The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 27, 1905, Image 18

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    - . : " -
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. Married.
: Wednesday ! ' ; Jan. 25 , PJ05 at
L 11 a. m. at hc 1g. [ . Parsonage ;
in Ji'alls City I\Ir. : John A. Ritchie
and Miss Laura Grimm both of
' 1'urney , 1\10. , were united In
marriage hy Hc\ \V. ' 1' \ Clinc ,
1 Ph. D.
'l'hc contracting partie s arc
well and favorably known in 'l'ur-
ncy where they have many
fricnds The groom is a promin-
end business man.
1\11' and Mrs. Ritchie will leave
Wednesday afternoon for 1\10.
1\lrs.J. : l\ I Ritchie a relative ac-
companicd the bridal party.
- - - - - - -
Married at the home of the
brides parents , Mr. r and \Irs.
Martin \V. l\Icycrs near Merrill ,
Kas. , at 9 o'clock in the evening
.1dluary 25 , 1905 , Edith May
Mcycrs to Elmer C. Peel
As May Brim played thc wcd-
ding march the bride and groom
marched to the bay window
which had been decorated with
flowers and ferns when Hc\ ' 1' .
A. isenhlse ! spoke the solemn
words which made them man and
wifc. After congratulations e12-
gall t refreshments werc sCl'\'cd.
Miss Meyers [ is the second
daughter of l\Ir. and lrs. I'crs.
The bride is a young lady of
sterling qualities well know and .
respected by a large circle of.
friends. The groom is thc oldest
son of Noah Peck was born and
raised to manhood near Falls
City but of h : tc years has been
working near Merrill , and has a
hest 01 friends at both placcs.
The bride was dressed in drab
broadcloth trimmed in white sat-
in and cream O\'cr1acl and the
groom wore thc conventional
black. Minnie l\Iycrg. a sister of
thc bride acted as bridesmaid and
was dresscd in navy blue trimmed
with whitc. Chas. B. Peck , a
brother of hc groom acted as
best man. About forty guests
were present to witness thc cere-
j mon ) ' and a umber of beautiful
and costly presents were rcct h'ed.
Club Meeting.
An interesting session of the
Sorosis club was held at the home
of 1\11'8. A , G. \Vanncr on Wednesday -
ne day afternoon. Roll call was
responded to by each _ member
with a short sketch of a famous
artist and his mastcrpiecc. 'An
invitation was cxtcndrd to the
federated clubs of thc First Nebraska -
oraska district to hold their annual - :
11ual meeting in Falls City Mrs. I
\VilHam Wilson , vice prcsident of
this district acccptcl thc invitation -
tion and thirty clubs will send
representatives here on March 21.
The afternoon program was
musical. Mrs. D. D. Rcavis read
. an excellent paper upon the Com-
posers of the \'ictorcnn cra. lrs.
H. B. Smith , Irs. ' 1' . J. Gist and
Miss Anita Wilson illustrated
Mrs. Rcavis' sketches with musi- I
cal selections which were enjoy- I
cd bj' the club mcmbcrs. Mrs.
- , , . . ' . . ' ' .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brigham of Kansas City and Miss
Lucile Robbins of this city also
furnished instrumental and vocal
umbers I of mcr it. Mrs. \Vantter
served delicious rcfrcshmcnts.
Surpri s e .
Mrs. O. J. McNall was agreeably -
ably surprised by a numhcr of
her Knights and Ladies 01 Se-
curity friends on 'l'ucsday evening -
ing at her spacious home in the
eastern part of this city.
Miss Keeling gave a delightful -
ful dance to the Episcopal church
choir at the home of her father
on South Harlan street Tuesday
c\'cning' A most enjoyable time
was : by those present as
Miss : Keeling is quite a popular
Kicked by Horse.
Tuesday while '
noon feeding
thc horses Mr. O. P. Heck received -
ech'cd it S'l're kick 011 thc left
shill. IJe was standing close to
a post at the back of one hbrse
when it kicked and thc post
breaking thc force probably saver -
cd him from sustaining a broken
limb. Hc is able now to walk
around but with some difficulty '
and Pl ill.
Local and Personul.
Mrs. H. P. Custcr is visiting in
Pawnee City. . . .
Rev. \100(1y ( left Monday after-
noon for 'L'ecumselt. , .
E. Hicg-er of Preston was in
this city 1'hursday.
M 1'8. Everett Scott went to
Salem Wcdncsday aftcrnoo 1.
Fred Ch'cland alllt' George I
Culp went to Salem \Vednesday. I
Mr. \ VakeIicld of Beatrice was
in this city the tirst t of the wcek.
A. J. Weaver was a B. & M.
passenger fur Lincoln last 'rucs-
1" . . Clevcland. sr. made a busi-
ness trip to Salem last Wcdncs-
H. Lowe and R. Dorrington
registered at thc Union House on
Edna Hollaml and Carrie Sloc-
um went to Lincoln Wednesday
Hilly K\lItn\I' : is tip from CoiTe-
\'illc , Kansas , to cat 'off df , thc old
folks for a few days
For Sale . -A good barn
cheap. Enquire at Farmers -
ers hotel.
i\Irs. Albert : Norris returned
Sunday from a three t weeks visit
with her daughters in Chicago
1lrs.Y. . ' 1' . Cline returned
Tuesday from Indiana where she
attended the funcral ; oilier , sistC'r.
George Snyder ex-county. t clerk
is ' friends in this .
visiting : : ; county.
1\11' Snyder is now located 1.ii-l Ce : -
ar County , Ncb. , and intends to
spend a week.or tell' days with
his friends ili this Ioc..tlily. , .
, . . ,
- - ' - ' ' . . . . .
. . . . : ' : . , . " ' , .
\ , , . . - . . .
