The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 20, 1905, Image 9

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f'I I
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Local and Personal. .
" 't
I Eat Sowlcs Candy.
' . ' , \Irs. Chinnock went to Peru ,
last wcek.
' For Salc- Iule colt , enquire at
T ' , Hcck's fcccl store.
\ . ! .
Mrs. V. Simanton left Friday
. afternoon for StC'l1a.
. Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over
. Richardson county bank.
* , J. H. Milcs left Friday morn-
, ing- for Los Ang-elcs , Calif.
' 'j . Or. R. P. Roberts , dentist
, over Kings Pharrllacy.
. . ,
'i. Yr" l. . ' Last week was invoicing week
' , with a number of the merchants.
: r Fresh bulk oysters direct from
J1altimore at Coupe Thorn tons.
.t- ' : \V. \Vakeficld went to Au-
? , burn , the latter part of last weck.
{ . . Two Choice stcam heated
: rooms for rent in State Bank
'y ' 1 J' ol11 'II' 111g.
r , . ; ' O. Shocnhcit was an l1. P.
' "
, : ' passenger to St. Joe last Friday
, afternoon.
00 to L. C. ' \Iauger for red
. .kerosene. It wont smoke your
' ; ; . . chimnc\'s.
, : home rendered lard and home
. : d hams and bacon at Coupe
0' & Thornton's. ' . ,
R. I. Grinstcad braved thc
. cold weather last week and came
down from Salem.
\ . Coupe & 'l'hol1ton is still making -
. . . . .1 : . . .
: " , tllg- special low prices on lard ,
ham and bacon.
Sallie Sheen 11 ei t returned Fri-
clay afternoon from a weeks visit
with Auburn friends.
; . Was thc blue mark on your
; . . paper last week ? What arc yon .
going to do about it ?
Sounds natural to hear thc
click and roar of a roller skating
rink again , docsn't it ?
Talk 1 about a saw mill i in a
lcsert. How about an ice plant
during the past week.
In the mean time don't forget
that we do thc neatest job work.
. Have - you ever given us a trial ?
The Abbot ice company has
li11cd its ice houses with the finest
ice in thc land , averaging about .
. nine inches in thickness
I R. E. Grinstead of Salem was
, in Lincoln last week conferring
- , . with the legislators in thc inter- '
est of his drainage proposition.
A. J. Weaver was appointed
thc local attorney for thc Bur-
' lington January 15t , to succccd
, : > - ' Francis 1 Martin who waS let out.
l' _ _ _ _ . ,
o t. R - James J. JclTrics , champion
pugilist of the world passed thor-
oug-h Falls ; City Thursday afternoon -
noon of last week on thc M. P.
b en route to Kansas City.
. . Mr 'Vm.S. Crancof California
\ld" : , suffered for years from
rheumatism and lumbago. He
was finely advised to try Cham-
herlain's Pain Balm , which he
did and it effected a complete
c lrc. For ; sale u\ A.G. \Vanner
J '
. . - - . - . . . . . - , - -
" "
It may not bc the vest t taste to
blow your own horn , but wc want
to tell - you a few things relative
to our growing subscription list.
\Vc have increased our paper ord-
C1' five times in thc last six mon ths.
Because of three articles in The
Tribune of week before last , we
rcccivcd orders for one hundred
extra Copies but could furnish
less than one half of thc ordcr.
Since thc first of January we have
rcccivcd so many subscriptions
that last week wc were com-
pcllcd to cut out every exchange
outside of thc county and then
had but threc extra copies of thc
paper lcft. Better lOin the crowd
and get your 11ame on thc list.
A current story tells of a dark-
e ) ' who went to a lawyer with his
troubles. "The cldah of mah
church is try in to get maim wife
to leave mc. \Vhat ah bcttah do , "
asked the ncgro. "Kill the elder , "
replied thc lawycr. "Kill the
eldah ? " asked thc darkey in as-
tonishment. "Ccrtainly replied
the la wycr , " "shoot him. " " \Vcil , "
returned the darkey , "what would
thc judgc do to me ? " "Omni he'
would probably hang you , " said
thc lawyer. "Say look a heah
man , " returned the negro backing
away , "what kind of a lawyah is
you any how ? "
Archdeacon \Vebber of Boston
who conducted a mission at the
St. Thomas gpiscopal church in
this city List fall has created
quite a stir in church circles of
Kansas City luring the past
week by his eloquent t allli scholarly : -
arly discoursc. Time occasion is
an Interdenominational con\'cn-
tion. It is possible that thc
Archdeacon will conduct anothe I'
week's services herein the spring.
