The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 20, 1905, Image 7

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I 4 ' Mattiugs : ' better than = . The Spring line now coming : ; ; : :1
at a price ! always the lowest. We have just received 1,000 yardS ; ; I
Japanese r1attings that \ve will sell as a leader at 25c per .yard. This
* ' grade always brings 35c in other stores. You will do well to anticipate
t your needs. The war has shortened the supply and when this is gone
< \ve cannot duplicate.
\ VeviH carry a fuller line of Carpets this spring than usual.
Keep this in 111ind. \Ve are in a situation to save you l11oney. All Car-
pets sewed on our own mlchines. We can give you an Ingrain Carpet
" sewed in 20 minutes after ol'der. This is a great benefit to farmers , and
over others prices costs you nothin . I
J The Furniture line is to be better stocked than ever and a more .
varied line to select froln. \Ve pay freight anywhere in the county.
Lace Curtains during this spring viII be sold at a sact.ifice.
Our Inventory discloses vc have an ovc'4stock. We solicit your
' continued patron .1ge.
I' _ .L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ " _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I I rREAv 1 s & . = ; . . ABBEY - - _ _ ' J'
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Conducted by Coul1tySupcrintcndcnt Crocfcr
_ _ _ u _ _
. HOW 1'0 HE\CII 'J'lIE IIE.WI' Olr
" " A BOY.
; , , - ' . Study his parentage and home I
- 1nllucnccs. '
Observe c1ose ] } ' his likes and
dislikes , aptitudes , temper , coin-
pan 10115 , rcadi' g.
Converse often with him in a
, friendly ] wa\ . ' .
\ Ask as to his purposes and
'd" ambition .
: . .i.f , Lend him books.
' : Interest in his .
, . - ' , st yourself spnrls.
. " ' : . " . : Speak to him of the lessons in
a.e : : : . the lives of g-oodmcn.
, : 't'ell ] ] him of your own struggles
' - . ill boyhood or girlhood with adverse -
t verse circumstances ,
P .
In brief , bc his friend ; when hc
leaves ] school and neighborhood :
. . keep informed as to his whereabouts -
abouts by corrcsponclcncc.
. ; 1 Thc Un'crsity Summer School
. . - will he held June Hlh fo July ' 28 ,
. . the
The reports show that Richardson -
. ,
arclson County will have a large
F ighth Grade Graduating Class
next spring'
- - - - - - - -
Miss Edithm Robbins.of Ord has
been elected to succeed Miss Elea-
. . nora Miller as teacher in thc
Falls City high school.
- - - -
\I Ir , Earl Butler , who taught
in Dist. 1\0. 20 until his school
house was destroyed by fire , will
attend school at the State Normal -
mal during thc remainder of thc
- - - - - -
Each teacher should have at
least three writing periods each
weck. I mean written work with
good pen and ink. Slate and
lead pencil will not do. Pupils
should be taught to use the pcn.
- - - - - - - -
Complain are coming from
school boards that teachers can-
not keep order. "Dreier is IIca\-
cn's first law , " and thc teacher
who cannot keep l good unlcrcert-
ainly cannot do good school work.
The teacher who cannot discipline -
line her school , should resign and
let the hoard employ .a teacher
who can.
- - - -
The report of thc State Superintendent -
intcndcnt for thc biennium ending -
ing 1901 , shows that thc average
wages for teachers in thc state
was $40,08 ; for Richardson County -
ty , S38.)7. In 22 counties the
teacher were paid better wages
than in Hichardson. The report
for thc last biennium will soon bc
out. It will bc interesting to see
how the figures change.
Dist.o. . - -Bessie Guinn
teacher. Our attendance has been
g-ooduntil reccntly. 'Vc gave a
Christmas program and t-cc.
About 20 of the patrons and
friends of thc school were prcscnt.
Each ! : pupil was remembcrcd with
a treat and a pretty book marlc
The teacher was also remcmber-
cd. Our total enrollment for
Second Quarter is 1J ; average attendance -
tendance 16 1 ; number of tardicH 18.
- - - - - -
The following Program .is part
i of thc Farmers' Institute to beheld
held Saturday evening Jan. 2S ,
1905 , at Court House , 7:30 : o'clock.
Music Selected . . . . . . . . . . .
Reading SeI. . . . . . . . . Gracc\liner
Music .
Debate Qucstion. Resolved ,
That Country Life IS in Every
Respect Preferable to City Lifc.
Affirmative : Humboldt Hig-h
School , F. G. Arnold , Jesse L.
Dra per.
Negative : Fails City High
School , Speakers to be Selected
Music Sclcctcd. . . . . . . . . . .
Decision of udgcs. Judges
will decide which side wins and
also best individual debater to
whom a S5.00 gold medal will bc
Addrcss. 'l'wenticth Century
Farm Life , State Supt. J. L. Mc-
Coal , Wood and Rock Salt at
Hcck's feed storc.
. . ! " : ; , . . 'f
I . .
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L _ _ . .
- - - - - - .
Local and Personal.
- - - - -
i\Ir. Mosiman returned Fdday
sador "roehlich was in thc
city ' .l'uesday.
? Ir. Ping went through on No.
.15 last 'l'ucsday.
Mrs. Vog-Ic is visiting with
friends in Hiawatha.
Quinby Bcavcr went toCoweta ,
Okla. , last 'l'uesday ftel1noon
via thc 1\1. P.
George Holland and Fred
Bauer were M. 1 : ) . passencrs for
Garden City on ' Tuesday
Gertrude Lum of crdoll atten-
led the lccting of l . 'riends in
Council on Friday \'ening'
lichen Brcbcch attended a reception -
ccptIon at Cass Moorc's near
Salem on Thursday evening'
Grant Sperry , wife and son returned -
turned Saturday from a three
weeks visit with her parents in
Mound City , :1\10. :
'rhc subject of the sermon at
the Presbyterian church next
i Sabbath morning will bcVhat
The Bible Teaches Concerning
thc Recognition of our Loved
Ones in Heaven , and Our Lords
Answer to thc Sad ucers , About
the 'oman who had Seven Husbands -
bands and Whose Wife she Would
bc in H a\'en. " Everybody cor-
dially invitcd.-S. , V. Griffin ,