.1 . . . , 1er , - i' : _ 11 LASTING RELIEF. . . rS _ II L _ J. W. Walls , Super r ' t 1L- Intendent or Streets i 'Jr Lebanon , Ky. , t . says : < S "My nightly rest was broken , owing . ' ; - to Irregularities or the Iddneys. I 'r suffered intensely from severe pains In the small or my back and through the kidneys and was annoyed by pain- tul passages or abnormal secretions. Doctors failed to relieve me. I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills and I ext . f r perienr-ed quick ] and lasting reIlef. . . L.- Donn's Kidney Pills will prove a blessing . - t , . . Ing to all sufferers from kidney disorders ' ders who will give them a fair tria1. " ' Foster.Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. , ; proprietors. For sale by all druggists , ' , : " ' / . . " price 50 cents per box. , . : { . -t ; " : . WITH THE SAGES. : tiS , . . . - \ ' : p' ; i [ ' , . : . Dare to be true ; nothing can need a ' -1 . lie : a fault which needs It most grows I _ ' : two thereby.-Herbert. : , The charities that soothe and heal and bless are scattered at the feet 01 . . man like fiowers.-Wordsworth. " Love is never lost. H not recipro Gated it will flow back and soften and , purify the heart.-Washington Irving. . It is as easy to can back a stano 3 - thrown from the hand as to call back fit. ! - . : - . ; , t ; . : " . , . ; : . the word that is spolton.-Menander. ' , : : ' ; i. : Good resolutions seldom fan or pro , " ' : ' : ' , ' ' : . . . ducing some good in the mind from ' ' , . . : , : which they spring.-Charles Dickens . . ' ' ' " The greatest successes the world ' ' - , - . has , ever beheld have been at one _ : " ; ' - " " . " # , ' - time the greatest improbab111tie - ' , ; George MacDonald. , : . . . . , , , ' _ - ; .1.1f : " . It is only a poor sort of happiness . . ' : : , . .l that could ever come by caring very ' Q. -i.- : . ' : : j' much about our narrow pleasures.- . : ' . . . ' : , " George Eliot. . .r. ,1 . . ! k , . , \ : . : , : ; " When we are alone we have our : ; - . : i.l thoughts to watch : in our family our J" " ' . > , tempers and in . , society our tongues I ; ' , . -Hannah More. . . : If we could read the secret history . - - . of our enemies we should find in each - . man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all host1I1l ' . -Longfellow. CAUSE AND CURE _ OF RHEUMATISM -U . . Shown by numerous cures made by Dodd' Kidney Pills. They cure the Kidneys and the Rheumatism cures . - ' - Itself-Remarkable case of Maggie , ; , : .J , : ' ; , E. Deckert. ' : Eagle River , Wis. , Jan. 16.-Spe- ( . ' cial-That rheumatism is caused by . , , . disordered kidneys is proved by the cures Dodd's Kidney Pills are maldng , = In every state in the Union. They s ' cure the Kidneys and the Hheumatlsm : ' = ' cures It.clt. A cure that has cau8ed ' ' ' ' ' . . . ; deep interest in this neighborhood is i ' _ > . l'r. , ' . . . . . . . that of Maggie E. Declert. In speaking - Ing of It she says : - "I had kidney trouble and rheuma- J tism and was so lame I could not walk ' . -I could not sleep for I ached all over ' - If 'I was in a terrible state and firmly believe that it I had not used Dodd's \ Kidney Pills I would be dead. I took nine boxes at them and they have . ' done me more good than all the other medicines I ever took. Now my aches ! , are all gone , I can eat and sleep an d , . J : . ti = I am feeling good. I want all the \ , : . . , . world to know that Dodd's Kidney ' : . 'J- . Pills cured me. " " ' " . : . ' ' :0.5 : . . . . 