If so it will be a treat to the
many who may be able to attcnd.
Said Judge \Vilhite walking
home in the ten below weather
. .
the 1 other I C'Ct11t1gam : " going
to have a hot oyster stew ana
fixings for supper ; J am going to
make thc stove red hot ; I have
all thc papers to read and a good
cigar to smoke and the first
heathen that calls mc over thc
phone will get sixty days. "
Richardson county was allowed
but one employee in thc house of
reprcscn ta ti ves , This position
was secured by W. 1-1. Morrow
Speaker Rouse refused to give
more places because of his intention -
tion to cut expenses to thc low-
cst possible figurc.
Music lovers of Falls City may
put down the dates of March 11
rind 12 , At that time grand opera
will bc g'en in Kansas City by
thc foremost singers of the world
" " " ' ' "
"Parsifal" and 'l'hc Hugcnots"
will bc among the operas sling-
The Tribune asks but two
things of its cmployecs. The
best work of which they are capa-
ble and that they spend their
money with the patrons of this
. . . .
- - - - - ' - - - - -
: Tn . . . . . . 'J
Winter Clearance . Sale
. . .
ON AI . -
Clothing , Overcoats \ Underwear
and all heavy goods.
- - - - -
- - - - - - -
. . . . , .
M. ' Y = " by
. . .
[ f YYIY.OlO CO.
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1 ( An..4' hi , . , M..n1.
j\ :
( MT ?
'fstI "Z-
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c..ti'tf . . - : ! . . ' . n Go
- -
Owing to the fact that \ve
I never carry goods over from
one season to another \ve
will make great reductions
011 all of the above lines
Come . in take advantage .
of these prices as there will
be plenty of winter yet and
I if you don't need thelll this
I winter , the prices are so
I low that you can afford to
! buy them now and keep
them until next \vinter.
I F. W. Cleveland !
Falls Ciiy . .f1ebras ' 1a i
. _ _ - - ; - ,
\lrs. ; Warren Hutchins has
been confined to her bed for sonic
time because of a severe attack of
stomach catarrh.
Sick headache results from a
clisordere(1 stomach and is quickly
cured by Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver .rablets. For sale by
A. G. 'Vanner.
Joe , the little son ofIr. . and
, . Mrs Coupe has sufficiently recovered -
covered from the appendix operation -
ation to be removed from thc
hospital to his home.
Irs. P. H. Jussen sustained a
painful injury in her side , a short
time ago by falling from a step
ladder. She has recovered
sufficiently to be out now.
Mrs \V. p Long returned last
Thursday morning after a ten
days visit at Ottawa , Kas. , with
her brother and aged mother the
latter being in her } 85th ycar.
F. E. Martin has filed an ap-
peal from the allowance of 'hc
'rribune's account for printing
the ballots. He can no longer be
referred to as thc attorney with-
out a cHen
Think of the suffering and
want that could he relieved by
$280,000 ! Is it right , then , that
one woman should wear that val-
uc in jewels as Mrs. Astor did at
her ball ? Is it following "In
His Steps ? "
Juvenile Courts. . ;
Through the influence of thc S
\Voman's clubs of the state a bill :
has been introduced in thc lcg-is- I
mature providing for thc organira-
lion of Juvenile cou rts. 'Phis is
a sensible rcform. Heretofore
young mmien and women have received -
ccivcd jail sentences and have
been incarcerated in jails with
thc lowest character of criminals.
Of all thc ways to reform thc erring -
ring young , this is the worst.
1'he bill will obviate this , and
should receive the support of
every lcgislator.
\Ir. John II. Cullen , Editor of
the Garland , Texas , News , has
written a letter of congratulations
to the manufacturcrcs of Ch lmbr-
lain's Cough Remedy , as follows :
"S' lxtccn'ears . ago when } our
first child was a baby he was sub-
ject to croupy spells and wc wou1
be very uneasy about him. \Ve ! ,
began using Chambcrlain's Cough
Remedy in 1887 , and finding it
such a reliable remedy for colds
and croup , wc have never been
without it in the house since that
time. \Ve have five children and
have given it to all of thcm with
good rcsults. For sale by A. G.
A. Gantt was an 1\1. P. passenger -
ger for Omaha on Friday.