- - . " , . "
A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth GenJ
era ! Session ,
NA'i'or ) ) ) ) the first time , on
the 18th , the fWlIIlte , In ) committee of
the whole , dlsclIJHed hills \ on general
fIIo. ' 1'hero were only two hills to ho
cOllfldered ! , and hath were ordered en
grossed for n third reading , 'l'hey
were S. I. ' . 2. Jy ! Good or Nemaha , IH'O-
vldlng that the state board ! should
have power to equalize property Jy !
lowering or raising valuations upon
the different classes , and S. I. . . 5 , pro } '
vidhmg , for a slmllIficalIon ) of the pre-
IH\rution of evidence for ' an appeal to
the supreme court. After the reading
of bills on second : and first readings
the sonata adjourned to the house to
hocomo a IJlu'l I or the joint session
that elected Elmer J. Burkett United
State sOImtor. A number ! of hills \ were
introduced , among them being : Ap-
polntln n state hoard of control for
the so ] < < lIers' homes and nil charitable ]
institutions , appointments to he made
hy the governor and the board to
consist of three members , each of
whom shall receive $2uOO a year and
serve six yent's. The board shall make
all appointments for heads of Inslltu-
tlons. 1'0 consolidate the Gl1'ls' Indus-
trial school at Kearney , transferring
t the inmates of the former to Kearney
; and ] renting 01' leasing the state buildings -
I ings at Geneva. Allowing county
treasurers to do away with a needless ]
( I record book allll making valid all on-
tries made In the wrong boole.
I10USE-Aftm' the house had been
in session a short time on the 18th ,
a I'o'ess'aR taken to meet with the
SOllllto In joint session for the election ]
of a United States senator Standing
committees reported favorably ! ] on H.
H. 1 , I1 . n , u and ] for more limo on II.
n. 3 : / , the guaranty bond hill by Burns
of Lancaster , the bill by Kyd of Gage
to ro-adopt Cobbey's statutes and the
bill Windham of Cass for six supreme -
premo court cominlssloners , respec-
tively. Dills Introduced Included : An
net defining the duties of railroad com-
panies in the shipment and transportation .
atlon of live stock ] and providing pen- :
altles for the violation ] thereof. Requires -
quires railroads to allow one round-
' trip pass for each car or live stock
and nn additional return trip pass for
each two cars in addition shipped at
i same time ; makes ] roads liable for
damage to stock on request to furnish
such transportation ; requires ! caboose
m stock ] trains ; stock to be transported - I
ed at average speed of not less than
sixteen tunes nn hour. An act to pro-
vide for participation by the state of
Nebraska ] at time Lewis and Clark exposition -
position and for the appropriation of
$ ] UOOO therefor. An act to provide for
consolidation or reinsurance of the
risks of fraternal beneficiary societies
with or by other societies or organizations -
izations , and providing a plan there-
for. Requires approval ] of the state
auditor and n twothlrds vote of local ] ,
or supreme lodges ] or societies con- .
cerned. An act to regulate ] the sale of
cocaine , morphine and opium , requir-
Ing a Ilhrslclan's : certificate for pur-
chase , imposing penalty of $20 to $100.
An act to appropriate time sum of
$3,000 for the purpose of constructing
additional fish ponds , etc" , at time state
fish hatcheries nt South Dend. An act
to declare ] void sales ] , trades or other
disposition of stocks of goods or por-
tions thereof in Jul1e. ! Identical ] with
senate bill.
SEN 'tTE-Tho first bill that pass-
ed time senate occurred on the 19th
and that was a revenue law amend-
ment. Senate file No 3 , by Good of
Nemaha , was indorsed after third
roadlng. This bill provides for a classification .
Itlcation of property. When the state
board at equalization raises the valu- ]
atlon or property In n county , It the
, ,
bill becomes a law , limo valuation or
property may be mlsed. It is claimed
that this hill will prevent all the tax-
iityers ) from suffering from time shirle-
ings of a pnrtlcuar class of property ]
ownors. Senator Cady requested that
the judiciary committee prepare n bill
listing all property that is exempt
from taxation. The senate went into
the committee of the whole ] with
Senator Fries of Valley in time chair.