1 = . t. Ancient Literary Work. ' . G . The book of Job is believed to be . ' i the most ancient literary work in i existence. It is known to have 'i , ' . ' , been written prior to the Pentateuch , - : - : , ,1 > , . and prior to the promulgation of the --'o' : : ' ' " ' ' . law. " , , < Russian State GcoptoJ' The nus-i"ln i . the : t'c111lr ' If o' F"tld : t i or. . . . - geld three feet 1"T1 g , ! IIII ! i olltnln e j / am..J1g Its \1"1.nlfmta tun 1'llblOr IllIJ ( OHoQt ouctral..a , . . - - - LIVE ! STOCK . Litter ' for the Pig Pen. - How much litter is needed for the pig pen depends largely on the condition . ition of the weather. In the summer . mer time very little is required. The pigs evidently do not want the straw packed closely around their bodies when the weather is warm. They want a chance to lie down where the air can get into contact with their thick skins. As cold weather comes on the amount of bedding can be increased - creased to advantago. For this , cut straw and chaff are best , especially for the brood sow that is about to farrow. Long straw should not be used , as the little pigs are often tan- gled up in It and tramped on by the sows. One of the great faults to be met with in the country , so far as the keeping of pigs is concerned , is the neglect of the bedding of the swine. 'rbis must be often renewed in winter if the animals are to bo kept warm and comfortable. In the winter time the pens do not dry out as quickly as they do in the summer and hence more attention must bo given them. Healthy Hog. If the is . hog in good , healthy grow ing condition his voidings are a sure index to that fact. When the droppings . pings become hard and black it is a danger signal that trouble is at hand unless averted. Hogs need at all times plenty of range for exercise to strengthen the muscles and bones to develop growth. The more a hog will eat and properly . ly ] digest the greater will be the gain. Only feed to them what they wlll eat up clean , as overfeeding is not only wasteful , but injurious. Observe strict cleanliness in the troughs , especially where slop is fed , or they'wlll become sour and foul-smell1ng and offensive , creating disorders of the stomach and s 'stem. Overfeeding leads to indi- gestion , in which condition hogs eat without the food doing them any ap- arent good , neither growing or gain- ing.-American Sw.1neherd. Catching Sheep by the Wool. . 'We are almost out of patience when we see men who have kept : sheep for years catch them by seizing hold or their wool. It is cruel , shamefully cruel , and a man with any heart in him would never do it a second time if 1 he could see the red , bood.settled ] looking flesh always found under such a spot it the poor sheep is killed shortly after the abuse. It iH . almost as easy to catch sheep by the neck or leg and if it were not It would ho no excuse , tearing , as it frequently does the skin ] from the flesh just be- neath it. The sheep is so delicately ] made and the skin IR made 50 tender by the close protecting fleece that it is a much more serious thing to pull the wool of a sheep than the hair on one's head. An Automatic Lice Killer. An ingenious method or applying kerosene or other liquid lice destroys - er to hogs has been discovered by an Indiana hog raiser. A good solid oak post a foot or a foot and a half in height is placed in position in the hog lot. One halo is bored in the top to the depth of about eight inches and two at right angles from the sides at the bottom at the vertical hole. Soft pine pins are driven into the side holos. The upright hole is filled with kerosene , and stoppered. Next a bur- lap ] strip eight or ten inches wide Is wrapped around the post over the side plugs. This after a time becomes soaked with kerosene and the pigs w11 rub against it at the place where it will do the most good To prevent tile accumulation \ of crease in drains front I' omtt1un Rln1R , fins h them 0111 or tWlt' t wl'Jel < ftl" "C'H around with ono fHhf1 blJ'kpt ts of hailing hnt 'lItl'\li t'onlllhHni tVUI' mon soda or potash , + wwv . , - - - . . - . . - . " r . . , r .S . 1 { - 9onlluJ ) CASTORIA ' ' . _ _ _ For Infanti and Children. / 11 1111 1 111111 1 11 1 Y Y 1 1 /1 } The Kind You Have . Always Bought YlI4HI .11 1 111111111 11 1111 / I AVegctable PreparationtrorAs- slmilAting theFoodulldRettuln- ting theStomachs oI tBoWe s of Bears the . Signature . . Promotes DigestionCheerri& { ness Rest.Contalns neither , ppiumMorp1Une nor'Mi112raL of 1VOT " NAILC OTIC. . . . * .1 "Ollllh'SJNtJZL/f1'raJl s.