" . . . My Colorado Bedroom. , M If c'I - - - , : , ' ' " , My ' Colorado bedroom has no lhnll to Its wall , Ita root Is In the heavens , and the heavy . . dewn that fall Sprinkle floor and lawn and carpet , paint the colors In the rose That blooms around 'my bedroom and blossoms In the snow : My Colorado bedroom hI as broad as It Is long , . .rl" ' . It was built by the Creator with foundations - "I ) ' , . - - lions deep and strong ; , V God Almighty laid the corners , spread the carpet on the floor That change as the seasons change with I everythlllg outl1ool' I My Colorado bedroom has no lock upon I Its door , : No curtains on Its I windows and no I chairs upon Its floor ; : . The smoke goes through the ceiling and I ns 1 rest tram care I'll never find a sweeter place when I get I I "over there. " ' My Colorado bedroom Is out In the open . . ' air Thert's no mortgage on Its freehold and no landlord anywhere ; . r:4f. The snow blows through the attic , but t - - the sun shines In the door i Bitted down through angels' lingers and r spread out upon the lIoor. f My Colorado bedroom Is very dear to me With the silent stars above it shining - . like an astral sea , o. And when this life is over and the pearly A . gates I sec , ( & - May I rest within Us bosom ; It is heaven . " enough for me. -Denver Post. t r t { THEMILK INTHECOCOANUT By KENNETT HARRIS ( Copyr bt.1905.br Dslir story 1'ob.Co. ) 1 On one social occasion Trooper WH- Ham J. Jones made a public declaration . tlon that be could whip to a rich creamy froth any gentleman there present and that any lady within Bound of his voice was his to have and to hold , whensoever he chose to exercise his sovereign will. The gentlemen present numbered , perhaps twenty-five or thirty , and It ' was not their usual habit to disregard t any challenge of this character , but Trooper William Jones , six feet three : I inches In his government socks , bull- \ . throated , bullet-hended and with muscles . I cles of might , jumping up and down on the fiddler's platform , his eyes blaz- Ing In alcoholic 'frenzy , his knotty fists waving and lunging , was so grizzly . zly and menacing an object that they let the boast pass In lofty silence. As for the ladles-well , perhaps the . less said about them the better. The Incident , however , Illustrates 1. the fact that Trooper William J. Jones was addicted to drink ; further that when he had Indulged In this form oft vice he became aggressively pugnacious . clous and particularly amorous. It t . , goes without saying that he was the t cock of his company , and Company D had some pretty husky men In Its ranks too. . , l\ \ . , lIfl \ i Ifl 'I :1 : 1 ' I 6 . " , I l if ; . Jumping Up and Down. One midsummer afternoon Trooper Jones decided that he was superior to military discipline. He was assisted to this conclusion by a little yellow- faced 'man ' In Indecently tattered can- vas trousers who came Into camp with a certificate of good character from \J \ the Cuban general and a gunnysack full of green cocoanuts. He presented ) . 1he captain and lieutenants of Com- r Corn- I - . . parry D with a cocoanut apiece and they found the milk so mild and rev freshlng that they hud no hesitation In permitting the little 'cllow.facod man to peddle the fruit around the camp. Trooper William J. Jones pur- chased cocoanut and he found the milk so stimulating that he declared his Intention of getting more of It , and rose with the evident purpose of look- Ing for the 'ellow.faced man. "Sit down , you damned fool , " said his bunltle. " 'ou're drunk enough now. He's five miles off by this time. " "You lie , " retorted Trooper Jones. "Tho measly cocoanut didn't hold more than a pint an' you drunk a third 0' that , you grinnln' , ganglln' , spider-legged tnnlt. Tell me I'm drunk on a half pint of new rum and I'll make you swaller the heel o' my boot. I'm goln' to glt some more it I foller Mister Dago Amigo to hell or Santiago " Their shelter tent was within three lurches and a stagger of the manlgua , at least those. evolutions took Trooper William , J. Jones Into It and a moment later the mottled and scarlet land crabs were scuttling before his uncer- tain feet as he steered .for the Sevilla trail. - Now It so happened that Dolores Teresa Noyam r : Vadas had In this unlucky hour decided to visit her sister ' tel' , Maria , at her little red.tIled house on the outskirts of Sevilla. She had no Idea that there was any risk attending - tending the proceeding , for she was a good patriot , and was not the presence . ence of the generous and br.'lVe Amer Icanos a sufficient guarantee that no Spanish guerillas were