Senate file No. u , hy Senator Epller-
son , was taken ] up. It provides that
compete ] records shall only 1)0 taken ]
in the cases of real estate litigation
involving titles in other suils The
measure was ordered engrossed for
third rending. The following bills were
introduced Into the senate : 1'0 permit -
mit errors In assessment to bo cor-
rected hy the local ] board of equaliza-
tion. 1'0 permit cities , towns and villages -
lages to engage in commercial ] light-
ing and to vote bonds for electric ]
light plants. The hands must mature
In twenty years , and may bear as high
as 7 per cent interest. To provide for
a state registrar of vital statistics.
lIOUSE-1'he house was In session
for Jess than two hours on the 19th ,
and then adjourned for the day. House
roll No G , by Kyd of Gage , to change
the mothOlI provided for the drawing
or jurors In Gage county , was re-
comm0l1l1cd back for Indefinite postponement ) -
ponement by the standing committee
and the report was IlIlopted. Most of
the morning was spent In committee
of the whoo ] , with Perry or I'urnas in
the chair , In considering house roll
No. 13 , by Voter of Cedar. This Is to
give landlords a lien for rent upon
all crops grown upon ) time leased
premises and to provide for enforce-
ment thereof under the same pro , I
cedure as governs In regard to chat- . .
te ] mortgagos. The bill was recom-
mended for IJnSgage. Voter explained
at some length the provisions of the
bill and declared ] it was a necessary
measure for the protection of land-
lords against dishonest renters. He deplored -
plored the fact that similar measures
had always been defeated in previous
sessions. The ] clerk read to the house
n. letter ] received from Congressman
Hinshaw of the Fourth district , as fo ] .
lows : "I am In receipt of a resolution ]
adopted hy the house of representatives -
tives expressing approval of the views
of President Roosevelt on dealing
with corporations , as outlined in his
last mosage to congress , and requesting .
Ing that the Nebraska ] delegation ] shaH
sustain the president and vote to increase .
crease the power and authority of the
Interstate commerce commission , as
conditions may require. I desire to
say that I am fully in accord with the
views of the president on the question .
tion ; Lave ] had frequent interviews
with him upon this subject and shall ] )
endeavor to do my duty toward legis-
lntlon to give lldlllonnl powers to
the interstate commerce commission. "
Bills introduced included : To require
all buildings , except private resi-
dences , above three stories in height ,
tu bo equipped with fire escapes ;
present limit is four stories ; also re
quires fire escapes on theaters ; emergency -
genc clause. To protect trade and
commerce against unlawful } 'egtrn.I lts. . .
and monopolies and to prohibit time
giving or receiving of rebates on the
transportation of property ) .
SENATE-Senator Thomas of
Douglas ] county introduced his voting
machine bill on time 20th , and the
Douglas delegation , it Is understood ,
will urge Its passage. The bill among
other thugs provides for a "voting
machine commission , " to bo composed
of the governor , the secretary at state
and the state auditor , who shall have
charge of the matter. These have the
right to employ 01' nlllolnt three dep-
uties to have 8uller\'islon of the ma-
'hille. Several committees reported
favorably on hl11s. The senate ad-
jouI'ncl1 shortly after 11 o'clock until
l\lonar. ( ] The following bills were Introduced .
troduce : An act relating to negotiable ]
IlIsl1'ullwnts , being an act to establish
a Ill\1' ) l1nlfol'ln with the laws of other
statl's An act to apportion ) ) the state
Into jlllllcla ] districts and for the election ] -
tlon or olllcl'rs thereof. To appropriate -
Ilrlato the suns of $3,000 for consh'uet-
lug additional I1sh ponds and ] malting ]
general improvements at the state
I1sh hatcheries at South Dend. Pro-
viding for the stocking ] of private
ponds ) with fish 01' spawn under direc-
tion of the game warden. An act to
provide for time publication of the
proceedings of the regular and special ]
meetings of the directors of irriga-
tion districts. An act to prohibit the
keeping ) or selling of intoxicating
liquors as a beverage within four
miles of United States fort , army
post 01' soldiers' home.
