
; 1
J i
i I Dates , Figs and n 1"
- . " .
: t. '
Plain and Fancy
. . . . ' . _ 4
---ice .Cr atTI . _ .J ; ;
For Parties and Wed =
dings , order of
Sowles '