The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 27, 1905, Image 14

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    1,11 ,
Local and Personal.
I Bat Sowlcs Candy.
Mrs. II C. Lapp is on the sick ,
l list.
\V. S. f4cyda went to Stella on
' 1 \ ttesday. .
GliS ; Ncitzel went to hulo the
first uf the wcek.
Mae Gossctt is visiting with
friends in Hiawatha.
. Mrs. Vcrna Scars is visiting
with relatives in Shubert.
Coal , wood and Rock l Salt at
leek's feed storc.
W. H. Wylie stoppcd ( at the
Union House 1\1onday.
Dr : A. Gaiscr , dcntist aver
Richardson county hank.
Ethel Mitchell spent the week
with relatives in Shnbert.
11\ W. Hcrbster was a Verdon
Visitor the first of thc \veek.
Dr.R.P. Robel'tsdentist
over Kings Phnrnulcy.
Dr. J. L. Gandy of Humboldt
was a business visitor here 'I ues-
For Salc-An org-an. nearly
ncw. Inquire of Miss Grace
Saylor ,
John Tinker , wife and daughter -
er came down from Omaha Sun-
day. (
. ' ' is stil1mak-
Coupe & 'l'hornton making -
ing- special low prices on lard ,
ham and bacoll.
. Farmers
cheap. Enquire at -
ers hotel.
Paul H. Weaver left Monday
for a short visit with his mother
at Ziun City , Ill.
If the blue mark catches you ,
pay up and : see how quickly you
lose your case of thc blues.
\Y. \V. Jcnne started out on a
three months trip through Iowa
\Visconsin Sunday.
Sample Newton a prominent
Hiawatha attorney was in attendance -
ance on the Ogden trial Monday.
The day of thc grand jury approaches -
preaches when wc shall see many
of our citizens take a hurried \'a-
Judge A. H. Scott has returned
from \Vilber , where he has been
for the past week engaged in thc
trial of a very important law suit. :
Sick headache results from a
disordered stomach and is quickly
cured by Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver 'l'ablcts. For sale by
A. G. \Vanncr.
Miss I Lucilc Hob Jins arrived in
Falls City -and began her work at
time high school on 1\londay. Miss
Robbins is an educated musician
and will add much to thc musical
circlesof thc town.
Herman Kochlcr was one of
Tuesdays business \'isitors. Mr.
Kochlcr reports his telephone
company as prospering not with-
standing Falls City's selfish pol-
'l ife Observer is one of thc lat-
cst newspaper ventures in Nc-
braska. It is publishcd at Hastings -
ings by Elmcr E. Brown and is a
Magazine form. The editor announces -
nounces that he wIll support the
dcmocratic principles as set forth
111 the St. Louis platfofm. \ \
arc afraid he will slot have lllany :
supporters in Nebraska.
Volumc 1. No. 1 of thc Normal
Journal , a monthly publication
in thc interest of th/ : state nor-
mal school at Peru has just reached -
ed our tablc. It is published by
J. V. Bishop & Co. , and is full of
interesting educational 111attcr.
Typographically it is very neat
and is a credit to thc publishers.
W. A. Hossackcalile [ down from
Omaha Tuesday afternoon for
a visit with his parents , Mr. and
i'll's. John Hossack. From here
hc will goo Honcs.teel , S. : : ; D. to I
make some improvemcnts on his I
i\Irs. J.V. . Hanson returned
from Lincoln Sunday afternoon ,
where she has been for the past
three weeks at the bed side of her
son , Pred who is suffering from
appcndiciti s.
Mr. \\Tm.S. Crancof California
Md. , suffered for years from
rheumatism and IUl1lbag-o. Hc
was finely advised 1 to try Cham-
bcrlain's Pain Balm , which he
did and it effected a complete
cure. For sale by A.G. \\Tanncr.