In the neigh- borhood ? So she mounted her little donkey and set off. Right by the spreading mango at the gate of the Bendlzo plantation , at which point she I entered the trail , she was delighted to see Trooper Jones. That Is , she was delighted at first. She was a little bit of a flirt , was Dol- ores , black , but comely , and the blackness . ness didn't count in the province of Santiago. When she first recognized the khaki uniform and noted the splendidly proportioned , almost gigantic - tic form It clothed and caught the bold , admiring look of Trooper Jones' dark eyes , she showed her white teeth In an inviting smile. But when she saw how .he lurched In his gait and the tumbllng haste with which he approached her , the smile faded away and she smote the little donkey vigor- ously. "Hold on , Senorita Peacherlno ! " cried Trooper Jones , grasping the donltey's bridle as It began deliberately . ately to get under way , 'Valt for me , honey gal. Don't be scared , " he con- tinued encircling her generous waist with his arm , "I'm heap plenty amigo an' you're just my slze-sabe ? Here ) ! Whu's matter ? I ain't goln' to hurt you-jest want to love 'ou. Quit your foollshln' an' let me pet you " She screamed , and buffeting his bullet - let head with both hands , strove In vain to escape. Trooper William J. Jones laughed and relinquishing his hold on the donltcy's bridle , lifted her easily out of the saddle and carried her , struggling and kicking , to the roadside and there set her down. Almost . most at the sallle Instant he received n stinging blow on the cheek from.tho fiat of a machete and turning with an oath , saw before him an undersized mulatto In the dirty white drill uni- form of an Insurgent lieutenant , who was dancing up and down , shouting defiance and brandishing his weapon. Dolores Instantly availed herself of the diversion. With a bound she was on the little donltc "s' back and "Pep- Ita of my Soul , " so adjured , forgot for once the perverse obstinacy of her nature . ture and trotted briskly down the trail As for Trooper Jones he likewise wasted no time. The oath ho uttered In his surprise changed to an inarticulate - late howl and the next moment the little mulatto lieutenant was caught up In his arms and hurled like n stone from a catapult Into the thorny aloes that bristled at the side of the trail. rt was only their stiff resilience that saved 'Tenlento Jos 's neclt. Then Trooper Jones , who was emphatically - phatlcallr a man of one Idea , looked . : .z. . + i + . v..zva armssa.weu.rt - - - . , . . faws. , + wunww.t > _ , . , . . . . . . . . . _ . . . - for Dolores antI seeing that she was rapidly attahtilig the vanishing point , gave chase. 110 was a good runner and Pepita would have hind little chance against him oven with her start , hind It not been for the root of a cedrilla that , stretching across the trail , engaged his foot and sent him sprawling with n force that knocked the breath out of his body. lIe was struggling to his feet when a sharp , violent. pain idiot through his thigh and n stream of high-pitched , excited - cited Spanish assailed his car. It was the little Insurgent lieutenant again , and this time ho had scored , as the blood trickling down the trooper's brown gaiters testified. 'rooper Jones made another rush , but this time the little mulatto was wary ; he sprang " 1AJIIIL1c3 \ _ G T The trooper caught him In the pit of the stomach. aside and as his bulky antagonist passed , his machete flashed In the sunlight and bit Into the trooper's shoulder , who whirled about and then stood still. Trooper Jones felt sud- denly sobered and alert. He looked at his man. The mulatto's eyes were blazing with fury and his lips were writhed above his teeth In a devilish grin ; but he too was alert , for all his rage. "No more rushes , " thought Trooper Jones , "God ! If I only had a gun ! " He glanced rapidly around for a sticker or a stone. There was none In sight. Then ho advanced cautiously upon his grinning foe , who retreated three paces and then suddenly lunged. Trooper Jones leaped back , but not so quickly as to avoid a sharp prlclc In the side , and at that bo stopped again with a sudden realization of his helplessness. "Hero , " he said , "I've got enough of this. Amlgo-sabe ? I'll call It quits. You vamos-vamos-sabe ? You're all right , John-oh , damn you ! then get me If you can. " For the mulatto made no reply , but with the point of his machete advanced - vanced , began to circle around the American , his body crouched and his whole expression one of absolute reo lentlessness. Then , for the first time In his life , fear