The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 27, 1905, Image 17

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; ; Back aches all the tlmo. Spoils
& your appetite , wearies the body , worries .
riea the mind. Kidneys cause it all
. and "Doan's Kidney
l Pills relieve and
, cure it.
H. B. McCarver ,
I - . of 201 Cherry St. ,
t \ Portland , are. , inSpector -
specter of freight
for the Trans.Con-
. .
i Unental Co. , says :
"I used Donn's Kid-
i ney Pills for back
ache and other
: symptoms of kidney -
ney trouble which
. had annoyed me
; for months. I think
. n cold was respon-
10 v : . . _ sible for the whole trouble. It seemed
; 4 to settle in my Id neys. Doan's Kids
ney Pills rooted it out. It is several
months since I used them , and up to
, a date there bas been no recurrence 01
the trouble. "
J. - Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all
. dealers. Price 60 cents per box. Fos-
. ter-MUburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Spanish Bridal Customs.
. , In Spain a bride has 110 girl attendants -
ten ants to stand at the altar with
her , but instead a "nmdrlna , " or god-
mother. Neither does she have a
t wedding cake or any festive departure
after the ceremony. The wedded pair
i. r go quietly to their new home , where
t they remain until the following day
r when they start on their honeymoon.
. Before leaving they pay a formal visit
tu their respective relatives.
Prof"ssor's Atrocious Pun.
Professor Strunlt of the English de
partment of Cornell university Is a ,
fond papa , as well as a desperate pun
_ _ ster. His favorite form of exercise Is
" . . trundlng a baby carriage along the
, campus wallts. 011 day while. he was
so employed a friend hailed him with
. . l the query : "Giving your son an air
, ; ' lug , Billy ? " "No , " replied the profes
ser with dignity. "I'm giving my heir
n sunning. " -
Victim of Necessity.
With her husband In the hospital ,
, Mrs. Wood , wife of a London dray-
man , sold her fireguard for 25 cents
to buy toad , and soon afterward her I
three-yelr-old child was , burned to
That Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure
Bright's Disease. Remarkable case
of George J. Barber-Quick recov-
ery after years of suffering.
EsUterv.ille , Iowa , Jan. 23d.-Spe- (
clal-The experience of Mr. George
J. Barber , a well known citizen of this
place , justifies his friends In making
the announcement to the world .
"Bright's Disease can be cured. " Mr.
Barber had kidney trouble and It developed -
. . veloped Into Bright's Disease. He
treated It with Dodd's Kidney Pills !
and to-day he is a well man. In an
.1 Interview he says :
"I can't say too much for Dodd's
Kidney Pills. I had Kidney Disease
for fifteen years and though I doctor-
7 ' ect for It with the best doctors here
, . , , ' and In Chicago , it developed Into
Bright's Disease. Then I started to
use Dodd's Kidney Pills and two boxes
cured me completel I think Dodd's
Kidney Pills are the best in the
world. "
fi A remedy that will cure Bright's
f' . , l Disease will cure any other form of
l ' , " Kidney Disease Dodd's Kidney Pills
never fall to cure llri hl's Disease.
. \ It is very difficult for a man to he
, Iteve that a girl with golden flair and
blue eyes would ever tell a fib.-Baltl
. more American.
i Smokers find Lewis' "Single Binder"
straight 5e cigar better quality than most
lOc brands. Lewis' Factory . , Peoria , Ill.
When Vanity enters at thee front
door Reason : steals out the back war
r . -
' . - . '
. . . .
ar l TIWIJ :
A Tale of the South Sea.
In one . ot the balmy tropical Isles ,
Where Nature on her children smiles ,
Where the brIght Hun shInes and the soft
wInds ton ,
And the breakfast toad ot mankInd Is
man .
A cannibal I youth and n cannibal maid
Made love 'neath the palm treo's grate-
1'ul shade :
And he Imld. "l\Iy dear , you qre Bweet-
so sweet !
On my word , you are sweet enough to
. eat ! "
But the maid sprang up with a sudden
bound ,
And seized his war club from the ground ,
And aimed ut the youth a mighty hlow-
It he hadn't dodged 'twould have laId him
"I'm sweet enough / to eat ? " she crIed.
" 1'd he hailed or roasted , stewed or
frIed !
You'd add your bride < < to your bill of
fare ? "
But he heard no more , for he wnsn't
Like a deer he fled across the plAin ,
And never , never came back n aln.
For he sale1 "Though averse to n bachelor .
clor life i
I'll be cooked It I marry such 11 wife ! "
Laughs at Winter Bathers.
AII-the.year.round bathing has a limited .
ited vogue at Telgnmouth , England.