'l'hc Kansas City Star para-
g'raphcr says thc only disagreeable ( -
able thing about these cold spells
is thc . ' We -
temperature : might
add that frozen water pipes and
balky furnaces add slmcthil1 in
the - - -
, 'l'hc Falls City tire bell is no
g-ood. Notwithstanding a reporter -
porter was within six blocks of
thc bell when it rang 'I'uesclay
night , the sound was so faint
that it scarcely reached that tis-
Clay Peck , son of Mrs. Ephriam
Peck of Ohio precinct is very ill
with pnC11mon ia. His condition
at this writing is very serious ,
though his many friends hope
for his ultimate recovery .
' ' ' '
The Tribunes job press has
been very busy for thc last \\'cck.
\Vc have time howc\'crto do your
work if yOU will ljut mention it to. . I
Hclcn Schock , "a high school
girl deserves a splendid education
She has clriveil in from her home ,
four and a half miles from town
every school day this rcar.
If there is no blue mark on.
your paper yon arc all right , if
there is one you would better get
Jack Clines was in thc city the
first of thc Ncck. Hc is advance
man for thc KcrkotT dramatic : Co.
Will Dot \ ' of Shenandoah . Iowa
spent Sunday in this city.
Hcnn- Wolff left Tuesday for
1f 1
, . ,
- . ES ! ' .
VAS 1ST ES ? . .
Ya = = Es Heist Das Die Chicago
Dan = Holtz und Kohlen Gesel = ,
SCllaft : 11ocll11icllt ausferkauft hat
ulld das viI" i ITI Iller 110ch Gescllefte ;
Tttl111 all delll selbege ort. . . . .
Vir sired sellr dankbahr : zu al =
ten ttllSeren alters freunden und .
I tl1ecltell ! Berne 11elte freundell er = ' .
- *
verbell unld cure Itilldschaft be =
1181 ten. "
I Das 1st Es . , : .
' I ,
( In I other words we have not sold out yet" . ) ' . . . . ' , . . : , : '
_ _ _ . . , _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . -
I Chicago Lumber e&l Coal i Co
F. W. MiCHEL Falls City .
Local Manager Nebraska. .
- - - - -
- - -
Attention Fruit Growers !
Salem , Neb. , Jan. 2 , ' 05.-Fal1s
City 'T'ribune-Your correspond-
ent would ak ! the fruit 1 > growers
01 Richardson County tu attend
he t farmers institute at halls
City , Jan. 27 and 28 and bring
with you over your own signa-
ture a tabulated statCI11Clt : of the
various kinds of fruit that perished -
ished and was lost to you last
year on your farm , stating' your
post office address ; thc object of
this being to present to the various .
ous transportation companies the
stubborn facts that hc horticultUral =
ural interests of the county lost
thousands of dollars and thc
transportation companies also
lost heavily because of the fact
that freight rates and express
i charges were such that wc could I I
not market out l'WdUcl and those :
who were hungry for them hating : -
ing- thc money to buy at a fair
price could not get thcm. Ixc-
mcmbcr that the managers of
railroads are mcn just like we
arcthcy ; want busincss and all wc
ii ave to do is to get up right ill '
front of them with cold facts ,
that will not only surprise them
but wilt surprise many of us also ,
then wc will get a hearing that
will most ccrtaidy pave the way
for a g'ooc1markct for our fruit
this ycar.
Your correspondent is one of a i
committee of live l selected by Time
South East ! Nebraska Fruit Grow-
ers Association , acting in con-
cert with a committee of four
selected by The State Horticultural -
ural Society . that has been asked
to compile these statistics ! for
- - - . ---S
- - . . - .
Richardson County. Now let us - , '
bc conseryative . and 1 not exag-c- ,
rate anything , rather 1cr.csti- - . tlwn magnify actual fact .
this is a big job without youI .
help ; altogc hcr , \ f'e can make It
light on each one ; good 1 results
will certainly follow , already we
have the promise froth the t transportation _ -
portation companies of better
things for this year.---Y
) 'ear.-.Yoqn ; tru-
ly , R. g. Grinstead.