- B A J.J II .r-t SJIt- , ! ID I . , J'r - _ Use Apetf Remedy forConsUpa- ion , Sour StomachDinrrh6ea Worms , Convulsions , Feverish- ness and Loss OF SUER For Dye r Fee Simile Signature or NEW FORK. Thirty Years ' ' CASTO J RIA T COPY OF WRAPECR. TNU .wnwll . . . " " . . . . , . NEW , .11. om. - , , - . i. , , - . Speed of the Camel The speed of the camel is greatly . ' exaggerated by witters , both of history . tory and fiction. The most accurate information shows the speed at the camel to be about three miles an hour. The swiftest dromedaries do not exceed ten miles an hour , but the pace can bo kept up for twenty hours without rest. How's This ? We offer ODe Jluudred Dollars Re..rd tor any ease of CKtallh that cannot be cured by l1all'l Catarrh Cure. F. J. CUENEY & ; CO. . Toledo O. We , the undersigned , have known 10' J. Cheney for the la.t 15 Jean , and believe ! him perfectly \ bon- orable In all bUllnelS transactions and IIDancIIIII able to carry out any obll"llIonl made by ! his arm. WALDINO KINNAN do lIhTIN , wholesale Urugttita , Toledo , O. n.II'1 Catarrh Cure II taken internally acting directly upon the blood aDd , mucous surfaces of the 'Jltem. 'I'eltlmoDlal1 lent tree. Price 7S ceUII per "tUe. Sold by all Drll lIl.u. : Take 11&11'1 " amily 1'111. for cOlUtlpaliou. Many people do with oPJlortunilies 8S children do at the ashore : they flll their little handS' with sand , and then let the grains fnll through , one by one , till all are gono-Collon I The U. $ . Dept. of Agriculture gives to Salzer's Oats its heartiest en- dorsement. Salzer's New National Oats yielded in 1001 from 150 to 300 buper atre : in 30 different : States : ) , and you , : Mr. Farmer ! , can beat this in 1905 , if you will. I I I Speltz or E nmcr , above illustrated , gives 80 bushels grain and four tons hal besides per acre. It'll wumierfu1. Salzer s I seeds are pedigree seeds bred up through careful selection to big 'ield8. Per Acre. Salzer's Beardless Barley yielded 121 bu. Snlzer's Home Builder Corn. . . 300 bu. SpeIlz and Macaroni : Wheat. . . . 80 1JU. Sazer'R ] Victoria Rape. . . . . . . . . . 6,0,0001bs. Salzer's Teosinte Fodder..I60.000 Ibs. Salzer's Billion Dollar Grass. . . 50.000 Ib8. Salzer's Pedigree Potatoes. . . . . 1,000 bu. Now such yields pay and you can have them , Mr. Farmer in 1005. I SEND ' : 100 IN sTAML' and this notice to the John A. a17'r Seed Co. , La CrOl9 ! , 'VI > t. , and you will get their hilt cntnlc1sr and ! lots oC Can seed aampicil i ; free. LW. [ N. U. ] - " - Man who have iIIFIe : llt"lnp , , < ; nr V rrrnt t'lt1I\r : ; , the mOrp ronf' thlnH : , . the loss out ! apfnl..I-Moutosqu,13U : . \ ; , , World' Coal Conlumptlon. t The consumption of coal per head population is lowest ] . in Austria , where it is only one.sixth at a ton , per annum , and highest In Great Brit- ain , where each person averages three tons and thrce.touths per yenr. 1 Those Who Have Tried It. will use no other. Defiance Cold Wa- ter Starch has no equal In Quantity or QuaUtY-6 ounces for 10 centH. Other brands contain only 12 ouncea. Eight pigeons . recently flew from Kimberley to Cape Town , South Af- rica , a distance of 512 miles , in four- teen hours. i Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch Is taking the place ot nil others. , i t . . " " " Follow the Fla. r f { , r EXCURSIONS I SOUTH DAILY It you are thinking or a. trip SOUTU--SOUTUEAST--EAST write and ' let us tell YOU best rates , time route and Bend marked time tables. This saves you worry and annoyance . noyance and makes you feel a.t home all the Wl\ ) ' . Call Wabash City Office , 1601 Far- nam St. , or address Harry f. Moores , o. A. P D. Wabash A , R. , Omaha , Neb. : . " . . _ , .LU - . _ . . - - - - " . . .t 'UIoT a" ' - ' , # "r. , Vt. : < , UI4J i r lF"E. : . a o .fW1. EhYP . ? D.ort ! ; @lt . I4A , . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . I"I' " -N. .oIJ r , II , r.