"Every morning , winter and summer
alike , a devoted band of Spartans may
be encountered returning from the
pier , bluc-nosed and teeth a'chatter , "
riles an observer. "Eight years ago
I came hack from northern Australia
with the first experimental cargo of
chilled ( not frozen ) beef , and even
now I never meet these winter bathers .
ers but the high lights on their flesh
tints recall our anxious visits to the
cold store every few days to note the
appearance of the precious cargo. "
Millions of Japanese Gods
Japan numbers in Its pantheon as
many as 80 , OOOOO galls. All those who
have deserved well of their country ,
from Kobe Dais hi , who gave learning
its handle ( writing ) , to Hirose , who
was blown to pieces In his ship in the
jaws of Port Arthur , are canonized
into gods , like the saints of Europe ,
by the milmllos. One of these gods in
good standing is or was an English-
man. His name was Will Adams and
he was wrecked on the shores of
Japan at the close of the Elizabethan
century. He is a god because he built
for Japan her first seaworthy nav ) ' ,
- -
Train Service for the Dead
Certain German municipalities have
lately introduced the scheme of having . .
Ing trains especially fitted for the car- .
riage of the Ilead. Services are held i
while the train Is in motlo Mexico ,
however , has for some time been run-
ning a service of streetcars for a like
purpose. For the poor there are cars
plain and unadorned in any way , but
for the rich the biers are elaborate
with white and geld , with plumes and
curtains and images and crucifixes.
Honey 9,000 Years Old.
Alonzo Murphy , a farmer lIving near
Pochucl" , N. y" , has l unearthed a tree
trunk In a fine tate of preservation.
The log was hollow and In the interior
Mr. Murphy found a large quantity
of honey which Was in as good a state
of preservation as was the tree trunk.
Proto E. J. Ferguson , basing his esti-
mate on the depth of the deposit of
soil over the log , says the honey is
JOOO ! years 01(1.
- - -
Raising Geese by Thousands
On a goose farm in the middle west
there Is an incubator with a capacity
for 10,000 eggs. These eggs are not ,
however , placed in the incubator at
one time , hut are so arranged that one
section will hatch each day , being refilled .
filled as soon as the goslings are taken
out. The geese are raised on this I
farm for tQlr feathers alone , which '
are used iq the upholstering business.
Cows Paid Good Dividends
I , 1" . Page ot Monroe , N H. , has
completed his account with two cows '
one' ws'
for one year , as follows : Amount re -
ceived from McIndoes creamery
$96.48 , received for milk Bold ' 16,04 ,
making $112,62. In addition to this
amount Mr. Page has used in his family .
Ity one quart of milk every day for
the yenr. The feed for these cows
has been strictly hay and grass.
Lassoed Drowning Woman.
A lasso was the means of saving
the Ute at a woman who left her hat
and jacket on the rocks and ) jumped
into the sea at i'errysldo , Carmarthen ,
England. She was noticed by Edgar
Williams , a local butcher , who fortunately -
nately had his lassoing rope In his
trap. Running to the water's edge bo
lassoed the drowning woman and
hauled her safely aBhore.
Maine Still Has Singing Schools.
A Maine news item states that in
old PenobBcot , as well as in the near- .
by counties , the singing school still
flourishes , and the boys and girls flock
to the weekly meetings even as former
boys and girls did when a tallow dip
glued to the top of the desk with
some of its own fat used to do because -
cause kerosene was considered a lux.
Long and Happy Lives.
An almost unparalleled circum-
HlancQ is noted In the Jives of Mr
and MrB Fletcher Jones of Johnson ,
Vt" who passed the sixtieth anniver-
sary of their marriage Dec. 5. Not
once In their married life has death
entered the home circle. Their five
children are all living , also their
grandchildren and one great-grandson.
Baby Won't Sleep In House.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. G. Newell at
Middletown , Conn" , have a baby boy ,
hardly a year old , who refuses to go
to Bleep in the house , and the other
day his mother had to sweep the
snow from the veranda and put him
out there in his carriage. Mrs. New-
ell says that the child Is very healthy
and has never had a cold in his Ute
Queer Cause for Mine Fire.
The GtRBsport Coal company's
mine , near l\Illesville , Pa. , took fire a
short time ago in an extraordinary
manner. There was no one in the
mine when it ignited. A forest fire
had been burning near the entrance
and the flames were finally communicated .
cated to the mine through a ground-
hog hole. The mine IB being fiooded.
Many Headstones for One Famlily.
In a Norridgewock , Me. , marble
shop ' was recently seen the remarkable -
ble sight of fifteen headstones , all
alike set Into long granite bases ,
each base accommodating several of
the headstones , which are all to mark
the resting places of different' members -
bers of one family.
Venerable Temperance Badge.
The badge worn at the greatest tem
perance celebration ever held in Ex-
eter , N. H. , is still In existence. It iB
of blue satin , on which Is stamped the
picture of a fountain with this inscrip-
tion , "Cold water , God's beverage. "
The celebration occurred more than
fifty years ago.
> Century Not His Limit.