For Sale. . '
One Dul'Oc , Jersey iuale ] log " ;
sited by Red Ceier. Dam Red
Quecn. Cheap if taken at : once. '
-IT. J.'Kloeppel , h. 1 < D. Nc4 }
I , Hulo. 3-t J
o ,
Letml r\olicc. i
III the Dlslricl Coun of . . ' ,
. Hlelm..I"11I1 I.'olllll\ .
ehra.Ia. ' , '
. ; ; 's ,
itcb IcCarlY . \ !
\.S ' \
SUlllh.Ih'Carty i I ' . : .
'j'lll ! lIl'fenllalll . will taln' uotlct . that 011 till. , I
2211,1 iay of iCl t'nllx ' r. l'O , tltu plaintiff lilt ' tl
III Ihe .Ihtrici cOllrl" of Hfehanl ell COl\nt \ ' . .
-l'hm"m ! , a petition alainrt you . the ollject '
allll prayer of \1 hlel aretl obtain ad ivurc. ! frolll 'j
, for Ilu . ' . . .
n'asoll .11111 on lh. I"roullll. that you
Ita 't' ( and tvillfull I I 1\ , ,11111 wlthllul . : ; au. . . -
ftllt'lI and H'fuS1'11 III "UPI'orl I'lalntiff thllnh
IIf suflicirnt ability to 1111 " " . 'flit. 1 II 1"1 h'I' mss. . , I
pray'r . . of the PdltiOil I. . to Irln' plalntltI IIti'
cart anti Clhlody IIf the nti11t.r chllln'lI. zenith i
allll l'lIhh. ( t
Putt are . rt Iuir , ' d to au.terr " thin I".tltlllll Itn " ' 1" ;
h'fun' 1..IIIIr-II' ) , 7Ih. . I'kl ' , UI' the .allll' will 1'm ' I I
taken a , tn. . . .
. . HUHY'lcl'\In- : : . ,
H'a.t".H'a\"I" , "
, \ UurrH' ) . " fo& . mlaintitf 1i I
- - - - - . 1
leg , . ! N , tice. .
, t
III II" .'ict ; Court I..r . Hkhaulsoa Cnlllll _ f
1ohr.taa. .
lh-lr 1 Iaut. I I "
\ . .
, 'lIil' I I" " ' ; \
1'1" tit ' . "lhlalll aril \ liJ'I' 11 III Ie. , IIqJt , Ullth , '
11th Clay nf ; : " crntbrr. . l'kl4 the plaintiff lill.ll
huh district , ' '
'lIlu.t nf HlchaHltoll l'nlllll 11 f
petition a-.ill"t yuu . th " ohj' . et Bull / prayer {
whl 'h are tllllllwill a ,11\"orcl' runt . gnu f"l'th , ' '
t'rtrtnt . and 4111 tits . rolllllis that you hate bet ' 11 .
guilty uf aduttrry with 1\I\"I'r. \ . 11\111 ill the ci1x . ,
uf St , .Ios'ph , 1\10. . uhu.r lIalll" " :11\ ' 1I1I1lIh'I'11 }
to thii . Iitailltiff. ail that ' ' . ,
YOU are 1It1\1' and hI\ o "
been fu w\1 , . . ' '
\ prior tn tll ' liIilll nf lho P\II ! ,
tiun. all 11II1Ia t. of the hllll" r of prostltllllull itt \
St. Jns"I.h. 1 u. . ; II ; , 1
You are . n'lllIln.tltu all"\WI" . thij . p.tltlollul1.ur . ,
. . . .
hdun' I'rbrunry . 27th , \.tl5 , 0" tllr saute will hI' \
taken .h true.
) : IH\H ; YA-S ) , , > \
H'a\"ls c H"I\t. . , - /
" ' ttornrys , " fur plaintiff. " , H I
. J