HOUSE-On the 20th the house held
another short morning session , ad-
joul'1llng at noon. II. R 18 , by Kyd of
Gage , a bridge bill , was made a spec-
la ] order for Tuesday , when the
house goes into committee of the
whole. Time Idea of this measure as explained -
palned ] hy Kyd is to maIm an contractors -
tractors bid to puns ] drawn by the
county commissioners for the con-
stl11clion of iron bridges Bills were
introduced : An act to equalize the
distribution among counties of the
onefourth of the school ] fund , ignor-
Ing the provision of distribution on a
population basis. An act to compel ]
railroads to put hinged gates over
private railroad crossings. Providing
that mill sites shall ] ] revert to original
al owners when mills are not operated
for ten years 01' rebuilt within two
years after destruction An act to allow ] -
low any constable in the county to
serve papers issued from a justice of
the peace court in cases involving
peace ) ) wal'l'ants Providing for time elec-
tion or six justices of the peace and
six constables in Omaha , the con-
stables ] to be elected every four years.
Authorldng : any constable in the
county to act where the constable of
the court 01' precinct ) ) is dlsabed. ]
'rho house adopted a report of the
printing committee awarding the con-
tract for 1,000 copies of the gover-
nor's annual message to the State
.Tournal company , which was the low-
est bidder The price was $1.25 a
page. The message will contain
about thirt-flvo pages
New Judicial Apportionment.
The judicial apportionment bill introduced -
Jroduccd in the senate on the 20th by
Dreoso of Sheridan , provides for fif-
teen districts and that the present
incumbents shaH not be disturbed.
Time bill divides the state as foows ] )
Where there is no number to indicate
the district shall have one judge :
First Richardson . Nemann , Johnson ,
Pawnee , Gage and Jefferson ; two judges.
Second Otoe and Cnss
'l'hlrd. Lancaster : three judges.
} i'ourth.Douglas , l3arpr : , Washington
and Burt : seven jul1g-cs
Fifth SaUlHIers , Seward . 'Butlcr ' , York ,
Hamilton alllI Polk : two judges.
Six ! h , DolColfax / , Platte , Merrick
and Nnnce : two jUdrCH.
Se\'cnth Saline - i'llmorc , Thayer ,
Nuclcolh amid Cla ' .
glg-hth Cumlnr Stanton , Dixon , Da-
ICOII , Cedar and 'j'hnrston
Ninth \Vnyne. lllson. . Antelope ,
Pierce Knox , unit Boyd , Hock , Drown ,
Keya Palm : two jullgoes
Tenth , Adams . Webster , Kearney ,
Franklln , JIarllln and Phehl
Elcv'nth. . Boone , Ball Wheeler . Grec-
ley I , Gnrllc\ll \ , Loup \ , Valley , Howarl1 ,
Blaine , 'l'homas , hooker , Grant : two
judges. (
'r\\'lfth Buffalo ' , Dawson , Custer ,
'I'hlrtecnth 1 , Lincoln Logan , Kclth ,
Clmeyenne. feud . Scott'1I Bluff , Kimball ,
l3anne I' , Mel'hemson. Arthur , Pcrklns
'ourll'pnth GOSIH'r , FlII'nns , Frontier ,
fled " 'lIluHarc ! ! , Hitchcock , ChasQ ,
Jo'ICl'cnth Cherry , Sheridan , Dawes ,
Sioux , Box Butte
Bank of England Trade
Obsequious Clerle-"Of course madam .
am , I can't sell ) ] you a tail like the one
you have on at the "
same price.-
"Toman's Home Companion.
It is estimated that a fog In London
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For fine things and aU
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Other brands 10 cents for I
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'A ' striking .ntrast. I
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The pure in heart are slow to credit
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10,000 Ptant for 100.
Thin 1e n remarkable ] offer the John A.
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[ tP I : ' ,
Sazcr ] Seeds have a. national reputation
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produces. They will send you their big
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enough seed to grow ;
1,000 fine , solid Cabbages , ,
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2,000 blanching , nutty Celery ,
2,000 rich , buttery Lettuce ,
1,000 splendid Onions ,
1,000 rarel luscious Radishes ,
1,000 gloriously ] brilliant \ Flcwers.
This great offer is made in order to induce -
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for when you once plant them you will
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A good life Ieeeps off wrinkles , but
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lot of trouble
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All Up.to.Date Housekeepers ; ,
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retell everywhere at from nloo
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OUR OFFER w. will ship ,5
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Separator made , you can re .
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this ad out at once andmaU C4
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