Joseph Bournler , the oldest resident
of Nashua , N. H. , was born Dec. 24 ,
1801 , and so has observed his 10Sd
Christmas. lIe is a native of Little
l\Iasquer , P. Q" , and Jived the greater
portion of his life in Vermont. lIe
eats well , smokes and runs errands
. Tree Trunk for Bee Hive.
A decayed oak felled not far from
the .Taunton fair grounds was found
to contain a big swarm of bees and
considerable honey. The section occli
pied by bees was hauled away and
now serves as a hive with which the
possessor begins the bee husin ss.
- - -
Wanted Dog to See King.
While King Carlos was passing In
Oxfprd street , London , a woman held
her keen.e'ed tiny Pomeranian above
her ; bead , EO that be eight Bee the
m.R.wa. .nrmtcant aorra * r. sr..v..o.
, . ' -
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local appltcaUonl , u tbey cannot reach the dl. . '
eased . portion or the ear ' here Ie only one way to
cure dufnlH , and that II by conultuUunaremedl" \ .
DearnlH II caused hyan Inflamed conditIon or the
II1UeOUI itntnR or the Kllltacblao Tllbe when tills
tube tl tntllmed you bUll rllmbllnlf sound or im-
perflClt hearing . and when It II entirely closed , leaf-
Dell II the result and unless thelullammaUon un be
takes out sod this tube reature.l t.o Its normal condi
tlod , heutng will bll destroyed forever , nine cl'el
out of ten are caused by t.atarrh : , which II notblD
Itu\au Inllamld condition or the Jl\IICOIJllllrfaceI ,
'e WIII Rive One Hundred Dollars for soy ca.e of
De fneas caused by catarrh ) that cannot ho cured
De1neAl O . .arrll . Cure flenlt for olrclllar Ireo
y , J. OIlXNJoY : " CO. , Toledo , 0
Bold b1 Drvn1tI ! 760. .
Take HaU'1 l"AmtlI'1II1 for conltlpAUon. ,
Generous impulses will leeep one
warm and comfortable , even in freezing -
iDg weather.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry UBe they
will save not only time , because ' it
never sticks to the iron , but because
each package contains 16 oz.-ono full
pOund-while all other Cold Water „
Starches are put up inpound packages -
ages , and the price is the same , 10 f
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch Is free from nIl injurious chern-
lcala. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-01. package it is because ho has
a. stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose ot before he puts in Dofiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large letters .
ters and figureR " 16 07.8. " Demand Defiance .
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick-
lng Defiance never stickB.
Say little look wise and nil your
neighbors will flock to you for ad-
v'ice. .
A Rare Coed Thing.
"Am using ALLEN'S tOOT-EASJ , and
can truly say 1 would not have been without
it 80 long , had I known the relief It would
give my aching feot. I think it 1\ rare good
thing for anyone hUVlIg } sore or tired fcot.-
Mr. Matlld" Holtwort , Providence , H. L"
Sold by all Druggists \ . del ; to-clllI.
Man who knows himself thoroughly
has the key which will unlock aU N
knowledge. a
Important to Mother.
Eum' carefully every bottle of CASTOnIA ,
a safe and lore remedy for infants and children ,
- and see that it
: : : d -
Signatore Iiearo rho ot # g.p-
In Use For Over 30 Ycare
The Kind You lIavo Always Doujht.
The richest harvest iB a crop or reflected .
flected bappine
Flso's Cure Is the best medIcine we ever used
for all affections of the throat and lungs.-sus [ .
O. END8L.Y , Ynnburell , lillI" , Feb 10 , 1000
Nothing cures miseries better than
counting mercies.
Take LIlULIvlI JJromo Quinine Tabletl. All drill ( '
tits refund the mooey" It tllllil to curE. . W.
Grove' signature lion each box. 25c.
Too many are willing to wash the < I
disciple's feet with balling h'o.
- -
Mn. Winalow's soothing Syrnp. r 1
. For cblldreD teelbin1softens . the gums , reduces tar
. aammat/on , allays pain , cures wtnd cull. 261 .boLUo. I
'fho rooters are always content to
let the other fellows do the digging I
Dr. 1).111 Keunod 'e F"vorlto Remedy III C
adapted t.o both . email ngrs. Cures Ktdnoy , . , . .t
Unr complaint , and purlnt the Llood Ii ell drullllbu.
Peace on earth waits for the peace !
from heaven.
a , Salzer's
National Oats
Greatest oat of the centory.
Yielded tn Ohio 187 , 10 JUlch.
2:11. : 10 Mo.YSS , and lu N. DakOtA
810 bu. per acro.
You cGon bast Wat record In 1005-
' For tOe and OIls notice
we malt you free Iota of farm artd
samples aDd ont big catalog tell-
In..11 about thll oat wonder and
&houaandl or other epedL
_ La Cro. . . .
w 101 WIt.
iI I i