. .
t i. . : .I '
P " ,1' - ' .
Louis Wise went to St. Joseph
\Vednesday and mct with a number -
ber of ludicrous incidcnts. The
St. Joseph News and Press Co.
on account of Louie's efficient
work with subscriptions furnish-
ed liiui With the necessary t rans-
portation to pay them a visit.
Louie canoe in contact with one
of St. Joseph's police an. After
various questions John iiv BlueCoat -
Coat was convinced that Louie
lived in Falls City alld was mcre-
ly enjoying the sights and warm
air of the numerous department
stores of that city.
Charles Cain uf Billings Mon-
tana has been sulTering from a
mild case of small pox , His many
fricnds ill this city will be pleased
to learn that Charlie is 011 thc
high road to recovery from that
dreaded diseasc.
Among those who are making
prcpcrations to attend Grand
Opera in Kansas City arc 1\1rs. P.
H. Jussen , roIl'S P. S. Heacock ,
Dr. and 1\1rs. Iil1er , ' 1' . L. Hall ,
1\11' and \ Irs , ' 1' . J. Gist , i\Ir. aril < 1
Irs. D. D Hca\is , Dr. and Mrs.
Fast and .Mr. and 1\1rs. C. F.
Rca vis.
For every new subscriber -
er to this paper on Satur =
day \ve viII give one-ha (
of the subscription to be
expended for the poor
school children.
lrs. Welsh and sister Miss
Crabill were 1\1. P. passengers
Wednesday for Nebraska City
where they will visit for a few
\VC would 1)2 glad to have
Aaron Loucks take notice that
notice that thc 1I1erccl'\ registered -
ed twenty below Wednesday
t'I1n ! our fears for thc future.
none of ns atc much wiser than
thc child that ts afraid of thc
dark. " -A tchisun Globe.
\ :
A Blue Mark will advise :
you that you are in ar = , ) s
rears for one years subscription - "
scription to The Tribune 1
We would appreciate a i
. _ _ . . _ I
Judge Rcm'is WHO ill Lincoln , . . , - i
\Vedncsdt\ ' . -
- J
Call Phone ( No. 2 t
For Red Kerosene It I )
won't smoke your chi ill-
ne\'s. " \\Te carry a full \
line of . I
Staple & Fancy Groceries
' . . , t. " .
S amp I e 0 11 l' delicious I -
luncheon wafers Free I
delivery in cit\ .
' -
L. C. M ' A U G E R _ Ct . . . ' '
. .
± t i ± - - -
. _ " " ' _ . . . . . . . . _ " x. :
Stretching tile I
I '
. -
. : r " 'r
. - . 6
is very poor business. 1 \ \ T e r
al ways tell just the ( xrIct
f cti ; about our coal in cur 1
advertising and allve ass : ; !
is that YOU ttive , it "I trial . and '
- I
see whether or not this is a :
fact. \ \ ' e can always please
you , and save money for
YOll at the same tim .
MAUS n Bl" ( 0 S. '
Phone 53. : Y = lrrsaoa : vw + uwu- r
- - - -
t ; , . ; ; . Peculiar to women cured with nit. l\IZYEWS VITA SYSTI : ; \ [
; \ . We do not ask you to take our unsupported word Wo will 1'1'1'1'1'
d you to grateful patient In your ownlocallt ) " . ; Ult. MEY15R'S fur
, , filmed VITA SYSTEM pe'dl1v cures the moot ; hopl'll' ' . ; ; 01' I'n-
s,5 called incttral to eases ! without knife or lulln. It b ! ! ' ! llh'ull ) " dif- \
fen'lIt from + tnything , "If' IIIHlpr the Suet , hoing IW > 4lth-f\ly bar , , , -
L' lees reliable " alrttplo and efJ'ccth'c. Its dIReo\'l'I' II It boon to .
ontankiud hellll styled by tunny Ill the Uedlclnul CUl'etto. 1 t , i
. a. M.r. . doe not lucre ! ) ' euro the tweive nlllealefol l1IeutlOlH'(1 III our hook . - '
A. . . M. D. hut relieves sufferers from 1"un10rll , Cnncerll and 1'lInlllrllll. ° : .
OH' . " "Hva'- ' growths without the unto oC the knife.
ot.N Write" postal todu ) ' . 81111\,1) " 811) Send 1110 your i'REI' ' 11001.
12 nlaeftfolC'III'f'c\lJlnrto 'omen. It Hhoult he rend hr all Sut"urln'OIlU" s
( Soot only to 11'omen. ) Address : ! .
. . .
THE VITA COMPANy , Hiawatha , Kansas , U. S. A , Y ; . '
. . .
' "
_ _ C 0 A L 0.0 AL . - - I
: : E' The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. en
, , Al.o h\Iulll' all land or Coal snot warns : cat till onlt-r" Oil lrort n. + ticr. 1'1"111\ ' or
o I " ' 10111' . tround : 1''t ' d . IIralllIul Hhort. : I.alll. ; Bal..1 Ilan allol straw : I : . . . : . SI1I , ' " J r
ii'e IIt'r 'wt. . I"hu' ( , round RIII'I , Salt -Ille per \ ' \\'I. . llicltig.tu Salt 21.n p-r b.\IT'I.
O I I 1I".llh:1. : : : . , We : L'ru..h(1 Sit . . 11. rill' ChlI'II" : : :1.2 : : ' IH'r ewl. . ( 1'111111I1 ; Oil ( 'alt. ' 82.tM1 1 r
, pry eWI. 1'1'1I..lall. Pratt. . . \\tllcin. SIIII , and rllllhr1.,1. . , . . l'li\ \ ! for Hull.r , '
o I ' i : gus 011(1 l'oultry ' , ' I
, O. P. liECK. -I
, . i "
' , : ' , .
. ,
. ,