crept Into the heart of Trooper William J. Jones and ho lifted up his voice for help In a 10 _ , shrill ululation. The little man whirled his machete again , but Jones avoided the blow and rushed. Again his foe retreated and began his wary circling. Something In his crouching attitude recalled to Trooper Jones a knife duel between two Mexicans that ho had witnessed In Juarez four years before. It gave him an Inspiration. lie sud- denly stripped himself of his blouse and wrapped It about his left forearm , just In time to prove Its efficacy by parrying a savage cut at his head. Gaining confidence he rushed again , but the mulatto was too quick for him and slashed him twice down the face. Then with a shout the little man cut at the unprotected wrist. But that blow was his last , for the , trooper caught him in the pit of the stomach and as he staggered back sick with pain Jones got him. . " . . . . - They found him lying In the trail , the insurgent lieutenant almost dead. Trooper Jones , bleeding from half n score of ugly wounds , was as near dead as a man may bo anti yet be brought back to lIro. They patched him up somehow , but ho Is not good to look at , anti he will utter ferocious boasts In the dance halls of El Paso never more. - NEVER WRITE AT NIGHT. Girl Philosopher Gives Good Advice to Her Chum. From 8 to 10 p. m. the tall girl wrote letters. The next morning Immodi- ately after breakfast she announced that her time up to 12 o'clocIc would bo devoted to correspondenco. "Surely you love nol going to write more letters , " said the top.fioor girl. "You wrote a dozen last night. " "I know I did , " waR the reply , "but I am not going to send thorn. I never mall a letter that I wrIte at night. It Isn't safe. I say too many Idiotic i things. I only write them us a kind ref r of safety v.alvo. There are certain r things that I must say to relieve my mind. After I get those surging thoughts put down on paper I feel better - tel' , but you : couldn't hire mo to mall thin lcttors. "I used to , hut that was before they got mo Into so much trouhle. 'Vo let I : our emotions run away with us when writing at. night. Wo get entirely too ' ! onfidentlal. Under the witchery of n shaded gas jet wo tell things that wild horses couldn't drag from us by the light of dn ) ' . lopes , aspirations and the history of deeds accomplished are described in tropical languago. Next morning wo realize what geese we have made of ourselves , but If the letters have been mailed It Is too late to do anything , anti wo just have to sit down and wait for the avalanche to strike us. It har ; struck mo so many times that It has endowed mo with a little caution. "I still write letters at night , but only as a relief to my surcharged n heart. This morning I shall write to the same persons I wrote to last night , but the letters will not bo oven first cousins to those emotional lucubrlca- tlons. These will be safe and sane anti warranted Innocuous enough to be read aloud In the best.regulated family without producing a ripple. I can't say the same for the ones I tore up before going to hed. " The top . fioor girl looked uneasy. "I wrote a letter myself last night , " she said. "BottoI' rend It , " the tall girl advis- ed. "You'll be pretty . sure not to send It If yeti do. " The top.noor girl opened the envo- lope and perused her letter slowly. "I think , " she said , "that. i will go . . . upstairs and write another.- Those Kindly Persons. It happened ) In a railway station. The baby cried and cried and crted. "Perhaps ho desires his bottle , " suggested a fatherly looking old party. "He has not been raised on the bot- tle , " cuttingly replied the handsome young woman who held the InCant. The baby's shrieks grew terrlOc. Ho made unmistakable signs that ho wanted his dinner. "Beg pardon , ma'am , " said the elderly - erly party , "but may I suggest that you-or-permit the child to-er- take nourishment ? " "This baby belongs to my sister " replied the young lady , blushing furiously .Iously "and she won'l ue hero for balf an hour. I'm holding It for hor. " Politeness In the East. . In the battle of i'onghuangchong the Japanese took among their cape tures two enormous Chinese vaes ! or thirteenth century worlunanshlp On learning that they were a present to Gen. Kouropatkln Gen. Kurokl promptly dispatched them to the Rus- sign outposts with a polite note cnd- lag : "May the flowers ot friendship blossom high In these vases. " In Kouropatklu's reply he referred to the Japanese as "a people of generous friends whom I visited In peace , or magnanimous foes In war , at whose hands even defeat Is no disgrace. "